
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · 游戏衍生
161 Chs

Union Summits

In Laterano, all world leaders from various countries were present, without exception. The discussion covered global issues, ranging from external planetary concerns to internal matters on Earth.

Representatives from all corners of the world began arriving one by one, making this an important meeting broadcast live worldwide through various media channels, including radio, television, and newspapers.

"Where is he?" Kal'tsit, dressed formally with Angela, asked, looking around. Angela shook her head, and they were approached by someone.

"Welcome, honored guests," greeted Pope Yvangelista. They both saluted.

"Your Majesty."

"Don't be like that; you are here equally as representatives of Rhodes Island and the precursor era. You have been welcomed with the sound of bells here, signaling that the world will change in this situation, and a new era will emerge." They both smiled at that, engaging in conversation until a disturbance occurred not far away. Some world leaders observed the commotion, which was none other than myself wearing Hierarch armor and my crown, accompanied by Inferno and Kel'thuzad in this meeting — a living demon with a fiery body and a living undead with an ice aura, both standing beside a living god in golden white armor.

"My Lord, I seem to sense divine energy here. It makes me sick," remarked Inferno.

"Easy, Inferno. Master has a bigger plan with this divine energy surrounding us. We will be immune to Faith and to these pathetic living beings, as we are Immortal, and death is none other than just a concept for us," assured Kel'thuzad.

"Don't state the obvious here, Kel'thuzad. Faith, huh? These people need a proper religion."

"Why don't you start your own religion, Inferno?"

"I need proper brochures for that."

"Sounds logical and more civilized. Perhaps we can add more to our master's new faithful cult." Hearing them talk casually about cultists with Inferno's furious voice and Kel'thuzad's soothing voice, like water and fire, was amusing. Meanwhile, I listened to their heretical conversation in a holy country as casually as possible.

They discussed religious invitations casually beside me while I enjoyed the dessert I took from my dimensional pocket — chocolate ice cream.

"So, *lick ice cream* when does the show start?" I took a bite of the ice cream cone, then sucked the ice cream inside the cone. I took a bun and blueberry-flavored ice cream, layered it like a hamburger, and ate it casually.

"..... 1 hour more." I nodded, and the three of us strolled around Laterano leisurely. Kel'thuzad and Inferno engaged in a high-level conversation on how to establish proper cults, specifically focusing on Satanic Cult and Undead Cult. I quietly enjoyed snacks from Laterano while their ideas seemed promising for implementing two cults in the Eastern World, envisioning a dark cult and a light cult coexisting, allowing me to succeed on both fronts.

I listened to their strategies as the two entities in front of me were natural instigators – Soul Devil and Cult of the Damned. Some people were frightened by us, and even reporters were broadcasting the scene.


[My idol is a devil? Why, Doctor, you were supposed to be the chosen one!]

[Does the doctor look cool in that armor? Is the doctor a real otherworldly alien?]

I casually listened to the news comments and smiled, even as Inferno and Kel'thuzad openly discussed taboo topics like how to commit sins, betray faith, and much more. Kal'tsit and Angela covered their faces, appalled at the audacity of these two creatures spitting on Laterano. Yvangelista, on the other hand, was only interested in the devil's perspective, finding strength in the faith of Laterano people as she sat with us, discussing the essence of faith from the viewpoints of Inferno as a literal demonic being, Kel'thuzad as an undead being, and myself as an alien, connoting otherworldly entity.

According to Inferno, faith is ephemeral and can change depending on conditions, always ultimately leading to desire. If you want to be close to God, God will provide a way, but it's up to you to run towards it.

According to Kel'thuzad, faith is subjective and can change based on the subject. Each person's perspective is different, and imposing one's own faith on others without presenting certain evidence is futile. Something uncertain will not yield accurate results.

In the meantime, I casually read a Playboy magazine produced by a Succubus in Kazdel. Sarkaz girls indeed have a different breeding nature, and it's not considered moral at all. Nonetheless, I appreciate them when they get into explicit situations.

"Faith, will, desire. just like the initial system, faith gives you a reason and desire gives you the vision for the result you want. Now it's a matter of how much persistence you have to achieve that desire, how much will power you willing to endure the tribulation and challenge. This synergy makes me understand the complexity of God's work. we live in society where peace in unreachable and hard to attain because many powerful people will abuse their authority, Status does not grant you power but rather the recognition from people even your entire bloodline is royalty descendant is irrelevant for this subject. A throne doesn't control the entire force, it serves as proof that you are worthy to sit in one but sometime people forget their worthiness make them abusive as this world as their own end. Divine power doesn't make you the god of all nature because nature cannot be controlled. Instead, we, as part of nature, recognize that you deserve a share of nature's power but when it out of control you either blame yourself or God you believe. However, we should understand that person have greater intentions and a broader perspective of the world as you people, acknowledging their shortcomings, strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. In my eyes, all are equals and same people either you are Elder or Ancients or Feranmut. the people you lead, guide, and supervise. if i put it on simple manner. Faith = Divine Power = Guide , Will = Status = Lead , Desire = Throne = Supervise. this can be pictured in broader perspective, where Divine Power is A God Force that we have no control or try to obtain it even we try hard enough to be or as be, Divine Power will Guide us to give us something called Faith to respective God Force. While Will is action of us to represent said previous statement, it will give us recognition that we call status from people that they deem we capable lead them to be better as our envision. Last is result as i state before, the desire you want to represent that said faith and the will of action you do, the desire can be change depend on faith and will we call situation, it will resulting you gain the throne as prove of worthiness and you able supervise the people with you is in control. is complete loop, Faith and political power is same, no different but the major different was those three, who you believe, how you act, what you desire. as simple concept of philosophy comprehensive and interconnected view of belief systems, leadership dynamics, and the relationship between humanity and higher powers. there is true faith i believe. after all i state the fact and thing that make sense" i continue reading the porn book, because it fuel me with philosophy shit, imagine post nut clarity, i will ascended. 

Kel'thuzad and Inferno agreed with my opinion because, fundamentally, the system remains the same – it cannot be changed or replaced; only the subject changes.

The Pope smiled upon hearing that, and unexpectedly, the bells rang again, creating new implications. The incessant ringing of those bells, a symbol of the Laterano law, was getting on my nerves.

"Would you like to become a Saint of Laterano?" The Pornhub music abruptly stopped, and the Cleric Beast Theme intensified.

"I'm already an Iberian saint. Becoming a double saint wouldn't be a big deal."

"What difference does it make? If the ideology of our religion aligns with what you describe, wouldn't it be a form of recognition from us that you deserve it?" Sometimes, I wish I could just shut up and focus on my work. My calculations were perfect, but there's one thing I always forget – my own mouth gets me into more trouble than my actions. Thoughts can be conveyed through speech, and actions are conveyed by instinct itself. Damn it, I should have listened to Mimir more.

"Fool!" I raised my hand to Inferno, and he nodded in understanding. I officially became a Paladin from Laterano, an Inquisitor from Iberia. This was getting out of hand. What next? Oracle? Priest of Mino? Foreshadowing? Screw it. More work, more burden, more challenges. My spirit is high, my body is durable, and my mind is ready.

"Don't accept it, Doctor. Please don't accept it." – Non-Laterano Operator

"Accept that, Doctor!" – Laterano Operator

This tension created its own aura. If I accept, the power dynamics will change drastically in a very short period. If I refuse, more offers from various world leaders will come. Damn it, I can't mess around anymore. But it's okay; more countries to access means more ease of movement.

"I will consider it after the union meeting." The Pope nodded at that, and everyone seemed relieved. If I accepted, Laterano would undoubtedly become stronger by any logic.

The meeting, hosted by the Pope, began with discussions about Terra's peace concerns, a potential worldwide conflict, especially since the Battle of the Four Emperors and the fall of the Gaulish Empire. The Pope feared that another civilization might fall next year, and he was correct – Columbia was on the brink of a civil war.

I kept my mouth shut until the Columbia representative, none other than Conrad, commented on their preparations against the lunar expedition threat shown by Neo Rhine Labs earlier. He expressed concerns about people's readiness.

Representatives from Sami, Ursus, Higashi, Yan also voiced their concerns about the ongoing threat of the North Demon. Aegir and Iberia faced problems with the Seaborn. Sargon informed that the South Demon's existence had been eradicated, but Foehn Hotland remained a constant source of catastrophe due to Originium Vein leakage. Caliph Sargon had Zayedhan standby in case the South Demon returned, and to prevent anyone from approaching Foehn Hotland due to the potential reappearance of monsters and demons.

Another problem arose with the Subterranean World proposed by Durin Major, and I agreed with that because I found relics from previous civilizations, such as the Monster under Kazdel, Below Sargon, Below Northern Tundra, Below Higashi, Aegir Abyss, Below Kjerag, and many other undiscovered and dangerous places. Rhodes Island and I are doing our best to solve the problem by finding the Hollow Earth Pathway, which I detailed, connecting all the hollows to the Northern Thundra just above the Incy icefield.

This news made the world worse because there are monsters under their feet that are hibernating, sleeping, or waiting to wake up and excessively destroy this world. Columbia is fully exploiting this for the arms race, which is becoming ridiculous because it will not produce a solution but will further add to the dilemma.

We are already being squeezed from many directions: at sea, there are Seaborn and Abyss monsters; in the north, there are North Demons; in the sky, there are supernatural cosmic beings watching us, and under our feet, there are dormant monsters.

"Uncle, what is your suggestion?" What the heck, Alexandrina? I try not to get involved in this grim world. Everyone looks at me because they know I'm the wild card here.

"I have no right to interfere with the world's problems because I'm an immigrant from another world, not a native here. My duty is what is given to me, which is to take care of the two companies I lead."

"But I recognize you as competent in managing this world, Uncle."

"How dare you use my own wisdom against me, Your Majesty Victoria?" Alexandrina, Eblana, and Theresa giggle hearing that. A protagonist's curse, I should be a villain or a side character. Fuck!

"How is it, Uncle?" I sighed and looked at them.

"What problem do you want me to take care of first? Society or World Threat?" Bolivar's representative made an offer for me to be their parliament, but it was quickly countered by Kazdel, Tara, and Siracusa representatives.

"Enough." My soft voice silenced them, and I picked up some water and drank it casually.

"I still have no intention of doing that for some reason, but how about this? Do you agree if I become a Hamarchy?" They looked at me curiously. Fuck it.

"Hamarchy is a system of government consisting of many distinct or independent parts that rule together, more specifically the joint rule of different regions retaining their individuality. In implementation, give me political power in the country as it authorizes me. As a suggestion: Ursus Duke, Victoria Counselor, Tara Duke, Iberia Saint Inquisition, Laterano Saint, Kazdel Royal Court, Bolivar Parliament, Kazimierz Council, Ægir Consuls, Yan Grand Duke, Sami Priest, Siracusa Famiglia. What more? Speak, give me the right to control over your society, specify it, and I will do it as you tell me."

"Wait, wait, wait, Valtor, you can't just take everything head-on," Kal'tsit interjected. "Think like a refugee. If I have political power in that region, we can access more benefits to it. We are renegades here, you idiot cat."

"Why not?" I replied, seemingly oblivious to the tension building up in Kal'tsit's mind.

"Are you messing with me? You could not possibly be this crazy. I'm sick of your shit, and you want to know why? You want to know why I'm sick of you, Valtor? It's because you're such a 'Laterano-swearing,' 'Yan-swearing,' 'Kazdel-slur.'" Kal'tsit unleashed a barrage of insults and racial slurs, creating a shocking and unprecedented moment in history. Her rant was broadcast to the entire world, except Aegir.

Everyone in the room was flabbergasted by the unexpected turn of events. Kal'tsit's rage reached new heights as she threw every insult and slur known to mankind at me, while I simply looked at her with a smile on my face. The longer I stayed on Terra, the more enraged Kal'tsit became.

"Damn ex-partner, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? If so, then go back to sleep, please." I calmly responded as Kal'tsit snapped and lunged at me, causing chaos in the summit. Security personnel had to drag her out while she continued her tirade of insults and slurs.

"Okay, that was unexpected. You'll cut to advertisement, right?" The cameraman and behind-the-scenes crew congratulated me.

"Thank you. Good job," I acknowledged their efforts.

"Wow, I didn't know that infamous Immortal Kal'tsit could be so barbaric."

"There are three unspoken rules in Rhodes Island: Do not make Kal'tsit angry, pretend it's not my problem when Kal'tsit scolds me, and never disobey what she tells you not to. If you break any of these three rules, good luck dealing with that kind of rant for seven hours straight, with each minute feeling like an hour. Let's pretend she has a problem and continue the meeting. Please act professionally, not like a mentally unstable human being. So, what is your proposal?"

"Based on her response before, she has a point, Doctor. Why do you agree to take on every role of political power?"

"I mean, why not?"

"That's not a logical reason."

"then i become person in said power because the people need me to lead them, then guide them, and supervise them. let me ask you another solid point of proof here. does people ask you and convince you to lead them in this case as approval of status and power ? if yes, then why you ask me back to rule with you ? in my defense, you ask me to be one of your ruling hierarchy. you make the vision how the country you want in the future, then i will humbly guide them to reach your said vision as i do before as Duke of Ursus as proof, then i will supervise your vision not derailed to much of what you envision as how establish the said country as a proof when Aslan still reign over Victoria. after all you just need to give me what the vision so i can guide your people, as you treat me as your own people not entirely otherworldly being that threatening your world entirely, as good courtesy of acceptance, i do need give fair contribution of what you need in your society, part of it such country and whole human race as whole, it ain't much but its honest work"

"Still, you are a war criminal who destroyed Bolivar." I stand up, walk to the podium, and take out intelligence, reconnaissance, blackmail, and videos recording various debaucheries from the Witch King remnants experiment, Columbia experiment, and many debauchery shows displayed for the entire world to see. I recite all the reports regarding Kurfursten's involvement in experimenting with beasts that created many monsters in their hidden experimental grounds. Columbia used their secret soldier program to test out the scientific effects, and I show the progress of the experiment, including the number of casualties, their names, and their origins, all presented in a single breath. I reveal many sources of corruption placed strategically to supervise both sides of the war in a single mobile city, serving as an intelligence source for both parties. I expose numerous names involved in this foolish civil war drama over the country, closing it with a smile on my face.

"I do not want to be treated as a hero or a savior; I just do what I must do, even if it is justified." I show them how I killed those bastards, all without mercy but with an honorable death. One quick neck snap and it's done. no need for pain or loud screams begging for forgiveness. In comparison to these people experimenting with beasts turned into war machines, these creatures also have the right to live in the wild, not as pawns in human warfare. a cowardly action. If you want war, then die in the war, not survive it. Surviving has two possible outcomes: you have much to do, or you are lucky enough to tell the tale"

"You are a monster."

"Yes, I am." I show them my true Godzilla form, with gigantic claws and a big tail, releasing electricity.

"Do I hate this kind of form? No, I embrace it, accept it, and live as it. The irony is, I am the very monster who knows how to cure Oripathy. I am the very monster who challenges the very god who has terrified you for millennia. I am the very monster willing to wipe out entire invasions and revive them back. I am the very monster willing to face the very thing that previous conquerors failed to do. I am the very monster who dares to show you an example, and the fact that you consider it an efficient answer and solution is another slap to the face. I'm not a man here; I'm a monster who acts like a human. Yet, you are no better than me, a monster in human skin" please smarter respond, and my expectation was high for it because of them actually think about it, i demand denial please.

"I understand that my appearance may be monstrous to you, and I don't deny the physical manifestation of power that comes with it. However, what defines me is not just my form but the purpose behind it. I've taken on the role of a force that challenges the status quo, that confronts gods and addresses the fears that have haunted humanity for ages. The irony lies in the fact that, as a supposed monster, I hold the knowledge and capability to cure Oripathy, to bring about positive change. My actions aim to accomplish what previous rulers failed to achieve, and in doing so, I demonstrate an alternative, albeit unconventional solution. Yes, I may be a monster in appearance, but it's crucial to look beyond the surface. I act with a purpose, challenging norms, and forcing a reconsideration of what it means to be a 'monster' or a 'human.' The real question here is whether the skin we wear defines us, or if our actions and intentions carry greater weight"



Hearing the cheers from the live stream, I felt a hint of satisfaction. Perhaps it was confidence, or maybe just a new approach to persuasion.

"We reject your presence in Columbia because we will be independent of your help, including the crimes against humanity committed in Bolivar, which is a reckless act," they declared. In response, I presented a comprehensive plan for the reclamation of Bolivar. Utilizing my in-depth study of geography, topology, and infrastructure, I proposed a design that considered all tribes and communities alienated from Bolivar, as well as refugees hiding in the mountains.

Bolivar, resembling Latin American countries like Venezuela, Mexico, and Brazil, housed diverse cultures that I thoroughly studied. I brokered coalitions and peace treaties, uniting various tribes under one leadership, preserving the original Bolivarian cultural flavor. These tribes, tired of warfare, were willing to cooperate for the sake of modernization. With my diplomatic efforts, they agreed to share their culture and resources, contributing to the development of the country.

I established a simple agreement akin to the Union Nation agreement in Central America: National Reconciliation, End of Hostilities, Democratization, Free Elections, Termination of OP Aid for Irregular Forces, Non-use of Territory for Attacks, Security Negotiations, Verification, Control and Limitation of Weapons, Refugee Resettlement, Corporation, Democracy, and Freedom for Peace and Development. International verification and follow-up were integral, with Columbia and Leithanein required to compensate for the damage to Bolivar.

In addition, I introduced my most advanced work, the Anti-Catastrophe Spire, capable of neutralizing Originium radiation during disasters. Another groundbreaking technology in development was the Weather Control Spire, designed to regulate weather conditions, ensuring a stable environment.

Siege, Eblana, and Theresa, who were already aware of these advancements, remained unsurprised. They had received the spires as part of the rations they signed for earlier.

"Now, my contribution to building Bolivar is complete. What is your contribution to the representation of Columbia and Leithanein?" I questioned, emphasizing the challenge of building a foreign country without direct knowledge.

Columbia offered financial and technological assistance as compensation for their expansion, while Hildegard committed to providing infrastructure and Art Units.

"With this proof, Bolivar's peace treaty and independence are recognized by the world. Please sign this attestation," I requested. They signed, solidifying Bolivar's independence from foreign threats.

"Doctor, would you like to be one of our parliamentarians ?"

"In what field ?"


"Okay, I don't like where this is going. Suggest something else."

"How about Minister of Infrastructure and Defense ?"

"Two offices in one government ? Hamarchy is apparently implemented. I'll think about it for a moment." The Aztec people and other mythologies like Inca and Mayan had already taught me how to integrate different offices within a government, drawing on their rich cultures and myths. I had also seen relics of previous civilizations, thanks to Iberia's invasion, which could serve as a solid foundation for a new culture.

The Iberians also had a role to play in this endeavor, and exploring the Caribbean Sea revealed its abundant resources. With the geographic form of Bolivar in hand, complete with maps detailing tribes, mobile and sedentary villages, and cities, the Bolivar representative and I engaged in a rapid exchange of ideas. Suggestions and inputs flowed seamlessly, creating a harmonious collaboration that pleased everyone. A quick smoking break with Bolivar's infamous Tobacco helped fuel my thoughts.

"What if I become the Minister of Technology, Culture, and Humanity?" I proposed, and the Bolivar representative eagerly accepted.

"We'll accept that" he responded. I nodded and entered what I humorously called "Duke Nukem Mode," swiftly smoking some Zaza to enhance my cognitive function.

We delved into the intricate details of rebuilding Bolivar, blending modern and ancient infrastructure while preserving the original Bolivarian culture. The collaboration involved strategic input from Columbia, and the incorporation of Leithanein's expertise in creating a culture that emphasized music. Drawing from various cultural influences, including Peruvian, Aztec, and more, we aimed to preserve Bolivar's uniqueness.

Education and human resource management were prioritized, particularly addressing the issue of child soldiers. By providing comprehensive education from early childhood to university, Bolivar could benefit from a blend of culture, technology, geography, and engineering. Defense strategies against foreign attacks incorporated ancient martial arts from the Bolivarian ancestors, martial arts from Iberia, musical art from Leithanein, and weapons from Columbia.

In just seven minutes, the rebuilding of Bolivar unfolded before the eyes of its people, leaving the Bolivarian populace in awe of their rapidly transforming society.

"Is anything amiss ?" he seemed to be experiencing a mental break. This is so much fun, honestly, but how about more?

"Do you want to speed up the country rebuilding ? Say less." I provided input, and just like the transformation of the entire region, a machine-like engine, a gigantic one, was created in the Bolivar Region, rebuilding their society from the ashes of war.

All the mountains, once occupied by tribes, shifted rapidly, changing the entire geography. Mountains visited by humans turned into fortresses, and houses were built on the mountains for certain communities. Every water channel was turned into flat, sturdy, and weather-resistant roads. Huge roads connected every mobile city, province, and village with easily accessible signposts, docks, and various fauna and flora spread widely.

The construction of each city, blending ancient and modern styles, was unique to their culture. All of this was built with complex construction, as if a god were building society as a whole. Thanks to Aztec Myth, they had advanced as a society.

[Bolivar Country is Complete]

Hearing that notification made me very happy. I blew out the smoke that I had in my lungs to form a Bolivar logo.

"Done." The God Engine vanished with a sound resembling a transformer in Bolivar, and I took a small sip of water.

"Is there anything else I need to know before you all agree to the Hamarchy I propose ?"

"Uncle, come back as my counselor."

"Of course, sweetheart. I will be on your side."

"Duke Sephiroth, the seat of Duke is now yours."

"It's been an honor to work with you again, Tsar. Can I choose my own region ?"

"Which place ?"

"Around this lake" I showed Fyodor Ursus on the map.

"Do you need a Mobile City ?"

"I prefer to take Simoch, which has already drowned here."

"Ah, that city. Very well, that city is now yours, Duke Sephiroth."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"The Court of Kazdel seat is reserved for you, Valtor."

"Work your contribution, Theresa. Kazdel is also your responsibility, not fully mine."

"The Tara Duke seat is available for you."

"Is King Gaeil's Castle still there ?"

"The decaying ruins of what once was the royal palace ? It's still there, but nothing is left."

"Another castle to be built. Make sure that place will be my office."

"As the Laterano Pope and the current saint, I proclaim you as Cardinal Vicar Doctor." The Vicar Amelia theme intensifies.

"Oh my, Cardinal ? It's been a long time since I've been a Cardinal. It shall be done, i will spread Laterano Religion in nearby country that collaborate with me"

"Kazimierz Adeptus Sprawiedliwi grant you title of Noble Knight, Doctor"

"Shall be done, i will get necessary thing to take care for Knighthood"

"Yan Three Dukes shall be yours, Doctor."

"Your Majesty, I would like to be the Minister of Work"

"That, from your merit alone, is enough for one of the three departments."

"I prefer engineering, transportation, construction."

"Consider it done in the next year"

"Iberia Saint shall be provided for you, Doctor."

"Your Majesty, do you still keep the Floating Mobile City that was invested by Seaborn before?"

"I do. The mobile city is near Iberia's homeland."

"I shall take this region of the island, where Stultivera Navis is found. I'll use it as a barricade in case many unfortunate Aegir come ashore or another Seaborn attack" I showed him the geography of Terra near Iberia's coast with eight islands.

"Shall be granted. Much appreciated."

"As Padishah of Sargon, I need your aid to fix the tribal conflict and the Vouvire Alliance that hinders."

"Hold right there, Your Majesty. The source of the problem here is not the tribal and Vouvire coalition, but the human greed of Lord Ameer. But if you really need help to fix your powerless political struggle, especially communication between you and Lord Ameer, it will take a long time, especially with many things happening in your country, black market, human slavery, occultists, assassins, and many more. I cannot take care of all of them at once, especially when many Lord Ameer represent each tribe, and your country is downright backward. It saddens me as the former Second in Command of the Khagan Army and Lugalszargus, the Shahanshah, as Consul back then when he was able to unite everyone under one banner. But do not worry, Padishah of Sargon. Give me this region." My region was too close to Foehn Hotland, a constant catastrophe. There's nothing good there, no water source or anything, just barren desert land.

"That is a dangerous place."

"There is no danger in this world for a man who never fears death. That is what Lugalszargus always said to me. If danger cannot kill you, then you are stronger than danger itself. That's what Khagan always said to me."

'No shit, you're a Supreme Being, Doctor.'

"No good resources there for your settlement."

"I can improvise."

"Are you sure ?"

"Why not ?"

"That's not convincing enough."

"Trust me."

"That's also not convincing."

"Trust me square."

"As you wish. I will make a decree for it" I smile. Finally, I can be the Aladdin of the legend of the seven seas ? Nah, seven countries are under my command. I can connect Tara, Victoria, Iberia, Yan, Higashi, Bolivar, and Sargon to the seven seas trading route. Iberia serves as the main port connected to Tara, Victoria, Higashi, and Yan, while Sargon is the main storage for Bolivar's natural Originium Stone supply. Is it plausible ? Yes, I am the main character in my own story.

"Representatives of Kjerag, Mino, Sami, Siracusa, Leithanein, Higashi, Aegir ?" I don't mention Columbia because they already exiled me, so forget them.

"I can do it myself, Uncle."

"Understandable, Priestess of Kjerag."

"We are independent"

"Thank you, Mino Priest"

"We are still trying to hold Andskotarnir. could you perhaps aid us to stop them"

"I see." I open up a portal and look at the north tundra full of invested demons. They screech at me.

"Shut up." The demons are instantly muted; no sound can be heard. I take out Frostmourne from my hips and point it at them.

"I banish you from this planet." I stab the ground with Frostmourne. As Frostmourne glows in white, it releases an energy blast that erases all the demons visible to the naked eye, and all of them vanish. I close the portal and leave Frostmourne there.

"Done. No Andskotarnir, collapsal, or whatever you call it shall step foot on this planet. My blade, Frostmourne, will erase the existence of a demon from this world entirely without questioning. It will bypass any type of immunity or powerful ability, including info hazards, corruption nature, or anything that is already visible and known to it. As for demon shards, I can't erase them, but I have already provided you with a way to purify and cure them. Don't worry; even if you try to call them here, which some of you have attempted, you can't. Even at the Witch King Class level, you need to pull out that sword from this planet. anything else ?" i give most convincing smile and thumbs up. everyone in here wide eye while Theresa smile seeing that.

"How was it, Priest ? You can ask the Cyclops priestess about the future when you return home regarding those Andskotarnir. If they are able to breach here in many possible futures, then you can sue me. If they don't, can you say hi to Amma, please"

"Did you ?"

"Yes, since the Common Era, approximately 2000 years ago ? I lost count. She and I fought the Andskotarnir for almost 5 years with no rest while she was still mortal. I forget that she was still young that day. She and I felt the burden of fighting those things for 5 years, and this human body limited us to the point where we were out of sanity fighting those demons trying to ascend from our mortal bodies. She suggested it at first, and then we actually tried it by secret means. I don't want to share it with you. Yes, I'm petty. And the thing is, she actually succeeded, while I became what you see now, a monster in human skin, while she became the Lord of Deer. Talk about luck, a damn lucky woman. She became an immortal spirit, as you pray today as a Goddess, and she has never changed since then, except she's still fat. Don't tell her that, or she's going to give me a horn bash." The priest laughed at how I casually mocked their goddess out of spite. Amma's horn bash is no joke; she's the most block-headed woman I've ever met. I always get wounded while she's always near death or totally insane if we don't take shelter in nearby purification water. Now it's different, but she likes my food, though, and that's the reason she's fat until now.

"Shall be done, Doctor."

"Thank you"

"we can independent"

"I appreciate that Kaiserinnen"

"We can independent"

"i appreciate Shogunate"

"Are you sure Aegir free from Seaborn ?"

"Hmmm" Closing my eyes, I connect myself into Seaborn Hive mind and tell them to contain the abyss monster. they responded by singing to me, i nod and open my eye back.

"Done but i can't guarantee the church of the deep experiment in Higashi, you should check it if shogunate willing"

"We would check it and make sure no experiment indulge in there"

"Appreciate the effort" Signora stare at me and i smile.

"Famiglia huh ? did i need to be in the game of Signori dei Lupi"

"Depend on you, are you able to survive ?"

"you mean massacre all the Signori dei Lupi fangs ? or straight kill the beast lord of wolf, wipe them out from Siracusa wilderness and everyone attach to it ? which one ?"

"unmatched arrogance, Unrivaled egotism, Supreme self-importance, Unmatched superiority complex, Unbeatable narcissism, Inimitable overconfidence" i grip my hand and do a victory pose.

"Thank you for the compliment, i'm gonna live with my arrogance, egotism, self-importance, superiority complex, narcissism, overconfidence only to spite you"

"you sure walk that mouth pretty clever but that thing not only work for people who easy to sway" As my smile disappeared after hearing that, and a bit of disappointment settled within me, the idea of using my God Mode popped up, a kind of power I usually keep for special occasions. But, it looked like things were getting out of control, making me show a bit of how gods might look at regular folks with a bit of disdain.

Looking at her, I let my eyes shoot this powerful, godlike glare, sort of like how divine beings might look at people they think are beneath them. It wasn't something I planned, just a quick peek into the kind of power gods have. Suddenly, the air around us felt charged, like there was this unspoken feeling of being way above everything else.

I couldn't help but notice her reaction, a mix of amazement and a bit of fear. Her eyes got wider as she recognized this strange force showing up out of nowhere. And it wasn't just in her eyes; her body reacted too, like she felt a shiver down her spine, sensing that something was off. The silence around us was thick, and even though others didn't know what was going on, they could feel that something wasn't right. It was a moment frozen in time, with the only sound being the quiet hum of this unexpected power. 

Then, our eyes locked, and it seemed like she wasn't seeing just a regular guy but some powerful being too strong to face. In that intense gaze, she realized her existence was pretty much like simple dust compared to my overwhelming power. Our eyes locked, and as I kept glaring, almost by reflex, she stood up, sensing the strength of the force in front of her.

"Hmmm ? is there something wrong ?" i stop glaring then smile a normally as possible, i try to assert dominance here and she overreacted. and the funny thing was, she as Lupo, her breeding instinct kick in, i cough to make her more docile, i dont want she releasing some heavy breathing of someone get a job in genital.


"so lets put aside our arrogance shall we ? as matter of Fact, Siracusa need better solution to run the country. In the meantime, the common folks are living under the threat of the famiglie in which they will face a life-and-death situation if they are accidentally involve in their matters also The Signori de lupi game make matter worse for endless hunt. but i definitely can help and aid that but if you give me this place" i show her Shamare Island where she belong, Signora look at me with little bit concern.

"That place haunted"

"no worry, i already seen worse than Haunted"

"are you agree to become Famiglia" that news reach Siracusa, Some people from Rhodes island who born on Siracusa pray me to not accept it, and some former Siracusa family also pray me not to join.

'no doctor, please. no'

"Agree, but" all of them despaired and Signora smile hearing that but curious about what i will say next.

"Give me the reason why you purge Famiglia Texas ? your answer deciding what requirement for me to become one"

"i cannot let them independence from the Siracusan famiglie system"

"Then i will be Independent Famiglia who not involved or related to any Famiglie System exist in Siracusa, i grow my own law, i grow my own jurisdiction, i grow my on autonomy. agree ?" Signora stand up and glare at me.

"that is unacceptable"

"I agree becoming Famiglia but i never say i agree to be Your Famiglia" Signora hear that almost become mad, she get outsmarted by me. im so fucking good.

"no, you should join My Famiglia"

"No, you say it before" i open the recording before that dialogue of her offer

"are you agree to become Famiglia", "i cannot let them independence from the Siracusan famiglie system" in repeat, live recorded, seen and hear by entire world.

"in this recording, you never specify what Famiglia i will join, rather you offer me to be Famiglia as my own freedom of choice, then i answer with Agree but as cunning man i was, i ask you why you purge Texas to understood what flaw in this Famiglia system and apparently you answer it yourself, you cannot let Famiglia goes independent from Famiglie system, underline you. so all power based on you which is political power to greater extend, all degree come from you which law and court system, all order shall belong to you which judicative and ultimately all from, come and full was on you. and i want independent Famiglia without you in there, interfering or anything that disturb welfare of my Famiglia"

" i will kill you"

"Nu uh, you laid down one hidden rule in Siracusa Famiglia : "Do not kill." even you said yourself in Siracusa before is forbidden to purge a family without the your consent. but the fact, you want to kill me is breaking hidden rule, and the fact im independent Family without your autonomy but still consider a Family is forbidden to be purge, and im sole person in said family you cannot purge and your consent effected on your autonomy with my independence from said autonomy that consent is count as null, a loophole, a perfect Loophole for your flawed famiglia system" Some of people in here laugh how crafty i was, creating loophole in this situation using anything to my advantage. meanwhile Kal'tsit, taking sip of coffee then giggle hearing that from Television.

"Nice one"

[ Good Job Doctor ! ]

"I still have authority to control you"

"nu uh, you can't. im independent from your autonomy and the fact your consent of ruling over me you called Authority cannot be applied by me"

"i will send Elite force to eliminate you"

"Nu uh, Hidden rule of Siracusa Familigia, Do not Kill. Forbidden to purge a family especially independent Famiglia like me" Signora grow more annoyed of how her order bite her back.

"you are most disloyal Famiglia i ever met"

"Loyal ? i never loyal to you, i'm independent from your autonomy. obviously i try to survive here with same ideology and spirit of Famiglia"

"but other Famiglia able to harass you"

"Yes they can but as Independent Famiglia i do have right to defend myself if my famiglia threatened, we will engage lethal force to respond"

"Hah ! You can't, as hidden Rule Do Not Kill apply to you"

"Nu Uh, i never specify lethal force is to Kill" seeing Signora almost enrage amuse me, she can't win against this petty of me, no wonder Kal'tsit sane enough to deal with me, if she not having mental breakdance first.

"no wait, i never Agree of you become one"

"Nu Uh, you admit it before" i show her another Recording of her saying "you are most disloyal Famiglia i ever met" that make her grow despair while me smile, a smile of victory.

"you indirectly admit, i was disloyal Famiglia, in logic, you already accept me as Famiglia, so i use the No kill rule and no purge rule for entire conversation we did by now, and the fact we still arguing over and over is literally accepting me as Famiglia, if im still Non-Famiglia, is different outcome"

"As Capo dei capi, i punish you"

"Im independent from your autonomy, your order or consent can't be apply to me. Siracusa Capo Dei Capi" when i cut her, she was done, she done, she cannot fathom how fucking annoying i was, more like how annoying her rule was.

"you are the worse Famiglia that i agree to accept in our Mafia circle"

"At least im competent to defeat you without creating ruckus and conspiracies, no need Mafiosi, no need any Famiglia allies or backhand transaction and more competent than entire Famiglia who under your Autonomy try to usurp your game of order. i'm a spectator who play third person with different kind piece pawn with your flaw Famiglia system as my ultimate invincible pawn, even you try to change the rule, still cannot apply to me as i not connected to your autonomy, even you try to harass or disturb my Famiglia Welfare, we still able self defense as long we do not kill or purge the said threat Famiglia. i won the war, who is better Famiglia without being one and belong into one, in technically speaking and reality proofing all of Famiglia try to usurp you for they be sole famiglia in the country, and yet i able defeat you without breaking two rule, No kill and no purge then defeat your system by your own word as you admitted yourself. you mock me before as unmatched arrogance, Unrivaled egotism, Supreme self-importance, Unmatched superiority complex, Unbeatable narcissism, Inimitable overconfidence person and the fact all of them is also represent you from our Famiglia conversation is kinda ironic. so" i clap my hand and fired up my self.

"any other thing that i can help with ? give me more work so i can do it right away but keep that in mind, i will do that next year for any offer and responsibility you gave me except thing that actually direly need to take care, i need to attend yearly vacation in Rhodes Island. you wouldn't mind right ?"

"no wonder you are monster but your Famiglia will filled with many backstabber and worse people"

"Hey, they are still my famiglia, is my jurisdiction for their well being, i dont care you are serial killer, assassin, the man love torturing weak, man love destroying or totally renegade, a bastard cunning asshole like me. they still part of my Famiglia, i gonna put use of your skill, your talent, your daily living, good or bad is irrelevant because that two can be decided in Situation you in what risk and advantage you gain, all is part of my Famiglia, will to survive, anything acceptable"

"so you willing to pick not morally good person"

"let put this logic in another view, why do you need prison ? to contain said individual because sin they commit or because the law that they non-compliance, do imprisonment can change the individual personality, habit and thing that make them "bad" to "evil" ? no you can't. we must survey the person history why they become like that, which breaking point they choose their path today, and why they become like now, is they made choice before. as Famiglia god-father of my own Famiglia, i must understand that then adapt to it and try to guide their path without altering, changing or totally fix it what type of "Fang" or person they are, i keep that way as that is part of you because you live with it and be with it and that also the thing that make you survive until now, with body intact and breath normally and sleep comfortably then you know very well either you die alone or live alone as lone wolf or Famiglia get disbanded is the worse thing happened to a Famiglia, you have nowhere to go and seek shelter to other Famiglia. see the pattern here ? i just need to implement that pattern. you need Famiglia to shelter you ? come, you can choose and align with other famiglia but let me ask you question do the famiglia treat you like what ? a disposal or a Families, if disposal then whatever i say is absolute to you, but as Families, i not go that way, so what can you do to contribute my famiglia ? no need to shy away, because spirit of Famiglia never hide your "fang", fang in this case what made you now, Show them to me with greatest proud look you can convey as example you are robber, come i give you a house, now which part of this house you can access to steal treasure inside, now show me all the path you able to steal anything inside there, as you show me how to steal, i can improvise that with home security then you officially contribute your ability to Famiglia by providing protection to another fang of your famiglia from other Famiglia try to disturb welfare of our famiglia. what now ? you love torturing people, with what ? physical or mental ? okay show me how you torture them as i provide you a dummy, oh my you good at beating people into pulp with bare hand ? then come, this is a traitor who sold our famiglia to other famiglia, beat him not kill him, make him yield because traitor is unacceptable, we are family, we never backstab each other, In the Families spirit as She Wolf wish we had a code of honor to Families, you watch my back, I watch yours. even you not part as Famiglia or part of it, we look each other back, as i look after you and you look after me, you look after other and other look after you, complete cycle and this was True Families that She Wolf Kid want for and able to coexist in peace for centuries to come, i able to deduce and understand it despite im not born from her or part of her kids families" Hearing that outrageous way of game Famiglia is beyond madness from Signora view of Old Way and its logical for perspective of pragmatic person, and that was the thing make Younger generation of Famiglia in Siracusa yell my name as God Father Valtor.

" that is impossible, you will be treated as bad person "

" nay nay nay, i already a monster so human impossibility doesn't apply to me as realistically speaking, this meeting already live to world, as i declare myself a monster, yes in fact im indeed a monster in many people view was bad person and im not even person to begin with so you accountable of me as bad person is consider stupid opinion but do i do a bad thing ? yes such example Bolivar, do my action justified by the war crime i commit ? yes as i provide you the proof why but i repent my action but i already kill someone who need to be judge by justice and law but it will lead nowhere as human greed and bad side can be used in this as exploitation, so instead i helping them rebuild back their society with the aid of the very country who make them suffer that we are same a bad person we responsible of our action and if you run from it and try to sway your way to make you innocently justified, you are no better than me as monster. then demon i already banish them with my own way even all 5 country have hard time to deal with them, Seaborn problem ? i already hijack their Hive Mind with my stronger mind who survive any bullshit this world can throw me, then your flawed familigia system already exploited by me with good mannerism of pragmatic Famiglia who control everyone with leash rather freedom of self identity to good way use of their truest "fang", now what more ?" Signora was lost, she not saying anything anymore, and i do pull hand victory pose. im so fucking good at bullshiting. i fuck my way into this mess i fuck my way out and it was great success, no shit im main character of my own story.

"Welcome to Famiglia, Don Valtor ?" i use his name, sorry Romulus, you have Rome then i have my own Rome, im on my own Rome Now.

"Remus Famiglia"


"can i sit now ?"

"you can Cardinal Vicar Valtor"

"Thank you." The summit is over, and the world's problems have been addressed, delivered, and attached clearly without any manipulation. Under the new leadership, various Ursus residents are ready to become my residents, and some old Victorian Veterans know that the legendary dragon of Victoria has returned. The Tara Hero is on their side, the Iberia Saint made a comeback, Sui Slayer is with them, and many more. However, on the Columbia side, there were many demonstrations questioning why I was not included in the council, backed with technological evidence from Neo Rhine Labs, creating a political struggle over people's trust.

many people from Sargon, Bolivar, Sami, Ursus, Kazimierz, Kazdel, Siracusa, Victoria, Tara, Laterano, Yan are curious how i able handle many country at the same time without betraying or spying on them but when camera point at me who currently talking with Inferno and Kel'thuzad who congratulate me successfully conquer 70 percent of this world, they feel somehow conflicted how man like me able to casually talk literal manifestation of fire and talking ice skeleton. Some world leaders are still casually sitting here, engaging in interviews or discussing new projects with me as an aid. It's a new breakthrough that they don't want to miss.

While I inquire about the development of Hell Realm and Dalaran, reports from Kel'thuzad and Inferno indicate that everything is going well. Under Lilith's strong leadership, coupled with the buffs I've provided, all the demons in Hell Realm have sworn loyalty to me, willing to wreak havoc on any world I deem annoying. Lilith feels at home seeing the demons training and interacting normally with the residents of Svarga, although Freyja is a little worried about the presence of demons in the sacred grounds of Ardenweald. Meanwhile, Dalaran is a bit chaotic due to the unique and cute antics of the magi there, experimenting with various forms and variations of magic from different worlds.

I've instructed Kel'thuzad to monitor the society in the area near Leithanein and Victoria. I want him to retrieve the body, more precisely, the remains of the Witch King's legacy from the Witch Occultist. Additionally, I've tasked Inferno with conducting a thorough analysis of Foehn Hotland.

"Shall be done, Master"

"As you wish, My Lord" They go in the blink of an eye and return just as quickly.

"Report." I smile at how fast they are. The fact that they do it instantly is considered a good thing.

"The region is invested with monsters and demons. I have already scanned and measured their power. It seems they are corrupted by outer means, and many of them are born from people's personal beliefs and folklore. Some remain from the previous war. Some of them are already hard to destroy, and some of them are immortal but not totally invincible. End report, my duty, my lord."

"Master, it seems this piece of magical artifact indeed has a connection to a personal dimension. There is a person in there who is sealed away, and the fact that he is constantly getting stronger is something else. But apparently, his ability is too common. I sense this magical artifact is worth studying even more. Whoever is sealed in there will be a great addition to my rat lab."

"Good work, Inferno. And not right now, Kelthuzad, but I can provide you with someone who is great in the application of Alchemy. She was a former feline Queen in legend here, but she is still purified by the Builder in Greater Ark. Perhaps you can wait. How about the hidden occult there? Are they doing fine ?"

"Understood. The majority of them are young and naive witch covens. Some of the older generation is a little bit lunatic. They pose no threat to the world at all. Instead, some of them have a bit of a traumatic past regarding the banishment of Victorian Soldiers."

"I see. Sometimes people's paranoia makes everything complicated. Good work, you two. Here is your reward." I create a dimension with a combination and manipulation of Devil Dark Shadow, Seraphim Holy Light, a piece of dust Lightbringer of God, Omega Force, White Phoenix Force, Dream Imagination, a little light of All Father of Hope, and using Immaterium as a vessel. It creates a crazier Dark Dimension, supposedly similar to Marvel but more infinite. Imagine a single massive energy plane, shattered into many planes, twice the energy of the previous planes. Finite energy with an infinite plane of energy inside it. I split that into two with my own hands and hand it over to Kelthuzad and Inferno.

"Inferno, absorb it. Kelthuzard, study it. Make sure your whole existence is enough to battle Nigh-Omnipotent beings as I am. You stand side by side with me, your power equal to Mael, who is also the same but to a lesser extent if that bastard is holding back." Both of them kneel down showing respect, an utter respect that goes beyond their reason. A simple mission yet the price was beyond reason. Such an easy job but good in many ways.

"Master, please allow us to express our utmost dedication to fulfilling your wishes. The necessary arrangements have been made to secure the requested item, and we eagerly await your further instructions. Your satisfaction remains our paramount concern, and we stand ready to serve you with the highest level of commitment and servitude." I rub my face and sigh to hear that, the influence of that person.

"Can you ask Lady Junko to take care of this Little Golden Erdtree? This tree is needed for my next World Journey." I take out a simple pot with a little golden tree releasing a small amount of Qi. Because in Eastern Cultivation World, abundant Qi is needed, why not create an Elden Ring Tree? Life is Qi, with Erdtree releasing infinite abundant energy. I can make my sect a Condensed Qi Gathering. I can break every Cultivation law. Immortal? No need to reach a million to a thousand years to attain it, just a few weeks is enough. How about Rebirth? Then you still have Immortal Qi from the previous life, then amplify and enhance it to be purer, stronger than the entire immortal society. Ah, eastern-type stuff.

"Master, can I make a suggestion?" I nod to them.

"Suggestion accepted."

"As you wish. I can feel the Divine energy in there, but it is aligned to 'good.' I suggest you should add 'bad' to make a balance between them. The tree releasing both bad and good, yin and yang, angel and demon simultaneously. As Lady Junko is capable of purifying said power, it makes the energy released more pure than primordial energy in said world."

"I agree with Kelthuzad's opinion, my Lord. Some people are born with a curse while others are born with providence. We can't put favoritism between good or bad as you do here. Everyone is the same in your eyes. All you need is how to nurture and cultivate them as long as you provide the reason and device to make the action go as intended." I think about it, yes, indeed. Cultivation has a demonic path and a divine path. They have different aspects to cultivate Qi, but as long as Reason and device are provided, the action will go as intended. In this case, Erdtree is spiritual life Qi, which is the embodiment of Reason and Device. Reason was Qi, Device was Tree.

Kelthuzad and Inferno nod, then fist bump each other, then continue bow down to me.

"I accept the suggestion, good work. You need to be given another gift."

"We are already satisfied with the first gift, my lord. It is our duty to make sure your journey in the future goes smoothly."

"We will observe and make sure this tree is ready to be used in said world."

"Thank you, dismiss and also." I take out someone's bone and give it to Kel'thuzad.

"That queen who died, ask Azathoth to make use of her bone."

"Understood, I shall convey your will to Lord Azathoth."

"Thank you."

"We will excuse ourselves from your presence."

"Ah, one more thing. Can you ask Ultimecia to send the Abyssal Fleet to Greater Ark to further study their mutation?"

"Understood, I shall convey your will to her."

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

"Have a nice day, Master."

"Have a nice day, my lord." I sighed seeing them vanish quickly, then I patted my head.

[ Inferno > Evolving 0 %]

[ Kel'thuzad > Evolving 0%]

"I forgot you guys were still here, sigh. Whatever, is this live?" All cameramen nod in excitement.

"Well, another big scoop and news, don't you think?"

"Can you tell us about Greater Ark?"

"Oh, let me show you." I show them a cinematic movie of what Greater Ark is.

Imagine this amazing place, the Greater Ark, like this massive, ever-evolving masterpiece of society. It's not just a picture; it's a lively mix of cultures, high-tech stuff, and smart folks from all over. Think of it as a living show of unity and brilliance, kinda like that cool Alien Society. And in this mix, high-tech gadgets aren't just cool; they're part of everyday life, making things convenient and connected for everyone.

Now, step into the heart of the Greater Ark, where the cities are like nothing you've seen. There are tall buildings with shiny spires and holographic displays on the streets, making it feel like you're in the future. Nature and tech are like a team – gardens floating in the air show off exotic plants and animals, creating a cool environment.

In this special society, it's not just about everyone getting along; it's a constant party of diversity. Festivals aren't just big shows; they're full of performances, art, and cultural stuff that brings out good vibes. Streets aren't just for walking; they're alive with laughter, conversations, and art, making shared experiences not just moments but creations.

And health isn't just about not being sick; it's about actively staying well. Super advanced medical tech isn't just there to keep people healthy; it's part of ongoing research and development, making healthcare better all the time.

But, despite all the cool stuff, humility is key. People in the Greater Ark get that they're part of something big and cosmic. Learning isn't just for personal gain; it's about sharing ideas and exploring the vast omni-verse together. They're not just chilling; they're actively working together to make things better.

The Greater Ark, shining bright, isn't just a symbol; it's like those cool worlds you read about in Many Hidden Folklore. It's a place where dreams of an advanced society aren't just dreams; they're everyday reality. Your wish for a society that's chill and smart, working together? That's the Greater Ark – a big space where everything, from daily life to exploring the universe, is about being awesome, learning, and making things better for everyone.

Everyone who witnessed it live on the media was flabbergasted. The revelation of that society's existence and my self-proclamation as the council leader or essentially the sole president was outrageous. Questions arose: where does that alien society exist, and why did I need to hide it? That society was like a treasury room with infinite gold.

"Alright, let's wrap it up. I need to go survey some places. See you around, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, by the way," I coughed, then proceeded to do a promotion as I needed to feed some mouths in the company.

"Step into a world of awesome style and comfort with our clothes, handmade by yours truly. We've got sizes for everyone, and you can pick from a bunch of colors and combos to suit your vibe. We've got clothes for all seasons, from chill tropical vibes to winter, spring, summer, and fall looks. Each piece is made to fit the season, so you're always looking and feeling good. We've got fancy formal wear, cool everyday outfits, swimwear, undies, and even accessories like dolls to jazz up your style.

And wait, there's more! Our watches have cool gears, and our bags are made from top-notch animal leather. We've got all kinds of accessories : Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and hairpins crafted with style and care. And you don't have to stress about washing them; they're easy to clean and last for a good 10 years.

And here's the eco-friendly part: our clothes and accessories are recyclable. You can turn them back into fabric and iron ore. It's not just about looking good; it's about showing off culture and making each piece uniquely awesome.

Now, let's talk wheels. We've got two wheels, four wheels, eight wheels, and Aero. The Thread Wheel on our rides adapts to the terrain, making sure your ride stays smooth. For eight-wheelers, we've got a special trailer with home, storage, armory, and compartments you can customize. It's like a mobile house on wheels, ready for anything.

And for those who like to mix things up, our Aero Vehicles can change colors, get modified with our new invented technology the Domicile module, and even transform into anything you can imagine from rings, earrings, or whatever tickles your fancy.

Ever thought about a drug that can make interspecies relationships work? We've got it. Verdugo, our genetic-based elite scientist, did some cool research, and now there's a drug that makes it possible. It's safe for all ages, but be careful, especially if you're a bit older.

Spritz on some cool powder or spray to smell fantastic all day. Our perfumes use your sweat to stay activated, so you stay fresh even during workouts. Pick your scent from fruits, leaves, or whatever floats your boat. And guess what? They're waterproof and heat resistance too!

Meet our supply box ! it's like a shelf, fridge, and stove all in one. It keeps your food fresh and tasty, whether it's hot or cold. Perfect for long trips or adventures when you can't grab a bite.

Get ready to level up your style, tech, and life with our awesome range of stuff. We're all about quality, sustainability, and making life more awesome. Choose us, and step into a world where everything is just plain awesome. And hey, don't just take our word for it, try it out next year and experience the otherworld" i do promotion with all Rhodes Island and Neo Rhine Labs personnel as model, i do all of them with many poses of promotional art, all 3D and Computer Generated Imagery. and last Logo of Rhodes Island and Neo Rhine Labs with last motto of our join company.

"Diverse Minds Unite, Igniting Infinite Potential: Attracting Visionaries Worldwide, Infected or Not, to Transform Our World"

with that my product complete promotion has been set, is time to reap what i sow.

"see you around next year folks, ay ay ay"

My ear was pulled by Kal'tsit with an exasperated face, and she dragged me out of the room because I was promoting our new product without Kal'tsit's approval. I was subsequently tortured by Kal'tsit, being included in the news, and severely scolded for burdening myself with the management of 10 to 14 countries, if you add Svarga, Greater Ark, and Yharnam. Despite having a buff that needed to be kept using, I had to adapt and not forever depend on that buff.

Kal'tsit had no end to her ranting, and Angela sighed, joining me in expressing frustration. Now, there were two of them, making the situation even more annoying.

I came up with a good idea – I decided to turn the tables.

"I don't have time to listen to your ramblings. Go back to NRL. If you linger here, I will stay with you because tonight we have to leave." Upon hearing that, they panicked and used Joyce to return to the Neo Rhine Labs headquarters. It was like a digital transition – Kal'tsit disappeared in green, Angela in blue, Eblana in purple, Alexandrina in gold, Theresa in red, and Enya in white.

I used the Seraphim wing and darted quickly into the air, resembling an angel passing through the world.

"Angel! Doctor is an angel!"

"I knew it. I made the right choice for him to be a Cardinal," the Pope happily affirmed that his choice was right. While everyone who managed to collaborate with me was happy, others were a little depressed.

I arrived at the headquarters right in Tara, not far from the capital.

"Doctor, we're ready!" I nodded, seeing them prepared. I took a small box that transformed into a complex digital hologram. As I turned it, the entire infrastructure activated like the sound of a giant engine starting. Each spire began to rotate and release energy, enveloping the headquarters like an atom.

"Why is it taking so long?"

"We have to enter Limbo first." The machine spun faster, and in a flash of light, we found ourselves in an empty white dimension.

"Here we are."

"Until what? We're in Limbo."

"Sigh, you guys blinked." As they blinked, Greater Ark came into view. We were in the Interdimensional Hangar, connecting Neo Rhine Labs headquarters to the Greater Ark docks. All the residents welcomed us with great fanfare, and I didn't realize there were three interesting things here.

Apparently, Minions from the movie were here – Servbot from the Megaman Series and Sentinel from Marvel. Minions were present because their ship got trapped in Limbo, Servbot was a creation by the Builder based on Eggman's study of robotics, and Sentinel was a gift from Oblivion to me as a servant to sustain Greater Ark. The Builder used them to move some geology or many environmental aspects. They got along well with YoRHa and Automagod.

"BOSS!" All Minions gave me a salute – how cute they were. I returned the gesture.

"Minions! Good job." The Minions ran to Greater Ark, catching them and playing with them.

"Commander!" I nodded to YoRHa soldiers.

"Thank you for your service to Greater Ark."

"Sir, yes SIR!" I gave them commands and missions to ensure the safety of our visitors. They nodded and prepared themselves. Sentinel and Servbot saluted me. I commanded them to continue their work.

"Jackass, you!" Mael and Mothra appeared, wide-eyed at the changes in me.

"I metamorphosed with my new toys."


"Yep, you want to check?"

"FUCK YEAH, LET'S GO!" Some consuls joined in, along with a bunch of Builders and Lifeworkers. There was a ridiculous Lifeworker leader not Librarian, but Mother Elf from Megaman with the body of a Forerunner, Aetheris from CSO, Commander White from Nier, Eve from Elsword , a Maykr from Halo. Luckily, no Samur or Khan was present. Still, they were all loyal to me in many senses. After giving them a briefing for a while, I looked behind me to see everyone questioning their existence as a whole.

"So, welcome to Greater Ark. Treat it as your own home. No need to be shy. Come in, explore anything you want. This is the entire solar system. Currently, we're in the Nebulae Dock, where many gigantic spaceships and various vehicles to traverse the omni-verse are docked. Look to your left." Everyone from Rhodes Island and Neo Rhine Labs looked to their left, where Olympia was currently in the process of being built.

"Olympia, our former spaceship, is currently undergoing extensive modification. After reconsideration of the Mobile Ship, we decided to preserve the spaceship here. But we will modify the Neo Rhine Labs Landmark with a new type of branch modification – the Gate of Babylon Module. This will allow you to traverse entirely different planes of existence or places that would take too long to reach with just a simple walk. Imagine, you can walk down a corridor in Sargon and appear in Yan just by walking, in mere seconds. It's a modification between a teleportation platform and a dimensional travel gate. All Level 4 Clearance will be terminated from Neo Rhine Labs because some of you cannot handle the trauma." The Level 4 Clearance appeared, and all monstrosities from there were taken back to Greater Ark to be studied – a collection of transmutated zombies, disgusting-looking monsters, sentient dangerous plants, and many more that were dragged by Tyrant soldiers.

"All is done, Master."

"Good work, Red Queen. Supervise it."

"As you wish."

"Jackass, you forget about T-Dolls. and Inferno Will arrive in 2 day with Abyssal Fleet"

"Oh, shit, let's go, let's go. Don't just stand there – explore, enjoy your time here. But remember, you cannot bring anything from here back to your universe – not knowledge, inventions, or blueprints – except for products that are approved to be taken home. If not, well, cry for it. This is your vacation. No need for currency to buy anything. Find the description, use it, and take what you want and need. Don't mind the ruckus – anything is acceptable here. Want to try a superweapon to destroy many cities and landmarks? Go on. Nobody will stop you; after all, we respect your inventions as the greatest archive we need to study. So, go, do not waste time. You have seven days here – make every second memorable, make it eternal in your video cam, live it on Obsgram, or whatever you want. All internet connections are 10 G, reaching your home world. Spend your time here. But when time is up, well, we return." Kal'tsit jumped to me and pulled my collar.





"ARRRGGGGG." Kal'tsit threw a tantrum and wriggled in my hands, while I just amused myself with her antics.

"Alright, let's go. By the way, Closure, use this time to be a loot goblin. Take any product that can be considered 'money.' We're going to be rich. Everyone, enjoy your time here. You can ask anybody for directions, even the monster ones – they're omnilingual and can speak any language, even gibberish; they understand it. I need to study further about my metamorphosis in Protoss Aiur. Mael, prepare to get fucked."

"Bitchen." We went in, and everyone stood there trying to comprehend. This was a paradise of the future – full of arguments, possibilities, and dreams created in their minds.

"No wonder, the king of the pantheon is not just a label but a real experience. Let's go!" Everyone had the best time of their lives, while I was in the Protoss Aiur chamber being studied by Lifeworkers and many more about my metamorphosis.

because Oripathy has been cured, so world building is the purpose now

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts