
Chapter 13 new feature

Daniel drew his hand back to him and refrained from trying to touch the barrier once more. He only gave it a cursory stare from a few meters away, but he didn't learn anything, so he sat down and propped himself up against a tree.

Daniel hesitantly stood up after taking a thirty-minutes rest. His muscles stung a little bit, but it wasn't as severe as it had been earlier. Then he continued to hike steadily.


Daniel paused and turned to face the sky, where he witnessed the gorgeous sun gradually sinking toward the west. "Ahh, already nighttime, huh?" He mumbled as he scraped another sign in the tree. He had recently covered 6 miles of walking.

"Ahhh! Just 2 more miles, and I'll have thoroughly mapped the boundary, but I still need to map the inner part," He silently cursed beneath his breath.

After he scraped the tree he didn't waste more time resting since he planned to map the whole border in a single day.

A few more hours had passed, and Daniel's body was wobbling in exhaustion. A rain of sweat was dripping against the ground despite the blanket of cold fog, concealing the forest.

Despite his great exhaustion, Daniel was moving forward with a broad smile on his face. After a little while, Daniel collapsed to his knees and gasped for air. He chuckled out of nowhere. "I've finished it!" he exclaimed.

For a few seconds, His voice was reverberating briefly through the jungle, before the perceptible sound of the crickets and other insects rang again. He hardly crawled in the direction of a tree since his foot had already given out and felt numb.

When he arrived he leaned his back against the tree where he rested earlier. He remained motionless as he used his memory to piece together all the information he had and create a map inside his mind.

After he completed the map, he smile and quickly slept. As Daniel was peacefully sleeping a notification tab suddenly materialized on his front.




Daniel groaned as he gently opened his eyes to the sun's brilliant beam piercing his vision. The very first thing he saw was a new system notification above his face. He slowly sat down and rubbed his eyes before reading the notification.

[Congratulations new feature had been unlocked!]

[A 'map' feature had been unlocked due to your excellent geographic knowledge.]

[Do you want to install the 'map' feature? Y/N?]

He finished reading the notification and pressed the "yes" button with a soft smirk over his face.

The tree on his front instantly whirled after he pressed the "yes" button, causing him to instinctively clutched his head as he glanced around with a spinning vision.

[Installing the map feature...]




[Map feature had been installed.]

The vision swirl finally came to an end. Daniel was laying on the ground panting for air as the blood stopped seeping from his eye.

He questioned with his arm wrapping his eyes, "What was that system?"

[It was the process to install the feature from your eyes]

Daniel gave the system a shaky thumbs up and replied in a weak voice, "Ohh absolutely nice."

After a while, Daniel wiped off the remaining blood on his face and got to his feet. When he opened his eyes, he had an unsettling sensation as though he were performing it underwater. But despite those odd sensations, he continued.

When he fully opened his eyes, he only saw hazy surroundings; he couldn't even figure out what was a few meters away from him. So he blinked once and his vision had slightly improved but it was still blurry, so he blinked multiple times.

After a few more blinks, his vision eventually became clear. But there was something odd; his route was littered with letters and numbers.

On the right side of his eyes, there was a hovering sphere with a portrait of a forest taken above it and a tiny blue triangle facing north inside. Above his head, he noticed numerous numbers. Last but not least, there was a sixteen-pointed object in the lower left corner of his eyes that resembled a sun.

When Daniel decided to speak, an unexpected system notification interrupted him.

[The map was located in the upper right corner of your vision; by clicking it, you could view the entire route you had taken. The location you had only traveled through, would then be displayed on the map. For instance, if you haven't yet reached the interior region of the barrier, therefore the chart will only show dark clouds in that area. Lastly, the blue triangle is you.]

[An advanced compass with 360° numerals is located above your line of sight. The advanced compass, for instance, will indicate what angle degrees you are looking at wherever you are. The advanced compass will indicate that you are looking at a 100° angle for a clearer example.]

[Last but not least, you can see the conventional compass in the lower left corner of your vision. It had sixteen points and operated normally.]

After reading the instruction, Daniel's face glowed with happiness. "This is an extremely helpful feature system thank you."

[No, the feature had been unlocked due to your knowledge.]

"Ohh, but without you, I will not have this feature so thank you," he argued.

The system didn't reply so he averted his gaze at the system and glanced at the mini-map. He enthusiastically clicked the mini-map, and the mini-map instantly got larger. The region where the diversity of fruit trees could be viewed, the river where he first became conscious, and other locations were all visible to Daniel.

Out of curiosity, Daniel clicked the location where he noticed the abundant fruit, and to his surprise, something materialized in front of him.

[Do you wish to label the region and mark it? Y/N]

"Ohhh," he mumbled. He then pressed the 'yes' button and a new notification appeared.

[Please write the label you want]

Then a floating keyboard formed in front of him. He typed "The food source" and then he pressed enter button.

After pressing the enter all the system notifications quickly vanished. Daniel then glanced at the mini-map once again. But this time a transparent green colored label was above the region.

He smiled as he thoughtfully inspected the map. As the system had previously indicated, he could only see dark clouds in the inner part of the barrier. He sighed, "damn, I still had to travel a few more miles before I completely mapped the area, ahhh! I hope I discover something useful at least."

"System is this feature can be turned off since this can block my sight sometimes," Daniel questioned.

[Yes, you can disable the feature whenever you wish. Just let me know.]

"Umm, do I need to experience that pain again?" He asked. Daniel was so anxious that he could practically hear his heart hammering against his ribs. Daniel thought the feature was helpful, but if using it caused him to experience pain, he might only use it seldom.

[No, the pain you had experienced was simply the consequence of installing a feature inside your body.]

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as soon as he read the answer. To reduce his anxiety a little, he rubbed his chest. After gaining some composure, Daniel started experimenting with the feature and memorizing himself, using it.

After an hour of experimenting, Daniel had gained some familiarity with it. Even though he still felt strange walking with the floating tablet and numbers in front of him, he knew he needed to adapt to it as quickly as possible.

End of the chapter.


