
Wizard is too eager too learn


Webnovel_Addicted · 作品衍生
21 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Cassandra

Several days later, Ethan returned to the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron.

This time, perhaps due to the afternoon hour, the pub was bustling compared to his previous visit.

As a lone young wizard, Ethan's presence drew little attention from the patrons—it was a common occurrence here.

Following Professor McGonagall's instructions, Ethan tapped the designated brick three times, and once again, the gateway to the magical world opened before him.

Seeing the familiar sight of the rubbish bin, Ethan briefly entertained mischievous thoughts, knowing Gold Finger favored successful pranks.

Yet, after a moment's reflection, he abandoned the idea.

His purpose in revisiting Diagon Alley was clear this time: Flourish and Blotts.

During his previous visit with Professor McGonagall, he had purchased Hogwarts' first-year textbooks, none of which included the spells Ethan sought to learn—like the Shield Charm, the Traceless Extension Charm, and Occlumency. (Though the Traceless Extension Charm was restricted from abuse, Hermione had clearly used it without consulting the banned books, indicating its commonality.)

Likely, restrictions stemmed from wizard tent and suitcase manufacturers discouraging home production.

Moreover, with two Hogwarts Legilimens, Ethan harbored concerns about mental Occlumency.

Dumbledore remained an enigmatic figure; he refrained from using Legilimency on students or others without consent.

His mastery of the skill stemmed from a darker past before Ariana's tragedy, akin to Grindelwald, driven by ends justifying means.

Subsequently, Dumbledore found his moral compass, returning to Hogwarts as a professor.

Lacking such boundaries, Hagrid's wrongful expulsion—though Dumbledore believed his innocence, lacked evidence for acquittal—highlighted the risk of Legilimency.

Had it been employed, Tom's capture might have altered Voldemort's fate.

Sirius and Peter Pettigrew's travails underscored Dumbledore's refrain from Legilimency; otherwise, betrayal and wrongful imprisonment would have been averted.

Though Dumbledore risked little, Snape diverged.

While a dedicated Potions professor upheld student welfare, regarding Harry's concerns, Snape was less scrupulous.

Might he employ Legilimency to assess threat, guided by Harry's links or a perception of wizardry's misdeeds?

Navigating Flourish and Blotts, Ethan headed straight for the instructional texts, joining a dozen young wizards—Diagon Alley's sole bookstore, monopolizing student business.

"Intermediate Transfiguration" and "Advanced Transfiguration Guide," ordered.

Standard Spells: Levels 2 to 7, selected.

Ethan's shopping stirred interest. Patrons had seldom witnessed a young wizard amassing such books.

Though "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" held minimal utility, Ethan added it to his cart.

Perusing his earlier purchase, Ethan found Newt Scamander's work engaging, its affordability a key feature.

"Advanced Potion Making" cost nine gold galleons, topping the expense list.

"Are you a first-year?" inquired a shop attendant.

"You might delay these purchases. Textbooks update every two years; you might return then."

Noticing Ethan's growing book stack, the clerk cautioned against remorse, unentitled to sales commission.

"Thank you. These are essential for preparatory studies," Ethan replied, declining further advice.

"Perhaps a Ravenclaw in the making," quipped the clerk, stepping back.

"Where there's a wand, there's a way."

Perusing the magic section, Ethan found titles intriguing—"Major Discoveries in Modern Magic," "Guide to Medieval Witchcraft," "Forgotten Ancient Magic " "Research on Modern Witchcraft Development," "The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts," "Contemporary Magicians' Catalog."

Titles proved enticing—devoid of clickbait!

In a corner, Ethan located his goal: "On Mental Occlusion."

Despite dust coating six unsold copies, the book had lain untouched.

Muggles might struggle grasping its contents sans familial instruction, a gap mended by community teaching, limiting sales.

With free owl delivery, Ethan mused over expenses spared.

Each delivery cost one Sickle per book, but orders exceeding 50 gold galleons enjoyed complimentary service, benefiting Ethan.

Spending 127 gold galleons, his treasury emptied at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor.

Savoring a spoonful, Ethan pondered ways to recoup gold galleons.

Expectedly, 100 gold galleons seemed sufficient—a notion shattered by book purchases alone.


A shadow eclipsed Ethan's table. Glancing up, he spotted the newcomer.

Moments ago, the area had seemed deserted, yet now, strangers filled the rest area, Ethan alone occupying an empty table.

The solitary wizard's reaction—or lack thereof—failed to register with the newcomer, focused solely on her ice cream.

Waist-length golden curls framed her face, dark green eyes surveying the shop; she seemed familiar, spotted earlier at Flourish and Blotts.

Devouring her treat, she took no notice of Ethan, then abruptly turned his way.

Ethan, impressed by Florean's ice cream surpassing prior tastes, speculated its source—perhaps milk from magical creatures!

Departing, Ethan's thoughts lingered on the girl who, moments earlier, had seemed aloof and haughty, now curious and contemplative.

Her scrutiny during his bookstore visit piqued his interest; like Ethan, she too gathered textbooks for upcoming years.

No, Ethan realized, she returned some, unlike himself.