
World Travel Mercenary Works

All things follow a rule. Even the Multiverse and Worlds. As it expand, the system governing all will also adjust. There are four organization looking over the Multiverse. Guardians, the ever-living protector of order. The light of the chaotic Worlds. Dark Hall, counterforce of order is the chaos that only exist for all works of dirt and gore./Shadow Isle, where death is peace and painless death is blessing. Mercenary Guild, the walkers of worlds for reaches and glory. Where do you think you belong? Current World: [Trial Task] Naruto First World War. --------- Cover is not mine https://www.deviantart.com/baklaher/art/Fenrir-707545701 ------- Please do review. Let me know what you think. Mc, is a flawed man and will never be perfect as no one is. He will commit occasional mistake but he will learn from it. Current Schedule: 3 Chaps/Week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

LoveJoy · 其他
20 Chs


Kevin made a quick run to the north while making sure to avoid other presence. He has been running for a day with just a couple of stops. He continues to walk away from his current situation. Not eating for a day and even water.

Kevin: It will all end soon… haaa…. Just hold tight and accept it.

*Bangg!! Banggg!!


Kevin ducked in reflex when he heard the noise. Just above his head is a lead punctured on the tree. He again runs fast without looking back but his sight became blurry all of a sudden before he drops like a sack of potato.

*Step… Step… Step….

"Enemy!! Quick!! Take him! He is one of them!!" The soldier then spits on his unconscious body and kicked him. Four soldiers then came out of the trees and laughingly pull Kevin at his feet while his face brush on the ground.


Kevin: Urggghhh… where am I? Am I dead?

???: No, but I think you wish so son.

Kevin jumps in shock. Beside his lying body is a very thin man. His skin sticks to his bones and even his smell reeks of decay. He then knocks into someone behind him also pushing them down.

Kevin: Sorry… where am I?

??: You are in a concentration camp son. The place we will all die inhumanly possible.

Kevin felt tingling crawl to his spine as he saw everyone around him having the same situation. Some even are shivering during this warm weather. Then in came to him like a thunderbolt.

Kevin: Nazi….

??: Yes, son… it's them ha…. Before this war ends all of us here will be dead. Whatever will result in this war won't matter to us. This sunrise maybe our last or the dawn. We don't know we just want to have peace until we die.

Kevin stared at the lifeless eyes of the man. Beside him is a woman also having a thin body. She was shivering non-stop while breathing deeply. Kevin closed his eyes in sadness and fear.

Kevin: I have to get out of here.

???: You do need to son. All of us here don't seek a savior anymore and dying early is a great gift for us. I will hurt us more to live.

The man then nodded at the others. They then parted until a small pit hole is uncovered.

??: We, tried to get out of here but the soldiers already located the end of the tunnel we made. They were using us for target practice once you get out of the tunnel. Here is your stuff.

The man throws him the sachet. Kevin's sadness disappears and it was changed to anger and unwillingness.

Kevin: How can you give up?

???: No, we didn't give up but it's our time to die. Fate isn't fair some will die painlessly some will suffer agony. We bunch here is unlucky to have the same fate to suffer an agonizingly slow death.

Kevin shook his head and run to the pit hole. He entered the hole slowly while looking back. He caught an eye peeking from the thin bodies. Kevin tried to know who was it but he let it go after not seeing it anymore.

The tunnel is about a few hundred meters long. Kevin felt traces of hand on the walls and blood on it.

Kevin: they used their hands? Haaaa….

He continues to walk forward until a light came. Kevin starts to thing about this. Figures waiting by the bushes and trees were surely aimed at him.

Kevin: So, this is it? I die or they die? When did this start to happen? How can I kill someone just for my selfish reasons? Do I have that privilege to take someone's life?

His hands start to shake in fright from imagining the snapping and breaking to kill someone. Kevin then knees down crumbling down in grief and sadness.

Kevin: How did this come too far? I'm just a normal man. Killing is outside of my ideals even if it's for the sake of others.


Kevin: Urrggg!!

Someone shot him at the shoulder. Kevin was push back to the ground. Blood starts to flow from his left shoulder.

Kevin: haaa…. Haaaa… what did I ever do to you guys? I just want to live peacefully…. I don't want to die… sob* sob*

His already fragile self after being toyed by the ogre started to appear.

*Banggggg!! Banggg!! Banggg!!

???: hahahhaha!! Come out you filthy rat!! Hahahaha!!

Kevin crawl back followed by shots. He makes sure to lay low to avoid bullets from hitting him more. His weak self made it deeper back but laughter and mockery can still be heard from the tunnel's end.

Kevin: Urrrgghhh!! Haaa! Haa!! Shit!! So what now?! Have fun watching me struggle huh!!!?

His anger aimed at others and blaming for his weakness to hide his already broken ego and pride.

Kevin pull the lead from his wound. Remembering the huge coliseum he was brought to. The large number of people watching for fun and even the ogre that almost killed him. Kevin starts to feel hatred.

Kevin: I'm too weak for this… I need to plan things if I want to leave this place.

??: Ha… As I thought… let me help you son.

The old man that talks to him surely knows this will happen. He tears a part of hid clothing and wraps it on Kevin's wound. He then helps with carrying him back to the camp.

??: You need to prepare first before you go, son. No one is bulletproof to run with bullets behind them unhindered.

Kevin: Ha…. Thank you, old man. What's your name btw?

Robert: name isn't really important now but it's Robert. I hope you can leave this place.

They arrive back to the camp and settle him to a clean wooden plank. Kevin lied on it and breathes deeply before imagining what just happen in a day. Kevin reach out for his sachet when he remembers the kits the orator gave him.

In front of Kevin is a stare at two pieces of paper. It's like an RPG weapon and armor creation toolbar.

Kevin: I just need armor for training and protection.

The armor toolbar then changes its feature into a leather armor. Kevin started to read out the materials in his mind before making arrangements base on what really needs.

<Restrictions Leather Armor>

-Increase tension on muscles base on specification.

-Increases protect base on the intensity of tension.

-Temperature Control and Automatic Cleaning.


The armor became a tight body armor. It serves as his underclothing and can retract to a ring if necessary.

Kevin: Let's try it then….

Kevin then put it on. Under his plain working clothes, the tight leather that starts from his wrist to his heels starts to tighten fast as he adjusts the tension. His body starts to curl up like a baby inside a mother's womb. Kevin grind his teeth to resist the pulling tension in his body. He can fill every part of his muscles scream all together to resist.

Shoulder, biceps, triceps, chest, abdomen, tights, and legs bend in their natural position. Kevin forcefully tried to correct his posture ever slowly until he can breathe while having a straight form. Kevin then look at the old man who rescued him. Beside him is a old thin lady. She used to be shivering non-stop but now her gripping hand on the old man's clothes starts to loosen.