
World creator system

So basically he was tranmigrated into formless being or spirit in a sense with a system called World Creator system like the name suggests it helped him create world or model them to his interests. He slowly started creating worlds like the first one was a copy of his world, then a magical world, after that sci fi world, then Cultivation world and so on. He slowly reached the level of high level godly being, which made him bored and with all the missions finished the system left with only leaving the mall option behind. So being bored out of his mind, he got an idea of creating worlds like MCU, GOT, LOTR....etc

Just_for_fun1997 · 电视同人
103 Chs

Doom of Valyria

In the waning days of the Valyrian Freehold, a darkness began to seep into the hearts of the Valyrians. The once-proud dragonlords, with their immense power and mastery of magic, became consumed by a desire for immortality. Envy gnawed at them as they gazed upon the gods, longing for the eternal life they believed was denied to them.

Driven by their growing obsession, the Valyrians turned to prayer, beseeching the gods for the gift of everlasting life. But their pleas fell on deaf ears, and their prayers went unanswered. Frustration turned to anger, and anger gave birth to a dangerous resentment towards the divine.

In their desperation, the Valyrians forsook the gods they once revered. They blasphemed and cursed the very deities they had once worshipped. A dark cloud of heresy settled over Valyria as the dragonlords embraced forbidden practices in their pursuit of immortality.

Blood magic, a powerful and twisted form of sorcery, became a favored tool of the corrupted Valyrians. They delved deeper into its dark secrets, harnessing the life force of others in their gruesome experiments. Human sacrifices, once unthinkable, became a macabre routine as they sought to unlock the secrets of immortality.

To take their heretical practices even further, the Valyrians erected a towering temple dedicated to R'hllor, the Lord of Light. This grand structure, adorned with fiery symbols and menacing statues, became a sinister beacon of their devotion to the forbidden arts. Within its walls, the Valyrians committed unspeakable acts, offering innocent lives in their misguided quest for eternal life.

But their blasphemous rituals and blood sacrifices only served to further corrupt the Valyrians. The more they delved into these forbidden arts, the more they lost touch with their humanity. Their souls became tarnished, and the darkness that had taken root within them began to spread like a disease.

Little did they know that their hubris and depravity were sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

The downfall of Valyria was a consequence of their own corruption and the divine retribution they had incurred.

A mighty double explosion followed by an earthquake shakes everything in as people were shocked this was slightly frequent,so most ignored it and went on with their daily lives.

Some houses were rocked by the shake increasingly stronger. Around them, furniture, vases,trinkets, chairs and the mirror fall on the floor.

Then white flakes are slowly falling over the beach. The spectacle is surreal. The Flakes fall all around them.Many takes some of them in the palm of their hands. It crumbles between their fingers,what they didn't know was these volcanoes were also sending out poisonous fumes into the air and it was slowly making it's way down,this made the air unbearable to even Dragon's,if they take it in for too long.

People has gathered in the streets, staring and enjoying the spectacle, commenting on what they see in small groups. Some try to catch the ash that starts to cover the cobblestone, bantering

King Rhevas of Valyria, perched atop his castle's ramparts, observed the unfolding chaos with a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips. "R'hllor must be giving us a sign," he declared, his voice tinged with arrogance, "to show us his satisfaction."

His sycophants, gathered around him like loyal vultures, nodded eagerly in agreement. "Yes, you are right," one chimed in, "he may be blessing us with his divine favor."

Another echoed the sentiment, "Indeed, we have no need for those petty Ancient gods."

Rhevas's expression hardened as he turned to glare at the bold speaker. "Don't speak of them here," he admonished sharply, "even though we followed them for years, they never blessed our Dragonlords with immortality. We've heard the Red Priest can offer us what those petty Ancient gods denied us."

The sycophants murmured their fervent agreement, eager to bask in the supposed favor of their newfound deity while casting aside the traditions of their ancestors without hesitation.

Some of shop owners collect pieces of their merchandise fall during the earthquake. Others keep on going at their business as nothing has happened.It is busy, yet no one seems to be in a hurry. In Valyria, everyday life goes on.

But the an explosion is heard and people looks to the fourteen fires and they slowly steps back and the so called fourteen fires all volcanoes have there top has exploded sending a gigantic cloud as black as ink in the blue summer sky.

The ground shook violently, cracking open in great fissures that belched forth billowing plumes of ash and molten rock. The sky turned a foreboding shade of crimson as the volcanic eruption consumed everything in its path.

Now doubt and panic started as people run through the city, the more obscureness increases, the smoke spreading over. Streets are rife of ash that gathers on the ground and penetrates everywhere.People pack their stuff on carriages. The horses,whinnying,are getting mad. Unending tremors go on unabated, shaking buildings and people.An earthquake The soldiers stagger, trying to stay up, when the house by them falls apart. Big stones collapse, smashing two of them.

This is hell as the some start to see the effect the fumes and starts to cough.They holds their throat and heads for a water,some went to the fountain.

There's no water running.The fumes are effecting everyone and many Dragon Lords,who were fearing for their lives tried to flee with on there Dragons,but the result was not nice as either they are killed by toxic fumes in the air or are rocks mixed with liquid lava start to fall around from the sky and explode.Some people who struck by one of them becomes a human torch.

Dragons, the magnificent creatures that had been the pride and strength of the Valyrians, took flight in a desperate attempt to escape the cataclysm. Their scales shimmered in the dim light as they soared above the erupting volcanoes, their piercing screeches drowned out by the thunderous roar of the Fourteen Fires.

But the dragons' valiant efforts were in vain. The sheer magnitude of the explosion overwhelmed them, and one by one, the great beasts succumbed to the forces of nature. They were consumed by the fire and the molten lava that spewed forth from the heart of the land they once called home. The skies soon became filled with the haunting sight of dragons falling from the heavens, their majestic forms plummeting towards the shattered earth below.

Several houses are now ablaze and collapsing. Broad sheets of fire leap into the dark sky,the darkness amplifies over the city.

No matter how much Dragon lords or people tried fourteen volcanoes erupting together caused flaming hailstones to be everywhere in the sky making it a no go area.

Those that bravely flew their dragons to try and avoid the hailstones,where again brought down by them.

All the 14 volcanoes roar is now deafening.In the streets of Valyria, and although the burning houses, it is now complete darkness, just like a room when it's shut up and all the lights put out.

All around, people just can hear shrieks of women, screams of the children and the shouts of men. Some call for their children, their parents.

An earthquake roars and twitters all and everyone around As some soldiers stumble on the sand, kind of small tsunami unfurls on the beach, destabilizing several soldiers.

The houses in flames, people running anywhere,screaming, praying for the Valyrian gods, and some dying.

Many ran to the ports,but once again fireballs are falling from the sky, whistling.As they touch the ground, they explode killing many.

Nothing is safe people trying to get into the ships faced another problem,which was the waves run extremely high and boisterous caused by the Earth quakes.

All the ships are incredibly shaken and none made it out alive through the dangerous seas.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting eerie shadows across the rugged terrain, a massive wall of roiling clouds surged down the volcanic slopes like a tidal wave of destruction. With thunderous force, it swept through the landscape, devouring everything in its path in a deafening cacophony of sound.

The Valyrian, fear etched across their face, stood transfixed as the ominous cloud bore down on the city walls with relentless speed. The air crackled with energy as the heat intensified, and the people below scrambled in futile attempts to escape the impending doom.

Revas, his heart pounding in his chest, watched in sheer horror as he muttered"We angered the gods."the cataclysmic cloud descended upon them like a wrathful deity.The flames licked at his skin, searing him to the bone as the world around him dissolved into a fiery inferno, reducing everything in its wake to smoldering ruins.

The pyroclastic surge travels across the streets at great speeds burns, knocks down, shatters, buries, or carries away nearly all objects and structures on its way.The Searing ash insinuates itself in each cranny, hole and covers everything. The more the flow advances, the more is gathering rock and woody debris, and increases its sordid


As the thunder approaches,Rhevas in shock mutters"Have the gods really abandoned us."and raises his head to see the surge of hot, dry rock fragment and gases.

Many Valyrian's suddenly remembered there gods again and started praying to their gods,but no results, the cloud envelops the harbor and inflames the boats and ships by the piers. The flow now covers the sea and large columns of steam are swept away along with the ashes.The pyroclastic surge reaches the seaside and passes in front of the grotto, whistling and spreading all over the beach and the cliff.

The whole beach is covered with a steaming thin blanket of white finer-grained ash and cool lava fragments.The Volcanic activity would continue even four centuries after the original eruptions, with the water often turning poisonous and giving off fumes that can kill.

In the end, their lust for immortality proved to be their undoing. The once-mighty Valyrian Freehold crumbled under the weight of their sins, and the doom they had brought upon themselves reduced their once-glorious civilization to ruins, and reduced to ashes and the survivors scattered across the known world, carrying with them the remnants of a fallen empire and the legends of a lost land.