
Worlds Unbound: A Gamer’s Quest

The power of the Gamer System was something I had only ever dreamed about. Now, it's a reality that's brought me into the very Universes I've longed to explore all my life. The question is, how far can I climb? And just now many lives will it take for me to experience them all?

Daoist57YPnD · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chapter 6: Skeletons and Skills




- After School -

Thankfully, the class turned out to be very easy for me. Everything taught was on stuff that I had learned in my previous life, so there were no surprises or challenges on my first day. It seems like I got placed in one of the third-year classes that didn't have any main characters in it, allowing for some relative peace and quiet without having to worry about getting noticed.

The only noticeable thing that happened, was the drop in Affection from Issei and his two perverted friends for being a "pretty boy" after word had spread about me. I nearly laughed out loud when Aika Kiryuu saw me walking through the halls, took one look at my crotch, blushed, and instantly gained 5 Affection.

As I made my way home, I went through some of the recent changes that happened.


Sona Sitri - Level 53 - Heiress of House Sitri

Devil - High Class

Affection: 0 | Obedience: 0


Issei Hyoudou - Level 1

Human - Normal

Affection: -5 | Obedience: 0


Matsuda - Level 1

Human - Normal

Affection: -5 | Obedience: 0


Motohama - Level 1

Human - Normal

Affection: -5 | Obedience: 0


Aika Kiryuu - Level 1

Human - Normal

Affection: 5 | Obedience: 0

Oh well, it's not like I care what a couple of male perverts think. And to be honest, I find their peaking and constant lewd comments disgusting. There's a reason porn exists on the internet.

I mean honestly, if you wanted to get laid, you should realize that acting like a lecher was only going to hurt your chances. The Affection from Aika was a nice touch, though. I was surprised to find out that the anime didn't do her looks any favors. She's really not that bad looking, with more of a girl-next-door vibe that I'd say places her firmly in the 'cute' category.

Unfortunately, she's one of those girls who if she's alone, she looks like a 6 or 7. But because this is an ecchi world; full of massive, gravity-defying breasts and gorgeous faces, she barely passes for a 4.

Gaining some Affection right off the bat, just for my dick size, is somewhat helpful if I ever need someone to do something for me. Or it would be if I was looking to stick around and play student. Because once I start leveling up, I'm dropping out of Kuoh Academy. There's no reason for me to stick around and risk getting reincarnated into a Devil when I have other ways to get stronger.

Nonetheless, I tried to keep mostly to myself for the first day despite the girls in my class bombarding me with questions. I don't want to risk finding out how well the [Humanity] perk actually hides me by accidentally doing something to draw attention to myself.

Quest Completed!

[Attend School]


[Student] (Perk)

All non-combat skills level slightly faster.

Not the most useful of perks, but I'll take what I can get.

Don't worry! The rewards get better as you level up.

That's good to know. And I got a few more levels for my [Observe] by spamming it on everyone in school.

Leveled Up - Skills:

[Observe] (Active) - Lvl. 10 (Novice)

While it might not be the path to ultimate power, it's better than before. And [Observe] should start leveling faster now that I have [Student].

Looking through my skills, it's disheartening to see so few. I used to always enjoy playing games that had you start from nothing and build your character up to become the strongest in the world. Now I realize what a pain in the ass it is.

After making it home, I quickly set down my backpack before walking into the bathroom to take a shower after the long day. My mind races as I spend several minutes just standing under the hot spray, thinking over my plans for the future.

As I am now, I'm dead if someone tries to attack me. It's only the [Humanity] passive that's keeping me alive and not a Devil's slave.

The real question is, do I want to get involved with one of the Biblical Factions? Or do I make a play for one of the others, like the Yōkai or the Norse? All of them are limiting in how strong I can become…but until I figure out a way to become a Dragon or a God, there aren't many other options.

Continuing to ponder over my thoughts as I leave the bathroom and head into the kitchen for some dinner, another textbox appears.

Quest Received:

[Don't Burn the Water]

Objective: Attempt to cook your first meal.

Reward: [?]

Rummaging through the kitchen, my head slumps when I discover that its mostly empty, only a half-empty carton of eggs and some bread on the countertop. It looks like tonight's meal is just going to be scrambled eggs and toast…yay.

Quest Completed!

[Don't Burn the Water]


[Gamer Credit Card] - (System Item)

A credit card? I could definitely use that. I had to skip lunch at school because I didn't have any money to eat with, and if it hadn't been for the food already in the kitchen, I'd probably be incredibly hungry and annoyed right now. Feeling slightly better about my situation, I quickly grab the wallet that appears on the countertop, giving it a quick glance at the gold credit card inside, '[Observe].'

[Gamers Credit Card] - (System Item)

A limitless credit card that works only for buying food.

So I can only use this to buy food? At least I won't be starving now, but if I want to wear anything besides a school uniform or the single shirt and jeans, I'll have to figure out some form of income.





"If you wish to access more chapters in advance... It's available on my Patreon with a 20-chapter lead over WebNovel."
