
Wrath of an Underdog

This is my new story which I just created. It will focus mainly on army, wars and will be filled with rough moments.

Abi_Daulen · 奇幻
11 Chs

Bloody discharge

"Bye bye morons hope to never see you again!"

That was my very short farewell speech to military officials. Finally I am free.

My name is Askar ***** I am 23 years old veteran and hero of the Long War, commander of one of the most ruthless and effective battalions within armed forces of my country, 100th battalion "Blood Grudge".

Well not anymore, just few moments ago I have handed my resignation to superior commanders letter after I declined to join "inspection committee". For some it may seems as promotion and all that good career bullshit that recruiters tell you at their offices. But in reality it is place where army tends to send off all lets say "uncomfortable" or "useless" officers, simply said its a dumpster.

Instead of agreeing and rot in that committee till I become old moron and will be kicked out of military forces due to reaching pension age I decided to show them middle finger. Now I am going to enjoy freedom from degenerates with big stars although I feel a bit bad leaving my battalion but there is nothing I can do about it. They already got appointed a new commander who is son of current head of MOD and I am completely helpless here.

After end of Long War few months ago it is hard to get good place for career since a lot of detachments going through demobilization process and excessive number of officers. But some of the most renowned battalions and regiments spared from such destiny and there is a non-stop fights for position in such places. So head of MOD decided to put his son, captain Rumo, in commanding position of my battalion as it is good place for future career. Yeah maybe in 10 years or even less we will hear his son bolstering about being commander of famous "Blood Grudge". Yeah except the fact that most of a time during war he spent as quartermaster and barely left positions of supply company situated at least 50 miles behind frontlines.

But this is not my problem anymore, I cant be bothered dealing with army anymore. I will take a good holiday break, travel around the world maybe, in case of boredom there is always place for such dog of war as me. Long War may have ended but I am sure that within few months some small proxy wars or revolutionary uprisings will take place.

Hah seems I need to prepare some CVs letters, but I guess just my name and reputation of my battalion will be good recommendation so I can just skip this paperwork.

While I was thinking about future careers of PMC I bumped into a group of officers with whom I fought side by side, that were entering the MOD headquarters. They wanted to salute me but I stopped them, I am not army officer anymore and I don't expect them to salute me. I am just a mere civilian in the eyes of the army now and I can't be treated like this.

Army officers have heard about me and were quite surprised when they heard about my discharge. I have told them short-version of the story behind that which made them angry. But their anger is of no use, when superiors order you just do what you have been ordered. Especially now, war is over and military will aim to bring pre-war discipline, and fragging is not an option anymore. So as I used to tell my boys during enemy artillery barrage, just bend over and try to enjoy it haha.

Guys said that the at least we should properly celebrate the end of my military career and we all went to the army officers favourite restaurant. We were happily celebrating and downing our glasses with strong liquor when another group of officers barged in. Most of them looked like typical POGS and after clarifying that we just ignored them although we had desire to kick them out from here.

Everything went pretty well until one of the POGS came to us and wanted to celebrate end of war. But contemptuous look scared off that coward but he comeback few moments ago with another officer. To my big surprise it was new commander of my battalion, captain Rumo, I just told him to fuck off and take his side kick or bitch whatever he is with him and not annoy real soldiers.

" You cant order me anymore Askar. You are just a civilian now and must be proud that I decided to join your farewell party."

" I maybe discharged and civilian now but you will forever remain little nagging bitch. So just fuck off"

" How dare you?!!! Do you know what I can do to you now? " -he got so angry that his face turned red. He wanted to shout but my slap just made him fall on his knees.

"There is nothing you can do to me you dumb cunt, you always bark loud but a good slap will turn you into good old ass-licker. Now give my ass a kiss and you are free to go coward and don't annoy me anymore with your bitchy voice"

He was fuming with anger but seeing my rising my hand decided to retreat. Good boy seems even such morons can be trained to be obedient like a dog.

Next few hours I was just enjoying farewell party. Everything went smooth but at the end drunken bitch Rumo decided to take his revenge by taking his handgun and aim at me.

" Askar this was last time you humiliated me" - he shot at me and bullet hit me right in the chest.

" Who is a bitch now Askar ?!! Tell me !!!"

I was bleeding badly and seems bullet got into my heart. I am definitely going to die, no surgery will work here. That piece of shit got me while even the most ruthless and dangerous enemies failed. What a disappointment, to die from hands of a coward. But I am commander of " Blood Grudge" and I always bring bloody redemption.

Gathering all the forces remaining within my dying body I have picked up a steak knife and grabbed him by his crotch. Next I completely castrated him and pulled out his penis. Rumo started to scream like a pig while falling on a floor next to me and I just stuffed his balls right inside his mouth.

I was smiling realising that I got my revenge till my mind succumbed into darkness.