
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · 游戏衍生
161 Chs


I arrived in Sargon, and there was a change in the plan that I made. Firstly, there were issues in Kazdel and Laterano that made me have to hide for a while. It's not that I'm lazy to face them, I just don't want anything to disturb my own moment.

When I arrived at the border of Foehn Hotland, I saw it comfortably. Then, with a heart full of concentration, I began to gather the magical power residing within me. The intensity of that magical energy grew within me, creating a magical presence beyond reason around me. The magical aura that emanated began to form a circle of turbulent energy around my body, preparing myself to manifest extraordinary power.

When my magical energy was sufficient, it was time to unleash the special magical medium. With a full feeling, I brought out a special wand given by Thoth. This wand, besides being a precious memento, has a special ability as a sufficient magical medium to respond to the strong magical power within me.

Holding the wand tightly, I began to swing it into the air. The wand shone like a star there, various magical formations appearing, forming beautiful coordination in the air and around me. Every form of magic, from runes, circles, language, to various physical manifestations of magic, appeared in the air, forming a synergy that was incredibly beautiful. My body was surrounded by various forms of magic, and even at my feet, a very large magical manifestation appeared.

"Allow life to flourish, and let them all thrive. Embrace the echoes of joy and success. Build and create, learn and share, stand united, and treasure the light, wisdom, clarity, humility, kindness, generosity, openness, creativity, affirmation, positivity, respect, understanding, love, and hope. From this, a world of beauty and harmony will emerge. Cradle of Civilization."

From the midst of the barren land that was initially silent and lifeless, two cities grew majestically as evidence of the miraculous creation of civilization. From a single grain of sand, then magically growing into the foundation of Alamut, emitting the captivating beauty of complex residences, depicting tranquility and luxury. Heliopolis, with the grandeur of its entire culture, created sparkling streets with magnificence and glory, seemingly creating a stunning blend of cultures in the previously arid wasteland.

However, equally fascinating, Babylon, complex and magnificent, became the foundation of this city's strength. Structures that encompassed the grandeur of technology, unique carvings, and complexity like ancient Babylon emitted an aura of technological advancement and unparalleled grandeur. Within it, there was harmony between magical wonders and advanced technology, creating an enchanting and captivating city atmosphere.

The towering fortress, similar to Troy Fort and Hrimthur's Wall, formed a sturdy border surrounding Foehn Hotland. With the resemblance to the Great Wall of China, but supported by luxurious materials and powerful Arab Shaman technology, this fortress could withstand attacks from demonic forces, creating an invulnerable protection.

These two incredible creations, which initially emerged from the desolate wasteland, now stand as centers of civilization that contradict but synergize with each other. Despite being separated by differences in magic and technology, both reflect the beauty and wonder of the world created by the inevitable power of the supernatural. With extraordinary skills, these cities grew into symbols of grandeur and progress that enriched cultural diversity and created a captivating landscape in the previously silent wasteland.

With the magic completed, I tapped my staff on the ground. Miraculously, a gem appeared and floated in the air. In several towering towers, each gem became a symbol of its own beauty. They were not just ornaments but also carried profound meanings representing places of worship from various religions and beliefs that came together.

Each floating gem with its sparkling light had a deep meaning. They symbolized various places of worship, indicating that this place is a space that accepts and respects every form of belief and religion. This diversity is reflected through the beauty of each gem representing interfaith unity, creating an atmosphere of peace and tolerance in this city.

With the presence of these gems, the city becomes a sacred place that depicts harmony and unity among its inhabitants. Each tower adorned with sparkling gems gives a spiritual impression and invites anyone, regardless of belief, to celebrate and respect the existing diversity. The atmosphere of harmony and mutual respect emanates from the light emitted by each floating gem, creating a place full of love and openness for all who come.

"Hmm, it seems like something is missing," I put away the Thoth magic staff, reached for a Demon Shard from the dimensional pocket I used, and placed it at a carefully chosen point. After ensuring that everything was ready, I began to create a unique stroke as a form of mantra. With full attention, the strokes of the mantra became a series of shimmering symbols, and I hit the ground with all my might on my fist.

A loud boom echoed around, creating magical vibrations felt to the bone. The strokes of the mantra I created began to glow, emitting magical sounds that filled the air. Along with it, magical formations began to form a unique gear structure around the point where I struck the ground. Each gear had a connection to each other, as if forming a complex magical network.

The uniqueness of each gear was clearly depicted, creating a complex and beautiful pattern. Magical symbols on the ground's surface glowed with intensity, giving an unparalleled magical ambiance. The rumbling of magical echoes reverberated around, filling the air with the presence of supernatural energy that made the hairs on the back of the neck stand.

I clenched my fist beside me. New magical gears appeared, forming a unique formation that soared high into the sky. Each gear not only became part of the city's beauty but also reached the heights of the sky, creating a breathtaking panorama. The sky itself responded, forming two weather patterns that changed dramatically, as if captivated by the harmonization that occurred through the connections of these gears.

With a roar filling the air, I rotated these gears with the twist of my wrist, as if becoming a god's machine regulating nature. All the gears moved rapidly, and a unique reform occurred in the city that belonged to me. This city, which had already been beautiful with cultural diversity and technological progress, now underwent a more profound transformation.

The magical gears that formed the sky became a catalyst for extraordinary change. With precise and harmonious movements, the city underwent a renewal as if forged and highly modified. Building structures received magical touches, as if reformed by the supernatural power emanating from these gears.

Every touch of change brought a deep sense of wonder. The city became even more majestic, reflecting the grandeur of Alamut, the glory of Heliopolis, and the complexity of Babylon. However, this time, all these elements underwent a higher transformation, in line with the magical energy contained within these gears.

Harmony between nature and magic created an extraordinary atmosphere. The weather changed according to the rhythm of the gears, creating a stunning view. The city that had developed from a wasteland into an unparalleled civilization foundation. A journey that began with the magic and technology now produced a city that not only radiated grandeur but also the natural power regulated by the hands of a skilled engineer.

With these gears, the city experienced technological and magical enhancements that turned it into an extraordinarily harmonious place. Every building and structure inside seemed like living works of art, creating a stunning cityscape from every perspective. Beautiful buildings, now enriched with magical elements, added wonder to the city's architecture.

Nature assisting in this change also created a source of pure water that surpassed everything. These springs, located in various parts of the city, flowed with incredible clarity and freshness surpassing even the ocean's water quality before, exceeding the quality of water from mountain sources. The water was so pure and fresh, as if becoming a symbol of life sustainability and the beauty present in this city.

With that, the city became a place that not only radiated visual beauty from architectural and technological changes but also offered specialness through well-preserved natural wealth. Thus, every corner of this city felt like heaven on earth, creating an extraordinary and amazing atmosphere for its inhabitants and those who visited.

Satisfied with the work I had created, I excessively used my talents and skills. Now it's time to play a passive role and maximize my leadership abilities as the King of Pantheon and Duke.

I locked these gears, merging them into a unique crystal. With my hands, I created a crystal with seven enchanting colors. This gemstone crystal was so beautiful, even surpassing the beauty of pearls and diamonds. I took out Scarlet King's Singularity Hand and placed the crystal in the ring. The ring emitted a very gentle otherworldly sound but was able to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Singularity Hand disappeared, and I placed my hand on my chest, then folded it.

"Yep, that's enough." I took out the Horn of Cenarius that I had collected earlier and blew it loudly, as if summoning nature. Wild animals rushed into our city as if they had found the safest nest in this world to breed. They came as if summoned by the sound of the Horn of Cenarius that I blew.

Along the city streets, all the trees and plants that previously adorned the city with the beauty of its spatial arrangement now grew even more lush. Trees with dense green leaves covered the city, forming a canopy that provided cool shade to every visitor passing through the pathways. These trees depicted the wonder of the city's spatial arrangement that combined harmony between architecture and natural beauty.

Fruits from Persia, Egypt, and Sumeria grew abundantly on towering trees. Grapes, dates, and various other exotic fruits hung from the branches, giving a touch of color and flavor that indulged the senses. The city seemed to become a symbol of cultural abundance manifested through the richness of flora growing in every corner.

Farming lands scattered on the outskirts of the city became fertile fields that held the wealth of produce from Persia, Egypt, and Sumeria. Wheat, barley, rice, and various vegetables and spices grew abundantly, creating a fertile and charming agrarian landscape. The abundance of agricultural produce became the main pillar supporting the city's prosperity, ensuring that the abundant food supply covered the needs of the population for the next three years.

With the magical wonder enveloping it, the city of Sindria became the pinnacle of beauty reflecting the harmony between advanced civilization and abundant nature. This lush and abundant scenery created a harmonious continuity between the beauty of city planning and the abundance of produce from various great cultures of the world.

I paused the world first, to do self-directed planning and development, like playing Age of Empires or Age of Civilization, a real-time strategy game. Apparently, the hourglass I had worked like a day and night cycle. Truly, and I had a unique template based on Scarlet King's Singularity 6 Hand abilities.

In this real-time strategy game, the Immaterium not only serves as a mere map or arena but is a dimension involving aspects of reality spread within it. As a realm unrestricted by physical limitations, the Immaterium spans widely and provides a space for various elements, encompassing everything from physical objects to non-physical entities that are difficult to comprehend. In the context of a real-time strategy or RTS game, the Immaterium can be likened to a field or dimension that accommodates everything in a reality or space, serving as the "map" or "arena" where players can explore and manipulate its elements.

The God Engine, as the regulating system in the game, is equivalent to software or a platform that manages and controls all aspects within the Immaterium. As an administrator in an RTS game, the God Engine gives players full power to influence and regulate conditions within the Immaterium. Imagined as the core of the Immaterium, the God Engine is a complex and sophisticated entity. It not only rules or manages but also serves as a link between players and the world within the Immaterium. As an incredibly intelligent software, the God Engine can respond to player commands with high precision and provide instructions to its elements.

The Celestial Brush serves as the interface or control device within the Immaterium. As players, using the Celestial Brush is equivalent to issuing commands or instructions to the elements within the Immaterium, including physical and non-physical objects. The Celestial Brush, as a control tool, not only functions as a physical device but also symbolizes the player's power. When players use the Celestial Brush, they are like sweeping their instructions and commands throughout the Immaterium. This ability gives players direct control and creativity in manipulating the game's situations.

Absolute Dominion, in the context of the game, becomes a highly potent command system. As players have full control within the Immaterium, Absolute Dominion allows them to rule anything within it without limitations. In line with its name, Absolute Dominion creates the highest hierarchy of power within the Immaterium. Players who possess Absolute Dominion have the power to control all aspects within it without restrictions. This creates a unique dynamic in the game, where player decisions have a significant impact on the entire game environment. Thus, Absolute Dominion creates an intense dynamic where player decisions directly affect the game's development.

The Omnipotent Formula, as an information tool, plays a key role in providing players with deep insights into the Immaterium. As a continuously updated guide, the Omnipotent Formula not only provides basic information but also details every aspect within the Immaterium. Thus, this tool helps players make smarter and more strategic decisions based on comprehensive understanding. As a cheat sheet or detailed guide in the game, the Omnipotent Formula ensures that players have full insight into what is happening around them. This includes hard-to-understand or hidden information, which may be key to uncovering secrets or making crucial decisions. By having access to the Omnipotent Formula, players can combine this knowledge with their own wisdom, creating the strategic advantage needed to face challenges in the Immaterium.

The Hourglass, as a time, speed, and mass control system, provides control over the elements of time within the Immaterium. As a time and speed regulator, the Hourglass gives players full control over the time aspect within the Immaterium. This includes the ability to slow down, speed up, or even rewind events in the game, providing a deeper strategic dimension. By having control over time, players can devise more mature tactics, respond to events with precision, and even leverage critical moments to their advantage.

In this approach, which may be considered as cheating, I, as a player and video game enthusiast, feel that this is a natural way for me to play. Although it sounds strange and unique, this is the essence of my uniqueness as an Irregular.

What makes this method even more interesting is how these objects resonate with the skills and talents embedded in me. Although it sometimes feels monotonous, I feel more excited to continue engaging because it turns out this experience is more entertaining than I ever imagined. For me, it's like combining three types of games at once: Tower Defense, Real-Time Strategy, and grand strategy wargame, all in one tool that I call the God Tablet. In this gaming world, I feel like a god with full control over every aspect, with powers and skills that can shape and influence the course of the game.

Despite the uniqueness and peculiarity of this concept, I find that this is a very efficient and satisfying way for me to express creativity and explore unlimited potential. In the God Tablet, every move, every decision, and every action open the door to a world that is so dynamic, allowing me to bring the game into reality and vice versa. It may sound absurd, but for an Irregular like me, this is a natural and enjoyable way to enjoy this otherworldly life.

After completing this, I went to Iberia to continue building the infrastructure of my city. After discreetly taking the Floating City, I had to use both of my hands. I have learned from Pathos Verdes III and Archimedes.

From islands interconnected with each other, Iberia boasts stunning architecture, hand-carved without the aid of machines or mystical wonders. Inspiration is drawn from the splendor of Atlantis and the sophistication of Greece in the real world, creating a civilization that prioritizes aesthetics above all.

Every building in Iberia is not only a symbol of practical function but also an artwork showcasing extraordinary beauty and sophistication. Every detail, from the foundation to the top of the building, is carefully carved by skilled craftsmen who understand that beauty and power can unite in every form. Classical inspiration from Ancient Greece and the grandeur of the legend of Atlantis form the basis of the respected aesthetics.

Iberia's infrastructure is carefully designed to create harmony between humans and nature, emphasizing the use of natural materials and innovative construction techniques. This concept creates a foundation of buildings that are not only sturdy but also visually stunning. By using cultural heritage knowledge and art, the inhabitants of Iberia have developed unique architectural skills, creating monumental structures that are not only functional but also a manifestation of human beauty.

Just like infrastructure development, Iberia explores and develops advanced construction technology. They refine existing building techniques and create new methods that bring Iberian architecture to a higher level of sophistication. The foundation of this interconnected port city is evidence that technological progress and aesthetics can synergize, creating a city that is not only an economic center but also a monument to the grandeur of human architecture.

Iberia, as a nation inspired by the civilization of Spain during the Holy Roman Empire and adhering to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, radiates the charm of that culture in every aspect of its architecture. All sacred buildings and places of worship in Iberia reflect a deep absorption of cultural history.

These sacred buildings are not only places of worship but also works of art reflecting the greatness and glory of Spain's history and the heritage of the Catholic doctrine. Every statue, carving, and ornament on these buildings has meaning and a message that connects Iberia with the religious and cultural heritage they embrace.

In every corner of the city of Iberia, we can feel a strong religious atmosphere, as if the spirits of history and spirituality are fused into the beauty of their architecture. These buildings are not just religious monuments but also markers of the historical journey and beliefs that have evolved in Iberian society. By combining Spanish elements and Catholic values, Iberia creates an environment full of harmony, honoring its history while continuing to move forward in modern life.

The newly built Harbor City of Iberia is not just a collection of buildings but a masterpiece of architecture that blends unique elements from various civilizations. One of its characteristics is the integration of advanced Aegir technology, creating sophisticated canals that make water flow in the air. This technology, seemingly turning the air into rivers, makes the Harbor City of Iberia an extraordinary innovation that exceeds the limits of human knowledge.

These canals serve not only as ordinary water transportation routes but as a manifestation of harmony between high technology and magical wonders. The floating water channels surround the city, creating a unique and stunning atmosphere. With foundations aligned with the sophistication of Aegir technology and magical wonders, the city becomes a living work of art, both above and below the water.

With inspiration from Delphi and Fontaine, we have successfully created a city that is not only well-connected physically but also harmoniously connected with cultural diversity and technology. The city, floating above the sea with its magical canals, becomes a symbol of progress and harmony, demonstrating that the boundaries between technology and magic can unite in beautiful harmony in this new Harbor City of Iberia.

With the sophisticated canal as the city's lifeblood, the Harbor City of Iberia is not just a city floating above the sea but an archipelago elevated high in the air, as if lifted by an unseen force. The canal becomes a vital center that combines elements of Atlantis, magical wonders, and advanced Aegir technology, creating a visual effect that is stunning as if the entire archipelago is floating between the sky and the sea. An architectural beauty that is evidence of the harmony between technology and wonders, making the Harbor City of Iberia extraordinary and captivating to every onlooker.

The incredible impact of the elevation of Harbor City of Iberia creates stunning beauty around it. As the islands are lifted, beautiful waterfalls form, flowing from the edges of the islands to the sea below. The sparkling sunlight reflecting above the waterfall creates a dazzling spectrum of colors, as if showing a rainbow created by the magnificence of this floating city. Other wonders also color the Harbor City of Iberia, such as floating gardens hanging in the sky, making the city resemble a terrestrial paradise. The combination of elegant architecture and the natural beauty created by the elevation of the island makes the Harbor City of Iberia one of the unforgettable wonders of the world.

On the magnificent city's pier, we designed an extraordinary artistic fusion by combining unique elements. The large Delos statue that is now separated into two parts, each reflecting the bodies of Aegir and Liberi, presents a symbol of power and balance in the Harbor City of Iberia. These two giant statues stand proudly on the pier, executing their duties as guardians of the Iberian Lantern, making the pier a magnificent lighthouse emitting beautiful light, as if presenting an unforgettable light spectacle by the sea.

Not only that, to add a magical and unique technological atmosphere, we added a special installation inspired by the atmosphere of Tortuga from Pirates of the Caribbean. This installation creates a magical and enchanting atmosphere, bringing a harmonious touch of fantasy to the splendor and uniqueness of Harbor City of Iberia. Thus, the pier is not only a place for ships to dock but also a captivating work of art that reflects the wonders of technology and the wonders of the fantasy world.

After meticulously completing the design of this city, I uploaded it using my tablet, ensuring that every detail was conveyed perfectly. Now, Iberia is not only a beautiful archipelagic country but also depicts the stunning underwater fertility and the enchanting beauty of the ocean. In this project, I am determined not to miss any potential from the Golden Age of Iberia, where technological advancement and intelligence reached their peak.

The entire building design, including the magnificent statues that became icons, becomes the foundation of a religious and sophisticated civilization, creating an eternal legacy for Iberia. The Golden Age of Iberia is not just a golden era but also a tangible manifestation of long-term dreams pursued by the people of Iberia. With advanced technology as the backbone of progress, Iberia radiates grandeur and glory, embodied in official plaques and becoming a sign of the awaited golden age for its entire population.

I arrived in Tara and saw the residents cleaning their surroundings. Fortunately, I could stop time, so as not to disturb their activities. After all, they were already included in my power tablet. Once I reached the area I was heading to, I started working, this time focusing more on the use of magic.

The Gaelic King's Palace, initially completely destroyed and abandoned, now has a classical appearance, transformed into a building that reflects the grandeur of Anor Londo. The subtle and interconnected beauty demonstrates attention to detail without neglecting the comfort of modern infrastructure. Every architectural element brings a balance between luxury and practical function, creating an ideal environment for King Gaelic and his people.

The transformation of the palace is not only aesthetic but also takes into account practicality and comfort. Despite its intricate beauty, the complexity of its design remains connected and functional. The palace is not just a residence for King Gaelic but also a functional work of art that combines beauty and utility.

With a rich Celtic touch, the palace reflects the cultural and artistic wealth inherent in the Tara kingdom. The grandeur of Anor Londo is carefully studied to create an elegant and connected atmosphere, blending traditional and modern elements in comprehensive harmony. The palace becomes a living work of art, celebrating Celtic beauty in every detail.

With comfortable infrastructure, the Gaelic King's Palace provides a high level of comfort for its inhabitants. Although intricately connected, its complexity is not excessive, creating functional and enjoyable spaces. This transformation proves that beauty and comfort can coexist, creating a palace that is not only visually stunning but also meets the practical needs of its residents.

The divided Holy City Camelot offers breathtaking views. Each side of the city, separated by two rivers, shows separation while uniting the elements of natural beauty. The central island, which serves as the main city of Oriflamme, maintains the same design as Holy City Camelot but with strengthened and enhanced beauty in its main buildings.

By dividing the city into two, Holy City Camelot presents two contrasting yet complementary sides. The residential settlement, placed on one side, offers peace and serenity brought by flowing rivers. On the other side, Oriflamme, as the capital, displays grandeur and luxury with upgraded buildings.

Oriflamme, as the central hub, embodies the changes in the city. Its design, inspired by the Crystalline Dominion, creates a more modern and artistic atmosphere. Each building in Oriflamme tells a story of progress and beauty, creating an impression more than just a city but an inspiring urban artwork.

It is important to note that the changes in Holy City Camelot are not merely cosmetic. This transformation also includes improvements in the overall infrastructure and city services. With these enhancements and changes, the city can provide a better quality of life for its residents.

At the central island, there is a large tree resembling Yggdrasil and Irminsul. This tree is not only a decorative element but also a sacred symbol connected to King Gaeli and establishing a spiritual connection with Muelsyse Homeland. The tree creates a deep bond between the residents of Tara and their cultural roots.

The addition of Port Tanzia is a crucial step in celebrating Celtic cultural richness. With an environmentally friendly culture, a design rich in natural elements, and characteristic swamps, Port Tanzia shows care for environmental sustainability while accommodating the rich Celtic cultural heritage.

Port Tanzia, with all its uniqueness and embedded culture, becomes a meeting place between the past and the future. By creating a balance between traditional values and the needs of the modern era, Tara reaffirms its identity as a kingdom that not only advances technologically but also firmly holds onto its cultural roots.

I arrived in Simoch, a city that has undergone excavation in Ursus. A surprise occurred when some workers and residents, who used to be part of the territory I once commanded as a duke, now took refuge in the cold region of Incy Icefield. The majority of them came upon hearing the news that I had returned as a duke, and Simoch is now under my supervision. For them, it became an invitation to migrate immediately, even though they realized that the north posed a significant threat to them.

My plan is clear: to make Simoch an industrial city. This is a significant step, and I intend to guide Simoch towards progress as I did in the capital of Ursus before. My vision for advancing Simoch equals my success in designing Ursus; in fact, this time, I am determined to make Simoch as great as Moscow.

Simoch, once submerged in water, now stands as the impressive Icecrown Citadel. The sense of grandeur and uniqueness is reflected in its luxurious interior design, depicting the grandeur of the Castle of White Sky with a touch of state-of-the-art technology. I strive to create a city that not only combines Haran and Villedor but also introduces a layer of technology that surpasses even the city of Aegir itself. With emerging infrastructure, towering buildings, and the existence of a nearby lake, Simoch is not just a city but a space with many different places, from settlements to demon lairs located 400-700 meters to the north.

A powerful and mesmerizing tower, similar to the Tower of Avalon in Nasuverse, but now adorned with floating gems to combat disasters and control the weather. The complex and grand design creates an aesthetic wonder, in line with Satan's description, "A beauty emerging from the frozen lake." The decision to place the Citadel in the middle of the lake, with the Tower soaring above it, is a key approval in shaping Simoch's city structure that is different from before.

Simoch, now a tangible proof of change and progress. It is not just a symbol of the union of technology and aesthetics but also an environment that can captivate the eyes and fulfill the functional needs of its inhabitants. This transformation is not just cosmetic improvement but also involves the overall infrastructure and city services, enhancing the quality of life for all who choose to live there.

With a harmonious integration of artistic elements and practical needs, Simoch reflects the spirit of progress embodied in every standing building. Buildings that may have previously only functioned as residences or cosmetic structures now transform into a living urban work of art, blending with the surrounding environment. Simoch is not just a city but a reflection of imagination and collaboration between humans and the extraordinary forces that guide them.

Through the unique combination of high technology and natural beauty, Simoch shapes its identity as a center of progress and excellence. It is not just a place to live but also a symbol of human progress and achievement. Thus, Simoch has proven that when imagination, technology, and nature unite, they can create wonders unimaginable before. All of this is a first step in embracing Simoch's bright future as an industrial city that will be a pride of Ursus.

Once finished, I went to Siracusa. I observed several Mafiosi or Mafia members-to-be under my wing, already prepared and setting up their camps. There were even some spies, but I paid no mind and was unconcerned because fundamentally, my behavior and leadership would make them defect regardless. I had adhered to the Union Summit before. I knew deep down they just wanted to know who deserved their services fully, based on power, abilities, and skills. If they found a leader who understood their "fang" qualities, they would be spiritually loyal.

The Shamare Palace, holding a remarkable position, especially in the midst of the beautiful yet daunting and eerie island. This ambitious project not only involved the transformation of the palace but also contained the spirit and strong cultural heritage of Italy, particularly the rich Mafia culture, and I wanted to turn the palace into something very intriguing. I drew inspiration from Thornbridge Manor in the Hitman 3 series, creating a palace that is not only grand but also beautiful, elegant, and luxurious—a masterpiece equivalent to the highest-ranking Mafia hierarchies.

This process of modification and reclamation was not just a step to create a mega-city but also an effort to reflect deep Italian culture. I paid attention to every detail, depicting balanced and well-organized infrastructure, creating beautiful canal networks that connect lakes and adding an impressive Italian vibe. In this journey, I created a strong and radiant image of Siracusa, transforming it into a unique entity that reflects its distinctive culture and aesthetics.

To accommodate the Italian Mafia heritage, I embedded touches of depth and richness in the palace's design. Siracusa is not just a city; it is a tangible manifestation of cultural sustainability inherent in Italian culture, with elements depicting strength, elegance, and complexity. The emerging infrastructure is a portrayal of the "self-survival" worldview that has become the core of Mafia culture, where Siracusa must continue to survive and thrive in the face of changing times but not lose its identity.

In the process of creating the Grand Opera, I not only incorporated concepts from other cultures but also adapted them to the uniqueness of Siracusa. It's not just a replica; it's a new creation that combines the beauty of Italian art with a modern touch that tells the story of Siracusa's cultural continuity. Every element of this Opera is a manifestation of the determination to stand out from their own culture, showing that Siracusa not only inherits culture but also creates a new legacy that can compete with the outside world.

It's essential to note that, alongside uniqueness and aesthetic grandeur, Siracusa also applies the concept of "self-survival" in the development of infrastructure and daily life. Considering the evolution of time, Siracusa continues to innovate, maintaining resilience and endurance in the face of contemporary challenges. This is what makes Siracusa not only a witness to the passage of time but also a pioneer setting standards for its own future.

For the surrounding cities, I drew inspiration not only from Sapienza in the Hitman series but also immersed myself in the essence of Siracusa's beauty and cultural sustainability. Carefully positioned infrastructure creates a harmonious city layout, depicting the spirit of balance that has become a hallmark of Italian culture. Beautiful canals connect lakes, creating views that are not only functional but also radiate the elegance and beauty of nature.

In conducting reclamation, I ensured that excellence remained the primary key. The Grand Opera, symbolizing Siracusa's cultural sustainability, is not just a replica of other works but a creatively modified result reflecting the city's uniqueness. Inspired by Tomb Raider and Estella Opera House in Lies of P, Siracusa's Grand Opera becomes an extraordinary center of activity, a gathering place for various layers of society and a stage for extraordinary artistic performances.

Sustainability and innovation are not only seen in design and infrastructure but also in the aspects of daily life for the residents. Siracusa, as a center of culture and technology, not only provides outstanding artistic performances but also instills values of sustainability in every aspect of life. This is what keeps Siracusa standing out among other cities, serving as an example of how a city can maintain its cultural heritage while adapting to the dynamics of an ever-changing world.

Siracusa, although only inspired by references from the Holy Roman Empire, has successfully created its distinctive cultural identity. In designing places of worship, I not only considered architectural aspects and interior design but also delved into the strong Catholic roots in Siracusa. The Basilica of Saint Mark from the Assassin's Creed 2 series, combined with Lateran influences, becomes a spiritual and cultural center inseparable from the city's history. The interior design process, together with Satan, not only emphasized artistic details but also reflected the rich values and beliefs in Catholic culture.

Siracusa, as a place inspired by the Holy Roman Empire, still maintains its own unique cultural identity that has been absorbed purely, creating its own identity. Places of worship are not only for celebrating religious beliefs but also as vessels to align oneself with the values that have developed under the influence of the holy empire. The Basilica of Saint Mark becomes a representation of spiritual beauty, a place that is not only more magnificent than Lateran Main Capital but also enhanced with various beautiful ornaments celebrating the diversity of art and aesthetics.

Beautiful ornaments, such as paintings, carvings, and vases, are not just visual decorations but also mediums to convey religious messages and the values of Catholicism that are firmly held. The walls of the Basilica become a canvas depicting stories of faith, while the extensive gardens outside create a tranquil space for reflection and contemplation. All these elements not only present visual beauty but also contain deep meanings that color the spiritual and cultural life of Siracusa.

Basilika Santo Markus, as the center of religious and cultural life, also becomes the gathering place for the community. Every detail considered in the interior design creates a profound atmosphere, facilitating a worship experience that goes beyond mere ritual but rather a spiritual journey enriching the soul. By combining elements of art and spirituality, Siracusa continues to radiate the uniqueness and richness of its Catholic culture, strengthening its position as a city that not only preserves its heritage but also brings it to life in the daily lives of its residents.

As I inspected the Manor firsthand, a sense of satisfaction enveloped my heart. The beauty of this manor was truly astonishing, and I had always dreamt of living here as a modern person in the real world. My hopes were hindered by the fact that my parents were no longer with us. However, the warmth of my family felt so close through the photos displayed there. Looking at pictures of my father, mother, and me as a child brought nostalgia, especially when the smiles of happiness radiated from their faces. Even just seeing myself sandwiched between my father and mother in the picture almost carried me away with deep emotions.

But touching moments didn't stop there. The next photo took me on a deeper experience, featuring me with Ama and our four children in the real world. Seeing our complete extended family, along with eternal smiles and happiness even as we aged, brought its own emotional strength. As I walked through the pictures, I saw my grandchildren and even our adult children. Even my deceased daughter was depicted in my arms, creating a moment full of deep emotion. "Forgive your old father, my daughter, if only you didn't leave first..." my inner voice echoed, conveying a profound sense of loss.

I proceeded to the next room, where my eyes were greeted by my painting depicting the Greek God, "Adamas, God of Conquest." This painting, perhaps previously considered trivial, became precious as I reached the realm of the gods. Original photos of the Olympians with me were also displayed on the wall, reminding me of this extraordinary journey. Not far from there, there was a painting depicting Rhea and Oblivion, who, in my life's journey, became my foster parents. Continuing the journey in the manor, I found another picture featuring me with my Harem, Amaterasu, and Mifuyu, holding tightly to the future children they held. A unique portrayal telling the story of our family, and I strolled through this manor with a heart full of gratitude for every beautiful moment in my life.

A palace that is not only grand but also beautiful, elegant, and luxurious. A masterpiece equivalent to the top residences in the Mafia hierarchy. This building is not just a majestic structure but a visual manifestation of power and luxury. Every architectural detail mimics the splendor of a Godfather-level Mafia, exuding an aura of profound strength and captivating tranquility.

The walls of the palace are filled with art depicting glory and control, creating an atmosphere similar to the artwork in a Godfather's workspace. Its elegance is not only seen from the outside but also reflected in every room, every piece of furniture, and every interior element. Highly detailed design and the presence of luxurious elements create a charming atmosphere, reflecting the image of an unparalleled Mafia leader.

Furthermore, in observing the details of daily life inside the palace, I ensured that the true Mafia ambiance was preserved. From meeting rooms resembling the Godfather's meeting rooms to private spaces filled with luxury items and symbols of power. All of these are not just ordinary interior designs but embodiments of aesthetics and an atmosphere that characterizes the life of a Godfather.

By emphasizing aesthetics strongly associated with the image of a Godfather, this palace is not just a residence but a symbol of Mafia culture's power and sustainability. All exterior and interior elements are directed to provide an unforgettable experience, as if bringing the inhabitants of the palace into the world of Mafia power, intrigue, and luxury.

A magnificent residence rich in nuances and cultural sustainability of the power-hungry aristocracy, but I am greedy for collections where many artifacts from the past are neatly stored in every corner of the room and corridor, both from the submerged and still-existing countries and regions. Not a single one is kept in a damaged condition but in pristine condition, be it a seemingly trivial collection to one without any value. I shaped the palace in Siracusa as an image that not only reflects magnificence but also the power of a Godfather in the Mafia world and a collector who has lived too long in this world.

The exterior of the palace is designed in such a way as to reflect the grandeur and depth of Mafia culture. The facade of the building is polished with architectural details that evoke a classical yet modern aura, and every detail is a handmade work, not always by machines, but also by nature's friends, where many roots and plants have their own harmony and blend in perfectly with the grandeur of this house. Majestic columns and a system with high-tech mechanisms designed with special technology, large windows with intricate carvings that are very aesthetic and even unique glass technology, and a well-planned lighting arrangement create an unforgettable view, depicting an aristocratic and enchanting impression for anyone who comes or visits.

Entering inside, the palace's interior and corridors are filled with luxurious items, art, and furniture that bring a high-class atmosphere. Carefully arranged large spaces create an unparalleled atmosphere of luxury, similar to exclusive rooms. I highlighted elements such as classic furniture, classy carpets, and valuable art to showcase the life of a Godfather.

It is important to ensure that every detail creates an atmosphere that characterizes the life of a Mafia leader. The workspace equipped with luxurious furniture and the latest communication equipment creates an impression of professionalism and control. On the other hand, private rooms filled with valuable items and symbols of power present the image of one who has everything. The palace is also equipped with a special meeting room that reflects the atmosphere of a Godfather's meeting room. This room is designed with detail to create a serious impression, a place where important decisions are made, and Mafia intrigues are considered.

On the outside of the palace, there is a garden designed similarly to the palace gardens in the game. This garden is not just a recreational space but also creates an atmosphere full of intrigue, with hidden corners that can be used for secret meetings. The garden is adorned with classical statues, grand fountains, and artistic accents that add visual richness and bring a touch of elegance around the palace.

I also paid attention to security details as depicted in the game. An advanced security system includes hidden surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and vigilant security personnel. This tight security creates the impression that the palace is an impenetrable fortress without permission, reflecting the power and control of a Godfather over his territory.

Furthermore, in response to the strategically located situation, surrounded by lakes and to address potential flooding issues, the underground space in the palace is meticulously designed to resemble secret rooms commonly found in the Mafia environment. By accommodating changes in topography and weather conditions, the structure can now connect the manor to the surrounding city, and special technology has been added to manage land reclamation around the manor, ensuring that the manor will not succumb to age. I also took note of the importance of embedding symbols of Mafia power throughout the palace. Family emblems, identification marks, and art reflecting the history of the Famiglia are carefully placed to create an atmosphere full of heritage and tradition.

With this approach, the Siracusa palace becomes not only a luxurious and majestic residence but also a living work of art, reflecting the strength, elegance, and enduring culture of the evolving Mafia. Thornbridge Manor serves as the foundation for creating a palace that not only follows aesthetics but also provides the Godfather's life experience in the Mafia world.

Looking at the results of all this, overall satisfaction envelops me. With a joyful heart, I transfer all the information into the God Tablet. This process involves restructuring the topology, infrastructure, and other elements in Bolivar so that everything is neatly organized and easily manageable through the assistance of the God Tablet. The next step takes me to Kazimierz, where my role as Adeptus and Scarlet Knight emphasizes knight training. All the needs and plans for Kazimierz are also promptly entered into the God Tablet.

The next focus is on Yan at the Ministry of Work, who focuses on civil engineering, transportation, and construction. Kazdel Royal Court, now under my leadership, faces challenges related to Theresa's pragmatic leadership, conflicting with Sarkaz's eternal revenge. Nevertheless, I have formulated solid answers to resolve these differences of opinion. Gaeil Castle has also undergone reforms, and the position of Tarra Duke has been added as a result of the services and obligations provided by Eblana.

Victoria, as a counselor, becomes a key element in my network. With the help of the God Tablet, I build an indisputable engagement with Alexandrina. Despite facing some obstacles with greedy businessmen and aristocrats, I am confident in overcoming them. Meanwhile, my new role as Cardinal in Laterano is clear without further explanation.

Going further, I direct my steps to Law and Teekaz Monster Remnant. Although this tasks are sometimes unpleasant, I realize that this will bring great benefits, especially regarding Zenith Angel and Zenith Demon.

I arrive inside the prison; I open the gate. Thousands of souls seem to scream at me with thousands of voices.

"Shut up." All those souls shut their mouths, and I enter. The gate closes, and I am locked in a dimension.

I enter a consciousness where thousands, even trillions, of Sarkaz exist, specifically a disembodied Teekaz spirit. This resembles the Dybbuk reference, making sense as this dimension is a connection space for them to wander restlessly until they can send the revenge of Teekaz humiliation. This is the source of evil that possesses every Sarkaz and Teekaz descendant, creating hallucinations, dreams, mental disorders, or different Sarkaz builds. In conclusion, they are immortal spirit weirdos who cannot cope with their incompetence. I conclude their history briefly.

"Do you want to seek revenge? Let me tell you," I say firmly, introducing them to the bitter reality of Sarkaz's current condition. The statement astonishes all present souls, especially with the growing presence of Teekaz. Ironically, there is a paradox where the First Civilization, as colonizers, is considered a civilization from outside the world, and the liberators of Sarkaz or Teekaz descendants are individuals from outside the world itself. that is, me.

This complex situation triggers irrational responses from some Teekaz souls. They begin to invade my thoughts, creating a tense and mysterious atmosphere. As these souls engage, minor actions occur as if they were mistakes. However, ironically, these actions lead me to victory.

All these souls absorb into my body, and I can connect with the souls of the entire Sarkaz nation. I can even sense Sankta Soul despite Law hindering me. It's not a problem as long as I am connected with them. Now the question is a command, more precisely, a setting that I can create with the Law.

As I leave this place, I close the gate again, then fill it with something, sounding like a joke but amusing to me—a box. An empty box, that's it. No contents, not even Originium.

I soar quickly and arrive in the Catacombs where Law resides. This ancient supercomputer welcomes me.

"Welcome." Hearing the sound of its typing machine doesn't interest me. I stand in the middle of the altar and start activating the machine. Even more interestingly, I easily hack the 13 commands from the Saint that I stored earlier. After that, I reactivate The Law without making Sankta aware that their Haloes have been hacked by me. Now the biggest question is, do I need to sacrifice all the data in my save data ? I'll try. As long as I can make myself stronger, I'm not afraid anymore.

Now I will become a doctor lore-wise, a genius tactical expert who sees everything in this world as a test subject and chess pieces, without caring about feelings and humanity, unhesitant to kill for what he wants. The reality now becomes a complete loop and the next level. I am a marshal and a genius tactician, researcher, inventor, a madman ready to kill god for fun, using everyone for my amusement and benefit, ruling everyone as pawns, and more.

Remember the wise words, I exist in a foreign world that I do not know, and I only rely on what I know from the real world, which is forever different from what I play. I am a stranger in a strange world; no one can trust me except myself, and even I am starting to doubt my trust in Kal'tsit.

Now I am too far with you; you have guided me well, and it's time I let go of you and try on my own. Although it sounds cliché, one thing is for sure. Grind is important, resources need to be collected, trust must be built, missions must be completed. I cannot waste any time; anything to speed up the process. I can't do this anymore; it's time to break through the cycle.

"Kalimdor access."


[ ⚔️ Forge ]

[ Material ]

Elune Eternal Love (Unyielding Love) + Death Feather Fan ( Death Realm Access ) + Teekaz Spirit + The Law + Dream Imagination + Omnipotent Formula + Transcendence Limitation + Immaterium + Omega Force + Lightbringer of God + Seraphim Holy Light + Devil Dark Shadow > Nephalem Gene

Seraphim Holy Light + Devil Dark Shadow + Dream Imagination + Omnipotent Formula + Absolute Dominion + Transcendence Limitation > Seraphim Devil

[ Σ Enhance ]

[ Main Attribute ] 

Nephalem Gene [Material] > Harbringer [ Requirement : Perfection Source ]

[ Λ Upgrade Λ ] 

⏫ Harbringer + Seraphim Devil + Dream Imagination + Omnipotent Formula + Transcendence Limitation + Zenith Devil + Zenith Angel > Deus Arkosios

[ Free Forge ? Yes< No]

[ Next Metamorphosis > Deus Arknosios

Zenith Form > Devil, SDT Dante and Angel, Safer Sephiroth has been evolved into Almighty Form > Nephalem, Deus Arknosis in form of Harbringer Safer Sephiroth]

[1. Ultimate Physiology: Infinite strength, speed, and invincibility; perfect bodily aspects with enhanced genes.

2. Specific Prowess: Absolute agility, balance, and defense.

3. Genetic Mastery: Manipulate and archive genetic codes; resonance for incomprehensible abilities.

4. Unmatched Flexibility: Limitless body contortion and resilience.

5. Absolute Force Manipulation: Shape and control all forms of force; manifest supernatural powers in the real world.

6. Supreme Well-being: Pinnacle health and immunity to disorders; unmatched metabolic rate.

7. Timeless Reflexes and Speed: Infinite reaction time and speed; movement beyond dimensions of time.

8. Unrivaled Strength: Limitless physical strength and unchanging physique.

9. Sensory Supremacy: Infinite enhancement of all senses.

10. Eternal Beauty: Impossibly supreme handsomeness; transcends cultural and individual preferences.

11. Divine Command: Speak reality into existence with absolute supremacy; command over universes, multiverses, and beyond

12. Alpha Presence: Radiates strong charisma and authority, effortlessly influencing and captivating everyone with an aura of command.

13. Supernatural Singularity : Mysterious force uniting extraordinary powers into an enigmatic essence, transcending conventional understanding and defying the norm.

14. Soul Law: Governs the essence of being; mastery over spiritual forces and the fundamental laws of the soul

Little Note, this only affected in this Save Data, if you format this Save Data, this Life Form Body capability permanently stay]

The new form or new Avatar of Nephalem is truly captivating. Its appearance encompasses a combination of Safer Sephiroth and Harbinger, where large demon horns and a crown tower over my head, while my halo blazes with blinding white fire. Though my wings, despite being dark, still retain the striking contrast of red and blue. Unfortunately, the decision to undergo this metamorphosis has made my wings no longer purely white. But, this is a small price to pay for such a transformation.

With this new power, I not only sense the existence of souls but also delve into the very essence of that existence. Like observing an atom emitting unlimited potential energy, I realize the immense and immeasurable power that words alone cannot describe.

What's intriguing is that I have the ability to govern and command the entire essence of souls and even existence itself, creating and erasing it, though it seems abstract. Indeed, I have no hesitation in delving into things that even frighten myself. It's like having a view into an unlimited dimension, where I can see and manipulate the structure of the essence of souls itself.

Regarding the God Tablet, I find a way to use this power more efficiently. I create a cursor with the symbol of Laterano, but with bold red and black touches, complemented by a white Halo emitting majesty. This cursor is not just a symbol; it is a real-time strategic tool that allows me to guide and control anything within the tablet with precision. As if playing an RTS game, I can move this cursor, set targets, direct something, and interact with everything according to my desires. By using this cursor, I can easily optimize the potential of the newfound power, similar to organizing troops in a real-time strategy game. It's truly efficient and maximizes the utilization of this new power in every step I take.

After finishing this combination, I go down to Tara, entering a unique tunnel. Along this unique tunnel, I hear the sound of water hissing and a stream, not the sound of natural water flow but something swimming. When I arrive and can see all these tiny fairy spirits, like wisps, encircling a domain buried in a very strange kingdom.

Basically, Gelic Fairies live in hills, but this hill is inverted, like a crater within a plain but above the plain, a circle of fairies that humans cannot see but I can see, leading to the entrance of this place.

This place is like Angkor Wat in a Celtic version, slightly ancient but full of history that I cannot overlook. I find a meeting place where I see something, a giant Originium concentration and several high Originium. This is the source where these fairies still live, despite their strange forms.

I find something unbelievable, a remnant of the First Dublinns. A dead Wyrm, this corpse emits something and disappointingly, this corpse is also why this place is so radiated. I use the Amulet to fetch time when this kingdom flourished.

And disappointingly, as I walk and read the entire history here, the results are not satisfying. I hoped for dinosaurs or something else beneath the plates or inside this supercontinent, but no, it might be a "Failed" evolution being. Seeing what happened in Kjerag, it makes sense with their conditions that can't be called living. Just troublesome.

I approach the dragon's corpse and inspect it, then experiment with it. I consume its marrow as a toll for taking care of this place, then perform alchemy to create some Dragon items, artifacts, and something mystical. I store them in the dimensional pocket. Then, I meditate to absorb the entire essence of nature here. This place is full of the five elements: light, darkness, fire, water, and wind.

"Kalimdor access."


[ ⚔️ Forge ]

[ Material ]

Corrupted Fire + Corrupted Water + Corrupted Wind + Corrupted Light + Corrupted Darkness + Dragon Bone + Dream Imagination + Omnipotent Formula + Transcendence Limitation + Immaterium + All Father of Hope + White Phoenix Force + Lightbringer of God + Seraphim Holy Light + Devil Dark Shadow > 5 Transcendence Nature

White Phoenix Force + Dream Imagination + Omnipotent Formula + Absolute Dominion + Transcendence Limitation > Ars Lumine.

[ Σ Enhance ]

[ Main Attribute ] 

5 Transcendence Nature [Material] > Perfect Pure Element [ Requirement : Perfection Source ]

[ Λ Upgrade Λ ] 

⏫ Perfect Pure Element + Ars Lumine + Immaterium + Dream Imagination + Omnipotent Formula + Transcendence Limitation + Zenith Ka'eldorei > Vortigern Faery

[ Free Forge ? Yes< No]

[ Next Metamorphosis > Vortigern Faery 

Zenith Form > Kal'dorei, Sauron Annatar has been evolved into Almighty Form > Vortigern Faery, Fairy King of Light Oberon]

[1. Ultimate Physiology: Infinite strength, speed, and invincibility; perfect bodily aspects with enhanced genes.

2. Specific Prowess: Absolute agility, balance, and defense.

3. Genetic Mastery: Manipulate and archive genetic codes; resonance for incomprehensible abilities.

4. Unmatched Flexibility: Limitless body contortion and resilience.

5. Absolute Force Manipulation: Shape and control all forms of force; manifest supernatural powers in the real world.

6. Supreme Well-being: Pinnacle health and immunity to disorders; unmatched metabolic rate.

7. Timeless Reflexes and Speed: Infinite reaction time and speed; movement beyond dimensions of time.

8. Unrivaled Strength: Limitless physical strength and unchanging physique.

9. Sensory Supremacy: Infinite enhancement of all senses.

10. Eternal Beauty: Impossibly supreme handsomeness; transcends cultural and individual preferences.

11. Divine Command: Speak reality into existence with absolute supremacy; command over universes, multiverses, and beyond

12. Alpha Presence: Radiates strong charisma and authority, effortlessly influencing and captivating everyone with an aura of command.

13. Supernatural Singularity : Mysterious force uniting extraordinary powers into an enigmatic essence, transcending conventional understanding and defying the norm.

14. Soul Law: Governs the essence of being; mastery over spiritual forces and the fundamental laws of the soul

15. Wisp Sprite: A graceful, light-like being that moves with ease, shining softly and using subtle energies in a mesmerizing dance.

Little Note, this only affected in this Save Data, if you format this Save Data, this Life Form Body capability permanently stay]

My body has undergone an extraordinary Faery metamorphosis, transforming from High Elves into the King of all Faery. This experience is truly novel, and my form resembles the Fairy King of Light Oberon from Summoner War, adding perfection to this achievement. My wings, comprised of pure and perfect elements, complete the image as something only found in fairy tales. All the fairies around me seem to communicate in a language that sounds unclear, yet I feel I can understand the meaning behind their words.

In their world closely connected to nature, brief uttered messages like "nature," "god," "serve," and "happy" carry profound meanings. They seem to convey that nature and their existence are bound by a divine call, with happiness resulting from dedication to the power of nature and God. I feel like a part of their ecosystem, connected to the wisdom of the universe, experiencing joy derived from serving a greater power.

All of this creates a magical aura surrounding my existence as the King of all Faery. I am not just their ruler but also the guardian of harmony between nature, God, and the creatures within it. With every fluttering wing and every word spoken in a language that might not be clear to human ears, I sense my presence not just as a leader but also as a guardian of justice and happiness in this beautiful world.

I then restore the ruins of this abandoned kingdom, creating a painting resembling the Painted World of Ariamis. With brush strokes and magic subtly woven into my hands, I paint this place and incorporate it into the painting. However, I am not satisfied with just turning it into a static piece of art. As someone with extraordinary powers, I add more, making the painting come to life. A giant moving artwork that revives the glory of those ruins, and I am proud of the result.

I name this painting Fantasy Realm, Land of Faery, and unify the remnants of the forgotten history within it. With creativity, I restore this place and give it a new life. Next, I turn the remaining ruins into neutralized Originium mines, combining natural and magical elements to create a valuable resource.

After completing this project, I leave the underground world I have built. As I emerge, I see someone swimming towards me. Knowing that it is just a remnant of Gaelic, the consciousness of the sprites left in this place, I feel appreciated.

"Thank you," the remnant exclaims.

"You are welcome," I reply. The spirit disappears, and I return to the surface. After enjoying a swim and savoring the moment in the Fantasy Realm, I sit on the shore, cleaning my clothes while reflecting on the magic that just happened.


[At your service.]

"Lady of the lake reference?"

[Quite literally, sir. I have added something to your archive; you will easily acquire Excalibur in the future.]

"Understood. I want to play some music for a moment." I take out the Fae's Harp from Ardenweald; they crafted it for me. a masterpiece made by Faery hands, even blessed by their queen. As a musician, I feel compelled to bring solace with beautiful melodies. In the silence filled with pain, I decide to play a song depicting lost innocence and beauty, "Song of Innocence."

With all my heart, I let this melody express sorrow and hope, bringing peace to those who hear it. My passive buff, Harmony Flute, adds a heavenly touch to every note I play. Thus, my music is not just heard but also felt, bringing forth inevitable magical healing.

Assisted by Nurse Rhyme's skills, the melody I feel has the power to heal not only bodies but also souls. Each note created is a symphony of restoration, providing comfort and tranquility to those who experience it. There is magical power in the harmony created, a healing touch that surpasses conventional limits.

Next, I activate the Voice of The Seraphim, a voice guiding with wisdom and heavenly beauty. With each sung word, I become a mediator for heavenly truths, conveying uplifting and inspiring messages. The seraphim's voice seamlessly integrates with the melody, creating an unforgettable heavenly ambiance.

This is why my musical performance is not just limited to beauty alone. With Nurse Rhyme and Voice of The Seraphim, I bring more than just entertainment. My music tells a story of healing and inspiration, a performance that goes beyond human capabilities, approaching angelic purity.

I didn't realize that, as I immersed myself in playing the Harp, time kept moving forward, and luckily, I hadn't fully activated the Tablet yet. Therefore, everything I had input into the tablet was still in the conceptual phase and not fully realized. The gentle sound of the Harp, like a captivating charm, entranced those around me with the created melody.

"This voice ?"

"HE'S BACK !" Kal'tsit runs towards the source of the sound, followed by a number of people also captivated by the beautiful music. They lead their way to the dock, where the ocean waves roar as if singing the longed-for lyrics. While continuing to play the Harp with passion, I engage in a series of enchanting tunes.

Wisp Sprites, graceful light creatures, join their beautiful dance, forming an unimaginable harmony. The waves and ripples of the ocean also join in this dance, creating a magical scene around us. Sound and movement unite in harmony, creating an atmosphere as if in a fairy tale world.

Navi also assists by playing additional musical instruments, bringing richer and more complex solo play nuances. Their sounds blend into a heavenly symphony, creating a captivating experience. After the last note is heard, I gently put the Harp into my private dimensional pocket. The setting sun in the west provides warm-colored light, and I decide to put on my clothes again after the magical music performance.

Gracefully, I put on my clothes, an outfit that adapts to the perfectly sculpted godly body in detail. Every muscle and contour of my body is clear, depicting overall strength and beauty. The pulsating veins add an impressive touch, giving life to a perfect physical appearance.

The tattoo on my back presents a unique identity, a symbol or image reflecting the journey and continuity in my life. It is a mark of experiences and adventures I've been through.

Ascendant hide my face with mad king mask, now my power greatly suppressed. While still on the shore, I take out some pellets that I brought specifically. Gently, I throw them towards the animals around the water. These pellets provide a sense of security to the creatures, as if giving them positive energy and peace. I watch the reactions of these animals, feeling the connection between humans and the universe, as a smile appears on my face.

"So... can you report to me why our headquarters was abandoned ?" My voice sounds calm, without threat, but reflects a deep disappointment. Unlike the heavenly voice before, my voice is more human-like now, like the voice of a mid-20s man. My voice is balanced, not too heavy or piercing, creating perfect harmony.

"I ordered them to take a break and leave the central headquarters," Kal'tsit boldly replies, trying to contain herself even though tempted by the godly physique I possess. Some of them faint or are mesmerized by my appearance, as if unable to process the presence of a god in front of them. I sigh and stand up, heading towards the central headquarters.

"That's fine if that's the case. I appreciate your desire for a break. I have to take care of my duties this time." i snap my finger for whoever person faint will return back to base.


"Yes ?"

"Welcome back."

"Thank you."

"Are you able to manage 8 countries at once?"

"I have the way, you do not need to worry" We go back to the headquarters where the majority of all Rhodes Island members and Neo Rhine Labs members are present. They are delighted to see me back, but my aura is different this time, very different.

As I stand in front of the ruins of our central headquarters, I point to it, emitting a godly sound. Energy envelops the headquarters and rapidly rebuilds it, as if fast-forwarded. Every foundation, electrical system, and everything related to the headquarters returns, even every displaced object, like being pulled back by a magnet, returns to its original place. I stop, and everything returns to normal; everyone witnesses this with wide eyes. They seem to be seeing something beyond logic, reason, or anything else; it's not technology anymore; it's a godly artifact.

"The Amulet of Uroboros is a divine artifact that I personally crafted. It symbolizes eternity, evolution, movement, continuity, self-fertilization, and, consequently, eternal return as a passive ability. For specific abilities, it can manipulate time and space as a whole. It also allows me to teleport anywhere by literally stopping time or moving time forward in a specific direction.

Some of you are aware of my ability to pause the world; this instrument can do that too by freezing specific space. You can witness everyone frozen in time, and you can interact with them even though they are unaware of being literally stopped. It can be used to heal people or animals depending on their existential construct. I can literally erase your origin or make you non-existent just by pointing my finger. It can also be used to erase beings that never existed, such as imaginary or hallucinatory entities.

Furthermore, it allows me to manipulate the ages of living and non-living things. I can revert you to an embryo state or age you significantly just by touching you or pointing at you. For a more intense effect, I can permanently cripple you or transform you into a highly evolved being. It can also transform megastructures from ruins to their glorious era or even back to a state where they were never built.

In essence, this seemingly common accessory in the form of a ring is a simple, efficient, and godlike device. It has the power to make things worse or better, depending on the situation not my mood, any commentary ?"


Okay, that's very interesting to know, you know. You've really irritated me by doing twice the amount of work as usual, especially making us go through the trouble of cleaning up the mess you created. I demand compensation."



Ascendant removes my mask, revealing my extraordinarily handsome face, surpassing even that of an angel. Due to the passive age enchanting and wisdom expanding, I can apply anything that sounds impossible, just as I created the God Tablet.

Setting aside Wisdom expansion, the age enhancer has a significant impact beyond logic. Even my charm can make a man fall in love with me, and I'm still young with a soul full of purpose and mission. Not an old, irritable man. Now, I'm seriously taking care of this world.

"All right, what do you want? Except for romance and sexual relations, I can't provide."

"Can you not wear that mask, Ascendant?"

"Ascendant, can you become a mask hanging beside my head?"


The Mad King's mask is neatly placed beside my head, while I look at Kal'tsit again.

"Enough?" I ask those around me. They nod, feeling the change in the air, or more precisely, the aura I emit. Although my face looks very young, as if I'm a man in his mid-20s, the aura I radiate shows that I give the impression of someone who has lived for more than 200 trillion years. A comfortable and secure aura is clearly present around me, creating a calm and safe atmosphere.

"Sephira, there is both bad news and good news you need to know. We know you're in heaven and probably don't want to deal with worldly issues, as per the Celestial being knowledge you keep in the library, this world is under your jurisdiction but it doesn't mean you always interfere with worldly affairs."

"That's true. Okay, tell me."

"There are rumors circulating that you are unfit to be a leader, based on your natural traits and your acknowledgment as a monster. Some issues regarding experiments with Originium Prime and Warcrime involving Bolivar strengthen this claim, coupled with your non-original Origin adding to the perception that you are a colonizer of this world. What you said is true, although almost everyone here likes you, there are some individuals who will hate you no matter what. They will find faults in you to make you look bad in the eyes of everyone. Adding the existence of North and South demons you brought to the Union Summit reinforces this issue." I smile hearing this because it's a foresight of the future that I've known for a long time. I don't mind it. Enemies seem easier to face than invisible ones.

"So, is everyone here complete?"

"Most are complete, but some have resigned and terminated their contracts for personal reasons that cannot be forced."

"No problem. Have they returned our equipment?"

"Yes, nothing was left behind. We have given incentives and fair payment for their services."

"Good then, they will return later."

"Do you have a way to manage nine countries at once? Besides your experience as the King of Pantheon, governing countries without a 'Real' god, especially that, is quite difficult."

"I already have something for that, follow me, and I'll show you. The New Revolutionary will be a new problem in this world since the dissolution of Reunion, this time you don't need to get involved in my issues with the Revolutionary."

"I like that name, Revolutionary."

"Good if you like to call them that, but it seems that this new year will make us even busier, especially with the Revolutionary becoming an obstacle for us. I have compiled every spy from the previous year where they tried to create Cheap knock-off Evolution pods."

"Isn't that impossible to imitate based on your previous statement that every technology you create cannot be replicated for 500,000 years?"

"That's true. Remember Abomination before?"

"Oh... oh no..." Everyone from Rhodes Island hears that and immediately knows how tough it was to fight against them.

"Okay, what is that?" I show the Abomination to members of Neo Rhine Labs, and they immediately feel disgusted. Seaborn abomination, Verdugo, Novistador, and the thing behind that door was disgusting enough; this was not a one.

"This is a failed Evolution. Quite gruesome, isn't it? I also don't blame the Revolutionary because in my view, those who don't know what they are fighting for. In the end, they are just pawns of the rulers for their own reasons, the majority of Revolutionary supporters are world leaders who hate me, people who want to fulfill their own desires like getting something or acquiring technology I made, and many more. But their noble goal is to make society aware. They are led by a war criminal, monster, and otherworld being, not a saint, a human being, and naturally born here. But ironically, Saints also failed. Theresa accident. A human being, Alexandrina's father accident. Kollam accident. A natural born in here considering his ancestor was Teekaz who was the first inhabitant before Angela's race came by. He also betrayed by his own kin. Now it's your choice to choose. If you feel what the Revolutionary says makes sense and is reasonable, please switch sides. But I wish you well."

"Impossible, this world is too peaceful under your leadership, realistically. You must have enemies, as enemies must be faced."

"We beat their ass." We are on the same page with this. Rhodes Island is indeed a war criminal enjoyer. Ah, great.

"Correct, we have the second evolution stage as an advantage. In terms of power, we have the upper hand, in terms of technology, we also have the upper hand. In terms of firepower, we have a downside."

"Oh... we forget about that."

"Correct, unfortunately, we are a humanitarian and technology company but due to the situation, we have to become a military company. Especially since we know what is hiding beneath our feet, at the bottom of the sea, out there. We have to arm ourselves, but the strength of the weapon depends on the user. If the user is not strong, then no matter how powerful or great the weapon is, it remains useless. If we take a broader view, our focus is on planetary expedition. For world problems, literally, we have surpassed them, but we still lack the Search History module or Eye of God and Bookmark Module or Book Of God. If used in the expedition, we can facilitate when and why and what and where. If that's enough, let alone the unknown problem, we already know beforehand, we will look omniscient, even though the world has already given the most accurate answers. Indeed, humans are easily swayed because of concrete evidence, but evidence can be proven by how and who, how as actions and who as the puppeteer, which is us. Sounds simple, doesn't it?"

"That's a great idea; we can study the unknown more accurately with Daria, Bookmark, and Search History. Valtor, you're indeed a genius."

"Thank you for the compliment, let's go in, there is a spy roaming around in here."

"What!?" Everyone immediately becomes alert, detecting someone who is indeed hiding in the open.

"Should we?"

"Nay, let them be. Let's go in. We need to celebrate the New Year's celebration that we need to celebrate here, with what? Feasting, of course. I'll cook, you just need to sit and eat, if necessary, finish the food stock in the canteen."

"That is the thing we cannot miss. Let's go in!" I'm pushed with enthusiasm.

"Is Doctor's food that great?"

"Once you dig in, you can't stop."

"Hmm... I'm afraid of my diet."

"He's a doctor; he knows what good nutrients are for our bodies, just eat and feel it on your own." They all enter and go to the canteen to celebrate the New Year's party.

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