
GHOST: Star of The Show Pt. 1

I finally defeated all the Skals around my village. Although I hate my own people in my country, I still choose to protect them without a meaningful reason, if I am being honest. I am pure evil incarnate, yet I choose to protect my village from vampires who lost their humanity.

But why, Voltaire, why? It is for a straightforward reason. I am a villain, not a monster. And I hate villains who have no meaningful reason to slaughter innocent people. Those are what you call indiscriminately evil, that is pure and mad.

After the battle of the night, dawn had come, and all of them were ripped into pieces by the sword held by my right hand.

The morning star had risen over the horizon, changing the blackest skies into the most divine heavens. They all cheered for me, rooted for me, and most of all, worshiped me as their protector.

I did a fancy pose by leaning to my left, with my left hand covering my face with my fingers straight but separated from one another as my left arm is firmly paused in a 90-degree angle, my right arm rising slightly up but not too low, around marginally lower than my chest but matching the same height as my waist, and my two feet apart with my knees slightly bent whilst standing straight and tall with my upper body.

One of them seems to understand the reference to my brilliant pose.

"I am your protector!" I shouted as I preached my words of divinity, "And despite I am evil, I will adore all of you as if you are my own creation. But now, since I protected you all, you must all do as I say, no matter what.

And be at my command of peasants. Otherwise, I will never protect you from the forces of darkness again."

And by that, they felt a grim absence of God. And they lost all hope because they knew I was evil but protected them. It is a type of physical manipulation to mentally make my demands against their will.

Then, I exited this dimension and went back to the real world. I realised I'd been daydreaming this whole time at the public markets of Santo Nino of Guagua. That's where my uncle Ojit came in. We had a long talk, and he was pretty impressed with how advanced I am from a delusional psychotic manic person.

To a whole new ascended being beyond the average Filipino comprehension. All because I was finally a contracted author that had so many viewers and was famous for a web novel website.

And he had to introduce his friends to me in some sort of gang he was in. He gave me a cigarette and told me he liked my new accent.

I told him it's British, and he was pretty impressed with how I talk and the new expressions I can say now. I told him about my investment plans in business like some Sigma Male (this is ironic, by the way) using the 200 dollars a month my contractor pays me.

He was quite surprised I didn't use all that money for nothing but cigarettes and coffee; Rather, he sacrificed my impulsive liabilities and used my money to enhance my books and my image or reputation.

He told me Grandma Pelly missed me and was looking for me badly.

I told him that I even put Grandma Pelly as the main character's supporting character. Then I also mentioned that he is also in the book as the antagonist, or rather, a henchman, perhaps probably just a non-important antagonist for my viewers to make fun of.

He was so proud, although ignorance is bliss.

"Do you know what an antagonist is?" I asked.

"No, what is it?" he grinned, taking his pride as being a character in my novel over thirty-thousand people read.

"It means you're the villain, the bad guy, except you're the henchman, meaning the slave of the villain,, actually."

He began to laugh as he felt like I spat on his face and stepped on him in front of his gangster friends, and they all laughed the same way.

Then, he took me home once my father came into the scene, saying everything was bought and done from the groceries, especially the rice, so we had to go back home now.

Then I got into the tricycle, wherein my father came inside after me. He sat in the second seat of the sidecar and felt a stinging pain in his butt. It was a pain in the ass if you asked me.

It was because of how long the sun had been shining its gaze onto the seat, but my seat had been shaded with the shadows all this time. So he had to take off his slippers and put them in his seat. His feet were entirely naked, and everyone was looking at him with no shoes or anything on as Ojit drove us away back home.

They had an entire conversation during the whole trip on the way back to our house.

That's when I shifted to another different reality. I would sometimes act out on my own reality shifts in front of everyone in the real world, apparently. It's embarrassing if you ask me. I would have a conversation with a dragon demon cat boy, alpha wolf half-angel thingy in a different reality. I would start talking in real life as if I were talking to him in the real world. This needs a lot of practice to let people know I am crazy.

Well, truth to be told, I am already crazy.

In fact, what if this reality shifting bull crap is nothing but an illusion that I hallucinate and is nothing but a grandiose delusion that is too good to be true?

I love how everyone thinks I'm the most intelligent man alive, more than anyone they know, well exclusively in the Philippines because of my talents beyond comprehension only in the Philippines because I am very cultured of self-studying on the internet that is a fast learner if I am being honest.

I love how everyone is quickly charmed by me. Everyone seems to think I am a charismatic talker, despite the fact that I already was. Still, it got better once I learned British.

Unless I talk to closed-minded people, they will mock my accent, probably bully me for being too smart for their own good, induce their jealousy and envy.

Such as the time when I hung out with a couple of gangsters convincing me they were my friends when they've been fucking around with me the entire time.

Then this guy bragged that he could beat me up with no problem. All because my body was super thin at the time due to the fast metabolism of my body's physical structure and biology.

I told them this….

"What? Just because I am smarter than you, you wanted to make up for the self pity by bragging about your strength?" I threatened with my crazy eyes,

"Remember, the strong will devour the weak, but the witty will devour the strong." -Klei.

But I beat him anyway because I was still practising taekwondo in a martial arts class at the time.

But that was a long time ago. Now I've gone soft, weaker, older, plus my reflexes have gone shortened than they used to be stretched out to their total capacity.

I would usually do the stupid pose where I would stand straight, then lean back 90 degrees while managing to stand up with my knees bent perfectly without falling. And my arms are lowered but bent up a bit, making my fingers look like claws firmly than the usual look of the hands. And then shout…


Then start shouting how futile my enemies are.

It's a phase that I had. Well, I still do.

Because once you get into this type of phase, you will never get out of it, no matter what.

There is no cure to this madness of a phase because we wanted to understand the references everyone on the internet is talking about to the point where we watched the show and would quit watching typical anime and just watch this one show alone.

Then I would sometimes say something like, "Good Grief…" each time I see something idiotic while tipping down my hat. If I don't have a hat, it's my bangs I'm tipping. But I would never tip my fedora if I wore one. Sure, I do tricks with it, but never tip it. It has a bad reputation if wearing one isn't already terrible enough by itself.