
Woke Up in Naruto's World

Eliot a.k.a. Ryuuzaki Kasai woke up in Naruto's world, and stumbled upon the portal to the land of dragons before he becomes a genin. Follow him as he walked down his own path and raised dragons inside Naruto's world. Warning:This story is an alternate world where additional made up events might be included with little change in Naruto History. First 11 (each chapter) - 850 - 1050 words starting Chapter 12 - 1200 - 1800 words

Elizal_Bongaitan · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 4: The Land Of Dragons

Kasai had just opened his eyes after his meditation, preparing for a relaxing night, when he felt a strange sensation stirring within his consciousness.

"What the...? The blue crystal?" he mumbled to himself.

He watched in fascination as the small blue crystal in his mind emitted a faint glow.

"Is it awakening? Will I finally have guidance from some system or gain extraordinary powers?" Kasai wondered, his excitement building as he continued to observe the crystal's behavior.

Initially, the crystal shone as brightly as a flashlight, but after a few minutes, its radiance intensified, becoming as blinding as the sun.

Kasai felt a sharp pain in his head as the crystal grew brighter. He clenched the sides of his head, trying to alleviate the discomfort. "Damn it! Why does it have to be so painful?" he muttered through gritted teeth, determined to keep his suffering confined within his room. He didn't want anyone to discover the unusual crystal within his consciousness and view him as a threat.

For nearly half an hour, Kasai endured the searing pain, huddled in his futon. Eventually, the agony began to subside, and the blue crystal floated out of his consciousness, vanishing into thin air. Kasai followed its path with his eyes, bewildered when it abruptly disappeared.

However, the shock didn't end there. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself in the midst of a breathtaking valley, surrounded by smaller mountains. Four of these mountains exhibited different weather conditions and were ravaged by unique phenomena.

To the north, a mountain of fiery red substance rained down from the sky, causing it to smolder and produce a thick white smoke moving upwards. Smoking red liquid flowed across some of its surfaces.

In contrast, to the south, a majestic mountain stood tall with a creamy bluish-white hue. A massive white cloud enveloped its peak, continuously blanketing the area with heavy snowfall.

Kasai's surroundings had transformed dramatically, leaving him in awe of the picturesque and surreal landscape that had replaced his familiar room.

To the western side, a massive mountain lay shrouded in a dense mist, its true form hidden from view. At its base, a meandering stream flowed, emitting a soothing and melodious sound that reverberated throughout the surroundings.

Conversely, on the eastern side, a starkly different sight met Kasai's eyes. A rugged and rocky mountain loomed, basking in the sunny and windy weather. The relentless sun had baked its surface, leaving behind a landscape of scorching rocks and swirling sands, while the wind swept across its edges.

"Where is this place? Have I been transported to a new world?" Kasai muttered, his initial disappointment quickly turning to intrigue. He had recently adapted to life in the Naruto universe, but now it seemed like he had undergone another unexpected transformation. However, before he could launch into a tirade of curses, he decided to explore his surroundings.

As he examined his body, he realized that he could still access his chakra. "If I'm still in the Naruto world, then what is this place?" he wondered aloud.

Kasai hadn't been a die-hard fan of Naruto in his previous life, but he had watched a few episodes, and he was certain that this unique landscape had no place in the Naruto canon.

Driven by curiosity, he set off to explore the valley. He followed a grassy trail that led toward one of the five mysterious mountains. The path was flanked by lush, waist-high grass that rustled gently in the breeze, creating a peaceful and enchanting atmosphere. 

Ten minutes later, Kasai abruptly halted in his tracks, a sinking realization washing over him. No matter how many steps he took, the imposing misty mountain loomed at the same distance. He slumped onto the ground, sitting cross-legged, and muttered in frustration, "This is pointless! What on earth is happening here!?"

As he voiced his bewilderment, a colossal shadow passed over him, casting a brief, chilling shade. Kasai froze, his skin tingling with fear. He knew exactly what that shadow signified—it was an immense monster, evident from the sheer size of its silhouette. Gazing upward, he saw nothing in the sky, but he swiftly assumed a defensive stance, reaching for a kunai.

"Damn it! My pouch!" he exclaimed in dismay. "Of all the times I needed it!" Regret gnawed at him, but his self-reproach was interrupted by the reappearance of the shadow. He looked up just in time to witness it hurtling towards him.

He nearly stumbled but managed to stay on his feet when he identified the approaching threat. "A dragon!?" Kasai gasped, taken aback. He swiftly began weaving hand signs, channeling his chakra into the Fire Release: Fire Dragon's Flare jutsu.

Having invoked the jutsu, Kasai began to retreat cautiously, his eyes locked on the dragon closing in on the fiery attack.


The jutsu struck the dragon squarely in the face, triggering a small explosion. However, before the smoke and flames could engulf the area, the dragon opened its maw, creating a powerful suction force that devoured the fire and smoke.

Stunned by this surreal sight, Kasai nearly stumbled and fell to the ground. Instead, he executed a nimble flip through the air, landing firmly on his feet. "I'm doomed!" he screamed internally, cursing the blue crystal that had brought him to this strange land.

While wrestling with his inner turmoil, Kasai heard a thunderous and resonant voice echoing through the valley. "Human! How dare you trespass upon the land of the Dragons!"