
World Ring System

what will happen when a 20 year old person named Carl died in his own house and meets 3 mysterious visitors with a story from god realm, bringing along most powerful assisting Divine artifact [WORLD RING] created by sacrifice of a supreme god. what will he do when he get to know about largest war happened in god realm which devastated the god realm completely? join our hero as he train in different world with magical ring and charge into god realm for revenge for his teacher. This is not your random reincarnation with golden finger and happy living novel, it is a story , with complete cultivation system. Author note : This is first book I have written so if you have any suggestions please comment. Forgive me for not good enough writing in first few chapters. Thank you for you support. . . . . . First World: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - Train Body and Qi. Second World: Bleach - Train Soul.

_DIVINE_ · 漫画同人
34 Chs


(A/N: Here is new chapter.

Are you guys enjoying the Fiction, if you are then keep voting and write reviews. 😁

And if you guys don't like something please tell me, I will try to change it.

You guys keep suggesting me some Power and Technique to give our Mc in future.)


"Now listen, their are millions of world in Mortal realm. And all worlds have different ways of becoming stronger. Like some worlds have Chi, some use beast bloods. But they all use limited systems."

"This world is kinda a unique, this world have chi and many energies but its not dense enough to reach the peak. This world also has magic. Here people are prone to get superpowers through radiations. And some has X genes that gave people unique powers."

Hearing me all three of them looked happy. When I saw their smug smile, I smirked and continued.

"But precisely because of this there is no system here and so it is difficult to ascend to High tier plane from this one."

"High Tier? Shouldn't we transcend directly to Immortal realm. As far as I have read in those novels." Banner said. As during the Time he was on run he went into hiding in Nepal. As it was not to developed place and to try to distract himself he sometimes read novels online.

"Nah. That's not how it works. You have to climb stairs, one stair per step. From Low tier to Mid tier then High tier. After that Immortal realm."

"Now because this world power system is quite different it depends on Technique I will give you. It will depend on your Life energy, it has 8 stages. After you have completed all 8 stages, you will be able to ascend to High tier Mortal realm."

"Now you guys head back and digest knowledge you been given, tomorrow I will start your training." Nodding at me, all of them went back to their quarters.

After heading back to my room I called for system.


Name: Carl Drake

Life Level: Star

Bloodline: ???(sealed)/Saiyan

Main Cultivation method: Chaos Authority.

Concept: Death Intent [Perfect]

Qi Cultivation: Core Formation Realm [Late]

Body Cultivation: Moon Vitality [Peak]




Storage: Senzu beans×9, Primal Symbiote.

Shop Points: 3000.]

"Buy me Reverse Hachimon, Cloud Vortex Divine Punch, Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, Observation Haki. But modify these Techniques so they can be used by Life energy."


(1) Reverse Hachimon- 800 SP (Naruto)

(2) Cloud Vortex Divine Punch- 500 SP (Douluo Dalu)

(3) Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist- 300 SP (One Punch Man)

(4) Observation Haki- 400 SP (One Piece)

Total Cost– 2000 SP. Y/N]



"Now, I have a martial arts for all of you. But first. Barton and Banner you come with me. And both of you can have a spar." I told them as I took them to my office leaving steve and nat behind for a spar.

"First Barton, I have a Observation Technique for you. It is a Technique that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others, as well as gain limited precognitive abilities. It will greatly expand your fighting and archery Ability." I told Barton as he took a seat in front of me. After that I took his eyesight by sealing few acupuncture points.

Sending him to his training area 4. Where he have to dodge incoming projectiles with varying strength. Although most are non-lethal but some may break his bones.

If some are confused on how I got knowledge of acupuncture. Well I forgot to mention that (Limit Removal Technique) is Technique whose usage greatly depends on acupuncture points. So I have to learn some knowledge about it.

After that I turned my attention towards Banner.

"Well your situation is quite tricky."

"What do you mean?" Banner asked.

"Your transformation, you see Hulk is not a foreign entity in your body who is trying to control you. But its you transforming, influenced by a separate dimension of Rage. Which is apparently a dimension filled with wrath energy."

"No..No how can that be. Hulk is not me, it has its own mind, I can feel it and sometimes talk to it." Banner said as he couldn't believe me.

"That's the problem Doc, you hate your transformation so much, thinking it as a curse. In fear of becoming a monster you think. To keep yourself sane you created a split personality. A personality of Hulk who is fighting you for control of your body."

Hearing my word he stood frozen. He couldn't believe that he has been running from himself all this while.

"I can help you control it. And even teach you how to control it. Or I can jist seal that dimensional connection with you but you will lose your chance to gain power. You will have to live a normal life. You have to decide."

After few minutes Banner looks at Carl with resolution and determination in his eyes.

"Help me. I want to become stronger, I want to control this power."

"Good, I will put seal on you that will help you control on when and how much energy you want to absorb."

"How much? What do you mean?" Banner asked.

"Its like this your transformation is actually a multiplication of your base strength, you absorb those energy to your bodily limit without practice thus you tend to lose control of yourself. You should thank your other self Hulk as you don't explode by gaining so much energy."

"So now you have to train your body and mind so that you can accept wrath energy without losing your control. But don't worry if do lose control, then seal will automatically activate and seal wrath energy."

After that I help him by putting a seal on his back. After that I combined his Hulk personality with Banner's but with banner in dominant position.

As for why I combined them instead of wiping out Hulk persona. Well I thought he would be able to get some ferocity and arrogance of a powerhouse instead of his current meek personality. Although it may bring some trouble but I think he can handle that much.

I took unconscious Banner and lay him off at couch in office. After that I went out and met panting Nat and Steve.

"Now come here, I have a cultivation Technique for you guys. It is a Body Refining Technique called Reverse Hachimon or Reverse Eight Gates Technique. Come here."

After that I tapped their forehead, directly transferred Technique in their mind.

[Reverse Hachimon: This Technique is actually derived from a forbidden Technique called Hachimon. Which will kill its user when opening last gate which is in heart due to excessive energy from previous seven gates. This Technique instead use it in different way in which user first open 8th gate in heart called Gate of death. Which due to little energy enforced the heart and body insted of killing it.

Note: In a human body their are 8 INNER GATES or Acupuncture points which can only be opened by inner energy.


(1) Gate of Death: Located on Heart.

(2) Gate of Pain: Located on center of Chest.

(3) Gate of Limit: Located on solar plexus.

(4) Gate of View: Located in stomach.

(5) Gate of Wonder: Located below stomach.

(6) Gate of Life: Located on spinal cord above chest.

(7) Gate of Healing: Located in Brain.

(8) Gate of Opening: Located in Brain.]

"Now both of you go and understand it. Tomorrow I will start your training."

After shooing them away I came back to see banner awake. Although not much has visibly changed but there is something different about him now, he looks more confident and now you can no longer see his always depressed mood.

"Looks like you experienced a lot."

"Thank you Mr. Carl." Banner came to me and hugged me in happiness.

"Alright calm down, Man. I don't know about you but I am straight." I said laughing at his embarrassed face.

"No no.. I am also straight." He hurriedly defends himself.

"Alright come here I have to give you something." After that I also parted him Reverse Hachimon Technique. And told him to go rest for the day as from tomorrow he surely lack it.