
World's Richest Billionaire

Leo Sukma Atmaja. Young entrepreneurs who own property companies in 34 provinces in this country. Leo also has many high-class hotels spread across several well-known countries. France, England, Italy, even in Dubai Leo has it. *** The night where Leo wanted to propose to his girlfriend. At that time Leo had an accident that left him paralyzed. Doctors diagnosed Leo couldn't walk again. Frustration got when his career was soaring. He is depressed and intends to end his life. Leo also married Fiona, the woman he had loved for a long time. However, his household is not going well, so Leo is looking for happiness out there. Leo returns to his village after success in the city. Leo met the village flower who was none other than the woman who had become his idol. Then how is Leo's life while in the village? Will he get back with Fiona, or with his former ex?

Wings_Angel · 现实
9 Chs

Apply to Fiona

Leaning on a rotating chair, staring at the computer screen that has not been turned off for 24 hours.

Every day he only moves on one point only. Money, money and money. That was all that was ingrained in his mind.

Leo Sukma Atmaja. That's the name. A young man who has just turned 25, but has become a successful young entrepreneur.

It is undeniable, his name is already well known throughout the country, even internationally known as well.

What is it that makes him famous at his age?

Leo Sukma Atmaja, who is actually an ordinary young man who was born from a village, is isolated and rarely touched by big people. Even Leo's education was only limited to junior high school. Even then his diploma was not redeemed because of economic limitations.

If you turn to the past, then Leo doesn't want to remember it anymore, but he will be lacking it as a spur for himself to rise.

Be the Leo you are today. Handsome man, with a million fortunes scattered across the land.

Leo has many well-known holding companies in the country. Like the property company, which is widespread in 34 provinces in Indonesia.

All of his property businesses sell well, and even penetrate the international market. He is not only involved in Property, but an online shopping company that is currently targeting millennials is an additional business for Leo.

Can you imagine how much income Leo gets from his property business and online shopping?

Even Leo also has an Entertainment company located in central Jakarta.

This company houses many famous artists, newcomers and old. Not only that, this business also penetrates abroad.

Leo never wastes an opportunity not to grow. He as a businessman is always thirsty for the business world. Therefore he spread his wings to Korea and China.

Both countries are indeed famous for the world of Entertainment which is booming, and can be said to have penetrated the world market.

Indeed, if discussed one by one, it will never end.

Leo was leaning back in his chair. He sat playing. Turning his chair, and playing with the pen in his right hand.

Leo was also faced with the laptop screen that never died. Almost 24 hours he just sat there.

Eat and drink him in that chair. Even to sleep Leo never moved from his chair.

Sleep time is only about an hour or two. That also includes a shower.

That is, he only has about two hours to rest, like taking a shower and closing his eyes.

After that he would sit there again and work hard again, tirelessly. I don't know, when was the last time he went or came out of his office for a walk? Even Leo himself forgot how to greet people.

Until his sister entered the room.

There was a knock on the door before Virgo entered Leo's room.

"Older brother!"

Virgo Sukma Atmaja, he is the younger brother of Leo. Virgo is the only person that Leo really trusts.

The young man, who was only 3 years older than Leo, walked in with several envelopes that probably contained important files.

"Oh, it's you. Where's the file I asked you to work on?"

The first thing Leo asks is the important file in Virgo's hands. Of course that's what Leo was really waiting for.

"Here! All the files you want! I've done everything as you want!"

Handed it right on Leo's desk. Pressed hard, until there was a loud sound, but Leo didn't flinch in the slightest.

Then, along with a pretty rough look on her face, she showed it in front of Leo. Again, and again Leo's mediocre attitude was shown to his sister.

"What's the matter with you? Does this job I give you annoy me? Don't make a face like that in front of me. Because you look so ugly"

Leo reached for some of the files. Without him seeing his little brother, Leo could sense that there was a bit of annoyance from Virgo at the moment.

"I don't know! I'm annoyed with big brother!"

Virgo who was already sitting on the opposite chair, it was obvious he was bending his face. Turned him and puffed his lips.

Showed as if he was sulking with his brother. But, without Virgo doing it, Leo already understands that.

"What's bothering you? Is the private island in Dubai still lacking? Is the private island not enough for your birthday present this year? If it's still lacking, you just say it. , or your car just say it. Is saying it so hard for you?

Private island in Dubai, gold, money diamonds, cars, everything Leo says easily. Without glancing at Virgo and instead focusing on the existing files.

Virgo gasped. I don't know what to say now? He was at a loss for words about his brother's wealth.

"How long are you going to sit in this room? Aren't you tired of all this? Don't you want to go out for a walk? At least look at what's outside, and don't always focus on just staring at the laptop screen."

Leo took his eyes off her, then placed the file in his hand on the table.

Looking at his sister who was sulking for no reason.

"Tell me what you want big brother to do?"

Closed his laptop screen, then had a manly one-on-one conversation between two grown men.

"Enough brother. It's time for you to rest and enjoy all your hard work. You have many directors and managers in this company who can be trusted to manage all of your business."

Virgo grumbles about what she's been telling Leo for a long time. However, he always gets the same response from his brother.

"Then? What's the problem if you stay in this office? You are comfortable sleeping and eating here. You also know that this company has a lot of smart people who can be trusted to manage the business, but unfortunately I don't trust them," said Leo. .

His style is already very high. He circled around in the chair that had accompanied him there for years.

"I feel free to be in this office all day long. Besides, I often go out and see the world. I've been to France, England, Korea, China, and I've even been to Arabia. So, what's the problem? everything," Leo continued, in his words.

"Even I myself went to those countries not on the plane that people usually take. I flew on a private plane that I bought myself."

Spinning while spreading both hands. Breathing the air of wealth that he deserves.

"Traveling countries with my money, and not asking for other people's money. And one more thing, I have many hotels throughout the Country that I can make myself a vacation there. So what's the problem for you, my dear sister?"

Teasing his sister who still bends his face. Even though they have been teased, Virgo is still firm in their stance.

"Stop pinching my cheeks and teasing me. I'm so disappointed in you. I don't care about those stories. I only care if you remember Fiona's birthday today. That's all I want."

Virgo awakens Leo to something very important. His eyes widened, there was something special Leo had forgotten.

He himself let go of his hand on Virgo's round cheeks. Leo leaned back against the back of his chair.

Thinking of him as if there was something very troubling in his mind right now.

"Haven't you met Fiona yet?" asked Virgo, interrogating Leo.

Leo shook his head, "Not yet. I haven't seen him since last night."

Obviously Leo forgot that today was his girlfriend's birthday. Her name is Fiona. She is the only woman who can melt Leo's heart.

The proof is now. Just by mentioning Fiona's name, Leo was already like someone who had lost his pride.

"Then, have you contacted him today?" Again Virgo asked Leo.

"Not yet. I haven't been able to contact him since this morning."

Again Leo answered the same thing. He forgot about Fiona, who had been his lover for a long time.

Leo is still daydreaming and hasn't done anything for now. It is also seen that he is still waiting for Virgo's next words.

"Now. If I were you, then I would get up from that chair and immediately go see Fiona. Because I won't leave a girl like her. So, what are you waiting for, big brother. Come on!"

"It's true what you say."

Leo had the same thoughts as his younger brother now. What are you waiting for. It was time for Fiona to get what she deserved.

"You are right." Leo repeated the word again.

"Yes. I will, now."

At the same time, Leo got up. The chair he had occupied for a long time he had to leave first for Fiona's sake.

"Thank you."

He patted his sister's shoulder as a sign of love and thanks for reminding her of Fiona.

Leo hurried away and left the room that was like his second home.

"Older brother!"

Virgo turned to call Leo. Suddenly her brother turned around and replied, "Yes. What?"

"Don't forget. You have to propose to her. Now is the right time for you to make Fiona your own."

Good opinion. Leo didn't have to think about it. He knew what he had to do to make Fiona happy.

"Sure. Thank you."

After that. Leo left immediately. His pace was so fast, with a smile on his face.

It's not what it used to be, but that's Leo. In his daily life that is in his mind is only work.

Work, work, work! That's the only motivation. However, there are times when it comes to Fiona's problems, then Leo will turn into an ordinary young man who has nothing.

Because Fiona is the woman behind Leo's current success.


Luxury apartment. More called the residence of high-level elite businessmen. This residence is only inhabited by people with thick wallets.

There are 50 floors. With each floor has its own level according to the wealth that the occupants have.

Don't ask who this international class luxury apartment belongs to. Of course the young man who had just arrived at the parking lot.

Yes. Leo had just parked his car in the underground parking lot. He rushed out of the car with a bouquet of flowers containing various types of flowers.

Then, Leo also reached for a small box that was slightly golden in color. More precisely it was a ring box if it was depicted now.

Leo walked briskly toward the lobby. He was immaculate in a black suit, bow tie and his trademark shoes. Don't forget the hair battle that is always attached to Leo.

This young man entered the apartment area. All the employees, staff, and the many guards all bowed their heads respectfully at Leo who walked past them.

There was no greeting from him, but a small smile he gave his staff.

It was too long to walk, so Leo decided to run towards the elevator in front of him.

He is the owner of the apartment, so the lift is different. Located on the VIP side of the lift specifically for residents who live around floors 40 to 50.

Leo got into the elevator that was already open. There's no one there. He immediately closed it and went towards Fiona's place.

Right. Fiona lives on the 50th floor, to be more precise at Griya Tawang. There is only one supreme residence there. Luxurious housing that no one can have.

Leo gave it to Fiona as a home, for them to live in later. Griya Tawang became a birthday gift from their relationship that Leo had knitted with Fiona for 5 years.

During that time, Fiona was always patiently waiting for Leo and always supported all the efforts Leo wanted to achieve.

Of course now this long wait will soon pay off. Leo looked at the still closed box. In his imagination he imagined how happy he would be when he and Fiona would live together.

The elevator still showed the 30th floor, but Leo couldn't wait to get to Fiona's residence. Their future home.

A few minutes later. Finally Leo got to where he wanted to be. He had stepped out of the elevator and had arrived at the entrance of their future home.

Before entering, Leo first tidied his coat, then the flowers he brought were also hidden behind him. I wanted to surprise Fiona later.

Enter the home security code. The door opened and Leo went inside. With a big smile Leo called out.

"Honey, are you in there?"

One call, no one answered. There was a sense of wonder why this place was so quiet. But Leo wouldn't be suspicious so quickly.

Go deeper, "Honey. Are you in?" Again Leo called Fiona. However, again and again no one answered.

Leo walked through the living room. It looks lonely in this house. There was not even a single person in sight of the maids who usually paced back and forth.

"Is he in his room?" Leo decided to check Fiona's room. The room the two of them will share.

The room is on the second floor. Leo climbed the stairs as he kept calling Fiona's name.

However, again and again there was no welcome from Fiona herself. Until finally he was in front of the door of his lover's room.

The door was open, it seemed strange enough, but Leo was positive. Maybe Fiona forgot to close it.

He was standing there. At first a smile appeared on Leo's face, now suddenly a cloud came over his heart.

Darkness blasphemed on his face. What is he seeing now. The flower that was originally prepared to surprise Fiona suddenly fell. out of hand.

The ring box also fell. Open and exit the contents in the box.

A 500 gram gold plated ring, decorated with 100 carat diamonds on it. Then, Fiona's name is also engraved on the ring.

Too bad the ring fell to the floor. Hit the sharp marble floor and produce a distinctive sound.

Later after. Leo stepped on one of them and without Leo realizing he had stepped on the ring which was of fantastic value.


He is screaming. I don't know what he saw now?

What happened next?

Then what happened to the expensive ring?

Does Leo not love the ring whose price the poor man can't afford?
