
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · 奇幻
38 Chs

A Journey Of Thousands Miles

Beasts vanished away Camila was crying Milan was quiet all along.

"So our mother is alive all this time" Camila was crying Jack was hugging her.

"We must find a way to get her Camila this is not time for crying we are way passed that now"

"There is only one way to get her you heard them" Elijah said while helping his mother standing.

"What are we going to Milan tell me how are we going to dsce our mother?" Camila was saying while crying.

"We give the Desmonds Head" Milan said while staring straight to Nutaila's eyes. Milan walked outside the dome.

"Milan stop it where are you going?" Elijah was stoping him

"Am going to kill Desmond and deliver his head to them right now" Milan's eyes turned into dark red. The wolf inside him was control him. Elijah went to block his way but he was thrown away. Layla went in front of him.

"You have to stop this Milan, control yourself you have to calm down" Layla was using wolf's magic to control him.

"If I calm down they will kill my mother"

"No has to die, no one will you just have to calm down and let me help you we are going to get your mother back by working together" Milan calmed down his eyes turned back to human he kneeled down.

"You better be right about this"

"Everyone inside we have to talk about this" They all went inside Nutaila and Jack joined them too. Milanwas sitting all alone besides the window quietly listen to Layla.

"I wan't you to know that, what we are dealing with now it's something serious if we don't join hands with vampires in this then we shall be killed and perish away in thin air"

"Why don't you explain us the part of where you froze right before you heard Eco's name? who is she?"

"Eco is a half vampire and a half beast and a hakf wolf she contains all three immortality, she was once my one and only best friend. When she was born the witches back then spelled her with immortality that there can't be any immortal that can kill her, or manipulater her not even witches themselves. They made her stronger among all living creatures. They belived that she was ment to help both human and immortal race. Days went by her powers were uncontrolable and unbreakable she was using her powers to hurt wolves pack by packs. vampires clan by clan and beasts she had no permanent Side. The witches caught her and tried to break their spell away but Eco was stronger then ever she used the dark power and turned all of them into stones. On of the witches had a girl she wanted to complete the witches final contest to lock away Eco's power the witch's name was Caroline she was the witch who contained all witches powers. She came tonight for my help getting Eco. On night we I was with Eco talking about how we gonna create the future together we talked and talked till we fell asleep in her sleep I managed to fed him a sleeping dose thats where Caroline showed up and finished the spell, she managed to lock her powers but only wolves amd vampires powers was locked away. the beasts powers affected Caroline she managed to ran far away from Washington and never to be heard again I also left Eco down thinking she wouldn't survive the witches spells. Thats how it happened and she's back things will get a lot more worse"

"She is back but she doesn't have all her powers back right? that means she can be well taken care of"

"No Eco is stronger then you think, theres only one way for her to be defeated she must compete with a chosen one a battle to death"

"Milan? come one mom?" Elijah was angry.

"He is the only one who can fight and win her"

"Without competing his fully transfom he cannot fight her let me stop her I am stronger then him"

"No Elijah it's too risky, you won't live to see another day what we need now is to name Milan once he is named all things will change he will know what to do right away"

"I will try and convince my father to cooperate" Nutaila said.

Everyone was staring at her.

"I mean even If I have a small chance of doing this I will do whatever I can to try and convince him"

"Thank you child, you will be doing us a favor" Camila and Deborah were quiet all along. Carmen's phone rings.

"Hello mom whats up.....What? no am not in town mother but I will be back soon okay"

"Mother says twelves dead bodies were found in the hospital, no one knows what happened but the massicre took place in the ward they said no one was there but they were slayed as there was a butcher"

"It's them they have started killing people" Milan said whike slowly standing up.

"People are dying we have three days to full moon what will happen then, how many people will have to die now, these guys does what they say" Milan stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Come on Cam, we have a trining to finish" Milan left Carmen was preparing to follow him.

"Hey girl sorry it has been a rough day today"

"It's okay I understand I will head back home and try to convice Father to cooperate note "don't die" They hugged eachother Carmen left with Milan. Camila and Deborah went to see Jack and Nutaila outside the woods they were walking.

Nutaila was walking with Deborah.

"Hey Deborah I think I understand now why you care so much about Milan"

"You pray to God your Father agrees to joing hands with us because if he doesn't, not only Milan but Elijah and I will also come for his head" They reached the end.

"This is as far as we go. becareful out there they might be anywhere"

"Okay thank you guys" Camila kissed Jack in front of them.

"Gee you should get a room"

"Call me once you get home safe okay?"

"Don't worry Love nothing will happen to me not now" Nutaila and Jack walked away Deborah and Camila started walking back home.

"You kno I have this idea on my head to catch on of the beast and torture him"

"You think what am thinking Deborah"

"We kidnap one of them and he leads us where your mother is what do you say?"

"Sounds like a good plan to me"

"No nop that is not a good plan nor will it ever be" They heard a voice it was Bellamy.

"Oh God would you please stop following us around, tell us what do you want from us, you just don't know to be ignored do you?"

"What can I say am here by to help my fellow wolves"

"Go find another pack this pack doesn't have a place for you"

"Well sure is why can I go and find another pack when I have a certain sure that this one is stronger then other"

"You are bluffing" Suddenly they felt something behind them

"Run its them" They all turned into wolves and started running towards the dome using super speed Beasts were behind them chasing them they were very fast but They managed to enter into the dome. Beast stoped outside the dome it was Leonardo and One other beast Camila and the others turned back into human.

"You really can't stay in that dome forever you know"

"We know but atleast it will buy us some time though"

"Know that once you step out from that dome, you are dead" They vanished away.

"Oh My God Milan and Carmen are out there somewhere"

"I trust in Milan they won't be able to handle him much more he is with his kin they can take care of themselves" On the otherside Milan was with Carmen he was teaching her how to use wolf's ability in fighting.

"First thing first you have to focus on one thing, don't pressure yourself out be calm don't get your emotions get over you, if you are fighting use wolf's eyes it can see in slow motion you can be able to dodge kick and avoid, also don't let down your guard when you are to break the punch or a kick make sure your hands are strong enough"

"Okay I understand" They started fighting Milan managed to hit her on the stomach very hard Carmen fell.

"Come on you can't hit a woman like that"

"You have to get ready we shouldn't be here right now yet here we are so don't think am gonna take it easy on you"

"I used to like you very much, This is not you the man i liked was Generous and kind well look at you now"

"The guy you used to know doesn't exist, trust me Cam you don't know the real me" Milan started throwing punches and kicks at her Carmen avoided them and prrpared to kick him Milan saw that he hold her leg and threw her Carmen fell Milan went to her.

"Lesson number Three when ever you are going to attack, you have to be faster then your oppenet" Carmen stood up they were fighting while talking.

"So about you and my best friend, is it really over?"

"She was the one who dumped me and I stayed away" Carmen managed to kick him on the chest.

"She loves you and you know that" Carmen punched him on the face real hard Milan started bleeding.

"So you taking this serious?"

"Am sorry about weren't we serious before" Milan got angry he turned his eyes into wolfs Carmen didn't turn and they continued fighting this time Milan was using suoer stregnth and speed to throw punches and kicks at her Carmen managed to avoid them all she flied and kicks him on the head. Milan fell.

"Well it seems like you are ready" Carmen was happy.

"Wow being wolf is great I wonder if being a vampire is the same, I mean this feeling I feel brave now. fearless, strong I fell to face anything comes at my way"

"Well that means you can also face us" Leonardo showed with one among his people Carmen stood behind Milan.

"What do we have here? you are far way from the dome don't you think?"

"This is my place I can go where ever I want and nothing and no one can stop me"

"Well we are here to stop you" Leonardo turned his eyes into yellow and got ready to fight.

"Run" Milan told Carmen to run away he stayed behind and started fighting them but he wasn't strong enough Leonardo carried Milan and got ready to bite him and kill him but a woman showed up wearing white clothes hit them both they fell far from them. Milan was badly hurt he saw a woman helping them but he couldn't see who was it. Lenardo ran off that woman turned around and removed her mask it was Octavia his biological mother.