
World Touring System

A system which grants it’s users the ability to tour around the multiverse has chosen an otaku as test subject. First World - Hundred. Expect R18 stuff and OP MC.

Appleisweet · 漫画同人
10 Chs


"Finally, I am out."

I said while looking at it dense forest behind me. It took me 5hours of continuous travel before I got out. Shaking my head to get rid of the little reluctance for leaving my temporary home, I was looking forward towards starting my new life.

Because it was already dusk, the redness of clear sky suddenly made me a bit nostalgic of my previous world, something I never saw coming.

Just on other side of the thin roads, I could see a small town. Making my decision, I started walking towards one the farms on the outer perimeter. It was not like I was aiming towards farms, it just that they were in the way to commute to city.

After walking for half and hour, I finally saw the silhouette of a human figure. He wore a set of decrepit clothes which hid his youthful body. He was running towards me in desperation, I was quite confused at this development.

"What does he want?"

My confusion soon turned into some fear when I made out he had a stone filled with blood in his right hand. I instinctively put my hands if front of me as he came close, even though I trained for one year, being a 6 year old, there was no way I can contend with an adult.


I could see another person chasing the decrepit man with a wooden sword while yelling me to run. But because the stone was already swung towards me, I couldn't just run.

Twisting my upper body, I reflexively backflipped trying to get out of his way. It was the first time it happened but I felt it, the movements of the man for a second felt sluggish to me while my own surged. It was an explicable feeling.

Gaining a little confidence, I found myself actually moving forward and hacking at that man's wrist. With a wince, the rock flew away to unknown. While the man was surprised about my strength as much as me, I took the advantage of the situation to punch his throat.


Clutching his throat, the man rolled on ground crying in pain.

By the time, the person with wooden sword along with some others were already in vicinity.

That was how my first battle came to an end. I was shivering with excitement but a slap to my head suddenly broke my excited state.

"What the fuck?"

I couldn't help but spew out curses. Who dares to hit my head, only my wifus can do that.

"What an unbridled child, even cursing at such age."

I looked up with some anger to find an older male with long black hair that he has tied in the back and hazel colored eyes, as well as a fair muscular build. He was wearing a martial arts uniform without any sleeves.

"Who are you?"

I calmed my anger, recognising him as the man who yelled me to run previously.

"I am Ryusei Kanzaki. Who are you kid and where are your parents?"

I found this name familiar but just couldn't put my fingers around it. Other than main story, I didn't paid too much attention to anime background characters after all. I could also make out some surprise and bit of interest in his eyes, probably because I showed those moves earlier.

"I am Inor. And I am an orphan."

"What? So you from Ryoko's orphanage?"

"No. But I indeed have no parents." I wondered if that is a famous orphanage in this area?

"So where are you planning to go after this? And where did you come from?"

"I have no obligation to answer you." Saying so I turned around and continued walking on the road leading towards town.

"Hold on kid." After I took couple of steps, the loud voice from Ryusei stopped me in tracks.

"What is it uncle?"

"Uncle? I will have you know, I an unmarried."

"But it doesn't changed the fact you are old."

Gnashing his teeth in some anger, he made an offer.

"If you don't have any place to stay, you can come with me and do some chores at my house and In return I will feed you and teach you some swordsmanship."

"Wha? Just because you run with sword doesn't mean you are a swordsman, grow up old man."

My childish voice sure ticked him off but he wasn't angry. At that time, we two were the only ones who remained on that street.

Grabbing his sword, he took a pose and swung his sword in a seemingly simple manner but the impact it gave was unbelievable. Even though I didn't knew much about swordsmanship, I could feel the aura, the aura of a master. Now I believed this man was certainly not your everyday swordsman.

"Do you believe now?"

"I do." I cannot deny it. After some thinking, I concluded it was a good deal.

"So do you want to come with me?"

"Okay." I didn't felt like I was tricked, as an adult I could understand this person was interested in training me. He must have saw me as diamond in rough, probably cannot wait to polish me. This will also speed up my process to gain mastery over Sword God Manual.

"Good, then let's go."

"Hmm" nodding my head, I moved beside him as we walked to the destination.

Durning our travel he asked me.

"So what happened to your parents?"

Feigning a fake uncomfortable expression, I replied.

"I..not yet." Even though still possessing a suspicious face, Ryusei didn't inquired further.


-Time Skip-

"Ryusei wake up already."

I splashed a handful of water on Ryusei's face, who was sleeping like a pig.

"Not again. Inor, please have mercy on your master."

"No can do. We have a flight to catch. Did you forget?"

Jolting awake as Ryusei remembered today's plan, he quickly went to freshen himself.

I sighed thinking this master of mine will never get over his habit of waking up late.

It was already 4years since I started living with Ryusei. Pivoting, I looked at the shelf filled with trophies that I won during these years for competing in kendo. I already mastered Sword God Manual and with Ryusei's training, I was able to do it in only two years.

Today we are going on a trip to Gudenburg empire, it wasn't just a simple trip though. I remember from the timeline, the second attack should be about to happen anytime soon. I wanted to collect some blood and flesh from those Savages. In the anime, Gudenburg empire was one of the focal point of Savage attack. It may sound suicidal but I cannot let go of this chance.

"Inor, I am ready, are you?" Ryusei came out wearing a set of decent clothes.

"Yeah." I surveyed myself in the mirror as I replied. This year I turned 10. My face was angular with sharp contours while my lips were thin. My head was filled with shiny black hairs which quite suited me. My pupils were pitch black like starless night sky, long thin eyebrows which gave me a serious look. I have a pale body like vampires which was muscled perfectly, didn't know why it turned out this way, I remember having slightly tanned skin when I arrived in this world. I was already quite tall for my age, around 4'8". Overall, I was quite handsome to look at.

Suddenly I felt a pat on my shoulders.

"Stop appreciating yourself and lets go." Ryusei said jealously, although we both knew he was faking it.

"Don't hurry. I know you want to peer at women being the unmarried old man you are but first let me comb my hair, otherwise my handsome looks will go in vain."

"You brat, you really are going overboard these days." He said angrily.

"Well, if you want me to stop, get yourself a women already." I replied fearlessly.

Living with Ryusei all these years naturally made us close, like father and son. It was a feeling I haven't felt in my last life, somehow, I liked it.