

Lein must accept the fact as one of the humans with the most ridiculous deaths in the world! He is a professional game jockey. However, a crazy request from a rich customer made him push himself too hard. As a result, extreme exhaustion took his life. However, after he opened his eyes after his death; System, Potions, Kingdoms, Caves of Life, Koi fish! Game Malivic World is back to welcome him. "This world is none other than the Malivic World! The game that took my life!" Follow Lein's journey in a real game world.

BangSamaaaa · 奇幻
29 Chs


Everyone was shocked at Lein's surprise attack. Among the spectators, there were several teachers who were deliberately observing from a distance to see the performance. At first they thought that Lein would be humiliated. With his arrogance, Sanfort should have taught him a valuable lesson about the importance of humility. However, what happened was beyond predictions. Lein's fighting ability was truly formidable, so much so that some swordsman who saw him even wanted to take Lein by their side.

After the attack occurred, Sanfort immediately returned towards Lein in a long leap. "The Blood Blade of Desolation." Sanfort roared angrily and gave a spinning attack that simultaneously produced 4 blood-red streaks of light.

The 4 blood-red streaks of light immediately formed an attack that completely covered Lein's gap to dodge. It was like having self-awareness and only targeting Lein.

"Butterfly Dance Blade." Dots that had thread lines connected to each other instantly formed in Lein's vision. It helped him find the point of extreme evasion, but at the same time provided him with the next point of attack.

One of the blood-red streaks of light clashed with a sparkling white dagger. Hence, it split and scattered in random directions nearly hitting the spectators. Lein survived unharmed, but the sparkling white dagger suffered an extreme crack. It was as if it could shatter at any moment with the slightest impact.

Another 3 blood-red streaks of light passed through Lein's body without any impact. Lein dodged them perfectly which immediately formed an opening to attack Sanfort who was in front of him.

However, Sanfort certainly didn't stop and only depended on the 4 blood-red streaks of light. It was just a surprise attack to give his follow-up attack a greater chance of success.

When Lein was ready to deliver another attack, Sanfort was also ready to deliver his follow-up attack.


The two weapons clashed again. However, knowing that the sparkling white dagger suffered an extreme crack that looked like it might shatter at any moment, Lein made use of the hilt of the dagger to block Sanfort's attack.

It was fortunate that Lein had the small size of his hands, so much of the hilt was empty, that he did not receive any injuries from the clash.

At that moment, Lein used his short legs and utilized the white sword Sanfort to launch into the air. Half a second later, Lein kicked Sanfort in the face which made him take a few steps back. Sanfort made use of his white sword that he had deliberately stabbed into the ground earlier to reduce the boosting effect of Lein's kick.

"This brat is strong! So strong!" A smile appeared on Sanfort's face. Imagining he met a worthy rival who didn't even receive a gold token, Sanfort felt happy. A dark horse actually appeared among the ants!

Sanfort then threw the silver token at Lein while saying, "The battle is over here, and you are entitled to receive the silver token." There was a smile on Sanfort's face when he said that.

"In the future, I'm waiting for your new sword. I hate it when a fight has to be stopped just because of a weapon malfunction." Sanfort then put his sword back on his back and walked towards the lined up of prospective students who had not finished the first test.

"Next," continued Sanfort.

All the prospective students in the lined up were still in shock. The battle just now was on a different level. It was no longer about a battle between students and teachers, but rather a battle between rivals who had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Their eyes couldn't even keep up with the speed of the two.

"NEXT!" Noticing that the prospective students in line were ignoring him, Sanfort shouted which immediately brought them to their senses.

"Ah, well, Sir!" A 15 year old girl staggered towards the Magic Detection Orb.

On a side not far from them, Lein was observing the silver token with a happy smile. It glistened with the Asmovius Kingdom's crest in the center. Before Lein took long strides to leave the place, he turned towards Sanfort with a confused expression before completely leaving the place. "He is very strong! His strength is close to that of a 1st class Great Swordsman."

At the same time, beyond the crowd, Ron and George watched Lein leave with wide eyes, then glanced at each other, before finally turning their gazes back to Lein.

"George! Have you ever thought about making Andes your personal chef in the future?" Ron asked while his gaze was still on Lein.

"Yes, I have thought so," said George.

"From now on, throw those thoughts away."

"I've been at it ever since, Ron."

"Very nice!"

On the side not far from the two of them, Lezzhy also displayed a similar expression. "Andes has already greatly surpassed me. He is very strong, even being able to defend against one of the 12 Best Warriors Asmovius Kingdom's and gain his acknowledgment. In the future, I must be on good terms with Andes."




After another 30 minutes, the first test was over. Among the 350 prospective students, only 132 of them passed and were eligible to take the second test, and only Lein obtained the silver token which automatically made him an official student at Asmovius Magic and Sword Academy. Luckily, Arman and Despa got a part in between which made Lezzhy happy.

Currently, all the prospective students in possession of the bronze tokens were gathered in the academy grounds. Each of them had serious and tense expressions. How come? The next test is to determine their future. Either returning to their family, or taking a new path and facing the real world.

"The second test will start in 20 minutes," said Sanfort as he looked at them with an indifferent expression, before continuing, "You can see the two giant towers beside you? That towers is where the second test will take place. Arrange the lined up according to the class you want to join. The tower on the left is for sword users, while the tower on the right is for magic users."

Simultaneously, everyone moved and quickly positioned themselves. The number of prospective students in the left tower is 92 people, while the right tower is 140 people.

They all stared at each of the towers with amazed expressions. It was a place where they would bring out all of their abilities. Some of them even almost wet their pants. Standing in front of the giant towers, they were as if facing a God who was contemplating deciding their fate. However, who would have guessed that it was only a place where written exams were conducted?