

Chapter 2

A week later, my employer hasn't answered back ever since. I guess I did not get the job, so I went to a web novel website to sign another contract, make sure not to cancel it, and work for them. The alternate website I planned to go for was WebNovel. I copied and pasted my edited draft, the same one I published on Amazon a year ago. And hoped for the best. And went to bed.

As soon as I woke up the following day, I checked the novel statistics, and it had five thousand views overnight. I was surprised by this, and it had more recognition than Good Pink Novels. So, I was motivated to write more and get myself contracted. But instead of me coming to the senior editors, they came to me as their candidate to be their next bestselling novelist. They actually liked the book, and they wanted to promote what I really wanted to write instead of the usual tropes every teenager on Wattpad wanted to read nowadays. I felt so excited and finally became proud of my work. And they wanted me to meet up at one of their offices in the Philippines to their nearest branch to make physical copies instead of just posting on their website. I felt thrilled and pressured because of how many views I get every half an hour.

I sent myself out to go to their nearest branch in Angeles City of Pampanga, a three-hour ride from all the way here through public transport.

As I dressed to impress, I had myself heading out to go to the nearest bus station. And that's where I bumped into the most beautiful girl in the world. She had grey eyes like the gloomiest clouds of a depressing rainy yet calm day where you can take a cup of hot mocha and sip while reading your favourite Harry Potter books. Yet, they sparkle, reflecting the sunlight hovering her eyes. Her hair was brownish blonde as melted gold that had the same temperature as my heart as soon as I saw her. Her body shape was petite, yet her waist was curvy with the form of a coca-cola bottle. And her face was pure beauty that can make the coldest men melt and the hardest stoned hearted boys crack and break for her. With her wearing her gothic aesthetics, a black necklace of a half-broken heart as if it had a matching pair, and a second silver necklace of an inverted pentagram with a demonic horned ram hovering over it. Her thighs were as thick as the blood she might drink from my neck with the thirsty crazy look on her eyes as she stared at me for the moment. Her nails polished as dark as the night sky, I would stare to gaze at the stars. And her non-matching stockings of black and red caught me off guard, lusting for her.

This is where I bumped into her as she dropped her books, having myself apologize quickly and try to pick them up to help her. But she was quick to try to take them as she accidentally touched my hand as well. That's when we had ourselves staring at each other. It was a long quiet moment of us having to gaze with one another, piercing each other's visions. Then, I snapped out of it and helped her as I took the books and gave them to her. Then, noticed that her books were all my previous works on Amazon. She must be a fan.

"T-Thank you… sir." she shyly said.

"Oh, that is no problem." I said kindly, "Is that The Book of Voltaire novel?" I asked then, in an intrigued manner as I leaned to her a little.

"Oh! Yes. They are… why?" she said as she was flushed and could barely speak.

"I'm the author of those books, actually," I said with high self-confident charisma.

"Oh." she exclaimed as she blushed, "I-It's a n-nice to m-meet you…" she says while stuttering.

"The pleasure is mine." I said charmingly, then I saw her flushing really red and felt really worried, "Hey, are you okay? Do you need an ambulance?"

"N-No. I'm fine!" she says happily as she relieves herself from being shy and timid.

"Oh, are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow as I said this.

"Yes! Thank you for helping me." she smiles joyfully to finally meet her favourite author.

"Do you want an autograph?"

"Would I?!" she said, really enthusiastic excitement jumping up and down.

"Of course!"

I took her books and signed them for her.

"Thank you, sir! You are my favourite author! And I am an obsessed fan!"

"Did you say obsessed?" I said.

There, I felt a sense of dread once again…

"Yes! As in your biggest fan. I love your works, sir!"

"Oh! I see. Okay. It's just that I've been having trouble lately about obsessions."

"Oh, of course. A great writer is always obsessed with their topics and subjects, making them creative enough to write about. Am I correct?"

"Ahah, quite true, missy. Say, what is your name?" I asked her as I leaned a bit closer, but not too tight.

She leans closer to me slightly as well, saying, "You can just call me Yuno. Everyone calls me that because I could relate a lot to that one character in an anime."

"I'm sure I've never heard of it. But I do love to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. I heard Part 6 came out not too long ago. I haven't watched it yet due to being busy all the time. Say, do you want to hang out sometime?"

"Sure! You can come to my place. It gets lonely there."

"Why is it lonely? Where is your family?"

"Oh, I live alone. They work overseas."

"Oh, that I can understand. The Philippines don't pay much minimum wage."

"Yep! Here's my number. I have to go now. Bye!"

She gave me her card as she ran away really quickly like a jet. Odd girl…

The sense of dread that I've had for a week now had disappeared suddenly, and I felt a huge relief. And by that, I was in love.

I headed to WebNovel's office, and I was introduced to my new friends that I will be working with. And they told me my new editor doesn't want to reveal her true identity yet, but she will email me tonight about my book. It turns out that the contracts here aren't slave contracts. More like you can contract your book instead of your years of life. Every book has a separate contract, and that way, they will give you bonuses such as extra cash for every good work you do. Such as updating your chapters daily, finishing 60,000 words within a month, a sign on for each book's bonus cash depending on if it's exclusive or not. Royalty contract means they will take your rights and pay more, but non-exclusive contracts mean you own the rights to your book, but they pay less and won't give you a personal editor. I signed on the contract, and I headed back home. And guess who my new editor is?

It was Alex. She moved to WebNovel as soon as I quit the previous website to move here instead.

"Hello, I'll be working with you again," she says.

When I got a text message from my phone again, it was the obsessive psycho, "Good luck! You're gonna need it. By the way, thanks for helping me today. It was fun!"

What is this psycho talking about?

I love you, Alex.

KleiNightwritercreators' thoughts