
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

We Can Together

In New Orlands Caroline took Eco and Layla in the woods near the caves where Eco turned the witches into stones.

"This place its...."

"Where you turned witches into stones We get it"

"How come you have your powers anyway Caroline? what happened to our powers could atleast explain to us what is going on here?"

"Layla remember when I told you about earth mightest creatures? well this is it. The end of the world. Long aho when I left this town I went in the hotlands to settle my life there trying to figure ways of turning them back into human again so stayed and tried to figure many kinf of ways but It couldn't work. Later on after I heard you were locked up I realise you locking up New Orlands will be defensless so I returned back but it was already too late. Orge has taken over the place they absorb human souls to feed on themselves they become invisible and they restore this place once and for all they spelled it no supernatural being to obtain powers here they are the only ones but They managed to spell all supernatural and immortal but they didn't took mine because then I was stronger then them, so they continued on feeding day and night to become stronger and stronger so as to take my powers away. Then I realised I had to do something but whenever I try to bring the witches back I couldn't only one supernatural can bring them back"

"And who may that be?"

"You Eco you are the only one who has the power of bringing them back to life"

"I can't not without my powers"

"You will get your powers back when the time comes"

"Tell us what is the ring of fire"

"It is the circle used by thier realms to rule earth. It is almost complete they have already taken Mystic Falls, Outerlands, Red Greek and now they are heasing for Washington soon and beleive me Washington will be taken very easily then other that was already taken"

"What are you talking about?"

"You have quarrels with vampires, and you have quarrels with vampires and wolves you are fighting amongst yourselves while the real enemy is just waiting for you to kill on eachothers you are just making their work easier"

"What do you want us to do? we are enemies they hate us, we hate them we kill eachother to survive"

"Eco remind me again before this enmity tell me what were you"

"One clan"

"One clan then who betrayed who, beasts are the ones who started this as far as I know and you are the only ones who can bridng peace once and for all come together joing this allience and fight for what is about to come not amongst yourselves"

"It's too late for that Caroline they are already killing people"

"Excuse me Layla I only wanted one thing in return but you and your'e pack couldn't give thats why my beasts are making sure you delivered Desmond's head to me"

"And what will you get in return after your revenge Eco tell us? Believe me if we plan on taking revenge all of us then there will be no one left. We all have done somethings Eco, Things that were so bad You turned my mother and other witches into stone tell me should I get my revenge for them? I can kill you right now if want to, I could have killed you back then when I spelled you but I didn't right all of this is that one day I hoped we would become one again but you are not like that right and you are not gonna stop just because Desmond locked you up right"

"You don't know how much I went through because of him Caroline I am ready to forgive anyone but him, you don't know just how much he putted me through there was a time when we didn't have food, I took a life of my own child and fed my self, we didn't have any water instead we drank through our own piss"

"All of that because it ment something, you had to go through all that just to be who you are today Eco don't let your anger takes control over you believe me now 12 lives of students are dead because of you. All of Washington is under Quarantine because of you" Layla was surprise.

"What are you talking about?"

"Beast has killed 12 college students this afternoon and who knows what their gonna do tomorrow, all this because of your rage. Beleive me Eco If you want to win this war with Orge you have to stop this revenge madness and come together if you really need your town back you have to do that otherwise we will all die"

"Caroline is right Eco theres nothing we can do if we won't fight this together you want beast to live I want my pack to live we should come together and fight them"

"And then what? the chosen one takes command of all three clans really, we will be led by a child"

"That child will be the one to restore peace within three clans once again you can't deny fate Eco you have to face it"

"I will think about it"

"Every time you spend thinking, is a time beast slays more people 12 people at a day" Eco looked at Caroline

"I can't... I can't make them stop now not without my powers"

"You will be able to get your powers back when we get out of New Orlands untill then you are powerless"

"Tell me Caroline If I do this what would you give me in return?" Caroline smiled.

"What do you want back in return Eco?"

"I need all my powers back, all thos you took away from me, I need them back to me"

"Fine then you will get your wish" Suddenly the caves started shaking.

"Shit they have found us, we have to go now"

"Where are we going now?"


"But we won't be able to make it out"

"There are tunnels in this Caves that leada directly to Washington Iv'e made them myself"

"Wow what guess you were usable after all"

"Come on we have to hurry"

"What about these witches"

"They are safe as along as they are stones" They started moving going back to Washington. Milan was with his mother.

"So what do you think will happen now?"

"Yes mom do you have the power to stop them from killing innocent lives?"

"Only Eco can do that"

"Then we fight, no matter what they do we will have to fight"

"Calm down Elijah these beasts can kill by just blink of an eyes we must be careful here this is like dealing with invisible we have to target their weakess point and strike it"

"Milan is right for now a better way for you to fight them is to strike through their weakess point"

"And what would their weakess point be"

"Think about it Milan beast were locked up for 27 years in dark then what would their weakness be?" Carmen seems shocked....

"I know their weakness is, "Flashlights" I remmeber the day I was in college that night and Leo was chasing me I hid under the table but when I picked up the flash light it seems to be burning their skin" Deborah laughed.

"What a bunch of crap, Strong monsters but their allergic to light?"

"This is your chance to strike Milan you have to do this"

"I will mom thank you once again for being alive"

"O its almost time you have to go now" Octavia stood up.

"Don't worry kids we are together in this" Octavia left. Nutaila went to hug Milan.

"Wow your mother is amazing am jelous"

"Gee get a room already"

"Are you jelouse of us Deborah? Iv'e been seeing the way you look at us tell me do you like Milan?"

"Girl I have been with him once and we slept over times and times in different places and different ways so If I were you I would just shut up and focus on your father's protection"

"Wow what a mouth am starting to like for you make me"

"Far well then, you think am affraid of vampires?"

"Am not affraid of hitting an old wolf Deborah"

"Guys stop this is madness"

"You know you may be new in supernatural being but yoi better stop pretending to be a heroin just because Milan is a hero it doesn't make you a heroin"

"A heroin? like you? belive me you are nothing Deborah thats why you couldn't last in any relationship"

"And what would I get being in a relationship Nutaila, Kissing ex boyfriend in the crowd just to make a boyfriend feeling guilty"

"Well I have my second chances right here"

"Always a way out huh?"

"Hey guys stop this, this is exactly what beast wants, for us to fight with eachother we can't give them that"

"As far as I know we are not together with vampires Milan she is just your girlfriend and believe me when I say this, no matter what will happen next if I were to save you from beasts of getting far away from you and let you die, I will take my chances and keace you to die all by your own"

"She is not alone Deborah" Carmen answerd back at Deborah.

"Wow look at this our own little wolf is challenging me right now, the one I taught how to use her powers two days ago"

"Iv'e put that behind me, when it comes to Nutaila I won't hesitate fighting you without question" Deborah smiled and walked away.

"Don't worry about her she will come around"

"Sorry love I have to go now" Nutaila left going home.

"Are we done here?" Elijah left with Carmen. Milan and Camila were still there with Bellamy.

"You guys are so petty and tiny"

"Shut up Bellamy" On the other side Mino was going to feed on human being Deborah showed up to him.

"Wow it's a wolf"

"Stop this, this town has already lost too many people"

"I have to feed now out of my way" Mino used super speed he was going to feed on human Deborah held him and bitted him on the neck then she break his head and ripped out her heart......