
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

What Goes Around, Comes Around

In the woods Deborah was teaching Carmen how to control and use her powers.. She blinded folded her Carmen was sitting on the throne she couldn't see anything.

"Now I need you to listen very carefully to my voice, one thing you should always remember ears sees and senses more than eyes to a wolf and to all immortal being hearing is the firsr priority, Now I need you to focus take a deep breath and listen very careful a wolf hears very far now listen to all tue sound and focus on one thing" Carmen took a deep breath it was very quiet she was focusing really smoothly, about two minutes she started hearing sounds from the town, people's walks, economic activities that are taking places, she hears water fall from lakes, water tapes. She started smiling.

"Wow I can't believe it Deb I can hear everything" Suddenly she was stabbed by an arrow on her left shoulder.

"Ouch that hurts" Carmen wanted to remove the blindfold she received another arrow to another shoulder.

"Would you please stop it, you are supposed to teach me"

"I am teaching you how to use your powers here. Now what ever you hear, all those sounds where they coming from i need you to focus on one sound. I know you can hear people laughing, some of them are crying, some of them are having sex, car engines, machines working, church choirs, all those sounds find one of them thats gonna come through your way to hit you or harm you focus and find the sound" Deborah was sneaking slowly behind her she shot an arrow at her back. that arrow hit Carmen. Carmen was getting angry

"I told you to focus Carmen control the wolf inside you don't you ever use wolfs powers on me I need you to use your own power through the wolfs abilities" Deborah shot another arrow it was going at her face Carmen managed to catch it. Deborah started using wolfs speed while shooting arrows at her Carmen was avoiding them without using wolf's ability.

"Wow we are done here" Carmen removed the blindfold she saw amny arrows she avoided on the trees.

"Two more lessons remained"

"Come on we have to go, lead the way" Carmen was leading the way they were going back to the house.

"This is going to be fun don't you thin...." She turned around but she didn't saw Deborah.

"Deborah? where are you?" Suddenly she avoided two arrows that were going to hit her, she didn't stood still she received another four arrows she was avoiding them without using a wolf's powers she flied up and avoided four coming arrows. she saw Deborah down she landed down.

"Elijah was right you are stronger"

"Does that mean I can fight you?" Deborah laughed.

"You may try if you want to die" They walked away while talking. On the other side inside the house Camila Nutaila and Jack were talking in the library Nutaila was searching for a book to read.

"So now she is to learn the power skills and after that Milan will teach her how to fight?" Nutaila said while laughing

"I don't see something funny in there Nutaila"

"He was hit by his mother do you think a person like that can teach Carmen how to fight?"

"He was the same man who hit a beasts just about to snap your neck off remember?"

"I mean why don't Layla herself teach Carmen how to fight?"

"She only taught Milan, Elijah and Deborah before, she can't teach no more" Nutaila opened a book and saw Milan's necklase she was surprised. she shows it to Camila..

"Isn't this supposed to be on Milan's neck?" Camila was shocked.

"So this is where he hid it?" That necklase was shining a red light they were shocked..

"Okay I didn't know that this necklase can do that"

"Love look at yours its shining too" Camila took out her necklase it was shining red just like Milans they were surprised.

"What does this suppose to mean?"

"I don't know but it seems like they are indicating something" Those lights went off Layla showed up to the library.

"What is going on here?" Nutaila explained everything.

"Now thats new to me"

"May be it's telling us that someone is channeling?"

"Or may be it's none of your business touching my stuffs" Milan showed up he went to take his necklase from Nutaila.

"So this is where youv'e been hiding it? in the book" Elijah showed up.

"Whats the big deal brother"

"Milan this is something serious, these necklase have been created by witches long time ago if one another shines red then it seems like they are connected what if there are more out there who have these necklases just like us"

"If we are to figure that out then we need a witch but we don't have any so it will be hard for us to figure out"

"No, we have witches" Deborah showed up with Carmen. she said while staring at Milan.

"No we can't call them, not this time we will have to deal with this later besides how was her training?"

"Elijah was right, she is stronger and first learner, it took us 7 years to mastered it but it took her only hours"

"She is stronger because she was bitten by an half Omega she is her kin she grows stronger according to Milan strength" Layla used super speed to vanished Nutaila and Jack were surprised.

"Where did she went?" Suddenly behind Carmen two knives were going to stab her she avoided them, knives and arrows started coming from nowhere going only after Carmen she was avoiding them.

"Wow she is stronger" Nutaila said while staring at her a knife was going her way Milan catched it right about to hit her.

"Be alert, Come On mom you gonna do this in my library" Milan shouted Layla showed up to them.

"Sorry I had to make sure she is ready, you have managed to master your Second training Carmen now Milan she is all yours, your third training will be tomorrow morning"

"Tomorrow? wait tomorrow is Monday I am supposed to be in class tomorrow"

"You will not set foot in town untill you have complete your full transform as a wolf, this is for your own good child" Suddelny they all felt something outside.

"Beasts they are here" Milan rushed outside with all of them they saw beasts outside the house 10 meteres away from the house they went to them and stood. They saw Five people wearing full tracksuit with hoods and masks on them. One of them raised his hand as he wanted to check if theres anything that keeps them from getting inside that hand was cutted by a dome, but it growed another one.

"It's a simple spell but quiet unbreakable"

"Wow your witch have made a great job" That person removed his hood and mask it was a handsome man.

"So this is your face I wonder if you guys can take off your masks too" Tham laughed another one took it off it was Leo.

"You have already met Leonardo I guess my student and these are my students"

"Don't they have faces" Deborah asked while slowly walking front

"Well they do have faces beauty, why don't you come out of the dome and see them for yourselves?"

"We are not affraid of you beasts"

"Really and why hide inside the dome chosen one or should I say Alpha Omega" Leo was laughing.

"What do you want from us?" Layla said.

"Layla right? well we are here to deliver a message from the queen Eco she says hi" Layla was shocked hearing that name.

"What imposible right? let me guess your only best friend whom you left to die years ago right?"

"Mother what is he talking about?"

"Well no time for chit chat now but, I gotta tell you one thing you have three days untill next full moon all we want is Desmond's head" Milan laughed.

"Why are you asking me for that? why don't you just do it yourselves?"

"Because You have are the only who have the power to kill him, we may be strong but his witched have putted some kind of spells that he cannot be killed by any other immortal being but you only have the power to kill him and as far as we know you want to kill him more then we do"

"And what if I refuse?" Leonardo smiled.

"First in every One day you will expect 12 dead bodies in town, untill you bring us Desmonds head and if three days passes until the next full moon we will start killing everybody you love starting with the girlfriend and your biological mother" Camila and Milan were shocked hearing that.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh... did I just said too much?"

"Our mother is dead" Camila said while shedding tears.

"Really? you believe she is dead? do you have proof of it"

"Octavia died I watched her my self" Layla said.

"No layla Octavia didn't die that die she lost consiousness and her soul shifted into dark realm all you did was taking a boy and turned around to leave, but you didn't saw her body turned into ashes right?"

"You are making this up"

"Then Let me give you a hint every immortal being after dying their bodies supposed to turn in human form and turned into ashes so as to vanish right? and if any immortal being dead and thier bodies turned into their immortal form what does that means Layla since you are an Omega you should know better" Layla kneeled down.

"You are right she didn't die"

"So my mother is Alive"

"Yes beauty but her is tiking so you better convince your brother to bring us Desmond's head or she dies" Beasts vanished away Camila was crying Milan was quiet all along.

"So our mother is alive all this time" Camila was crying Jack was hugging her.

"We must find a way to get her Camila this is not time for crying we are way passed that now"

"There is only one way to get her you heard them" Elijah said while helping his mother standing.

"What are we going to Milan tell me how are we going to dsce our mother?" Camila was saying while crying.

"We give them Desmonds Head" Milan said while staring straight to Nutaila's eyes