
Chapter 332: A beer and A Smoke

Two knocks resounded out loud.

Under the many auroras of the night sky in the floating islands, on the opposite end of the ALEN faction's Island, I had reached the house of Albert.

Unlike me, this guy had sent his aide to the next house over and modded his own from the inside to include both floors. It wasn't something I had enough time to bother dealing with a demon cat and all.

After a few seconds, the door opened. Standing on the other side in an open white shirt and messy hair was Albert.


"I think you looked better in the old world."

"That means a lot coming from you, truly."

I raised my hand and showed him the crate of beer I had brought along. It wasn't a hard find in this world, but was something that didn't suit the tastes of nobility. For hunters like us, though, a cold beer after a long day was the staple.