
Working with the System

Yin Li is just a young lady who works as a teacher in Beijing. But then she was taken to another world and was employed by the system. With a brain smart as AI, She has to work with the Hosts and make sure that they are on the right track! [Please do not worry or fear death too much. The system will never let you die] A bright but solemn voice of a young man sounded in her head. “How can I not be afraid of death?” Yin Li argued without strength. [You are an employee working under the commission of the system. The system still requires you to work for. So, the system has no way to let you die.] The system clarified seriously.

WaterlilyTSL · 奇幻言情
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Employed by the system

"Boss, is there a fast horse delivery service here?"

A middle-aged male customer dressed in rough clothes stepped into the store. His voice awakened the movement of the old woman who huddled behind the wooden table. She looked up before saying, "Oh, um, yes."

The middle-aged man was stunned. He could see that this shop was quite old. But it was the only shop labeled with a delivery service in this village. But he didn't think the shopkeeper would look even more ancient than the shop.

The old woman at the roughly made wooden table has a small figure. Her hair was as white as snow. She looked weak and seemed to be sick. The middle-aged man could even feel that the old woman in front of him was ready to die at any moment.

In fact, the old woman had already died from this world before he entered. As for the person who currently possessed the old woman's body was another spirit, Yin Li still couldn't come to terms with this fact.

When reading a cross-dimensional novel, the protagonists can have many different destinies. She knows this well. Some go into the body of a prominent person. Some go into the body of a person who is a loser. Some go into the body of a beautiful person. Some go into the body of an ugly person who later turns into a handsome or beautiful person. But why did she come into the body of an already dead old woman?

Not long ago, she was a young, passionate teacher who had recently become a professor of Chinese language major at the prestigious Beijing University. She had just planned to buy a beautiful black Qipao to wear when teaching in Traditional Chinese Class and just exchanged WeChat with a nice-looking nerdy teacher from the Faculty of Mathematics...

Spring hasn't arrived yet; the peach blossom hasn't bloomed yet. But her spirit was sent to emerge in the form of an old woman who was widowed and abandoned by her relatives in a rural village in another world!


The only thing that could still satisfy Yin Li was that she didn't come here to fulfill the old woman's dying wish. But comes with a 'system' which said she must work for him.

"Uh, I…" The middle-aged man hesitated. Finally, he coughed, turned around, and walked away. He did not dare to use this dilapidated shop with an even more dilapidated owner.

This old woman seemed unable to lift anything. How can she deliver the goods? And this small shop doesn't have any horses or workers here. It's not reliable, no, it seems like it's not in service anymore.

Yin Li sighed. She knew that if going back ten years earlier, this shop back then has very good business even in a rural village. Grandmother Yin, the original owner, was a strong woman with vision. She started this business at a young age after her husband died and left her a sum of money and ten horses. The village is often visited by tourists and is in the middle position of three large districts. Her delivery service has become very interesting for people and has a lot of customers. Some are village people that want to send items to their children who go to work in the city. Some are travelers who carry a lot of luggage or have items they want to send home.

But when she grew old and had no direct descendants' relatives. The husband's side also brought their children in and tried to take over this business. Grandmother Yin has tried her best. But in the end, only the storefront and the other house could be preserved. The money, the employees, and the horses were all taken away because she had no strength to resist.

The villagers in the same neighborhood are willing to help but they are powerless. Because the Shen family's husband-to-be relatives were too powerful for the normal villagers to resist, they had connections with local nobles. She heard that a young girl from the family became the sheriff's mistress...

Yin Li, who had heard Grandmother Yin's memories, felt disdain for those Shen family people. Relatives who like to suck blood, take advantage and act like their daughter-in-law are just outsiders should be...

"Hu, calm down, don't get angry, when you get angry, you can die of a heart attack at any moment." Yin Li tried to control her temper as this inactive body seemed to shrivel up at any moment. Just start to get angry, she then starts to feel dizzy, her chest feels tight, difficult to breathe.

[Please do not worry or fear death too much. The system will never let you die]

A bright but solemn voice of a young man sounded in her head.

"How can I not be afraid of death?" Yin Li argued without strength.

[You are an employee working under the commission of the system The system still requires you to work. So, the system has no way to let you die.] The system clarified seriously. [As an employee of the system. You will have different privileges from the hosts. Because you won't have missions to complete to earn rewards. But you will have to work to exchange gold coins. This gold coin can be used to purchase various items in the system mall]

Yin Li moved slowly. trying to walk to close the door

[Ms. Yin Li, please be humble and listen to the system to the end!] The system said when it sees that the overflowing energy girl in the old woman's body is starting to act mischievously and refuses to sit still. [...Yin Li! Okay, I've given up on you. If you take three more steps, you will suffocate! The system has already transferred 2000 welfare gold coins to you in advance. Please go to the system mall to spend and buy things that will help you recover your body!]

Hearing that, Yin Li stopped her footsteps. She lowered herself onto the ground while her whole-body trembling, "Um, open the system mall."


A screen that looked like a Taobao web but was more beautiful and comfortable appeared in front of her. Yin Li can use it by tapping and dragging like a touch screen or just using her mind to control it. She glanced at the recommended products on the main page then seeing the 'Ordinary Horses', 'Whirlwind Horses', 'Mutated Demon Horses', 'God-Level Horses (random species)' and 'Goods Storage Chests', 'Safe lock Code Chests', 'Metal Wagons' ' Sky carriage (use with God-Level beasts only)'

Yin Li felt very interesting, but this is not the time for window shopping. She poked the 'drug' category tab on the side. The products on the screen change to ...various potions.

"Why can it be a potion? It must be a bolus! This is an ancient Chinese world!" Yin Li couldn't resist asking the system.

[In the world you are in right now, there is the bolus. But it doesn't mean that the system has to offer such a backward evolutionary product. The potion is liquid. The liquid can act quickly because the body will absorb the drug immediately. The system is very kind to give it as a drink. Otherwise, you will need a syringe.]

Yin li has a fear of needles. She hurriedly raised her trembling arm and raised her thumb to admire the system.

[Please buy pill '22' in the item mall.]

Yin li clicked to see the details of the drug that the other party said. As soon as she presses the button to open the drug detail page. Suddenly there was a soundtrack of music.

I don't know about you, but I feel 22…

"System, are you a Taylor Swift fan?" Yin Li asked curiously.

[No] The system replied without hesitation. [There are many people responsible for designing items. Probably one of them is the fan of Taylor Swift from your world]

"Oh." Yin Li looked at the short details written very on the point 'Drink it and you will be 22 years old forever.'

Price 2,000 gold coins

Yin Li pressed to buy, suddenly a golden potion bottle appeared in front of her. She didn't think too much and immediately picked it up and drank it.

A golden glow showered the entire body of the old woman. In just 5 seconds, the wrinkled and gaunt body had transformed into a firm and lively body of a young woman. Yin Li didn't feel like she was suffocating anymore. She stood up with excitement. She looked at her own beautiful firm two hands with a broad smile.

This body is a bit small. At first, she thought that because of her old age, so her body shrank. But it seems that Grandmother Yin is really small. Her height is about 162-163 centimeters, small hands, small feet, very thin waist. It's good that the breasts aren't that small either. Otherwise, Yin Li had to ask the system if there were any breast enhancement potions for sale.

Unfortunately, there is no mirror in the shop. Otherwise, she would have seen how the face looked like now.

But the strange thing is that her hair is still white. Or does she have to buy a hair dye color?

[The original body owner's hair has turned white since the day that her husband died. In other words, it was since she was 20 years old, and you are now 22 years old, that why your hair is not turning to black], the system explains.

"Oh, how much do you have to love your husband to be so sad that your hair is white?" Yin Li felt a certain connection with Grandmother Yin. Either way, she is inheriting memories from the other party. But the outline of the face of the deceased husband Shen was very fuzzy. She only knew that he was a handsome and kind young merchant who died at such a young age.

[You can now walk to close the shop door. We will discuss the details of the work together] said the system.

Yin Li is a very casual person. She doesn't think too much and doesn't feel dissatisfied when being ordered by the system. She is not like the protagonists of novels who are often arrogant. She is someone who likes to learn new things. She adapts well to the environment and is friendly to everyone. She walked over to shut the door of the old shabby shop before returning to the table. old oil lamp that rust has been extinguished a long time ago can't shine the light. When the door was closed, the interior of the shop was completely dark. Fortunately, the system's item mall screen shone brightly so she could see the way.

[In Lie, you are employee number 0001 that the Artificial Intelligence Association employed] The system started informing her about the details. [We have used a cross-universe screening system to select the right humans for this job, and you are the first to meet all the conditions. Your role is to coordinate with the system to assist the host who has the system installed.]

"Partner with the system to help the host. Does this mean that there are hosts or people chosen by the system in this world? Are there many people at the same time?"

[Not for this world right now] The system replied before sighing. This made Yin Li feel that the system that was talking to her now had a very high human-like appearance. She doesn't quite understand why artificial intelligence systems want to employ humans. but she waited for the other person to explain further.

[You can probably guess that artificial intelligence is like a program from a high civilization, a dark technology that is like innovation from the future world. However, after sending the system to be installed with the selected host. We often encounter problems where hosts are dissatisfied with the functionality of the system. Some of them did not believe the advice of the system. Some people try to cheat and take advantage of the system. Some people rely on the system for oppression and bullying. In such a case, the system cannot hinder or deter the host at all. The president of the association came up with the idea to allow humans to coordinate with the system to take care of the host.]

[Of course, we're not going to let you fight the hosts or punish hosts like that. We have made some modifications to the service for hosts. We will send you to act on our behalf, such as when the host receives a mission award. They will not be able to directly claim the reward. But you must be the one to deliver the rewards to their hand. When the host purchases items in the item mall. You will go to deliver the goods to their hands as well. This is a policy that reduces the host's ego. Let them not think that things in the system can be easily obtained.]

Yin Li thought for a while before asking. "What if that host is in a dangerous situation and needs to buy items from the system mall right away to save their lives?"

[If there is such a case, The system will warp you to that host immediately to save the host's life], the system responds.

"Oh, I have to save the host as well?"

[Those hosts will realize that they are not invincible even when they have the system!] The system's voice was so full of emotion that made Yin Li laugh. It's like the system is aware that it's showing too much inner. The other party coughed before continuing, [But as an employee of the system. The rights that we withdraw from the host, you will still be able to use them all. Items that you purchase from the system's item mall will be available immediately. And the system will protect you all the time. So please rest assured.]

[Now in terms of salary and bonuses. First of all, the system has many benefits for you. The system will customize your storefront to your liking at no cost. If the host is sick and buys medicine in the item mall, you can request to withdraw the paid amount back from the system at the end of the month. Your salary will be 20,000 gold coins per month. There is compensation for sending items to the host-based on distance. There is a commission when selling all items in the open shop. Plus, you'll get a commission if the host buys something directly from you without going through the system store.]

Yin Li listened and nodded as well. "This is a very good condition. But it's a little tricky that gold coins can't be used outside the system."

[You don't have to worry about money, Yin Li. It is like any novel that you've read. When the system is with you, you will never run out of money] the system says confidently. [I haven't introduced myself to you yet. My name is Danver. I am the artificial intelligence that is here to take care of you. Besides me, there will be artificial intelligence from other systems coming to contact you in the future to tell you about the host they take care of. But in principle, if nothing exceeds expectations. I will always be here to serve you.]

So, the system, no, the AI ​​that takes care of her is called Danver.

"It's nice to work together, Danver," Yin Li said to the transparent screen in front of her, because she does not know which direction, she should turn to communicate with Danver.

[It's nice to work with you too. Alright, the first thing we need to do is to renovate this store.] Danver opened another window in front of Yin Li. [These are store styles that you can choose as you like. when you chose there will be a construction team that is created by the system came in to renovate the shop to prevent the neighbors from panicking.]

"Eh, wait a minute, if all the villagers around here know me. They would be shocked that this body becomes young." Yin Li pointed at herself that she still didn't know how she look like. But in memory, the original body owner seemed to be a very beautiful woman.

[You can use the excuse that you have accomplished the Saint-tier Technique, thus regaining youth. But it's better to cover it up temporarily until the business settles down. In the system item shop, there is a cloak that conceals the appearance and power of the wearer. I'll give it to you in the gift package to start working.]

Danver's voice just end. In midair, a red message appeared.

'Congratulations You have received a gift package for start working with the system. Please check your inventory.'

"Open the storage compartment"

A window with many squares likes in-game item storage pops up. Yin Li touched the picture of a gift box with her finger. Then a voice resembles as Danver asked. [Do you want to open a gift box?]



Gift boxes jumped out of the screen before disappearing in the item inventory, 5 items appeared.

'Congratulations You have obtained a Clan Master robe x1'

'Congratulations You have obtained a skill card. [Pear Blossom Rain Palm Technique (Grandmaster-Tier)] x1'

'Congratulations You have obtained a skill card. [Riding and traveling a thousand miles] x1'

'Congratulations You have obtained a normal horse with saddle x2'.

'Congratulations You have obtained a small chest x5'.

Yin Li read the names of all 5 items and couldn't help but smile. The Clan Master robe is the robe that Danver gives her. A skilled card is a type of item that, when used, can instantly make you know how to use that skill. There is a palm technique [Pear Blossom Rain Palm Technique] that is suitable for women. By using this card, she would obtain a Grandmaster rank. When she waves her palm, flowers will fall from the sky. both very cool and beautiful.

Horses and chests are essential items in the delivery business. The rest of the skill card were used to learn horsemanship at an expert level. All of these are prerequisites.

"Thank you," Yin Li said heartily to Danver.

[…] Danver was silent for a moment before replying, [You are the first human being to sincerely thank the system from the first day. I'm very impressed Even if I believe that the search system will never choose the wrong person]

Yin Li smiled. She turned to look at the various styles of shops to choose from. Ideally, she should have chosen a style that was appropriate for the village, but when she looked at it, she felt that the modern style would have been more appealing to her. Loft style is also interesting...

very hard to choose

After hesitating for a long time, Yin Li gave up. She chooses a shop built from wood that has an antique touch that matches the world's era. The shape of the shop is designed in a magical octagonal shape. The furniture provided by the system includes tables, cabinets, shelves, and chairs for customers waiting in line. and facilities such as a kettle that never runs out of hot water, free snacks, paper, brushes, ink, and even a fountain pen. She guesses it's to facilitate her who is not good at using the brush.

There are also free plant pots placed in different corners. Make the shop greener, a lamp that can be controlled by mental commands. Pictures of brushstrokes that don't know who's work, but look beautiful, etc.

Yin Li press to confirm the selection. Soon there was the sound of a car wheel crushing wood and a dirt road. followed by a knock on the door

"Boss, we have come to renovate the shop according to your orders," a man's voice called from outside.

Yin Li was impressed with this speed. She went to open the door for them to come in. The man smiled. He was dressed like a rather classy, ​​ancient construction worker, with a tanned complexion and a handsome face. big, tall body but there was an aura of a self-assured young engineer too. He blinked his eyes and said, "Please, move away first. Otherwise, an accident may occur during construction. It didn't take long for us to finish it."

Yin Li looked at the person in front of her in surprise. "How many days is this 'not long'?"

"3 days" replied the other party.

[He is the association's most expert in construction artificial intelligence. You can trust him and go home to rest.] Danver interjected in her head.

"Oh, okay," In Lee replied, and the AI in human-like body raised his hand to make 'OK' posture that people in this era would never understand to her. She couldn't help but laugh. Yin Li took out the Sect Master's robe from the inventory. Wear it over her body, pull the hood up over her head and walk out of the store.


Yin Li (殷梨)

This is my first time writing my own novel in English. So, Please support me, add to the library and leave a comment. Thank You!

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