
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · 漫画同人
200 Chs

Summer Fun~

On Friday as we were munching and digging into our breakfast all four of us, a ring signal coming out of my phone disturbed our peace. Looking at the display I realized Draken was the one calling me from all the people. I was hesitant to answer because what could this beanpole even want from me? I carefully placed the pink flip phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked carefully but got quickly overwhelmed by the energy of the other individual.

"Michi!" That wasn't Draken's voice at all.

"Yes?" I responded but suddenly realized that the person on the other end was Mikey.

"We are planning to hit the beach today, come join us!" He sounded really excited. I would agree but there was only a minor obstacle, I honestly didn't want to leave Kazutora alone now when our parents were away. Where else was he supposed to get his daily hug supply?

"I'm not sure... I have guests at home and I don't plan on moving anywhere without my older brother." Kazutora seemed really moved at my words, so he leaned in and put his head on my shoulder, how could I restrain myself from giving him pats, I simply couldn't. Additionally, I wasn't convinced that Kazutora meeting Mikey was such a good idea, but at the same time I wasn't supposed to know about their tense relationship, maybe this was the perfect opportunity to test the waters and see if they would get along.

"Just have your guests and brother tag along." Mikey proposed without my hesitation, don't tell me he already forgot how Kazutora was my older sibling. Then there was a pause in our conversation until Mikey added.

"Emma and Hinata are tagging along." Was he trying to tempt me with pretty girls? Well, it sure did work.

"Lemme check what the others are thinking." I covered the phone with my palm and inquired about others' thoughts about this matter.

"My friend is inviting us to the beach, do you want to tag along?" Hakkai nodded, I could tell someone had already sent him a message, maybe Mitsuya gave him his own invitation, however, Yuzuha had her own concerns.

"But our swimsuits are back at the house." I thought about this issue.

"How about we check the house, before going to the beach, if by chance Taiju is still lurking around we can just dip." She agreed to the idea, probably because she didn't want to feel like a burden. However I didn't mind having her and Hakkai around, the house was much more lively and Kazutora had someone to chat with while I was away.

"We are facing some obstacles but we will try to come." I disconnected the call and upon learning that Emma and Hinata would be there too, Yuzu-chan proposed.

"How about inviting Senju over? Won't she feel excluded if all three of us be there without her?" She sure knew how to look out for others.

"Great idea... but the problem is we only have two bikes..." Only Kazutora and Hakkai possessed one, so how were we supposed to pick Senju up? As I was pondering about it we heard motorcycle sounds coming from the outside. I walked to the window, curious who was making such noise first thing in the morning. Hold and behold, Chifuyu and Keisuke arrived probably to give the same invitation Mikey offered us.

"I guess the problem just solved itself." As I opened the door, Keisuke came running, shock soon struck me when he put his hands on my waist and picked me up like I was light as a feather.

"Not so sure why you're so excited to see me... but please put me down." This was so embarrassing. Chifuyu just laughed at our interaction. But these two explained how they forgot about eating breakfast because they were rushing here and now I had two other mouths to feed. As I was whipping out something simple for them to snack on I also explained how the sleepy head invited us all for the beach trip. Keisuke seemed to be surprised at the news, but soon I mentioned about inviting Senju over as well. Chifuyu this cutie volunteered of picking her up. So I gave Senju a call.

"Beach again? Awesome we had so much fun last time!" Then I explained how we would send Chifuyu over to her house, so they could drive over to the beach ahead of us since we had something else to take care of.

When our bags were packed and our tummies were filled, we drove to the Shiba residence. All the lights were turned down, and no one seemed to be inside, we quickly realized that Taiju was nowhere to be seen, and it didn't seem like he just left for a short walk either.

Naturally, he didn't shy away from leaving a mess behind, there was some broken glass and clay scattered in some parts of the house. As Hakkai and Yuzuha were searching for their swimsuits we three amigos made it our mission to clean it up.

"Be careful Michi." I heard both of them say at the same time when I was dealing with the glass pieces. Later these two were inspecting my fingers for any cuts even if I assured them I was fine.

But when it came to leaving for the beach suddenly Keisuke requested.

"Come join me on my bike instead." I just shook my head.

"I trust my bro more than you." He seemed a little bit saddened, but Kazutora came to his rescue.

"But Yuzuha asked to ride on my bike." He send her winks, making me realize that Yuzu-chan never voiced such a request, but she accepted probably catching on to what the guys wanted.

"Yea, yea." She soon agreed and sat behind Kazutora. Those two little. I accepted my defeat, knowing full well how Yuzuha would freak out if I dared to request a ride with Hakkai instead. Though I guess Keisuke learned his lesson and he was making sure the ride was slow and pleasant. But this whole interaction made me question if I needed a bike for myself.

When we arrived Chifuyu and Senju were already at the place, they were both kind enough to reserve us space on the beach. Now when all the Toman was present, there was chaos emerging everywhere, it was so bad all the other visitors moved as far away from us as possible. If someone dared to complain about the noise, well they had all those guys glaring daggers at them. Kazutora seemed shocked, I could tell he didn't see it coming.

"You know all those people Michi, all the Toman?" I nodded my head but then pretended to scratch it in confusion.

"Is something wrong? You know them as well?" Before he could even utter a word, I spotted Keisuke dragging him away to the side. What was it with this secrecy? I decided to let them solve their problems and I took off my dress, ready for a dip in the water. But as I was about to enter Kazutora came running and for the next hour or so he was clinging to me like a baby, but every time either Mikey or Draken dared to glace this way he gave them a fierce glare, which they returned right back.

"Is something wrong Kazu-chan if you feel uncomfortable we can always leave?" I guess because he received so much attention from me he calmed down, was he afraid Toman would snatch me away or something? But then once he got tired of following me like a shadow he went off to bother Keisuke and Chifuyu instead.

My next activity was building a sand castle with Emma and Hinata.

"I heard from Yuzuha that you knocked out her brother, she told us she was shocked since he stands beside you like a tower, she mentioned how you blew something into his face and he passed out. What's your secret?" Great would Yuzuha share it with everyone?

"Secretly I'm a fairy with a fairy dust that causes everyone that sniffs it to go to sleep." I wiggled my eyebrows but Emma just pouted.

"If you don't want to share it with us just say so." What was I supposed to say?

"I actually threw golden needles at his acupuncture points and made him fall unconscious?" Like a plot from a manhua, they didn't believe it either, there was no other explanation I could give them to keep them satisfied. Then I spotted Senju chasing Sanzu around.

"Get over here Haru we need to talk!" I guess this interaction made Muto wonder how they knew each other since they did look like siblings. I decided to ignore it per systems request, Sanzu did not exist for the next following 2 days. But then he decided to change his course and run over here. He must have not noticed any of us, yet he tripped on one of the bags that was sticking out from the towel, and he fell right on top of me, causing me to lose balance and destroy the sandcastle we put so much effort in.

'Would you rather dramatize about your sand castle being destroyed or smack Hauchiyo Akashi by accident?' I actually felt pretty devastated for having my pretty castle in shambles. I chose the first option and put some sand into my palms, having some of it spill into the cracks in between my fingers.

"Life is so unfair, this masterpiece was part of me, part of my soul, but it's gone now." I proceeded to make some sad sobbing noises, causing Sanzu to look shell-shocked at my reaction.

"Apologize." Senju urged him, I guess he just did as told because of the obscurity of this all.

"Sorry." I heard him say as he scurried away, Senju forgot about her brother and insisted on helping build the second castle. Even Souya came over and offered help, so as we saw Mikey and Keisuke running around and bullying some watermelons, sandcastle 2.0 was born.

"We did it, guys." I hugged all of them, in the name of celebration but the happiness was short lasted because another mission appeared.

'Would you rather buy ice cream for Yasuhiro Muto and cling to him for a while or go ask someone for a beach date?' No dates, bothering Muto it was. First I decided to ask about which flavor of ice cream Muto liked.

"Why do you want to know that?" He questioned my intentions.

"Of course, I'm planning to buy some." he just mentioned some basic flavors like chocolate and off I went. After the purchase I made this place my next hanging spot, I was asking Muto some strange questions, out of boredom like if he had a girlfriend and how I could teach him some flirting skills. He first didn't believe I had any good tips to share but soon enough two guys approached me while yelling.

"Teacher!" Causing some Toman heads to turn and watch our interaction.

"Thanks to your guidance we got some pretty girlfriends." they then proceeded to point at two girls that waved at us.

"Students now it's all up to you, there is nothing this old man can teach you anymore." I then proceeded to stroke my invisible beards like all those old grandpas in cultivation dramas and turn my back on them. They just laughed and played along, so while kneeling down they added.

"Thank you master our gratitude is never-ending." And off they went causing Senju that was watching this whole interaction bust out laughing.

"What the hell was that about?" Muto asked as I explained.

"I gave them some tips on how to get cute girls to like you." I then struck a pose. As I bothered Muto with various topics I spotted how some foreigners decided to take a spot next to Emma, Yuzuha, and Hinata, I had this strange feeling they were trouble, but since they didn't do anything I let it slide. That was until they started to talk about some lewd stuff while glancing at them. Thankfully none of them had such a big understanding of English to acknowledge what they were chattering about, but hey just because not many Japanese people could speak English, it didn't mean it was a free pass to talk about such gross stuff off in the public.

'Would you rather scare the guys away or have a few of your friends beat them right away?' No that would it seem like I was totally in the wrong. I glanced at Muto.

"Can you help me out a little bit?" He seemed a little annoyed at my presence, but I guess he could tell something was happening by the look on my face.

"What do you need help with?" He asked as I just requested him to follow me.

"Just look intimidating while you stand behind me." He seemed confused at the request but once he realized I was out here to start a fight he tagged along.

"Yo, move away immediately." The two tourists must have been shocked by my fluent English so was Muto, but he barely made it shown on his face.

"Why would we?" They tried to play tough but must have realized I heard what they were discussing previously.

"Listen I don't really care what you two talk about in your free time, but you should have some decency and not talk about lewd stuff in the middle of public space, least so about my friends right in front of them! Also, they are minors, you want me to call the police over for sexual harassment?" They didn't seem to budge even when I threatened them with the police. Suddenly I saw one of those dudes reaching for me, but before he could Kazutora grabbed his hand and twisted it weirdly. It must have hurt because I heard something crack.

"Stay away from her!" By the look on their face, they must have realized that there was a reason everyone else was staying away from this area, and they ran off after grabbing their stuff.

"So why did you pick a fight with them in the first place?" Muto asked I guess he couldn't understand half the stuff I said.

"I wouldn't call it picking a fight, more like saving their lives... if Draken knew what they chatted about he would send them to the abyss." Muto nodded as he understood the reason behind my action.

"Ah.. they were looking at his girl." Suddenly Draken appeared from thin air, causing me to scream from the shock.

"Who was looking at my girl?" How did he even hear that?

"You have a supernatural hearing or what?" Mitsuya came along and explained the whole situation to him, I guess playing dumb wouldn't work to distract him. We later saw him chasing the two dudes around, swearing at them in English, while Mitsuya was chasing him trying to force him to rest, after all, he just walked out of the hospital. They never dared to come back after that incident.

After food consumption, I had to deal with a sleepy Mikey who made some demands on using me as a pillow once more. I kept refusing because I wanted to spend time with Chifuyu and Senju, I saw them keep each other company throughout the day, but when I spotted Sanzu glaring at me for refusing Mikey, I had to comply.

At the end of the day, I could see Takemichi sitting there all alone muttering something to himself.

"I'm gonna save you all." Was he crying? I whipped out a tissue from my purse now being back in my dress since the sun was setting and it became colder.

"I'm not sure who needs saving, but I'm here for you if you need any help." Never thought this guy would start bawling his eyes out harder than before while screaming.

"Michi!" I patted his head while saying.

"Yeah yeah, Michi is here to brighten up your day."