
Wizard King in Grail Wars and Beyond

Guy unfotunately dies but he get's lucky! For once in his life He get's reincarnated by B.O.R.B and also gains abilities of Julius Novachrono from Black Clover! Read his story and how he goes around and trying to win Grail Wars! I don't own Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, FGO and all Nasuverse series. Cross Posted on Webnovel! I don't own Black Clover! I don't own Cover! Expect violence and curses!

MegaDanijel · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 8 Dealing with Zouken?

Julius POV

After Lancelot has mercilessly dispatched Assassin, we moved. He had taken right side of Matou Residence and I left. (But you know, I have ability to "see" future so I don't need to pretend, what i'm doing is actually cleaning this place full of worms. Basement."

If either of us intercepts Zouken, the other one will make spark of mana to alert other servant.

*ZWISH. Aging process of thousands of worms

"Time-Magic: Complete Take-Over." As I chanted this, blue blast of time was thrown from my right hand at Worms. They quickly aged. Their life-force will suffice in grand scheme of things.

And As I finished destroying all worms in the left side of the Matou residence. Spark of mana has been felt by me. "He is found."

I summoned my coverless grimoire, and decided to find much-needed spell. Here he is, this spell is clairvoyance but is also different from others, this spell would allow me to see all, and any routes one person 'would" take. With this, Zouken will 100% die, without worms, he won't survive.

"Time-Magic: Clairvoyance." As I said this, clock appeared on my right eye. "Matou Zouken." Immediately, my head was filled with all and any routes of potential timelines, with Zouken. In only one timeline he survives. But in this one, he won't.

Immediately I opened my "PORTAL" before appearing in front of Lancelot, who is glaring at Zouken, who is "laughing"?

"Matou Zouken." I stated, simply wanting him to anknowledge my presence.

"Caster, ha." His old raspier voice echoed through this room.

Matou Zouken's appearance is that of old, very old man. Bald old man with short stature and black eyes. Most noticable feature's are his standard black clothes and cane. And over hundreds of Blade Wing Worms behind him.

"Or should I call you by your real name? Makiri Zolgen? " As I said this, his laughed stopped. His stance is tensed and he is glaring at me.

"How do you know "that" name!" Roared Zouken, as he decided to hit floor with his cane.

"I know things out of your knowledge." As I said this, I was stepping closer to him, one by one step. And his worms are swirling with their wings in hostility.

While Lancelot was preparing himself for rush. For opportunity.

"Your wish for immortality is over." I took another step, he backed off another.

"Who is your master, servant!" He snarled at me, as he took another step back.

I ignored his question. Instead firing my own. " Your ideals of simply wanting to see Grail succeed had transformed into wish for immortality, what happened Zolgen?"

"You don't know anything about me!" He screamed in rage before sending Winged Worms at me.

"Mana Zone: Chrono Stasis Grigora." I mumbled before all hundreds of Winged Worms were trapped into bubbles of time. All of them are disintegrated.

"What about your love? The woman who you loved the most and respected the most? Justeaze?" As I said this, I took another step forward.

He is ten meters away from me.

"She is Grail now! Nothing more than instrument!" He snarled at me before summoning more of his worms to attack me.

"She would have been disappointed in you. Zolgen." He ordered worms to attack me. All are stopped by Grigora.

"You were in the past respected man. But now, you are nothing more than stain on the Matou name."

"Even if you kill me, I will revive myself in Kariya's body!" He screamed again, before laughing.

"What!!?" Screamed Lancelot, he is now actually alarmed, this whole time he was from side-lines, watching.

"Ha, did you think I wouldn't have though about that?" Spat on the ground before using one overpowered spell for him, at least.

"Time-Magic: Time-Stop."

As I said that, time stopped in radius of 1km. This spell can be cast at different variatons. IT could stop time for entire world with enough mana for instance. But I just used "very weaker" variation for it, I wouldn't need stronger here.

I slowly walked up to frozen in time Zouken. Before placing my hand on his face.

"Time-Drain" His body or rather, all worms that are making up his body are getting aged up. Same with familiars around us.

Few seconds later, there is nothing left of him. Other than clothes and cane. Next moment I opened Tear in space and time, and decided to un-freze Lancelot.


"Stop screaming already! He is dealt with!"

"Bu-t what he, y-you?" He asked confused, while glancing at place where Zouken was supposed to be.

"Shouldn't you be smarter? You were supposed to be second in command to Arthur's knights?" I asked him, perplexed. Maybe, that Mad Enchantment somehow had given him brain damage? Permanently?

"Y-Yes! It's just that my mind is still not clear after Mad-Enchantment, and i'm still Berserker Class servant, it would have been different story with me in Saber Class." As he said this, he scratched his head sheepishly.

I just looked at him before sighing. "Let's go, I still have to rid Kariya of Worms, for Zouken to not return."

We stepped through my tear, only to appear outside of my barrier. With still frozen Kariya and Sakura in his arms.

"Master!" Lancelot decided to run to Kariya to check him for any injury. "What is wrong with master? He doesn't move!"

"Check birds above." I said while pointing above us, he glanced before coughing.

"Did you do this?" He asked, while turning around to look at me. I didn't say anything just nodding.

"I need to heal Kariya, but after I do this, you won't ever be able to use Mad-Enchantment while having Kariya as Master, or Mana Drain would kill him." I said before looking at him, and placing my hand near his head.

And giving his some of my time. A month precisely, thus returning him to what state he was month ago and killing all worms inside him. " Deal is a deal after all."

And I un-froze time before creating another tear in space and time.

But just before I left, i heard "Thank you." I just nodded.

Tear was opened not far-away from the three: Lancelot, Sakura and Kariya.

"If you want to "actually" hide you need to do better job." I said, and thus calling out Ruler, who was this entire time on building watching barrier. After all, she can't bypass it.

"Eh!" She screamed as she turned around to look at me.

"Seriously, if you want to keep your job as Ruler then do it better! The kid was kept as hostage for Master of Red Berserker! Are you so incompetent?" I called her out on her " uselessness".

"Bu-But I-i Didn't know!" She tried to defend herself. But I was none-of-it.

"And that was not excuse! Do you know how many are potentially kept as hostages!"

Chapter Word Count 1105