
Writer Reincarnates To His Own Books

Klei was an aspiring writer with a dark past. However, his insanity was too hard to bear, he decided to end his own life only just to go into a rabbit hole of madness. As he descends into the depths of the rabbit hole, he comes to reincarnate into his own books. To the point where he came back to reality from attempted suicide accidentally leaving the door open from the his personal hell. All of the monsters from his world came into reality, now his split personality, Fear, the psychopathic narcissist that now rules the world of dystopia in the post-apocalyptic world he once knew a beautiful earth. He has to stop him, not for the sake of the world, but for the sake of one yandere that he loves.

KleiNightwriter · 灵异恐怖
6 Chs

Mister Gon

The following night, I contacted Mister Gonzalez. That is when we met up at a local diner. Having him to be so polite to order me a cup of coffee.

Truth to be told, I missed drinking coffee back when I was alive. But I never touched it, not one bit. He asked me about the business deal we're about to discuss. That's when he cut himself when slicing a loaf of bread and it startled me. I can't stand the sight of blood. It triggers my hunger. That's when I lost my charisma and my British accent turned terribly back to my old Filipino accent.

"Please, be careful…" I pleaded whilst stuttering.

"Oh, this?" He said casually since it was just a very minor injury, "Ah, it's nothing. Don't worry." He spoke more, whilst he put his cut thumb into his lips, then sucked it with his mouth. That's when I felt my mouth watering, yet did not seem to show it in an obvious manner.

However, I managed to calm myself down as soon as he stopped bleeding by recovering himself with a small bandage.

"I'm alright, don't worry." He says in a comforting way.

"Right…" I said, recovering back my charisma and my British accent.

"You did not touch your coffee yet. You told me you had a coffee addiction."

"I… don't drink. Wine."

"Oh, so you want wine instead? I'm sorry but this is a diner. I could buy you a bottle of beer here."

"Ah! No need. Coffee is enough. I just have a bad stomach problem due to the addiction to it itself."

"Ah. So you have a stomach ulcer, too much acidic drinks cause that. It's a chronic problem in the stomach. No wonder why you can't drink wine. Which I understand now. So, about the property you're going to purchase-"

He says going on and on about the property, which I completely ignored. Any property is fine. I'm no critic in houses, however, I'm a connoisseur of my palette for blood.

And once he finished, I asked how much the property was. He claimed to be suitable for my taste the way he observes my body language and my attire, as well as my personality and behaviour. He showed me the picture of the house and it fitted perfectly for my preference! He's really good at this.

That's when he told me how expensive it was, which, of course, should I be honest, kind, and show a bit of human compassion to pay in cash? Rather, must I hypnotise him enough to be my thrall to the point of madness, just for him to pay for my property?

I chose the latter, so I hypnotised him to the point of his descent to the spiralling insanity. Which he became my willing slave to do as told.

He will be doing my daytime work while I slumber like a dead man, while I do my own matters during the nighttime.

And I will only reward him with a scrap of my own blood from my wrist. I convinced him if he proves his worth to his new god, as he abandoned his new religion, I swore to give him eternal life. Which is an outright lie, and the effects of this hypnosis only work the more I give him blood. My mind controlling words only works once in a while, and I can't keep doing it every time he snaps back to reality and retaliates.

That's when my blood comes to play, to keep him active from doing my bidding willingly.

But the thing is, by the time I left the diner, he was willing to follow me everywhere I go, to the point of obsession calling me Master, and all that. The first smallest sip of blood he got from my wrist as a small treat, he thought to himself, he's already a vampire. Like me.

That's when he was ecstatic with drinking my blood. He was extremely charming at first, but now, I am reconsidering. But I do need someone to do my dirty work during the day time.

That's when I stayed one last time at the hotel, then slept during the day, from dawn to dusk. That's when I woke up, just to move into my new home. And it was a beautiful mansion, all for free, paid by my thrall.

I got to choose between Beverly Place in Pampanga, which was right next to the border between Mexico City and San Fernando City, with SM Supermalls on the north, and Robinsons Starmills Mall on the south, two opposing malls battling over customers every single day way before even the day I was born. Those two were in between sides of the main highways at the border.

Or the latter, I could choose a quiet place in the forests which had a mansion with the same price as the smaller mansion in Beverly Place.

Beverly Place is the subdivision only the wealthiest pockets can afford to live in. There are even guards in the entryway where you need a verification of residence inside it, otherwise you won't even get in.

Since Beverly Place is where I grew up with my grandmother, where my father would leave me in that one special mansion to go work during the times I was so young playing Flash Games in an old white computer and watch YTP videos on YouTube, and scroll down the most classic memes on Facebook, way before Discord was even a thing.

Everything was simple and non chaotic. The only trolls you'd find back in 2006 were actually funny and not some toxic neo-nazi that are complete edgelords on 4chan and Reddit.

I've always wanted to live in a forest mansion since I first turned into a fledgling, until the day I died, reincarnated as a vampire inside my own fantasy story that turned into my reality. I knew this wasn't hell, but my own personal apartment room in heaven where the rent is free.

However, I knew to myself that I am living inside the purgatory between life and death, a wraith, a vengeful spirit living inside a dead body, hosting to inhabit in order to wreak havoc into the slumber of the living. The stalker of the night, the howler of the moon, and the demon of their nightmares. And of course, to be narcissistic, I would also be the greatest incubus that would be willing to give up my "life" to whom be willing to be my eternal bride and be loyal to that one particular person, everlastingly.

Finally moving in, I didn't expect to live back in my old home as a child. But I did remember that my grandmother had died from colon cancer, so our relatives had to sell the house. And this is the day… I will coincidentally meet my human relatives during the days I was alive.

So, I had to prepare for a disguise. Such as a wig, a new suit dressing to impress, sunglasses, and changing my voice. Surely, no one would expect their favourite relative to be speaking in a British accent. Since they've never heard me speak in such a manner. Since I've been trapped in that house for a long time since quarantine, and those were the times I was practising the dialect just to make an audiobook once.

I summoned Mister Gon to take the sizes of my waist, height, every single detail of my body in order to find the right sizes for my new clothes that I want him to buy for me at the mall, nearest to Beverly by the borders of course. He will go buy there instead, and of course, I will be paying him. It would be inconsiderate of me always asking for free things. I will be paying for his job and the clothes I asked for.

I also need a face mask for him to buy, and of course, my pale skin wouldn't make them suspect it was their dead relative coming back from hell, right?

But to be honest, I thought I was going to regress back to my old fictional world that I assumed to be the one I wrote, titled as "Laugh of Hysteria: White Ash". But it turned out to be a different book that was left unpublished. It was a book that had been lost, disappeared, and unremembered in the sands of time.

Like an hourglass, at the bottom part of it is the concept of the story. Its theme, setting, plot, story, characters, aspects, and concepts, all in one package. The sands over it slowly overwhelms it until it is no longer seen.

But the sonnet/poem says:

"Should thou come in this plane of existence?

Thou shall suffer the same fate as the last

Although thou can change the past in a sense

Thou had lost power in blood thou had fast

'Tis but the world of supernatural

Thy blood's thin, yet a witty vampire

A lunatic! That goes into spiral

Thou must avoid thy enemies' fire

Revive from life, to be among the dead

Lamia gives you a gift within a curse

Yet so! Be wary to protect your head

To you from Lilith, one of Devil's whores

Arise, Vampire! And Live through Madness.

To join the allegiance of the Darkness!"

It all makes sense, and that one line that says "Although thou can change the past in a sense". It means the hourglass had been turned upside down for the old story from the bottom turned over for the "sands of time" to go under to reveal the real story.

It all makes sense now, right?

So this isn't the Laugh of Hysteria: White Ash story. I got confused for a second. It was an old draft that I wrote and my stories are inside my own purgatory in the bottomless pit, because since my death, I only had my books of stories to be the manifestation of my afterlife.

Just like how ghosts haunt houses or any particular place or object to possess or curse as a manifestation of their horrible deaths.

For example, a psychopathic manager of a Pizzeria stuffs a child inside an animatronic. That death would be so horrendous that the child would possess or haunt the animatronic itself, causing it to have its own emotions and consciousness to be vengeful against the humans who dare enter the same fast-food restaurant. This is an example inspired by Scott Cawthon, creator and developer of Five Nights at Freddy's.

So, it all fell into place on my comprehension of these reincarnations into books of stories. There are so many stories that were the tombstones that surrounded me in that one pit of darkness I was in before I came into this world.

I've been thinking of these deep thoughts until Mister Gon disturbed me where I had to give him a smack on the head just for him to learn how to knock. He just barged in with pure excitement that really gutted me, infuriatingly.

He still apologised regardless. I thought I put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the doorknob of my hotel room. Regardless, I just got done thinking, anyway. That was the end of it, end of story, period.

"Master! Master!" He excitedly shrieks my name, which my blood gained him to learn the British accent, but more delirious than he was before due to his attitude and behaviour of lunacy, "I have done all your bidding! Must there be another command you demand from me?"

"No, thank you, Gon." I said with a blunt and cold manner, but still kept my posture. "Please go home. This is all I need for now."

"But Master!" he shrieks once more than I turn my head to give him the irritated eyebrows with my mouth slightly open, expecting another annoying statement, "I want to stay with you here! I can't leave you, you make me feel amazing when I am near you!"

"I said leave!" I shouted in an intimidating demand, pushing his face with the palm of my hand away from my hotel bedroom, kicking him out for a while. "Go home! Now! That is an order."

"Of course, Master! I'm very sorry!" he pleaded for forgiveness and just left as he closed the door gently.

That's when I signed, thinking to myself if this was even a good idea. I wore put my new clothes into the closet beside me on my right.

Then, I went outside of the hotel during the night before dawn hits. That's when I smoked a fag, blowing out smoke rings where someone yelled my human name.

"Klei!!!" a faint shout from a distance called my real name. "Klei! Is that you?"

I turned my head out of curiosity, which killed the cat, most definitely. It was the mistake I will be regretting.

"Klei… you're… you're alive! I thought you died! Come on, I have to take you back home." a peculiar man took my hand and I demanded for him to stop.

"Unhand me, peasant!"

"Klei! Don't you remember me?" He says with pure concern, "It's crazy that ever since you died, you just came back here to life! The grave keepers were just about to change your coffin's location to the nearest cemetery of our dad's house. But you were not in the coffin. It was the dead security guard from the same cemetery. What did you do? How did you survive?"

"Nonsense, I do not know this 'Klei' you speak of. Now leave." I said, attempting to be oblivious. However, he just won't give up, so I gave him my intimidating words and the glare of domination to hypnotise him enough to convince him to leave.

But it did not work! It was futile… I wondered why, but in my theory, it was because his love and concern made him immune to it.

"Klei, it's me. Your brother!"

In a glimpse of a second, my entire life since I was born to the day I died flashed before my eyes, and that's when I regressed back to my old little self as 'Klei'.

"Big bro? Is that you?"

"Yes! Please come home. I don't know what happened, or how it even happened. Let's take you home, okay?"

But that's when Mister Gon came into the scene, trying to break him away from me, "Unhand my Master! You fragile human!"

"Who is this freak?!" my brother shouted in disbelief.

"I don't know this person! Please take me home! I'm scared!" I pleaded to my brother, begging him to take me back, where my memory was as a dead man walking. Back to my pure humanity, as if I switched personalities, where the other me that was a vampire had his own memories that I don't recall doing.

That's when my brother fought him and won the fight against a bug eating maniac. Then, the policemen came and asked what happened, wherein my brother explained everything. Mister Gon was taken to jail.

I was taken home, and I didn't even know what happened the entire time. I just felt scared, like everything was a fever dream.

My father was in disbelief and self-loathing, but he was happy to have me back. Then I told them everything, the least I remember that happened. And they all told me that I never died in the first place.

The truth is, I just went into a psychotic episode and imagined the whole thing outside, far away from home, pretending to be a vampire without insight into my delusion. I attempted suicide before I left to run away from home and make up my own delusional fantasy world for me to cope with all this stress and depression. Everything that happened in this story was never real to begin with, none but hallucinations.

That's when they gave me better treatment and my father blamed it on himself for not letting me outside of my own home. The house arrest was not even a legal thing in the first place. Rather, it was just because he wanted to take care of me forever because he still sees me as his baby son.

That's when he finally allowed me to go outside of my house. And things will go beyond insane at this point in the next chapter.