
Slapping My Way

"I see that you aren't convinced. Should I bring it out?" Luy's voice turned colder as the air around her turned violent.

This was a provocation that I thought Mai could take. But it wasn't.


A wooden stick appeared in her hand as she looked at Luy. The two seemed to afraid of each other. No one wanted to take the first step.

It was only that they didn't know the in-depth of each other prowess. 

"You got it wrong there. I wouldn't ask for someone's secrets that I know wouldn't be of any subsequential change on my life whatsoever. I came for him and I'll be taking him with me to meet the other Ancestors." The staff on her hand remained but she had the other above her.

It was a way of offering her withdrawal.

"You can do whatever you want. That is, if he agrees."

Two pairs of eyes bore onto my being. One indicating that the ball was on my part. I could play it whoever I wished. While the other had a condemning look.