
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

Accept What You Cannot Change

Leonardo turned his eyes into yellow and got ready to fight.

"Run" Milan told Carmen to run she started running

"Get her I will deal with this one" That beast was chasing Carmen. Milan and Leonardo were about to fight.

"So you are the one who hurted my sister coming into our college pretending to be a nice teacher right?"

"You see your mother mentioned that you are a stubborn one, now I guess I see it for my self"

"You don't know anything about my Mother so you better be quiet" Milan wen to fight him the fight started but Milan wasn't that strong to beat him Leo was smashing his face the same way he smashed James's face before he hit him harder on the stomach. Carmen was running but that beast showed up to her she stoped.

"Seems to me you are a woman just like me so this is quiet a tie" Carmen turned her eyes into wolf and got ready to fight she went to her. Deborah and Camila were in the woods with Elijah searching for Milan and Carmen's where abouts they left Layla alone at the house.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?"

"I am see I can smell their scent"

"We have to hurry now it's almost evening" Nutaila and Jack returned back home they didn't find Desmond in the house. Desmond was with the sherrif and the mayor at the hospital they were checking the bodies.

"See Desmond their hands are slayed, thier Heads too who ever did this is a skilled killer"

"How did this happened"

"Nurses said tonight the ward area went blackout only emergency lights worked but they also said they saw victims and patients slayed without seeing those who were slaying them"

"Sheriff who ever did this he was not alone"

"Then what should we tell the public Mayor?"

"We have to keep in low profile for now, we have to burry them proper way then investigation will continue I need to exolain this to Mr president if you will excuse me" The mayor left. Nutaila showed up to the hospital Desmond saw her.

"Excuse me Sheriff I will be back in a few minutes" Desmond followed her.

"Are you kidding me what are you doing here?"

"Dad I know I shouldn't be telling you this right now hut I know exactly who did that and why they did that"

"What are you talking about?"

"Come home as soon as you finish we will fill you up" Nutaila walked away. On the otherside Milan was still fighting Leo. Leo kicked him Milan was splitting blood.

"You know first time I saw in the class I realise you are strong enough to face me chosen one but I was wrong If you really are a chosen one wheres all the stregnth and abilities come one show me!" Leo kicked him on the face Milan tried to use his powers but he wasnt strong enough to held it, his body was rejecting.

"Theres nothing you can do now to win me. and theres nothing can kill me here Milan" Leo hold him he took out his beast fungs and got ready to kill him A woman in white dress showed up coming from nowhere and hit them both Leo fell far that woman was wearing a mask Milan was down he couldn't have a clear vision Leo tried to fight her that woman was faster and stronger then him she used her powers and hit him hardly at first Leo fell and he was bleeding he ran off.

Carmen was running very fast she bumped into Elijah and the others.

"Hey calm down where is Milan" Carmen explained to them they turn back to him. They walked and walked and saw Milan down fainted all by himself Elijah carried him.

"For Fuck's sake am tired of carring bodies" They left with him. Sometimes later Desmond returned back home he ssw his children on the table waiting for them he sitted down.

"What did you wanted to talk to me about?" Jack started explaining everything to him Desmond didn't seem shocked.

"So Eco is behind all this beasts race"

"And If they don't deliver your head until another next full moon they will kill us all thats why they have killed these 12 people and tomorrow they are going to kill another 12 twelve people"

"And why do you insist so much in this allience Nutaila?"

"Dad am trying to keep us alive here all of us"

"I don't need thier help nor do we need them" Desmond stood up he was going to walk away.

"Milan gave me One day for you to decide I said I'd try to convince you to cooperate but if you resist they will come for your head tomorrow night, and they will come with everything they got you have untill tomorrow night to decide"

"My answer remains the same I will never let a teenager lead me never" Desmond wanted to walk away.

"Octavia is alive" Desmond stoped and look back

"What did you just say?"

"Turned out she didn't die but no one knew, beast found her body in the woods and took her with them and they are locking her away somewhere far and they are going to kill her. they threat Milan and Camila they are going to kill their mother if you do love her then save her dad, you are the only one who can save her" Desmond walked away inside without saying a word Nutaila wanted to stop him Jack held her.

"Stop he's heard enough for today let him clear his head" Nutaula left she went back to her room. Later that night Milan woke up he was breathing very hardly, he saw Elijah and The others..

"Man I should stop carring you around"

"Milan what happened"

"I don't know, that bastard was going to bite me but then a woman showed up and kicked us both she was wearing full white clothes and mask on just like Deborah's she was very fast and stronger never see someone like her before she fought him and ran off then I remember she walked to me and removed off her mask then she told me "You have to get up and fight this war" thats all she said"

"I wonder who could that be?" Milan stood up.

"Any news from Nutaila about her father's decision Carmen"

"She called but Desmond still has the same decision"

"Fine then tomorrow night I will go with Elijah to finish him"

"Are sure you want to do that Milan?"

"I'm sure that if there was another way I'd do it"

"Take some rest Carmen you have a big day tomorrow learning hunting" Camila walked away to her room, Layla left Carmen and Elijah also left. Deborah was still standing staring at Milan.

"Why aren't you leaving?"

"Please tell me you have a plan for all this Milan?"

"What plan Deborah? My heart hits level zero now am done making plans of saving everybody. My mother is out there somewhere and I don't know where, I don't know if they are feeding her or not, I don't know if they are torturing her and what makes me crazy and angry is that I don't even know her well being"

"It's okay you know I will be with you forever dear brother" Deborah left away. The other day Milan and the others were in class at college Camila didn't attend she had to finish training Carmen Deborah was sitting alone Bellamy showed up

"Hey beauty whats up?"

"You again the stalker"

"Well this stalker happened to save your ass cuty"

"Am impressed tell me what do you want from me this time?"

"If I tell you what am craving for would you helpe me?"

"Well that depends on what your'e asking" Bellamy smiled while staring at her face.

"Besides has your brother decided what to do with Desmond?"

"You happen to know that there are many ears right"

"Oops sorry My bad" Bellamy whispered at her ear.

"Meet me in physics Laboratory behind the door I got something for you" Bellamy stood up and walked away. Milan was thinking all alone Nutaila showed and sit beside him.

"Hey What are you thinking about?"

"A way on how to kill your father tonight?"

"Thats helpful thank you, how is Carmen is she okay?"

"You happen to have her number why asking me about her? are you trying to be in good terms with me now? last time I saw you was kissing Mino in front of the crowd right?"

"Milan I can explain about that"

"Theres nothing to explain here Nutaila youv'e made it clear to your choice so am sorry" Mino showed up to them.

"Is everything okay here Nutaila?"

"The boyfriend what a nice timing?" Milan said while slowly standing up he walked out of the class he went to wash his face in men's room Leo got inside beside him.

"Wow you really are one hard to kill" Milan smiled

"Yeah I have been blessed by the witches who spelled you and lock you away to starve for years" Leo got angry

"You don't know how it looks like to be starved for 27 years Milan you don't know anything about how we survived"

"Let me guess turning against each others, the sttong ones fed on the weak ones wow you really are beasts"

"You have a sharp mind boy we will meet again in round 2"

"No you are mistaken it will be round 3 and am telling you that next time we meet I will put you down" milan walked away. Leo got angry he punched the mirror and broke it. Bellamy was in physics lab waiting for Deborah she showed up Bellamy touched her wrist and brought her closer to him.

"Okay what is this?"

"I don't know do you have an idea what this is?" Bellamy kissed her. Deborah started kissing back and they removed their clothes.

"Wait we can't do this in a laboratory there are rules"

"Fuck rules" They continued fucking up. On the otherside At the house Layla was all alone she was reading a book she felt something outside the house she went out to check what was it she saw A woman standing outside the dome smiling at her.

"Long time no see Layla"

"Eco" Layla was surprised and shocked. Eco walked and entered into the dome.

"You and I have a lot to catch up to"