
Extraterrestrial Bodyguard

"I know that from the recent events, I don't have to introduce myself. Yet, I must first thank Pope Gorbachev II, for allowing me to announce to the world of the following.

"Heed my words!. All those who conspired in my death, I'll be giving you a ten seconds head start. Run as far as the end of the world or hide as deep as the ocean trenches. However, I'll get all of you."

With that, I turned and prepared to walk out as a clapping sound came from someone in-between the crowd.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

In the next moment, the Pope pushed through his layer of bodyguards with a crooked smile on his face.

"I knew you were quite something. Yet, I didn't imagine it to be this." After passing by me, he walked straight to the podium as he stood in a dignified pose before the microphones.

"Some call me a saint, and some call me an emissary. Whose work is to help those in need to my best of abilities.