
A Desperate Battle for Survival


An explosion rang out on the other end of the tunnel. I could see the huge ball of flame as it swallowed the whole space.

Just like the voice had said, he wanted to keep us with no way of going forward leaving us with one viable option. And that was to head back all the way to the facility.

A wave of air blasted through us making our hair and clothes flatter. After it passed, the thick cloud of dust settled considerably. With flickering lights at the far end, we could see that the tunnel had collapsed on itself sealing off the route.

As we contemplated on what to do. The voice reverberated again in a pearl of laughter before another explosion blasted another part of the tunnel a few meters from the first place. Without the chance to breathe, another explosion threatened to send us flying as it was closer that the last ones.

We turned around and run the same way we did earlier. Like our lives depended on it.