

We got to my car, and Luna slid into the passenger seat, blushing furiously.

"So, where are we going?" she asked.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked. "Just tell me, and I'll take you there."

She turned her whole body toward me, her mouth slightly open as she put a finger to her lips, with a thoughtful expression.

Then her eyes lit up with excitement. "How about Havana's?"

"Havana's? Isn't that a men's suit designer?"

"Yes," she replied with a playful smile. "You should get yourself some clothes. Plus, it'll be fun!"

"Okay... let's go then."

Just two minutes later, we reached the shopping mall, which had a considerable number of higher-priced stores.

I shook my head at Havana's display. 'So many suits to try on, Lord, help me.' I thought.

It went much faster than I expected. I was measured, and they managed to find and alter a pair of black dress pants and a buttoned white lawyer-type shirt on the spot.