
Within - Chapter 1

Before the whole book even starts, I just want to inform you all that I made the book depending on the main character's perspective, her name is Lazai. -Author

'It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming.' she thought to herself. She got out of bed, brushed her teeth, dressed up, all the usual stuff you do when you wake up. A ruffling sound came from outside the bushes, she went out of her way to check it, suddenly a blue blur came out of the bush, it lifted off into the never ending sky, she looked up and saw it was just a bird, well, at least it wasn't anything bad. She grabbed her bag and went outside, she was walking to a tall building, the building looked as if it were twisting. From a distance, you could barely see the sign on the entrance, as she got closer, the sign was clear, it said 'Omai Tapishi' (P.S sorry to interrupt the story but this is kinda important for you to read as this will be the scene of part of the story, 'Omai Tapishi' is not spelled in a different language nor does it mean something, it's just some random thing I made up, but it does mean 'Omai Industry') yet this was nothing different for her, as she worked there. She didn't have a low role in the industry, like a janitor, neither did she have a high role in there, like a manager. But she was merely a worker, her salary was 26$ per hour, pretty good. She got in the building and went to the receptionist, she showed her I.D card, proving she was part of the industry, as a worker. The receptionist gave her a yellow card,


If your wondering what yellow card means, I'll explain all the types of card colours here:

Green - If you get a green card, it means you are a guest at the Omai Tapishi, only having access to certain places. How you get this card is when you don't have a I.D card.

Yellow - If you get a yellow card, it means you are merely a worker here, allowed at most places, like the break room, the work stations, including some offices of the lowest manager rank which are in charge of the workers.

Orange: You are merely a low - mid manager rank, you have access to most things, the work stations, break rooms, other low managers offices and some of the middle ranked manager's offices

Red - This is not the highest rank you can get in the industry, but one of the higher ones, if you get a red card it means you are the highest rank manager you can get, you have access to everything room that is under or in your rank, along as 5 chiefs that choose who lets them enter their office.

Blue - The second Highest rank you can get, if you get this card, it means you are a chief, you are in charge of the managers and dwindling workers. You have access to the CEO's office in order to report something, and ONLY to report something.

Purple - Only a few people get this card unfortunately, Friends and family of the CEO get this card, an estimated 20 people only get this card.


and she proceeded to do her thing, she went up the escalator and to the 3rd floor, she went into a room with the sign 'Work Station 22' she inserted her yellow card into the credit card swiper, in this case, the card swiper. As the automatic doors opened in front of her, a breeze of the air conditioner escaped from the room's grasp. As the workers caught a glimpse of you, then proceeding back to work. Their faces we're null as night, and their struggle was silent, she proceeds to go to her desk, the only somewhat decent looking thing in the entire room. The automatic opened doors had then closed, giving quite a slam. A few workers flinched, but most of them stayed silent. She took the books out of her bagged and hanged it on a hanger, the authorities allowed you to decorate your own space as you please, you added hangers and some nice pleasing stuff that made her feel as if she was home. Other then that you got straight to work, as usual you turned on the humidifier, already having drops of the peppermint smell from yesterday. She firstly checked her emails for anything important. As usual, it was just a simple message from the authorities, nothing special you say? They always inform boring stuff to every single employee in the company. Nothing unusual, she trashed it, wanting to keep your desktop from balling their notifications out. You then got to 'Noodle' the browser everyone uses these days, she went 'Noodle Documents' and got to work on making a important report, after making 5 reports which felt like making 20, she made some other important emails to send back to the authorities. She made 3 this time, which felt like 100. She checked the time and it was just 12:00, she was surprised as she thought hours went by, she came to work at 8:00, and it wasn't near 6:00, 'S-six more hours..?!' she mumbled, breaking the silent tensions of the room. Hours have passed and it was finally 6:00. She turned off the computer and grabbed her books and bags, she then kicked back, relaxed for a bit, turned the humidifier off, and headed home, it was night and the city lights we're such a sight..

I was home, after taking the bus, I got home. I got in her pajamas, hanged my limited edition 'Samuzai' bag, and sat at the dining table, I opened my laptop. I was starving, you roughly barely made out the word 'Yummy Tummy Burgers'. I ordered some online, she had read the following message on the screen,'Your Yummy Tummy Burgers will be delivered in ̲𝟥̲𝟢̲ minutes!', 'H-h-ha.. T-THIRTY M-MINUTES?! I'M STARVING, WHY MUST YOU DO THIS?!' 30 minutes had pass and she was already finished writing a email back to her boss, the food was delivered, there were 3 burgers, 1 big soda, 1 medium french fries and 1 pizza. 'Whew, finished 2 of the burgers in one scoop' she cried out, she was relieved that food was finally delivered. She sent the email which was supposed to be sent a few minutes later, but instead was sent at 6:34. She put all of the burgers, soda, pizza in the fridge for it doesn't mold, so she could have it later. She went into bed, comfortable in her pajamas, and tried to sleep, then finally fell asleep, but oh my, it was 11:00, she wouldn't have gotten as much sleep as she should have. I woke up at 7:00, 'I thought I had more time to sleep..', but no, my little stubborn mind didn't give me the mindset to sleep. I woke up, brushed her teeth, and blah blah blah. The whole routine was on again.

It was Friday night now, and she stayed home. There was a rustling outside, there was something there, a thing or two. It was night, of course I wouldn't go out, but I did anyways. I opened the light from outside and looked around the bushes, then a sudden dark figure with blurry white eyes from the reflection of the light slithered away, he hid again, but not far from the house. I had followed a new sudden track of paws, and found the figure hiding in the tree, wait.. what? The figure was in a wolf shape yet it was able to.. climb a.. tree? No, the story doesn't add up, the girl is supposed to climb the tree and hide, not the wolf. But this isn't your ordinary story, this is 'Within', not a ordinary horror story. Anyways the wolf shaped figure pounced on her, the eyes of the figure were full of the lust to hunt and kill, yet the eyes we're not seen, was the eyes truly white? Was it red, yellow? What colour was it? Damn light! But I wouldn't have seen the figure if not I didn't turn it on.. but now I got a clear picture of the figure, I quickly grabbed a near by branch and threw it by the tree, creating a rustling sound, it lured the figure away and I quickly got up went inside, closed all the lights in the house and locked the door. I closed the lights in order not to indicate I was inside, so I'll just use a lantern, I put the lantern in low light mode and kneeled down and started crawling to move around my house, the auburn rough wooden planks had creaked, I peaked out of the window and saw the figure suddenly shifting it's head onto my door, knowing something, was in there. But didn't bother to anyway, it was friday night. I can't escape the figure till' morning for 'work', it'll be SATURDAY. I locked all the doors in my house, I shut my curtains in each room and closed them. I then went to bed and brought my laptop along with it, locked the door and didn't open the lights, I was all set. I watched 'Metflex' for a bit and I fell asleep. It was morning, the time said so, but the moon didn't. What was wrong!? 'Moon go away, the sun is about to wake up! It says it's 8:32 A.M on my clock, why is the moon still here!?' I exclaimed, but I forgot, I have to stay quiet or else the figure might just catch me. I turned off my laptop. It was burning hot, so I let it rest for awhile. Other then that, I drew the figure from the top of my mind, fur all black along with Red, white eyes? It seemed to have absurdly good senses, which are hearing, smell and eyesight. It's tail wasn't the same texture as its body, the tail seemed to have a slinky ish texture that could wrap around someone, the tail is extendable and it's fangs are too. I carefully went outside, trying not to be caught by the hostile creature, of course this time I didn't bring my limited edition 'Samuzai' bag, it might have been broken, along with all the very important stuff inside of it. So I brought a miniature backpack instead, inside was plip plop mints along with Tints gum. A water bottle filled with water, a few survival books, the sketch of the creature, a pencil case with some markers, pens, and other stuff, along with some of the egg sandwiches I made, the burger and pizza I ordered, I brought with me my laptop, laptop charger, my phone, all the cash I saved up, as well as a lantern. I brought a stuffy my mom gave me, small blanket, some jackets for the season and some clothes. I was all set so I snuck away from my house, I knew it wasn't safe anymore. I ran away, quietly of course. My instincts told me someone was following me, I looked behind and the shadows we're dancing in the night, playing as little figures which haunted each and everyone's sanity and mindset. The white clouds of the night covered the moon's null embrace and the wind swiftly swooped past me as it gave me a cold shiver, the golden crescent of my necklace was shining in the night, giving me away, as the figures slowly followed me, at least not 'that' creature.

Thanks for reading! This is my 1st long chapter, so sorry if it's bad and doesn't have the sophisticated plots your looking for, some words are sloppy and not as 'fancy' as others. Ya can call me null. :>

Gacha_Neptunecreators' thoughts