
Wonderland Harem

Wonderland, a world where anything is possible. A world that looks exactly like Earth...What happens when the Goddess of Wonderland wants to change things up and entice a man to complete her challenges and tricks? The Tactical Genius, Leo Reigns, is smarter than most humans on Earth and everyone knows about his records. From his business deals to being one of the most renown criminal at one point, he's indeed smart enough to get away and win any game he wants. Due to his current business rivalry, he's killed in order for his rival to succeed... The Goddess of Wonderland transports him into her world because she knows of his IQ...Leo is now trapped in Wonderland and the only way he can survive is by playing this Goddess's game...

WonderSuru · 奇幻
20 Chs

Karma is Good

[Due to the completion of the Challenge, you have been rewarded.]

[Reward: 7 of Hearts]

[Life Force: 12,000]

I sat in a bar in the next city named Whimsical City. I already had a few drinks and just indulged in the activity called wasting my precious life away. I sighed and looked at my phone and noticed Alice had texted me.

{Alice: Whimsical City is a pretty calm city. It's also rather neutral and safe from the Goddess of Wonderland and her challenges. We decided to stay here and regroup and recollect. We already got the hotel rooms.}

I set my phone down and lowered my head. I closed my eyes and thought about everything that's happened so far in the last three days. It's only been three days and already I'm dealing with bullshit.

"You seem stressed." The bartender said as she mixed another drink for me.

"Oh really..? I didn't notice, Captain Obvious. Well done for pointing out the facts." I said sarcastically.

"I'm just trying to make conversation..~ It's not everyday a handsome man like you shows up and wastes his life away in Wonderland..~" The bartender said and smiled at me.

I looked up at her and noticed her rabbit ears flop. I watched as she set down a few Face Cards then slid it toward me.

"Listen...I understand everyone needs a break and that's why everyone comes to Whimsical City. I noticed you were with Alice and the others. I also know you're the Joker of our Region. These special cards will help you hide your true Rank from the others." She said.

"Who are you and why are you helping me..?" I asked.

"You can call me Usagi. I move around city to city and I'm widely known as The Red Rabbit...And I just like to help people who seem worth the time..~ You're a smart man, Mr. Reign...to make it here in only three days. You intrigue me..." Usagi said and smiled at me.

"What do you want from me if I take these cards?" I asked.

"What do I want..? Well there's a couple things I'd like to ask for but those things are impossible for me to obtain.." Usagi said in a sultry voice then smirked. "All I can really ask is for you to not die...I'd love to see you again.."

I watched as Usagi walked off. I cleared my throat and realized I was just induced with lust because now I couldn't get rid of my slight boner. I placed money on the counter then grabbed the cards then left the bar.

I made my way to the hotel and took the elevator to my room that I was once again sharing with Alice. I noticed she was laying on the bed with her phone in hand, scrolling through her different medias.

Alice looked at me and sat up on the bed. "Leo, back from the bar I see..."

"Yeah." I said and sighed softly then walked to the window and sat down in the seat then looked out the window.

Alice noticed something was wrong with me and looked at me. She cleared her throat and looked down. "I uhm...I just wanna say a few things..."

I stayed silent, just listening to Alice.

"Firstly I want to say thank you for saving me again...I really let my own issues get you in danger again.." Alice said and looked at the bed.


"Uhm...Also I know you're the Joker..." Alice said.

I kept staring out the window. "I didn't believe it at first, but now I know it's true..."

"What..?" Alice asked and looked at me.

"The inducement...the Lust Inducement..." I said.

Alice was surprised and checked my Condition.

[Condition: Licentious]

Alice looked at me and cleared her throat. "I-I see..."

There was silence. Not even the voices spoke. Alice just laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling while I sat in the chair, staring out at the scenery. The silence was a bit awkward, but not as much as either of us initially thought it would be.

"How do I get rid of it..?" I asked.

Alice looked at me then looked at the ceiling. "To get rid of any form for Inducement, you have to commit that certain sin which will in turn build Karma. Karma is actual very good in this world. Karma can not go away, but it builds up immunity based on the type of Karma. The more lust you commit while induced, the more Karma you generate thus the more resistant you become."

"So to get rid of lust I have to partake in lust. Must be the same for the other Sins huh..?" I asked.

"Yeah.." Alice answered.

Alice looked over at me again then sat up. "Uhm if you want...I can help you.."

"No need. I can just fix myself. There's no point in indulging in—"

"You'd rather be stubborn and become unsatisfied? If you remain unsatisfied, you won't obtain Karma and you'll end up like the Red Royals of Wonderland. Look I am not connected to the fairytales. Not in the way you probably think I am. I'm different...I have no happy ending even after I win...I am broken like you are...very...broken.." Alice said.

"It's not that. I know that you and all the others aren't anything like the fairytales. You all are more beautiful and more broken than your fairytale counterparts. It's just that I don't feel right exhibiting my desires upon broken people even if you're all easy to manipulate." I said.

"I may be a bad person...but I am not a monster." I added.

"You aren't a bad person...not in my eyes anyway.." Alice said and looked away.

I looked at Alice through the reflection of the window then stood up and sighed. I walked toward the bed then sat down on the bed. I looked at Alice. "You don't think I am a bad person..? I was more than willing to let The Phantom kill you..."

"But you didn't.." Alice said.

"I was willing to leave you and Snow White to die." I said.

"But you didn't." Alice said.

I watched as Alice grew closer. "I was willing to kill you in the forest.."

"But you didn't.." Alice said.

I stared at Alice then grunted and stood up. I walked to the window and placed my hand on the window and closed my eyes. I lowered my head then exhaled softly.

"I can't bring myself to do it. Once I start, I can't stop.." I said.

"You're the same man who told me about emotion regulation...I want to learn that and I can only learn it through you. The more you try to fix this alone...the more vulnerable you become. We need each other, Leo...and we might be close or even become closer after this, but just know I...I respect you for what you are now.." Alice said.

I opened my eyes and sighed softly. "You don't care that I am the Joker..? The natural enemy to the Aces..?"

"You saved my life...more than once...Jokers aren't necessarily evil like many believe. I don't think you are necessarily evil either..." Alice said and got off the bed then walked toward me.

I turned to look at Alice. She gently grabbed my tie then slowly pulled me toward her. We gently pressed our foreheads together.

"We're both genuinely fucked...our morals are screwed...but that's the beauty of it all. We're all mad in this world. You shouldn't...feel the need to pretend here..." Alice said softly.

"I guess your logic pans out..." I said and gazed in Alice's eyes.

We neared closer and paused when our lips are just barely touching. We were breathing in each other's air for a bit. Alice grew dizzy because of the arousal she felt.

"Leo...I.." Alice said softly, almost sounding submissive.

I held Alice's waist then gently kissed her lips. She splayed her hands across my chest then slowly gripped my shirt and walked backwards. I made her fall on the bed then pulled away from the kiss. The tension was higher than ever and the heat of arousal caused temperatures to rise.

I could help but you stare at Alice with wonder and great arousal. She wasn't innocent...she wasn't easy to work with and yet in this moment I could tell she was submitting... allowing herself to become Bound to me.

There was a knock at the door. "Alice? Do you wanna come with me and Suimin to the Plaza to watch the fireworks?"

Just like that, our intimacy was broken and we quickly separated as if nothing happened. Snow White walked into the room and noticed Alice sitting on her bed on her phone and I was standing at the window with my hands in my pockets.

"C'mon, yesterday wasn't even that bad. You two could be closer y'know. We are a team now, we can't act distanced with one another." Snow White said.

"ThInGs tAkE tImE!" Alice said with voice cracks.

I lowered my head and silenced my soft snickers. Alice blushed and quickly stood up and quickly walked over to Snow White.

"Let's just go!" Alice said and dragged Snow White out of the room.

"Whoa, hold on wait!" Snow White said.

[Lust Karma Earned +10]




The night fell and I heard the door opening. A tired Alice sighed as she walked in the room. She kicked off her shoes and walked to the bed then flopped on the bed, face first.

"Sounds like you had a busy afternoon." I said as I continued to read my book.

"I did.." Alice said in a muffled tone as her face was buried into the pillow.

I gently pat her back and kept reading. "You'll recover."

"Thanks.." Alice said sarcastically then pulled out her phone.

Alice and I laid in bed in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence anymore. The sound of the TV for background noise filled the room with enough sound to make our silence enjoyable.




[Life Force -100]

[Life Force: 11,900]

I woke up and noticed Alice sitting on the edge of the bed, getting dressed and fixing her hair. I rolled on my side and felt exhausted. I checked the time on my phone and sighed softly as I sat up.

"Morning." Alice greeted.

"Morning..." I sighed softly and stretched a bit then got out of bed to get dressed and ready as well.

[Condition: Normal]

Seems like everything about me was back to normal. I knew for sure to be careful about running into Usagi because she could induce me with Lust. This time worked out for me, but the next times I wasn't so sure and I wasn't stupid enough to take the risks.

"Snow White and Suimin are waiting for us in the lobby. Are you ready?" Alice asked.

"Been ready. You're the one who isn't ready. Is it smart to sleep so loosely in only bra and panties?" I asked.

"Would you rather me sleep naked?" Alice asked.

I didn't answer it but Alice knew exactly what I was thinking about. I decided to avoid the question and walk toward the door. "Snow White and Suimin are waiting right? We shouldn't keep them waiting."

Alice watched as I left the room then smiled. She hurried after me.

"What goes around, comes back around..."