
World Hopping System: My harem is too big!

What would you do if you randomly fell into a new world that defies common sense? The kind where people are born with strange hair colours, eye colours and body proportions unbefitting of their age? Well, Akio just so happened to be in such a world. Yep, you guessed right. He's in a world of fiction — a world where various characters from all the animes he's seen are in, and very much real. But, Akio was also given a system to traverse worlds... ——— A/N: Current World: Demon Slayer MC is a degenerate and does whatever he wants, but he has some morals. Some... If you couldn't already tell from the title; theres gonna be world hopping and lots of women. This fic will probably make you lose braincells. The original world is gonna be a mix of slice of life animes, H-anime/manga and other works without fantasy elements(somewhat realistic) Other worlds that MC can hop to can be other animes, novels, manwha, manhua and manga. MC only has knowledge on anime, H-anime and some mangas, thats about it. Reasons why this fic might not be for you: netori, harem, wincest, cliche, overpowered MC, maybe slow pace, little to no character development, personalities may be inaccurate, some harem members may be forgotten(due to world hopping). Oh, there will also be a messed up release schedule: It could range from a day or two to a week or even a month, I just write whenever I want or feel bored, so, don't expect a daily release of chapters. But... I might feel a little motivated if I see those power stones up ;) I'm also not a good writer, please give me constructive criticism! Here's a list of all the fictional works in the original world(will add more): -A silent voice -Classroom of the elite -Kuroko no basket -My dress up darling -Food wars -Various h-anime

Abyssdragoncoolkid · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter 7: Mitsuri

In the soft glow of a sunlit afternoon, Akio walked along the cobbled path leading to the Kanroji residence. The cherry blossoms overhead swayed gently in the mid-day breeze as the fragrance of blossoming flowers enveloped the air.

Akio was currently dressed in a black kimono. He wasn't very used to this type of clothing, but it definitely didn't look bad on him.

As he arrived at the bridge that lead to the residence, Akio spotted a figure clad in a kimono with flower patterns, waiting patiently for someone.

"Eh? Did I make a mistake?" Akio pondered.

He thought he could recognise Mitsuri easily due to her unique pink hair and green highlights. However, the person that seemed to be waiting for him had dark black hair.

"Maybe it's a different Kanroji? I did quickly jump to conclusions afterall." Akio contemplated.

As he arrived closer to the girl, Akio's system had suddenly notified him.

[Host has met Mitsuri Kanroji: Received 1 attribute point]

"Eh? So I was right. Then, why does she have black hair?" Akio racked his brains before finally realising, "Ah, yes! I forgot that she was self-conscious about her appearance and characteristics after some unremarkable guy rejected her. Due to her marriage getting cancelled, she dyed her hair black and tried acting like a 'normal' girl."

With newfound clarity, Akio approached Mitsuri. "Kanroji?" he greeted. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I hope you're doing well."

"Uhm, yes! I'm doing well. This is... Komiya?" She asked. 

Akio just gave a nod, an easygoing smile plastered on his face. Though, he could sense the subtle awkwardness Mitsuri felt due to her hiding her true self—something he deemed absolutely unnecessary.

"Shall we continue our discussion in a more relaxed setting? A walk, perhaps? It might facilitate a more open conversation." Akio asked.

Mitsuri hesitated for a moment, her green eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity. "A stroll? Uh, sure! That sounds nice," she agreed, the hint of a smile breaking through her initial timid demeanour.

As they walked along the garden path, the ambiance shifted from the structured formality of a marriage negotiation to a more relaxed setting.

Cherry blossoms gently floated in the air, creating a picturesque scene around them.

As they walked along the path and took in the scenery, a comfortable silence settled between Akio and Mitsuri. The soft rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a tranquil atmosphere.

After a moment, Akio, feeling the need to break the silence, spoke. "You know, it's sometimes nice to take in the scenery every now and then. It's a good way for someone to enjoy the simple moments in life." Akio remarked.

Akio is an individual that pursues his own self interest and to live what he deems to be the best life. Things like nature and the beauty of life is something he doesn't really care about. However, he does think its somewhat nice to take a little break every now and then.

Mitsuri, who still seemed a little awkward, replied, "I also think it's great to appreciate the simple moments," Mitsuri agreed with a shy smile. "There's a sort of magic in the ordinary, don't you think?"

Akio simply gave a nod in response.

As Akio and Mitsuri continued the stroll and conversation about various topics, around an hour had passed before they eventually returned back at the bridge they had initially met at.

What was suppose to be a marriage negotiation had turned into a casual stroll where they kept eachother company. Though, Akio was mainly the one who initiated the conversations as Mitsuri still felt awkward and maybe a little guilty.

Akio was leaning on the wooden railing of the bridge, looking down at the flowing stream beneath them. Akio's gaze was casual, not lingering on the scenery for too long before his eyes briefly glanced at Mitsuri. Mitsuri still looked somewhat unhappy. It's as if she wants to enjoy the moment both he and her had, but it simply feels fake to her.

Akio decided it was time to try and fix her self doubts about herself.

"You know..." Akio began, his gaze fixed on the stream, "I've noticed something interesting about you."

Mitsuri, feeling a tinge of tension, straightened up slightly. "Oh, what's that?" she asked, attempting to maintain a nonchalant tone.

Akio, with his back still turned, replied. "I can't help but wonder why you're hiding your true self."

Mitsuri's expression shifted from curiosity to a subtle unease. "H-hiding... my true self?" she stammered, her eyes briefly widening.

"How... did he find out." She questioned internally, slightly perspiring.

"Yes," Akio began, "I've heard rumours that there was a girl with vibrant pink hair and also had a unique constitution that allowed her to be very strong. Is it true?" Akio stated, still focusing on the stream of water. Of course, Akio didn't hear any rumours, he simply knows this off the anime.

Mitsuri was extremely tense, this topic is currently very sensitive to her.

She seemed to be in a daze, trying to come up with how to respond.

"This... not again. Will my marriage arrangement fall through once again?" She asked herself in her head.

"Why won't anyone but my family accept me for who I am? Everything about me: my hair colour, large appetite and unnatural strength is who I really am. I also want to have a normal life like everyone else! But... society thinks that these characteristics that I have are strange and barbaric." Mitsuri thought, her expression one of sorrow.

Mitsuri looked at Akio's back, which made her feel even more anxious as she didn't know what kind of expression he had.

"But... I don't want this life at the cost of my true self. I want someone that can accept me for the 'real' me." Mitsuri decided, feeling somewhat bitter.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Mitsuri, deciding she shouldn't hide it from Akio, gave her reply, "T-thats... True. I'm that girl from the rumours..."

"I see." Akio responded.

Akio's short reply seemed to make her feel even more uneasy.

"S-so... Will our marriage arrangement get... cancelled?" Mitsuri asked, feeling downcast as her gaze fell to the ground.

"Hmm? And why would we do that?" Akio asked, genuinely curious.

Mitsuri had a somewhat startled expression as she placed her gaze back on Akio, before she gave him a reply. "Uhm... Well, isn't my hair colour weird? And, isn't my unnatural strength unbefitting of a woman and–" She was suddenly interrupted.

Lifting his gaze from the stream, Akio met Mitsuri's eyes with a steady look. "You know... I've come to know you as more than just rumors... Your unique hair colour and strength are not valid reasons to cancel anything. So what if your hair colour and strength is unnatural? From the brief conversations we had so far, I already think you're a charming person." Akio spoke softly.

Mitsuri's eyes teared up a little as she was completely caught off-guard by Akio's words. "But... I'm not charming... Someone said that only a bear, boar or cow could only marry someone like me..." She spoke, her expression melancholic as if she was remembering the event.

Akio seemed a little confused, "Da fuq? Who would even say that?" Akio contemplated before once again realising. "It's that NPC again that broke off their marriage arrangement! How Mitsuri got rejected by the blandest guy to exist ceases to amaze me. Afterall, He's completely unremarkable. The only reason I remember such a guy was because he cancelled his marriage with Mitsuri."

"I don't know why someone would say that... However, I think one's special characteristics and traits are what makes an individual unique, which is much more charming than someone who is 'normal'. And well, if society doesn't consider you normal, why care? You should live how you want to. If we were to get married, I wouldn't want you to feel the need to supress your true self just so you can be what society considers: a conventional woman." Akio stated, sharing his honest thoughts. This ties closely to his very own philosophy. 

Mitsuri seemed stunned by his words as her tears gently flowed down her cheeks. Mitsuri, feeling that it was a little inappropriate to cry in front of someone, tried rubbing her tears away with her hands. However, her tears didn't stop, but flowed even more heavily down her face.

Akio, seeing her crying, decided to comfort her. Akio simply just gently embraced her in his arms as Mitsuri wept. Akio felt his kimono get gripped tightly by Mitsuri hands as her body sank into his arms.

Her emotions were currently in turmoil. However, it wasn't for a bad reason as it was due to Mitsuri feeling extremely happy.

"Mother, father. I've finally found him! Someone that can accept me for my true self. Someone that won't judge me because of my unique characteristics!" Mitsuri celebrated internally.