
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

The Monster

Camila went to help Milan when they wanted to leave James pushed Camila she hit her head with a locker.. Milan didn't care what would happen he turned around everyone ssw his eyes and started beating James he started smashing his face people tried to stop him but no one was strong enough to stop him A teacher came and saw Milan was beating James he also tried to stop him but he couldn't listen.

"Milan stop this or you are suspended" Milan didn't listen to him he was smashing James face. Nutaila was surprised seeing Milan that way everyone was scared of him. No one was able to stop him, a man showed behind him and hit him hardly at the back of his neck Milan fell and fainted down. Elijah was the one who showed up.

"I am really sorry for this mess"

"And who are you?"

"I am Elijah sir Milan, Deborah and Camila's big brother"

"Is Camila part of your family?"

"Yes she is am sorry once again for my brothers behavior" Some students went to help James to infarmary.

"Take him home and tomorrow morning bring him to my office, I will get a suspend letter ready by morning" Elijah carried Milan and left with Camila and Deborah they went to put him inside the car.

"What has gotten into him Elijah?"

"I don't know, I will bring him home and tie him up with chains I will figurr out what happened to him"

"Okay we will see you later" Elijah started the car and left with Milan Camila and Deborah returned back inside Nutaila saw Deborah she followed her.

"How is Milan his eyes were red, what happened to him?"

"Now you care about him?" Nutaila shaked her head and left her alone Carmen showed up. She saw Nutaila worrying.

"Tell you what girl, you should clear your head whatever has been going on here I think you are part of the reason somewhere, you really messed up this time and this time I don't support you" Carmen left her alone. Camila was looking for Jack she saw him entering his car and ready to leave she went to enter the car too.

"You are leaving without seeing me, Jack whatever happened I am only staying with Milan because he is my brother"

"You didn't bother telling me about it"

"I was goint to Jack I just needed some time to figure things out thats all" Jack started the car and left. He left her alone. On the otherside Milan woke up he saw himself tied up with chains he saw Elijah in front.

"You are back, I thought I made my self clear I don't want to see you in my house"

"See that's the problem, you need me I am a leader of this pack" Milan laughed.

"I am the alpha of this pack, that makes me a leader"

"Not yet tell me why are you letting the wolf control you?"

"I'm tired of living a nice guy life"

"Trust me Milan you don't want to go that way I know how it costs you gonna regret yourself later, you just smashed Jame's face infron of the crowd your teacher was there too they tried to stop you but you couldn't listen once you angry the monster inside the wolf in you takes control over you, where is your necklase?"

"Iv'e sent it off I know not where" Elijah stood up and untied him up Milan stood up and face him.

"Your life, your choice you are not a boy anymore, you should do better, now come one we have a vampire to take care about" They went to the dungens but they couldn't see Kate.

"They freed her bitches"

"That means they have found out answers about mother's whereabouts. we have to find them"

"No we have to wait for them to come back" Sometimes later at night Deborah and Camila met they weren't at the house.

"Am sure by now they have already know we must not return home yet, not until we find out first"

"Are really sure about this Deborah? to me it seems like a bad idea" Deborah went closer to her.

"Listen to me all we need is to do is to confirm first if Kate wasn't lying on us thats all we need to do" Suddenly they saw Desmond getting out of his house holding a hunting gun walking going inside his car.

"Now's our chance lets go" Desmond started the car and left Deborah and Camila turned into wolves and went after him. James was home he was healing from all the smashings Miles amd Harleen were standing beside him.

"You are crazy James"

"Yeah that was my part of plan, getting Milan angry now everyone will see him as a threat to their life, what about Kate how is she doing?"

"Shes not awake yet, I gave her some antibiotics and fed her blood she will be okay soon she will get up"

"What happened to Milan now tomorrkw the blavk wolves will be in Washington the Game is tonight will he be able to play though?"

"I don't think so he will be suspended tomorrow morning in front of the crowd" They all smiled. That in the middle of the night Desmond reached at the warehouse he got off the car and felt something he got off with his gun and looked over but he didn't saw anyone he went inside the warehouse Deborah and Camila showed up.

"So this is where the toumb is, come one let's go inside"

"No wait, remember what Kate said our only chance is goin at midnight where they all go to hunt"

"Fine then let's get ourselves a place to hide" They climb on the tree and hide waiting for them to go out. On the otherside Nutaila was in her room sitting on her bed lonely thinking about what happened at the college "door knocked" Jack opened and went inside.

"Hey you are up, I brought some bears"

"It's almost midnight Jack we have a big day tomorrow" Javk went to sit beside her sister on the bed. he gave her a glass of bear and they started drinking.

"So you want to talk about it?" Nutaila looked at him.

"I don't know Jack, There is this part of me that loves him very much and there's this part of me that hates him I don't know why, what happened today I think I might be the cause of it somehow. I dont know what to say Jack"

"Well you are the hell of the mess besides have you noticed about Camila and Milan being siblings?"

"No I haven't I just found out today all I know is that his brother is Elijah and his sister is Deborah and their not their flesh and blood brother you know long ago their mother found him as a baby in the woods and they took him thats all I know" Jack drank the whole bottle of bear.

"Is Milan a vampire Nutaila?" Nutaila laughed.

"No he is not"

"Everyone saw his eyes today Nutaila tell me are hiding something from me"

"He is not a Vampire Jack. Vampires can't touch vervain but he seems to play with it as much as he wants to"

"Then if he is not a vampire he is something else, If father finds out he will kill him Nutaila"

"Yes I know Jack that is why you will be there for him" Nutaila stood up and hold Jack's hand she helped him to the door.

"You have a good night Jack and be sure to solve your issues with Camila, she loves you deep down"

"Night sister love you" Nutaila closed her door and switched off her light. At the warehouse Desmond and other vampires got out Deborah and Camila were on the tree watching them.

"Make sure you clear the killing don't leave any traces"

"Des we heard there's a wolf near by the woods"

"Okay lets get this done boys those incharge of tonight's killing be sure to do your work well we need blood" They parted ways and after Two minutes Deborah and Camila jumped down slowly and entered the warehouse it was very dark they turned their eyes intk warewolves and startes using warewolve's vision to see they saw scary things, human skulls as they continue walking they started smelling something bad as rotten bodies they showed up to place and saw a large hall full of dead bodies. Camila wanted to throw up the smell was very bad.

"So this is where they keep their killings ones they feed them" They saw the bodies of dead children too

"Bastards they have no mercy even to children"

"See they feed on their blood and turns those they want to vampires and leave those out of their interest to die, I assure you I will kill this Desmond"

"Come one we got to move" They continue walking slowly untill they saw a big statue of an Omega.

"Thats it where Kate told us come on" Deborah wanted to hurry but Camila stopped her.

"Wait duck!" Four vampires were passing they were coming from feeding on blood to guard their posts.

"Fuck we were so close"

"Shhh" Vampires heard the whisperes

"Did you hear that, come on search the area" Camila looked at Deborah and told her with signs "They can hear us remember they are using the super hearing"(sign words) Deborah replied "Fuck super hearing whats the plan" "We wait stay where you are" Suddenly those vampires heard wolves outside the place Deborah and Camila also heard that

"Come on lets go hunt them down"

"What about the toumb no one will be here to guard"

"Wolves are our first priority bastard come on" They left the toumb unguarded and left the ware house.

"Fuck them wolves are our first priority wolves my foot"

"Come one Deborah we don't have all day long" They went closer to the statue and helped eachother to open the toumb they saw a big white omega wolf never aged into an eternal sleep Deborah was shedding tears.

"It's her, Camila it's mother"

"She can hear you in eternal sleep"

"Mom, I don't know what to say but We will get you out soon wait for us just few more days mom"

"Deb we won't be able to carry her all the way back home"

"What do you mean by saying that?"

"We will have to wake her up here, she is too big and huge besides she was put into eternal sleep as a wolf so there's a big chance that when she wakes up she might ne anguish and don't recognise you she will be hot tempered and furious for a kill, she will be unstopable" Deborah was shocked hearing that she kneeled down.