
World Tree: My Creation Game

Zhou Heng, a young man fresh out of university, stumbled upon a mysterious seed in his rented apartment. Fate intervened when an accident caused his blood to awaken Nina, the spirit of the World Tree trapped within the seed. Seeking refuge from the clutches of an unnamed demonic god, they forged a mysterious contract and ventured to the Dimensional Graveyard. In this enigmatic place, Zhou Heng aided Nina in planting her true form, thus embarking on a journey filled with adventure and growth together.

wu2024 · 奇幻
46 Chs

genesis game

By the sixth day, Zhou Heng had begun to learn the basics of using divine power, which felt like money in a way, as if with it, he could do anything.

The divine power was also gradually transforming Zhou Heng's body.

Zhou Heng moved his body, adapting to the tremendous changes. With a light jump, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and Zhou Heng almost jumped out of the planar fragment's range.

Frightened, Zhou Heng quickly swam back and dared not move again.

Before fully mastering the divine power, Zhou Heng didn't want to drift aimlessly.

The location of the World Tree continued to absorb surrounding energy, preparing for creation.

On the seventh day,

Zhou Heng was bored, staring at the starry sky, missing life on Earth and the days with his phone.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

Is it coming out? Zhou Heng thought to himself.

Suddenly, a sprout emerged from the soil.

As soon as it sprouted, it grew rapidly, reaching 1 meter, then 10 meters, and soon grew to 50 meters tall. However, the World Tree continued to grow, ultimately reaching a height of 70 meters and a canopy diameter of 60 meters, a towering giant.

Beneath the ground, unseen by Zhou Heng, the roots of the World Tree firmly and greedily gripped the soil, growing at an invisible speed and spreading across the entire continent. Anyone with trypophobia would be terrified to see this.

During its growth, Nina didn't forget to transform the plane.

As the World Tree grew, it continuously emitted a bright green light that illuminated the entire plane.

The transformation of the plane was also taking place simultaneously.

On the first day of the light's appearance, a circular shield slowly emerged outside the continent, gradually enclosing the planar fragment.

This was the protective barrier possessed by a complete plane - the crystalline wall, the first and strongest line of defense for the plane.

On the second day, the sun, moon, and stars appeared as illusions on the crystalline wall. The sun and moon alternated, and the stars emerged. Finally, only the sun hung in the sky, shining down on the earth.

On the third day, endless water vapor drifted out of the ground and slowly rose into the sky, forming rain clouds. Finally, a heavy rain fell.

The barren earth was nourished, and a lake formed around the World Tree, surrounding it. The excess water flowed along the cracked ground, forming rivers that flowed to the boundaries.

It flowed into the abyss at the edge of the plane and finally emerged from the spring by the lake next to the World Tree, forming a perfect water cycle.

On the fourth day, green gradually appeared on the earth, first with flowers and grass, then shrubs, and finally trees, turning the entire land green.

On the fifth day, the earth rose to form mountains, and metal veins formed within them.

On the sixth day, the dense life energy around the Plane Tree gave birth to some simple life forms.

On the seventh day, all things in the world formed a perfect cycle, from birth to death, from nothing to something.

Zhou Heng stared at everything around him with a dazed expression, barely able to believe that a new plane had been created in just seven days.

"Isn't it beautiful! Our world." Nina appeared beside Zhou Heng and said.

"Yes! It's like a fairyland, just a bit small in size."

"Is there any way to promote the growth of the World Tree?"

The World Tree absorbs energetic substances to grow, measured in tens of thousands of years. As the World Tree grows, the plane it is rooted in also expands, so generally, the level of the plane is used to distinguish the plane tree.

They are generally classified as Fragmentary Plane, Half Plane, Small Plane, Medium Plane, and Large Plane. The Large Plane represents the peak of the World Tree's growth.

"Of course, there is, divine power."

Nina explained seriously, "Divine power is condensed from the belief of mortals in gods. It is a high-level energy that can greatly promote the growth of the World Tree."

"In addition, there are magical substances that are rich in magic. Some items rich in magic, as well as souls. These things can be absorbed by the World Tree and transformed into divine power."

After hearing this, Zhou Heng was instantly overwhelmed. These things sounded more and more daunting, all requiring a large number of people, but where could he find so many?

Doing it alone would take forever.

Zhou Heng paced around anxiously until he suddenly thought of a good idea.

There was a place with free labor!

"I have an idea. We can do this, this way..."

The familiar ceiling, the bedroom looked the same as when he left, except for a layer of dust on the floor.

Zhou Heng waved his hand lightly, and a whirlwind appeared in front of him, sweeping up all the dust in the room. He opened the window and blew the dust out.

Instantly, the bedroom was clean again. After several weeks of practice, Zhou Heng had gained preliminary mastery over his divine power and could use it to perform simple tasks.

Next, Zhou Heng began his experiment.

"System, come out," Zhou Heng said to the empty room.

After waiting for a moment, he thought the experiment had failed. But then, a display box appeared in front of him. At first, it was blurry and unstable, flickering with sparks. It took a few minutes to stabilize.

[Name: Zhou Heng]

[Title: Lord of the World Tree]

[Level: Demigod]

[Skills: Beginner Creation, Beginner Telekinesis, Demigod Body (Immortal)]

[Divine Power: 10/100]

[Plane: 30 square kilometers]

After creating the plane and the system, Zhou Heng had 10 points of divine power remaining. Only when enough divine power was accumulated could the world advance to the next level.

This was the result of a week's worth of effort by Zhou Heng and Nina - the system, a unique artifact created using the inherent creative divine power of the World Tree as its carrier.

However, the distance between the two worlds was too vast, and the time flow in the world of Ororas was twice that of Blue Star. Only by establishing a divine power network connecting Blue Star and the world of Ororas could a stable connection be maintained between the two worlds, albeit with unalterable time flow differences.

The name of the New World was given by Nina, and in the words of the World Tree Clan, it means hope and blessings, symbolizing hope and blessings for the New World.

Nina needed to stabilize the world of Ororas and couldn't leave. Zhou Heng would go to Blue Star to create a game and be responsible for (tricking) players into joining.

Developing a world requires immense amounts of manpower and resources. While Nina has the ability to create a world, she cannot conjure souls out of thin air. The World Tree can naturally nurture life, but the process takes thousands of years.

It was simply too slow. Zhou Heng had to find people on Blue Star.

It was now 2121 on Blue Star. With the development of technology, global food and clothing issues had been basically resolved 20 years ago. Once material needs were met, people began to pursue spiritual fulfillment.

This was when virtual gaming technology emerged in front of the public. Upon its release, it became an instant sensation across the internet, prompting more scientists to enter the industry for research and development. Virtual gaming technology began to mature, and now the highest realism rating for games on the market had reached 68%.

And Zhou Heng was now about to break that record.