
Chapter 6 flashback

Daniel turned quiet for a while. "as I expected" said Daniel as he sighed deeply. He couldn't accept his fate but had no other choices either.

Suddenly a concept entered Daniel's mind, making him frown. "system, do you have a connection with that goddess?" asked Daniel with a serious expression materialized on his face.

[I don't have any connection from that goddess.]

Hearing the response from the system, Daniel felt a little relieved. Naturally, he had some reservations about the response. However, he didn't really have a choice either, but to believe it for the time being.

But he also understood that he had to use the system in order to survive. Because this planet was more complicated than it appeared based on this body's vague recollection.

Since Daniel couldn't get an answer he moved on to the next major topic. "system I want to watch this body's memories again," he ordered.

[Do you want to watch this body memory? Y/N]

"is this necessary?" he murmured. "yes, I'll watch this body's memories."

[Warning. You will experience a severe headache as a result of the procedure. Do you wish to continue? Y/N]

He first stumbled in the direction of the woodland, where he laid down on the plush ground and tried to relax as much as he could. Then he gulped down his saliva as he nervously pressed the 'yes' button.

A memory instantly flashed in Daniel's mind just after he clicked the "yes" button. compared to the previous, this time it was more precise and thorough.


To sum it up. The owner of this body was an orphan. He led a normal life; he wasn't weak or strong. He wasn't victimized by bullies seeking sympathy or anything. But Joel, who grew up as an orphan, being incredibly envious of people who had families was a normal thing for him.

Only the orphanage was shown during his birthday celebrations and other special events. Joel was actually pleased with everything, but he had a nagging sense of longing for a genuine celebration with his family.


Joel walked alone in the empty hallway with a curious expression engraved on his face. "why did they call me?" said Joel as he rubbed his chin multiple times.

He eventually arrived in front of a brown door with the words "main office" printed on top of it. He organized his messy clothing before gently opening the door.

As soon as he walked in, he saw an elderly woman smiling softly. She then pointed her finger at the chair in front of her table and spoke. "I'm sorry for wishing you a happy birthday late as I have a lot of work to accomplish."

"Don't worry about it grandma," replied Joel with a pleased smile on his face. The old woman nodded her head before opening the cabinet beneath the table. She then grabbed an envelope and handed it to Joel.

"It's for you," the elderly woman said. Joel took the envelope with ease and opened it gradually. Then he began to attentively read it.

After a brief period, when he read that somebody wanted to adopt him, Joel's face suddenly brightened up like the sun. "this is not a joke, right? Right?" Joel rapidly asked with a voice filled with happiness.

With a gorgeous smile on her face, she replied, "no, it's not a joke." Joel had grown up with her since he was a newborn, so she was delighted for him but also felt a twinge of loss.

Joel was bouncing in happiness when he suddenly heard a lovely giggle. He ceased jumping and strode over to the window. A bunch of kids was playing when he got there, and when they noticed Joel, they all smiled and waved at him.

Joel waved at them and forcibly smile. His heart tightened as sadness overflowed his body. However, he was abruptly patted on the back. She reassured Joel, "Don't worry, you can still write us some letters."

Joel gave her a gentle smile. "Yes, I will." He then hugged her tightly and left the room.

He headed outside with racing thoughts. Despite his happiness over the news, he was unable to leave this area without feeling melancholy. considering the location was rich in memories that were impossible to forget.

Joel rushed past the orphanage and go toward the children's playground. The moment the kids noticed him, they sprinted over to him and began pleading him to play with them. Joel agreed to their offer because he had made the decision to devote all of his time this day to the orphanage's residents.

When the moon appeared, Joel could be seen stumbling forward as exhaustion overcame his body. Joel was completely exhausted yet had a smile on his face because of what he had accomplished today.

When he finally made it into his room, he hurriedly collapsed against the bed. He was so tired that he fell asleep instantly.

He hopped out of bed as soon as he woke up and quickly did his morning routine. After finishing, he hurriedly raced to the main office.

When he entered the office he found himself all alone. He nervously sat at the chair on the edge of the room. Every minute Joel could be observed arranging his clothes and practicing how to behave in front of his new parent.

The door slowly opened and Joel witnessed the elderly woman walking alongside a man. The woman pointed her finger at the man as she quickly introduced the two of them to each other, saying, "Joel, this is James, and James, here is Joel."

Joel initially encountered the man and was startled by his size. Even though the man was dressed in huge black majestic clothes, it was clear from the bare eyes that his figure was immense. He has short, untidy black hair and brown skin. His eyes were opaque. However, Joel was afraid of him due to his visible claw scar on his face and chopped left hand.

James smile ominously as he cautiously stretched his arm toward Joel. In a panic, Joel took a step back; he felt he may pass out at any moment.

But he saw the old woman nod at him with a gentle smile. After swallowing his saliva, he shook James' hand. Joel was surprised to see how harsh the man's hand was, almost like he was touching a stone.

After an hour of discussion. Joel finally accepted James.



Why are you leaving?

As Joel held each orphan individually, those cries reverberated throughout the institution. Despite the sadness in his voice, Daniel said with a serene countenance, "I can still visit you or write you some letters."

After that, he fled from the orphanage's gate without turning around because doing so would only make him feel worse.

He rushed on, while his eyes were raining tears against the soil. He had the sensation that his heart would soonly explode. The pain Joel experienced at this moment was the worst he had ever experienced in his whole life.

He stood in front of James' enormous carriage, while tears streamed from his red eyes. To reassure Joel, James tried to pat his back but stopped midway. Joel took notice of it as well, although he didn't think much about it.

Joel was soon approached by a stranger who seized his entire hefty bag. Joel was given the go-ahead to board the carriage by James. As soon as he stepped inside, he was astounded by the carriage's opulence. He soon sat there motionless like a robot out of fear of damaging something he couldn't afford.

James wanted to chuckle, but fortunately, he managed to keep his composure. James beckoned his staff to leave by extending his hand outside. "You don't need to act like a robot," he said.

Joel tried to maintain his composure while nervously nodding his head, but when he felt the carriage move, his body tensed up once again. James attempted to soothe him but was unsuccessful, so he decided to leave him alone for an hour.

Joel's stomach began to growl out of nowhere, causing him to press his stomach while blushing in shame. James maintained his composure, but Joel could see that his lips were quivering. But he promptly dismissed those ideas.

Joel felt a little relieved when the carriage abruptly stopped. The door then opened, allowing Joel to breathe in some fresh air. Joel came after James in the order of departure. As soon as Joel stepped his foot outside the carriage his spine shivered at the spot.

Right in front of his eyes was a massive, regal structure. A large billboard with the words "the majestic" was located at the top of a fountain that stood in the middle of the street.

A thousand nobles in various carriages and attire caught his eye as he cast a quick peek to his left. James abruptly tapped Joel on the back and told him to walk. He started to walk, but because he was so anxious, he moved like a penguin.

End of the chapter.


