
Withering Monsters

Two insane royals, both hier to their respective thrones have a dark secret...they have the power of a flame called the Corrupt Ember. They hold the darkest power in the country and are vessels to dangerously powerful monsters. Pandora Mei, princess of the Aestrean Empire. Her monster is called Ruination, her power revolves around causing mass destruction everywhere she goes. She's a woman obsessed with finding her perfect match, but she has an addiction to torturing and killing her victims. Her flame burns brightly, but is rather weak. Her darkness is extremely powerful, but uncontrollable. Ashen Draco, the prince of the Exithia Kingdom. His monster is known as the Infernal Demon. The Infernal Demon is known for his feat of defeating the God of the Underworld and taking control of it as well as being the strongest monster in existence. He wants to search for his match, but is addicted to being a sadist and torturing and killing his targets. He hides his monster because of how dangerously powerful he is and how unpredictable he can be. His flame doesn't shine as bright, but when it burns it can grow to be more powerful than the hottest star. His darkess is extremely powerful, but sometimes uncontrollable. These two will eventually have their paths cross, will one try to kill the other, or will something else spark? Find out in Withering Monsters.

SadistPen · 奇幻
20 Chs


"Are you sure about this, Brother?" Ishia asked. "She's tried to attack us before and thought us an enemy! What if she tries to betray us when your guard is lowered?"

Ashen looked at Pandora then smirked. "She won't try it."

Ragnarok laughed and looked at Ruination. "She certainly wouldn't...you're only lucky enough he had enough heart to revive you."

Ruination crossed her arms then glared a bit. "Enough heart to revive me?"

"Oh you know, without you...Pandora would've died...and if she dies you die with her." Ragnarok said.

Pandora looked down then looked back at Ashen. "If I say yes to this, will this make us allies?"

"It will, since our kingdoms will be united by marriage. I will help you take down Xovia and the other enemies that may come our way." Ashen said.

Pandora stared at Ashen and her heart began to beat faster. She didn't know what she was feeling or how she felt. She just felt overwhelming happiness. She giggled then began laughing like a maniac.

Ishia held her mother's hand quickly. Her mother squeezed her hand and pulled her behind her. Ashen looked at Pandora then felt his heart racing quickly as well. He chuckled and placed his hand on his face.

"No opponent will be able to stand against us!" Pandora said in rejoice and looked at the sky. She panted and her smile slowly faded away. "I haven't been this happy in years...Ashen, let's make the most of this...okay?"

Ashen looked at Pandora then stood up straight. "Yeah.."


A soldier hurried to the garden and panted then placed his hands on his knees. He stood up straight and performed his salute. "My King! Pandora has sent a letter to you about the mission!"

Pandora's father took the letter from his hands then opened it and began reading the letter. His eyes widened as he finished the letter. "P-Pandora is getting married..?"

"WHAAAT?!" Kagura yelled and stood up straight, dropping her watering can in the process. The gardeners within the distance froze in shock.

Pandora's father looked at Kagura then gave an awkward smirk. He looked back at the letter then closed his eyes. "Prepare the officers and the main troop. We shall attend her wedding! And if things go south, awaken the Hero of Legend."

"T-The Hero of Legend..? You mean S-Socu?" The soldier said in shock.

"Yes. His goal is to destroy ultimate evil. It's been their livelong mission for generations." Pandora's father said. "Hopefully we won't need him."

The soldier saluted once more then hurried off to grab the officers and main forces.


"Okay so what else does your kingdom have?" Pandora asked as she strolled down the park with Ashen.

"We have this Guardian Dragon Warrior. His mission is to protect the Dragon Stone. It's an item that allows us Dragons to have our power. One could awaken their true powers by obtaining a Draco Crystal, but they are insanely rare to find." Ashen said.

"Wow, a source of power and seemingly infinite amounts based off the description. We have a power source in my kingdom as well." Pandora said.

"Really? What's it called?" Ashen asked.

Pandora got into a thinking pose. "I believe it's called the Sacred Core. Apparently it has all the same properties as the Anima Core."

"Anima Core?" Ashen asked and stopped walking.

Pandora stopped walking as well. "I've only heard of it from rumors and reports. Apparently there's some phenomenon that's been happening for generations called the Awakening Stream. This was before the Sacred Core was formed."

"Awakening Stream?" Ashen asked.

"People believe it's the Sign of Revelation. A Hero will be born to take down the ultimate evil. Apparently that stream split and created two different sources. The Mythic aka the Sacred and the Anima or also called the Origin." Pandora explained.

"And this stream has been happening for generations? Why haven't I heard anything about this?" Ashen said and crossed his arms.

"Well our Sacred Stream has already ended this generation before we were born. We have our Hero of Legend, but he also scares me." Pandora said and held her arms.

"The Hero of Legend. A Hero I've killed generations ago." Ragnarok said and appeared beside Ashen.

"The Hero of Legend and the Infernals have a life long rivalry. Their goal is to take down the Ultimate Evil and they see Ragnarok and his vessels as the ultimate evil." Ruination said and appeared beside Pandora.

"So I'm destined to fight the Hero of Legend. This should've been vital information told to me from day one." Ashen said to Ragnarok.

"Sorry, I didn't think it would be that important until now. Now that we know Aestrea has the Hero of Legend, it's only a matter of time." Ragnarok said.

"That's why I was afraid of bringing it up. That also means I will have to face off against him. Ruination is also classified an End Rank Threat. I'm lucky to never encounter him.." Pandora said then sighed.

Ashen looked at the ground and closed his eyes. "Who commands him?"

"My dad. Who else? That man holds the Head of Mystic until he passes it down to me then I will have full control and will no longer have to fear him." Pandora said.

"You sent him a letter didn't you?" Ashen asked and looked at Pandora.

"How-" Pandora started then looked at Ragnarok. "Oh you fucking bastard, I outta-"

"I knew from the start there was some kind of plan going on. You invited him to the ceremony. He's bringing officers and powerful forces along. He also commands the Hero of Legend. No way that man can be left alive." Ragnarok said.

"HUH?! Ragna, what the hell are you talking about?!" Ruination said in shock.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Timeout! What are you saying?!" Pandora asked.

Ashen smirked and his eyes shined. "We're saying..."

"Your father is a threat to both my kingdom and yours." Both Ashen and Ragnarok said.

"Attacking him will cause my kingdom to awaken the Hero of Legend..! Are you crazy?! I mean yes you're insane, but this is ABOVE that level! We're talking about...w....a....r...! Against our nations, we literally made it official a few fucking hours ago..!" Pandora silently scolded then grabbed Ashen's sleeve then pulled him toward her. "We can't afford to ruin this..."

"Lover's first quarrel and we haven't even made it to the honeymoon yet." Ragnarok teased and laughed.

"Ugh. Pandora is right. If the Hero of Legend awakens, we're all screwed. You might have beaten him once before but remember this is a generational hero. He's way smarter than you think!" Ruination said.

Ashen placed his hand on Pandora's cheek. He looked directly into her eyes. He leaned in closer, his nose nearly touching hers. "Unhand me.."

Pandora's heart thumped hard then she let go of him immediately. She shuddered when Ashen caressed her cheek then stroked her chin. "I think...I just came a little.."

"Oh my...Pandora.." Ruination sighed.

"Listen. We have to strike down your father sooner or later. He is an immediate threat, but for me to get on his good side, we have to defeat King Xavier first. After that, we strike Aestrea." Ashen said.

"Are you sure about this? If we go through with that, there's no turning back." Ruination said.

Pandora looked at Ashen then closed her eyes. "As long as you leave my mother and siblings alone, I will join you."

Ashen held Pandora's hand. "You have my word.."

Pandora smiled and rubbed her thumb against his hand.


The next day, Ashen was up and looking out his window. He took in the fresh air then exhaled. He pat the windowsill and went to get ready for the day.

Ishia was helping the maids prepare breakfast for everyone then heard a squeak then a crash in the closet. She looked at the maid beside her then skipped to the closet. She peeked inside and noticed Pandora on the ground with booms and mops on her. She looked at what Pandora was looking at then screamed.

Ashen heard the scream then began running down the hall to the kitchen. He looked inside and saw everyone looking scared. He walked into the kitchen then Ishia screamed and ducked as something flew over her head.

Ashen avoided the creature as well then looked at it as well. "You all are scared of a little crystal dragon?"

"Look what that THING did to my hand!" Pandora yelled and showed Ashen. "It crystalized my hand! CRYSTALIZED!"

"Lord Ashen! Look out!" A maid yelled.

The crystal dragon fired a beam at Ashen, but Ashen deflected the beam and it hit the ceiling. He shot a piercing glare at the dragon then it submitted to him.

"The Dragon Gaze." Ishia said.

The crystal dragon landed on Ashen's shoulder then he walked over to Pandora then grabbed it he began to undo the crystalization then smiled.

"There, all better." Ashen said then walked off.

"Damn...he's so hot." Pandora said as she watched him walk away.

"You really got the hots for my brother huh." Ishia said.

"You should see her when she's alone." Ruination said and sighed.

Ishia smiled at Ruination's comment.


"We should reach Exithia within ten days for the ceremony. Have you got the Legend Core just in case anything goes wrong?" Pandora's father asked.

"I have it with me, father!" Cecilia said and waved it in the air.

"Don't..! Wave it. Knowing your clumsiness, you'll fling it and lose it." Silas said. "Give it to, mother."

"Fiiine." Cecilia said then handed the core to Kagura.

"Are we all ready?" Pandora's father asked.

The Aestrean Forces replied with affirmation. Pandora's father nodded then got on his horse and lead everyone to Exithia.

"Is this necessary..? The Hero of Legend I mean. I mean, I'm sure Ashen isn't too bad considering he's a monster." Silas said.

"You've only met him once, plus he's a monster...but Pandora's letter sounded so happy. It's the happiest I've seen her in a while. Hopefully...he isn't the monster she told us about." Kagura said.

Cecilia and Silas looked at each other then looked ahead.

To Be Continued...