
Woke Up in Naruto's World

Eliot a.k.a. Ryuuzaki Kasai woke up in Naruto's world, and stumbled upon the portal to the land of dragons before he becomes a genin. Follow him as he walked down his own path and raised dragons inside Naruto's world. Warning:This story is an alternate world where additional made up events might be included with little change in Naruto History. First 11 (each chapter) - 850 - 1050 words starting Chapter 12 - 1200 - 1800 words

Elizal_Bongaitan · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 11: Hyuga Aoki

In the Hyuga branch member residence, Aoki stood before a full-length mirror, his gaze fixed on the faint reflection of his face. His bangs were neatly swept aside, revealing the cursed seal of the Hyuga Clan emblazoned on his forehead. This mark had been etched into his skin when he was just nine years old, a mere two months after awakening his Byakugan, following the initiation ceremony conducted by the Hyuga Clan's patriarch.

Aoki's fate was sealed due to his lineage. His father had been a branch member of the Hyuga Clan, and to complicate matters further, his mother did not belong to the clan at all. Despite being of mixed heritage, Aoki had managed to awaken his Byakugan, a feat that garnered the attention of some envious branch members. This unique circumstance only added to the tension and resentment directed at him within the clan.

Aoki couldn't escape the disdainful looks he received from certain children of the main branch, who believed he was undeserving of the Byakugan. While there were those with a more open-minded perspective, they still kept their distance, fearing the repercussions of associating with him.

"At least I can conceal this with my forehead protector," he muttered softly as he traced the seal on his forehead with his fingers. After adjusting his hair to hide the mark, he left his room, preparing to face another day in the complex world of the Hyuga Clan.

Aoki entered the living room and spotted his mother seated on the couch, engrossed in her sewing. Like Aoki, her hair was a shade of light brown, neatly tied into small braids. The resemblance between mother and son was often remarked upon, with the exception of their eye color—Aoki's eyes were a striking white, while his mothers were a deep, olive black.

His father, a dedicated shinobi, was currently away on a perilous mission, leaving Aoki and his mother alone in the Hyuga residence. Aoki watched in silence, his gaze fixed on his mother's deft and skilled movements as she worked with the needle. Sewing was her cherished hobby, and she excelled in creating garments and various other items.

Mimori, Aoki's mother, was a regular citizen of Konohagakure. In her younger years, her parents owned a small candy shop, a cherished family business. Tragically, both her parents passed away a decade before Aoki was born, resulting in the closure of the sweet shop. She tried valiantly to keep the family business afloat, but despite her best efforts, it eventually became untenable.

It was during this challenging period that Aoki's father came into her life, offering solace and support. He was a dedicated member of the Hyuga clan, a branch family member with the byakugan. Seeing her struggle, he proposed, and she accepted, leaving behind her previous life to start anew in Konohagakure as a part of the Hyuga clan. The marriage brought stability and purpose, but it also meant embracing a life intricately connected to the world of shinobi.

Aoki approached his mother and sat cross-legged in front of her, facing her, as he made a request. "Mother, can you braid my hair like yours?"

Aoki's request for his mother to braid his hair like hers brought a warm smile to Mimori's face. She paused her sewing, placing it beside her, and looked at her son's back with affection.

"Awe... My dear, you want me to braid it like mine?" she replied lovingly to his request. Aoki nodded and muttered, "Mhm... It looks cool, Mom."

Mimori's kind smile persisted as she heard her son's response. "I'm sure it'll look good on you too, my dear," she said before reaching out to begin braiding Aoki's hair. As she worked on his hair, she asked, "Today is the squad assignment, isn't it?"

Aoki confirmed, "Yes, it's this afternoon."

Mimori expressed her hope for his squadmates. "I hope they are strong too, like my little Aoki."

Aoki assured her, "Mom, I'm sure they are. Besides, we trained together at the academy."

Mimori, however, couldn't help but worry about her son's safety. "I know, but I want you to be on a team with capable members like you, so you won't have to bear everything alone."

Aoki, somewhat annoyed by his mother's overthinking, responded, "I can't be the one to bear it alone, Mom. We have a jounin to lead us. I'm sure we'll be safe with our sensei around."

Mimori sighed and conceded to her son's reassurance. "Fine. Just do your best in completing your missions," she said, letting go of her worries for the time being.

By the time Mimori finished braiding Aoki's hair, it was already past one in the afternoon.

Examining his new appearance, Aoki could see his braided hair elegantly tied in a pigtail at the back of his head. Two thin braided locks framed each side of his face, a common style among Hyuga clan members, including his father. The reflection revealed his mother's features in his face—the soft hair, the gentle nose, and the tender lips—alongside the striking white eyes inherited from his father.

Yet, as he admired these features, his gaze inevitably fell upon the cursed seal. A frown crept upon his face as unfamiliar emotions surged within him. His fingers traced the seal thoughtfully, deep in contemplation. "I'd definitely look better without this," he muttered humorously, attempting to lighten the weight of the mark. A light chuckle escaped him as he tried to lift his spirits.

Once he had sufficiently observed the seal, he secured his forehead protector, ensuring it concealed the mark entirely.

Exiting his room, Aoki received another affectionate compliment from his mother, who had returned to her sewing. He didn't respond to her praises with words but instead expressed his gratitude with a warm smile. After thanking her for braiding his hair, he retreated to his room to make final preparations before heading out for the day's squad member announcement.