
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

The End

A knife was going to stab Nutaila Deborah saw it she pushed her away that knife hit her on the chest she was dying...

"No no Deborah wake up you are stronger than this fight it"

"I....I'm s..sorry" Deborah closed her eyes suddenly Milan opened his eyes they were purple he hawled very loudly and turned into a wolf he was one strong and huge white wolf.

"Now we have a fight" Eco's eyes turned into beasts and smiled. Milan devided the balance Orges became visible to everyone Bellamy Deborah Elijah and all those who were stabbed stood back up and everyone turned into their Original form and got ready to fight the Orges. Layla and Eco turned and started fighting Orges. Eco was using her powers to slow them down the others were fighting them. Milan turned back into human he was not strong enough to fight.

"I got you" Nutaila helped him inside the house.

"No I gotta go fight"

"Hey hey its okay we got this okay, you have done your part now let us do ours"

"I feel him in me, your father he sacrificed his life to save us"

"Can he hears and sees us"

"Yes he can"

"Tell him am proud to be his daughter, and I love her very much" Nutaila stood up and walked away. Milan was seeing Desmond's ghost.

"Go away now she left already"

"I can see that Milan"

"Then why don't you just go away?"

"I can't because I am in you now and you are the only one who can see me, not untill you close the balance and restore back the nature"

"I will you just wait" Outside the field the battle was continue. Octavia managed to kill one of the Orges.

"Everyone Kill them by removing their heads off now!!" Tge wind got rough turnado appeard from nowhere and it was hitting the Orges lighting burst into Orges the others were shocked.

"What the hell is going on now" Eco flied up and used her powers to kill the Orges she managed to kill 5 of them. Turnado stopped another witch appeard it was Caroline's mother she helped fighting them. Caroline went to fight beside her.

"What happened?, why are you here?"

"Yeah nice seeing you too daughter"

"Well Did something happened or what?"

"Kinda busy here at the moment"

"Turnado and Lightning was that your doing?" Shaylee smiked at her and left fighting the other side. They managed to kill Orges few of them wanted to run awat Milan appeard in front of them and Break their heads off they left two Orges alive. All of them went to them.

"You may think this is over but it's just the beggining chosen one" Milan laughed.

"Do you know what your problem is? you messed up with teenagers and beside do you think you can just come into my town threatning my people and take whatever ours? well you are wrong"

"You may be able to put the Nature in Balance but there will be more to come Orges are just beginning of the ending "Our way not to change the world but in order not to let the world change us" Milan killed that Orge by looking at it. Tge other Orge seemed scared.

"Don't worry I always leave one alive to deliver a massage, See I don't know where you came from and I don't know hwo did you stepped into earth but tell whoever sent you that we are not affraid of him. He shouldn't start a fight without knowing how to end it. Tell him next time we will go after him and kill him" Elijah removed ther Orge's head and putted it into a bag and gave it.

"Bring this to your leader tell him this will happen if he step foot in this town"

"Run along now and never look back" That Orge left running. Milan and the others were so happy they won the fight.

"Milan you know what to do?" Everyone was shocked.

"Love what is she talking about?"

"I have to close the Nature of Balance and restore everything back to normal once again"

"What happens if he doesn't close it?"

"Then once it's dawn at first light we will experience another attack from different Realms he has to close it no matter what" Shaylee drew a cirlce.

"I gotta tell you Desmond made the sacrifice to us but He is here with me, I can see him, I can touch him and I can feel him too"

"Well where is he?"

"He is the only one who can see him and he will continue seeing him untill he closes the balance"

"Well if he can hears us then we want to thank him for everything he has done to us, Locking us away killed away our families and massicare our villages all that"

"Octavia come on"

"I am just joking, we really are grateful for what he has done to us, we are who we are now because of him we will always remember him"

"The circle is ready chosen one"

"Okay can I have a moment alone with Jack and Nutaila please, Desmond has something to say"

"Okay as you wish" The others went to step aside Milan was standing alone with Jack and Nutaila talking the others were just looking from afar Eco blocked the hearing power no one was able to listen to their conversation. Bellamy went to Deborah.

"Hey.. "

"Hey love thank you for fighting with us today"

"Its nothing we are in this together" Milan finished talking with them he entered in the circle Shaylee started saying magic words Milan turned his eyes into wolfs and hawl very loudly the moon closed the nature and turned back into it's original form.......

The other day morning there was a meeting outside the house. Eco was leaving along with Raven and Octavia Layla and Shaylee. They were going to New Orlands. Milan, Deborah, Nutaila, Camila, Carmen, Elijah, James, Bellamy, Jack and Caroline decided to stay in Washington.

"You don't have to go mom I mean we just got you back"

"Its Okay Milan we will be seeing eachother okay?"

"You guys need to stay here and protect Washington we will head back home in New Orlands, don't do anything stupid stay calm, and protect this town meanwhile we will deal with New Orlands you are welcome anytime"

"Okay we get it stay safe healthy always and look after yourselves"

"Don't worry chosen one, we got eachother" Eco and the others turned and started walking away.

"You know we can do this easy on you, we have a car" Milan shouted Eco and thers turned into their forms and ran off.

"What a bunch of losers" Nutaila hugged Milan.

"So what now?"

"Now....we rebuild" James showed up.

"Vampires and wolves in one house now I can't believe it"

"You shut your big mouth James and don't forget today is your shift cooking"

"Spare me Milan I need to feed on blood" James went inside the house with Elijah. Carmen walked to them.

"Where will you be going now Carmen?"

"I need to go home, I want to spend time with my mother for now untill thise Quarrantine thing is off"

"Okay then say hi for me, bye"

"See you at Collage" Carmen walked away. Milan turned around he saw Bellamy with Deborah Jack and Camila.

"What are you four staring at don't you have things to do?"

"Yeah Bellamy and I decided to go in west from here"

"West from Hawkins"

"Yeah we gotta keep things under control there"

"Okay you do that be safe and stay in touch"

"We will" Bellamy and Deborah prepared to left they started walking away.

"Hey Deborah" Nutaila shouted at her Deborah turned.

"Thank you.. for saving me" Deborah ran back to her an kissed her on the lips.

"I almost forgot the taste of your lips beauty"

"Well don't forget now" Deborah and Bellamy left away.

"Camila? don't tell me that you guys want to leave too"

"No where will I go when I have to babysitting you?"

"God!!" Milan hold Nutaila's hand and walked inside the house Jack and Camila followed by...................

Somewhere in Kuzatan A man was controlling the Demon realms sitting on the throne. He seems like a powerful legend a man walked in and started walking towards him slowly while holding a bag he reached him and kneeled.

"What did you bring me this time?"

"I am sorry My Lord the Orge you sent to bring hell in Washington have all perished away. They have failed you and they were killed all of them" That man stood up.

"What's in the bag?" That man took out it was an Orge's head

"Who did this?"

"They have a clan some immortal humans did this they said that you shouldn't start a fight without knowing how to end it"

"My lord I here by kneel before you, please send me to them I will kill all of them"

"Who exactly did this to them?"

"The chosen one, goes by the name Milan"

"Well well well bring me the prisoner now" An old man was brough by the throne room.

"Well it seems our little boy has grown up.. Arthur your son Milan has made a grave mistake I think it's time I set foot in Washington by myself"

"My Lord If your brothers sees you outside they...."

"It's time for "Immortality Supernatural Beings"

"Wolves & Vampires" Will return In..........


milliyfahcreators' thoughts