
Allies in Dawn's Misunderstanding

In the hushed pre-dawn hours, a group stood at the edge of the military base, their gazes fixed upon the distant cluster of choppers. Among them were Lilith, Ailah and her people, and the Ghosts, and I, our presence concealed in the shadows. We knew that the choppers were our allies, summoned by my sister to transport the mercenaries to Africa to face the formidable ICA. However, the base soldiers were oblivious to this crucial information, and an unforeseen chain of events was about to unfold.

As the first rays of sunlight painted the sky with a faint glow, tension crackled in the air. The UN peacekeeping base soldiers, vigilant and prepared for any potential threat, observed the distant cloud of choppers with mounting suspicion. Unbeknownst to them, the choppers carried the very reinforcements they needed, their comrades-in-arms, ready to fight with them side-by-side with the mercinaries and even the UN peacekeeping soldiers.