
Wizard King in Grail Wars and Beyond

Guy unfotunately dies but he get's lucky! For once in his life He get's reincarnated by B.O.R.B and also gains abilities of Julius Novachrono from Black Clover! Read his story and how he goes around and trying to win Grail Wars! I don't own Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, FGO and all Nasuverse series. Cross Posted on Webnovel! I don't own Black Clover! I don't own Cover! Expect violence and curses!

MegaDanijel · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 7 Taking down Assassin.

In secret building.

Day later.

Julius POV.

Meeting between, Kariya, Lancelot and Julius is currently undergoing.

"Is it true, that Zouken is Master?" Asked Kariya from other side of the table. Beside him, is Lancelot, again without Mad Enchantment.

Kariya's appearance is overall same as in the canon. He has gray hair, scars and worms inside him, which do give him boost in mana.

"Yes, and I know your motive for this war, you want to save Sakura and punish Tokiomi, don't you?" I asked him for confirmation

His eyes narrowed at me. "How do you know? Who is your Master?"

"I read profile, you see Sakura as your own daughter, you want to help her. And I have means to help you."

"How exactly would you be able to help? While I myself can take care of Both Master and Assassin, I can't kill Master of Assassin permanently when he is made of worms..." Asked Lancelot. He is clad in entire armor, even helmet this time.

"I'm Caster, I have my means. I have eliminated Caster of Black yesterday." As I said this, they both nodded. It's seem that they had seen "sparks" in sky.

"I'm going to help you save her, defeat and kill Zouken. But I still need you for this war, Kariya. Are you willing to continue to participate after we save Sakura?" I asked him, it's always best to strike deal before finishing everything.

He though about it for 10 seconds before nodding. "If "WE" actually do save her, then i'm continuing this war, I still have to make Tokiomi pay!"

I waited for him to finish his outburst before continuing.

"Do you know Sakura's current location? "

"Yes, she is currently in Matou mansion, she is hostage for me to win this war. But would you be able to heal her somehow? After all, she is too wounded..." Trailed of Kariya as he looked down in shame at his un-ability to save her.

"I can. that's the least of our worries. But is someone else in Matou Residence other than Sakura at this very moment?"

He looked confused for a second before answering. " Byakuya and Shinji should be at this very moment there."

'I had known all this. But I still need to act "little" bit normal. After all, I need usable pawns rather than broken ones.'

I have taken deep breath before answering "Ok, we are going right now. I'm teleporting us there this moment. Our goal is to kill Zouken and save Sakura." I said before standing up. Followed by Kariya and lancelot.

Lancelot looked at Kariya for confirmation who nodded at him.

"Do you have anything to say and to confirm this for last time. Are you physically okay for action right now?"

As I said this, Kariya coughed blood.

I sighed. 'If I just reversed his state it would have helped his health, but he needs Worm crest to provide mana to Lancelot. It's needed, i'm not planning on sharing my mana, that's for sure.' I though before opening Tear in Space-Time. And stepping through it.

Soon followed by Kariya and Lancelot, we are inside of living room, where Sakura is sleeping.

'Time-Magic: Sphere of Time' I though before crouching down and tapping floor. Thus creating invincible time-barrier around Matou Residence. Only Lancelot and Kariya would be able to pass through it.

This barrier acts like Gojo's limitless.

No matter how much you want to pass through it, you won't be able to, it's type of space and time spell. To Limitless, the closer you get, the more infinity you will have to bypass but to my barrier it's time, to you, it would constantly fell like you are about to pass it and you would be trapped in that moment.

But it's not unbreakable, there is still many NP's that could bypass it.

"Sakura!" Shouted Kariya in anime fashion before picking her up.

I moves slowly before touching her head.

I aged up those "damn" worms inside her.

Then I touched her again, this time I gave her small amount of time. One year precisely which resulted in her de-aging one month back.

Her Purple/Blue hair reverted back to brown.

And her body was also reverted, but while physical damage had been taken care, there is still mental damage that needs to be taken care of, with time if possible.

"Leave through barrier and then return." I stated before turning around.

Next second Lancelot punched wall, grabbing Kariya and Sakura he jumped through the hole he created.

'Now to take care of pest.' I though before enlarging my senses. Immediately "sensing" u-natural moving through's shadows, moving at Lancelot's location. The shadow was moving through corridor, before it appeared in Sakura's room/

"You aren't coming closer. " I said before pointing my arm at moving "target" before unleashing blast of pure mana, thus stopping said enemy. Who jumped through shadow, just before he was shot.

Assassin turned around before throwing dozens of knives at me, I dodged them all swiftly.

Next moment, Assassin was in front of me with another knife, about to plunge it into my heart, but just before he could do it, I grabbed his left hand which holds knife.

*Cruch! I discolated it, moment after I punched him into ground with my strength.

The next moment, I placed my right hand on his head, and trapped him in Bubble of Time.

"You are Hassan of the Cursed Arm. You are not at my level. " I said, but just as I was about to turn him into nothingness I heard Lacnelot's voice.

"Let me do it, I will kill him. I remember all documented informations about him you have lend us." Said Lancelot as he jumped to our floor from the hole he had earlier created.

"You need weapon."

At my response he has simply taken off one of the legs of chair, that was nearby positioned and enveloped it in his NP. " This will suffice, " He said before slowly walking to trapped Assassin, who can't respond at all.

"Sight" Finish it,"

The moment bubble drooped, Assassin was free but he was unlucky. Before he could run off he was grabbed by Lancelot who grabbed his head and slammed it into floor.

And in instant made several holes through Assassins body while also stating "This is for Sakura, this is for innocent civilians you have killed for mana!"

Oh yea, did I forget to add that Jeanne had hunted Assassin down for his "crimes"?

Several seconds later, Assassin's body was torn apart. Limb from limb.

Lancelot behaved like "true berserker".