
Arc 7 (12). Are My Dad and Teacher In love?

"Wouldn't your daughter get suspicious?" Li Huan asked, his hand not stopping as he graded papers.

"About what?" Zhao Fang looked up from his documents with a frown.

Both of them decided to think of an actual plan instead of just risking everything.

They were in Zhao Fang's room and instead of discussing, both of them got caught up in their work and just silently sat there with countless papers in their hands.

"Her teacher being in her father's room?" Li Huan stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"She's sleeping at her friend's tonight" Li Huan hummed, not really intrested in the conversation much even though he was the one who initiated it first.

"Any progress with the villain?" Zhao Fang asked, bored out of his mind as he stared at the huge documents beside him.