
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · 游戏衍生
161 Chs

God Tablet, Omnipotent Device to rule over the world

I am calmly kneading the dough, and everyone is patiently waiting for my cooking to be done. I hum softly to create a comfortable atmosphere. As for the depth of this, of course, I am wearing an apron with the inscription "soon to be husband and father," with a large heart logo in the middle. Am I naked? No way. They would definitely faint beforehand.

After sufficiently cooking and placing it in the oven, stove, or microwave, I wait calmly and prepare drinks from ingredients I've collected for about 600 billion years.

I planted all these ingredients in heaven, and I brought them home again. Angels and celestial beings also helped me farm there, and honestly, I am grateful that God allowed me to farm there.

"Why are the ingredients different?"

"Good question. Some food ingredients here need to be replaced. I planted some earthly produce in Heaven intentionally. The quality of the food ingredients here can be considered 'out of this world'; once you eat it, I'm not making this up. You don't need to eat or drink for a year."


"Yes, I'm not kidding. In heaven, there is a blessing. Human needs such as drinking, eating, or even defecating do not exist there. Therefore, everything you consume there becomes a source of energy without the need for an excretion process. Fortunately, the food in heaven provides excess energy, so you don't need to eat or drink for a year. Even if you work hard, fatigue will never be there, your body will always be fresh. You can still enjoy snacks or normal food, but the feeling of thirst and hunger will not disturb you for a year of your activities."

"So, the Doctor brought all the ingredients from different worlds and planted them in heaven. The crops are what the Doctor brought during the journey," I gently stir this drink mix while adding the syrup I prepared earlier.

"Right, it's a privilege as the first human to arrive in heaven and hell. Instead of keeping it to myself, why not give it a try? All these ingredients come from here, from different worlds, and some of them are my own concoctions from recipes to raw materials. There's an important guideline you should know; I don't just cook to curb hunger. Some foods have special effects that fulfill various human body needs. As a chef and doctor, I don't cook without considering someone's diet or health conditions. Each food I make has a specific effect, and later, I will provide a list. Just read what you need for specific activities, complete with recipes and how to make it. So, if you want to cook for your family or children, it's all there."

"Valtor.... can we"

"Sorry to cut you off, I can't fulfill that for now." I finish making the drink and cool it in a special cooler.

"Oh... oh... sorry, I was just asking."

"No, it's okay." I hear the sounds of cooking, and I smile at that.

"Get ready to inhale its aroma," I say, opening the cooking machine. At that moment, like thousands, no, millions of delicious aromas from various food menus spread widely throughout the canteen. The fragrant smell of spices, tempting grilled meat, and the sweet aroma of cakes beginning to bake form a captivating combination.

With such rich and intense aromas, it almost feels like a food paradise. Each dish emits its unique fragrance, creating a captivating aroma field for anyone around. The aroma of sautéed onions, exotic spices, and the sweet touch of sauces blend in perfect harmony.

Everyone in the canteen is mesmerized by the magic of these aromas. They feel saliva flowing freely, and their stomachs respond with deep growls as if they can't wait any longer. The room itself is filled with warmth and joy, as if each dish being cooked in the machine is telling its own delicious story.

Slowly, I start serving dishes one by one. Each plate is carefully placed on the long table, creating a panorama of colors and tempting flavors that please the eyes. The dishes look so enticing with beautifully crafted presentations, as if creating a delicious painting ready to be eaten.

An abundance of dishes ranging from precisely arranged sushi, perfectly cooked steaks, to beautifully decorated sweet cakes forms its own culinary landscape. Each dish represents its own taste, aroma, and uniqueness. Everything looks special, and every detail creates admiration among the guests.

As the dishes are served, the eyes of the attendees sparkle. They can't wait to taste every culinary creation displayed in front of them. Some of them even start taking pictures with their phones, capturing the visual beauty of each dish as an unforgettable memory.

Added to the lively canteen scene, I also serve various tempting drinks. Rows of glasses and cups filled with brightly colored drinks and aromatic scents create a perfect composition to accompany the delicious dishes.

In the middle of the table, there is a large pitcher containing exotic mocktails, with fresh fruits floating inside. The fresh and sweet aroma immediately fills the room, creating a refreshing sensation in line with the New Year celebration.

Crystal wine glasses gleam, filled with the finest grape varieties to complement the meat dishes. There are also cold drinks like iced tea and iced coffee, served in large glasses with sparkling ice. The satisfying taste cools the throat, bringing satisfaction after a richly flavored bite.

Dessert drinks also become a attraction. There are fruit cocktails with colorful umbrella decorations, creating a tropical atmosphere in the middle of the event. Meanwhile, hot chocolate adorned with melting marshmallows offers warm pleasure to complement the delicious desserts.

In a corner of the table, there are also variations of exotic drinks such as layered fruit smoothies. Colored glass glasses, filled with perfectly blended layers of various fruits. Each layer has a unique flavor, providing a different touch in every sip.

The choices of cold drinks also involve fruit iced tea with fresh fruit pieces inside, giving a fresh and sweet touch simultaneously. Additionally, there are various flavored soda drinks, with delightful bubbles and distinctive fruit aromas.

Glasses filled with mocktails with umbrella decorations and floating fruit slices add a distinctive touch to the party. Its sweet, sour, and fresh taste seems to invite everyone to celebrate moments of happiness together.

The choices of hot drinks are equally tempting. White chocolate hot cocoa with marshmallow toppings and shaved chocolate brings abundant chocolate flavor, warming the body on the slightly cool New Year's Eve. Special coffee with various variants is also ready to greet coffee enthusiasts, serving delightful fragrance and strength.

"Eat, I won't eat because I've already had my fill earlier. Enjoy it while it's still fresh from the oven." They immediately devour everything, as if they were hungry animals, sweeping everything away, eating directly, disregarding whether it's cold or hot, irrelevant to them.

I stretch my fingers to touch the God Tablet screen. In an instant, a fantasy world unfolds before me, and I am ready to start a new campaign. Just like before, RTS strategy fills my mind, with a touch of GSW and Tower Defense elements making it even more challenging.

Promptly, I start by upgrading the main building, ensuring the rapid development of my kingdom's infrastructure. Every research I conduct has a specific goal, whether for economic, defense, or technological purposes. Ascendant and Singularity Hand form an inseparable team, providing extremely detailed guidance, as if we are orchestrating the fate of my kingdom with extraordinary precision.

The surrounding population becomes an integral part of the power strategy. I help them and recruit those who can be allies, creating mutually beneficial alliances. All of this is part of a grand plan to make my kingdom not only grow but prosper and advance so greatly.

Singularity Hand, with its artificial intelligence, works seamlessly with the wise Ascendant. They help formulate and execute highly specific objectives, ensuring every step of my kingdom aligns with the plan.

Every move I make in this gaming world is carefully thought out. The Avatar, representing me in the gaming world, stands as a proxy that not only replicates my physical actions but also enriches the dimensions of strategy and leadership I implement.

Wisely, I have sorted, assisted, and developed every unit or individual according to their tasks and roles. The Avatar becomes the spearhead of the strategy, providing courage and resilience in executing grand plans. Even in the gaming world, the Avatar's presence becomes a symbol of my undisputed power.

I'm not just focusing on individual development but also on solving resource problems that often pose challenges in this game. Diplomacy has become the primary weapon, and I successfully established relationships with countries that have abundant resources. The imbalance of combat power is overcome by my skill in retraining troops according to my unique fighting style.

Each unit, with its traits, talents, and resonance abilities, contributes to enhancing the progress of installations. Power lies not only in quantity but also in the abilities of each individual and their cohesion as a solid unit. Thus, my kingdom in the gaming world becomes stronger and more stable, ready to face any challenges that come its way.

With the success of each objective, this gaming world increasingly submits to my control. Three minutes in the game feel like four hours to me, as if time is escaping in this world. Nevertheless, I don't lose focus, and tirelessly, I continue mission after mission from various countries.

In the expansion mission, every move is carefully planned. The Avatar, as my representation, brings sovereignty to untouched fields. Each territory I occupy is chosen based on strategic analysis, ensuring the expansion of my power is not just about conquering but also ensuring the sustainability of valuable resources.

Moving to the development mission, my focus shifts to the economic foundation of each region. Efficient trade centers, robust infrastructure, and training programs to enhance production and services become the core of strategic planning. I don't just want to rule the territory but also want to see it grow and develop sustainably.

And in the welfare mission, my goals revolve around improving the well-being of the population and ensuring stability throughout my kingdom. I build facilities and launch innovative programs to empower the local communities. The stability and happiness of the people become a top priority because I know that true power is not just about dominance but also about responsibility for their lives. Diplomacy continues to be an effective tool in these efforts, ensuring harmonious relationships with the people who are part of my kingdom.

With each accomplished mission, this gaming world increasingly becomes a reflection of my careful vision and leadership.

In each successfully occupied territory, city planning becomes an integral part of development strategy. With detailed precision, every building and road is designed to support long-term economic growth. My Avatar, as the embodiment of me in the gaming world, becomes the spearhead in managing this development. I ensure that each stage of city growth happens harmoniously, collaborating closely with the local population and ensuring the sustainability of infrastructure.

The welfare mission is the final stage that demands a focus on the well-being and happiness of the population. I don't just enrich my kingdom with wealth but also commit to making a positive impact felt by every citizen. Modern healthcare facilities, schools, and community centers are integral parts of the welfare plan. I want to ensure that my presence in each region is not just about dominance but also about providing real benefits to those living there. These programs not only improve the quality of life but also strengthen the emotional and practical bonds between my kingdom and its residents.

Although I enjoy managing my kingdom without real enemies, real challenges come from the Revolutionary group. With one goal of hating and opposing me, they become a threat that must be faced. The bad propaganda they spread, especially in the countries I lead and they call "Evil," becomes an issue that needs to be addressed.

In response to frequent natural disasters that damage all aspects of life, I design a special mission for Neo Rhine Labs. This mission aims to commission the Anti-Catastrophe Spire, an advanced technology that can help protect my kingdom from these disasters.

The challenges I face not only come from external enemies but also from within. Fighting against the propaganda and slander from the Revolutionary requires a clever diplomatic approach. Despite being accused of being "Evil," the countries under my leadership remain united, and I am not overly affected by their accusations.

Meanwhile, research demands related to technology are increasing. I have to overcome challenges like illusion technology in Foehn Hotland, battling demons in the north, and handling Originium radiation in the southernmost regions. The presence of Aegir also becomes part of the puzzle I must solve, and building a strong relationship with him is not as easy as I imagined.

However, my main focus now is on the last two technologies for Rhodes Island. The Eye of God, which can unearth various information about the past of this planet, and the Book of God, which provides signs on specific information, become the keys to understanding the history and facing challenges in this increasingly complex world. This research not only demands intelligence but also dedication to bringing progress and better understanding to my kingdom.

As I am engrossed in playing with the Tablet, unknowingly, I become the center of attention for everyone around me. The world Tablet is filled with various commands and inputs, equipped with features that surpass reason and logic, even exceeding the limits of technology they know. My focus on the screen conveys a message without words to them: "I'm busy, don't disturb me with questions, just watch and pay attention."

With a serious face, I turn the Hourglass. Along with its fast rotations, I see many problems arise from day to day. Nevertheless, I quickly tackle each problem with careful consideration and mature technology. As the Hourglass speeds back up, new problems emerge without end, testing my ability to respond to dynamic changes.

The majority of the problems that arise are related to war and jealousy, especially among the nobility. Forms of political marriage also emerge, but I firmly reject them. This decision is not because I am unwilling to marry but because my physiology as a deity makes intimate relations with ordinary humans a death sentence. Such issues pose a unique challenge that must be overcome, and I have no hesitation in defending my principles for the stability and integrity of my kingdom.

After completing the organization and leadership for two months, the initial steps of running my kingdom like an RTS, WSG, and Tower Defense game have been successfully implemented. I believe that this achievement will be a unique breakthrough, not something I need to boast or flaunt arrogantly. With the "the one behind the veil" skill I possess, I play behind the shadows, letting the world unfold according to the plans I have laid out.

Satisfied with my work, the Tablet provides a Command Prompt, Auto-Rule. It explains that anything I input here will be the cause for effects in the future. As I mentioned earlier, our current actions will shape the future. Thanks to the God Tablet, I can literally implement this principle.

I press the button, and the Tablet automatically starts working without any interference from my side. Skills, talents, and passives that I naturally possess influence the Tablet, and conversely, the Tablet has its impact on the world. Done. It's time to rest after a full day of organizing and managing my kingdom.

"Thank you for your assistance, Ascendant."

[It's an honor, Sir. May I copy your God Tablet?]

"Feel free."

[Thank you. Unfortunately, I wasn't by your side when you became the King of Pantheon, but helping you manage this world is an achievement I'd like to keep in your archives.]

"Just relax, Ascendant, scan me."

[Understood. I will scan your physiology and existence thoroughly to update it in your archives.]

"Of course." Ascendant is inactive, but judging from the glowing mask socket next to my head, it gives the impression that Ascendant is scanning my physiology.

"That was the God Tablet, an omnipotent device capable of ruling the world. Whatever you input there will have effects in the future, much like cause and effect."

"... Valtor."

"Yes?" I drink a smoothie and look at Kal'tsit gently.

"So, that's the device you were talking about?"

"Yes. Efficient and simple. The Tablet not only affects the world but the entire universe. However, my focus is only on the world."

"Can I... access it?"



"Because you are part of this universe. Only entities outside or not native to this place can access it. But that doesn't apply to entities outside the universe because this God Tablet can only be accessed by me since it was born from the combination of my physiology, to be more precise, my almighty power."

"So, that bird can access it too?"

"Nope, she can't."

"Does your physiology include the mark you gave me?"


"Almighty form, the strange power you created... nothing surprises me anymore. Your Ghostly Hand looks intimidating to observe." Fortunately, Kal'tsit didn't inquire about the source of Singularity Hand, so I'm safe.

"Basically, yes, but take the positive side that the world can still be controlled comprehensively and know where it's headed, even if only for some regions. But the effects will be visible, estimated in two months. That's faster than when I became the king of Pantheon, a lot of dead bodies back then."

"How chaotic?"

"I'll tell you," I say, starting the story after the great war in Olympus or the Greek gods, where all Titans, gods, and even primordials stopped existing, and the sky, earth, and the underworld no longer had rulers. Ghosts could roam the land and reach the sky, humans could sail to the afterlife, either returning as corpses or becoming mindless, and monsters roamed, preying on the unfortunate. However, some monsters were easily defeated, while others served as guardians of nature, most of them were the forces of nature itself.

During that time, chaos reigned, and starting everything from scratch took centuries, even I had difficulty managing it. The battle completely changed the world, although it was full of blood and sweat. I witnessed my pantheon civilization being destroyed and resurrected seven times, and even more. Finally, peace was achieved.

After the peace, society and I agreed to jointly protect it. We cared for history, preserved culture, and more for 3 to 4 hundred years, still maintained until the modern era, where civilization no longer depended on gods but on human wisdom and knowledge. Magi still existed, although not always beneficial, but still used as a connection to higher entities, such as gods, even though ironically my Pantheon no longer had gods, only I remained who had given up my godhood to give hope to humans for prosperity.

"How was it? Terrifying, isn't it? At that time, many humans blamed me and asked for my help. Combining two factions under one banner took quite a long time, especially for those who had two different opinions about me. However, in the end, especially from the "all of this is my fault" side, they realized that blaming me also didn't yield a good solution facing a chaotic world. Because they were in a world no longer the same as they knew, whether they liked it or not, they had to seek refuge with someone who knew when this world began to collapse, when it collapsed, and after it collapsed, up to the intricacies of this world before, during, and after its destruction.

Sadly, humans like to find small faults and magnify them, then when their conditions experience "problems" beyond their abilities, they whimper like a newborn baby, asking for this and that, endlessly to me. Because they learn the hard way, fear, fear the unknown. They are brave because they think the world can be made again, but they have zero clues about the changes that happened in that era. Sigh, I still remember an adult man crying like a little girl seeing his family die because what I suggested was useless and begged me to resurrect them, even though I had lost my divine power at that time. I told him to let go and move on, but he blamed himself too much for not listening to my earlier advice. At first, I wanted to laugh at his arrogance, but I couldn't after seeing his desperate face. He got what he deserved, and the next day, he committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, wandering as a ghost on the land. Truly a tragic way to die."

"Enough for today."

"Yeah, I already told him before, but he didn't listen. Just say no more, family gone, depression comes, suicide happens, humans are indeed entertaining." I grin like a devil, not a good smile in everyone's eyes.

"You're also human."

"I am a monster."

"Ah... true, but why?"

"Before you continue your question, don't force me to show my monster form. You'll lose rationality. Do you want to go insane?"

"Even in your current form, you already look like a realistic monster."

"Correct. Do you all want to finish your food? If not, I'll finish it." They forgot their still-warm food, returned to eating, while I opened a book and read leisurely.

"Valtor... since you... not entirely rule said country. Do you have any big plans or grand designs you hope for? Ah, forget it. Goal, what is your goal for this year?" I closed the book I was reading and thought for a moment. What goal am I pursuing now? Literally, the God Tablet is already in my hands, and the world practically exists in my grasp through the tablet.

"Literally, world domination sounds ancient to me because the world is already in my control with the tablet as a proxy. Saving the world from Oripathy and discrimination has also been achieved. As a human, I've become both a villain and a hero. Realistically, there is no goal I want to achieve anymore... no more personal goals because I have surpassed literal and metaphorical sense limitations. Unrealistically, I just want to become even stronger than before."

"You're already too strong!" they said simultaneously.

"Yes, it's true, but I still need more! Strength! More! Power!" I posed like Vergil, squeezing my hands tightly.

"That's unrealistic."

"According to you, but according to me, it's realistic. My goal is beyond your understanding."

"Stop saying absurd things. What goal do you want to achieve?" Angela seems to want to know what goal I want, given her history, she seems worried about history repeating on this planet.

"I've said it before, haven't I? I want to be strong, what else?"

"A bit more realistic."

"What needs to be realistic?"

"Why are you so dense? Even though you're all-knowing."

"In that case, what do you think would be realistic for me as a goal?"

"That! ... I do not know."

"You yourself are experiencing a dilemma. What goal should I pursue when, in the end, I'm already at the finish line?"

"Stop this nonsense argument. The reason why you need to be stronger, Valtor?"

"Preparing for the next journey."

"To where?"

"The same world origin as your world. PAW, post-apocalypse world where mankind is a plaything to godly entities. Imagine someone like you without Originium Art or race advantage abilities. You're just an ordinary human who has to fight against monsters four times stronger than you, playing games as pawns for entities that are disposable, and you have to survive with whatever abilities you have determined by other entities. In a nutshell, fuck you, humanity 'as a whole,' you are on your own. It's a lawless world where everything is decided by said entities. You're lucky if you have a benevolent entity to aid you, or you're unlucky if you have a malevolent entity that despises you. Your mundane actions will be judged by all entities there, and if you're deemed worthy of their 'interest.' Congratulations, you're two steps away from becoming their plaything. You may ask, what happens when you become their plaything? Well, you must do what the entity wants you to do. If it's benevolent, maybe good deeds, but if it's malevolent, well, good luck. If you don't do what they tell you, you're killed in the most inhumane way while still awake, and when you go into the afterlife, you become an eternal slave of said system of the afterlife. You forget everything from who you are, why you exist, to how you got there. Not enough? The entities also play little games to shape the world as they see fit. You get this year's problem, deal with it, then next year's problem will be more varied than before with extra spice from that entity to mess with you, but only if you did well in the previous year. Why? Well, for benevolent entities, they'll praise you with 'you're so great, keep up, hurray,' and for malevolent entities, 'nice work, how about another existential crisis for no particular reason.' That's it, no benefit, no price, just congratulations in the stamp. But if you're a bit petty to them, demand something for their 'amusement,' remember not to use human logic and compassion, as they see you as just a mere pawn for their entertainment. They'll give you a trial to reenact what they want you to do. The more boring you play it out, nothing will return. The more interesting you play it out, they'll either give you the most precious thing they have or a piece of garbage. And you're officially one step away from becoming their plaything. The point of this world is to survive on a ruined world. Anything is acceptable as long as you survive. Guess how I cheat to survive."

"That dimensional pocket you have."

"Bingo... I already stored V-Unit and some loot enough for my survival in there. You may wonder, what about your godly power, Doctor? My plan was to keep it hidden until I face those entities. Remember, in the first year, you have nothing. Don't show everything you have because when all those entities grow 'interest' in you, well, you have no privacy, and they will keep pestering you to do something to entertain them, like having every phone call for 5 minutes that you cannot close, and the dialer is how many entities that your finger cannot count. Annoying, right?"

"That's annoying, can it?"

"I stop you right there. No, I can't go there with you."


"Have you forgotten the entity I mentioned before?"

"Oh... crap... that entity is a hindrance."

"Yes, the worst part is that everything you have here cannot be accepted there. That is the universe's law. You will be counted as an anomaly, and an anomalous individual is great 'entertainment' for them. As I told you earlier, what happens when 'entertainment' appears? I don't need to say it once more. And worse, the animal traits you possess will disappear. Originium Art is no more. So pure survival in the otherworld is hell you're walking into. So do not follow me to the great beyond. Stay here when peace is reached. You don't need to worry about things outside the universe anymore. You can go to other nebulae, galaxies, and create your very own universe if you live long enough. Do not breach other universes. If you're stranded in a tame one, it's fine, as long as you have a way to return. But if you're stranded in a universe where you restart, that's over. As I always say..."

"What stays here, stays here. Do not add another thing that exists outside here or beyond." Everyone said that in union.

"Correct. You already know how powerful they are when we meet them in the first place. That is the great unknown."


"Oh, Neo Rhine Labs members never know. Supreme beings. Like this." I transformed into Scarlet God for a moment, just a moment that felt like eternity, and I returned as

 a human but kept my Scarlet crown behind my head.

"Terrifying, isn't it? Supreme Beings of Chaos and Omicron. In scientific logic, I possess all the natural traits of my own genetic archive to the pinnacle and zenith of my power or authority. I am a limitless entity that can gain a multitude of capabilities from a known source of power from my existence. As long as I train or understand that said power, with that effort, my existence from physical, mental, and spiritual aspects is capable of reaching transcendence. I inherit a brand new appearance, physiology, etc., through specific understanding. Chaos is considered an enigmatic, incomprehensible, illogical force that can be manipulated by Omicron, which is called Alpha and Omega, or you could say the beginning or end. That Omicron has the capability to intertwine with my own original physiological nature, resembling the perfect version of a specific kind, as both superior to any member of that species and as a transcendent counterpart. For example," I transformed into all known Elder, Ancient, Feranmut, and Teekaz, then many extinct races in the previous era and unknown ones such as Demon and Seaborn recorded in this planet's history.

"See... from the beginning race to the end race, I can be everything and anything I want. To be a doctor, I must fully understand your physiology and existence as a whole by becoming one of you." All my mirages returned to the shadow realm.

"That is true, Supreme Being. We have never had a proper appearance because we copy specific individuals or existences to manifest in a specific plane of existence. Our power is basically suppressed, but our presence alone can shatter reality as a whole just by being there. What you see before does not show our full potential because I'm holding back so much. Try to imagine, your world is surrounded by a big dam holding water from the outside. The water is the absolute enigmatic power of me, and I'm standing on the dam to make sure the wall is sturdy enough to block the water. When the dam breaks, guess what happens?"

"Our universe perishes."

"Yes... I prefer this appearance so that I look 'human' enough to you. You've already seen how much of a nightmare fuel my monster form was. As long as you know, is this the true face of the doctor? Yes and no. My true face is this and this human form, but when I use my specific 'forms' such as Almighty form, Human, Dragon, Archetype, Nephalem, Faery."

"The other four are like this, the difference between them is practically a face or a physically realistic form. I want to use their appearance. Please, to a human-like face." All of them turned into human-like faces and appearances. I was a black-haired male, Dragon was a silver-haired male, Archetype a red-haired male, Nephalem a purple-ash-haired male, Faery was a pure white-haired male.

"For the next journey, despite changing into a new appearance, me is me with something obvious – my tattoo. My glowing tattoo is connected to my soul and my singularity of anomaly, which explains which is the real me. Ah, by the way, which one is the most husband, daddy, father material you like?"

"ALL OF THEM." We giggled hearing that honesty.

"Sorry." All my forms went to the shadow realm, and then I returned to human form.

"Basically, they are all me, though not entirely me. What else do you want to ask before I take care of this world?"

"Doctor... um... is the doctor... um... seeing someone?"

"For what specific purpose?"


"Hmm... I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I have no intention of being in a relationship right now. But thank you for asking me on a date. I hope you find a good partner out there who loves you back and understands you more."

"But... Dr. Kal'tsit."

"Kal'tsit, in fact, suggests you to be bolder to me, but it's forceful, sweetheart. Love is not as easy as it's said in romance books or what the media says. What you've done now is a sudden instinct that cannot be understood by logic or common sense. It's derived from admiration of my beauty and secretly harboring feelings of significance to me. Sweetheart, remember this. Love is complex. It hits the soul you're tormented from, hits the mind you're crazed by, and hits the body you've craved for. If you ask for a real example of a person who loves me, ask Dr. Kal'tsit, Ms. Koshelna, Your Majesty Theresa. They will answer it for you and prove my claim of those three things. Those three already have a screw loose in their heads. You will follow along to be crazy chicks."

"Outrageous claim."

"Let's see. 'This world is bleak without him in here,' 'That bastard is the culprit,' 'Pat me, focus on me, don't touch anyone when I'm near you, only me.' Sound familiar, memory?" I used Kal'tsit's voice at that time. Kal'tsit was not having it; she blushed hard and gave me the middle finger.


"Pfft, that is the effect of my three claims before. Without me in here, the world for her is just a grey world without meaning and color, everything questionable always related to me despite having nothing to do with that, and the last one hits harder, wouldn't it?"

"Stop shaming me. You also like me, right?"

"Obviously, for a grumpy grandma like you, who smelled like a rotten corpse when we first met, to a new grumpy old lady full of nagging, yapping, and ranting for practically every inconvenient thing that happened here." Kal'tsit grew a vein; she approached me with a smile on her face. While everyone was silent, my mom and dad were fighting. Once you join, we're going to beat your sorry ass.

"For a golden and silver-tongued bastard like you who knows how to work with that mouth, it makes me angry and want to shut that mouth up forever."

"With what? With the fish-smelling mouth of yours?"

"... I will kill you."

"Well, just planning, not actually doing it."

"You hide in that godly power." An angel appeared, I deactivated my save data and gave it to the angel. The angel vanished.

[Save data offline]

"No godly power anymore." I moved my body's joints, then my body grew taller, reaching 2.7 meters with a sturdier body and an indescribable aura pressure that exploded enormously. The aura showed someone who had been fighting for more than trillions of years, not just millions. Even the pressure made their hair stand on end, indicating that their entire body's sensory system was alert. This was the end.

"No control, raw, explosive power. Godly power is only a limiter while the true power was hidden inside me all along, waiting to be used, an Ace. The thing many supreme beings out there want to have a piece of, but unfortunately, as Satan says, they will never have it. Even if they have it, it's just a cheap knock-off, while I am the pinnacle and zenith of that power. Can you feel it?" I released more power; it was the point. Like mental and spiritual pressure, their bodies had intense nosebleeds, their vision became more blurry, and their bodies would not listen anymore. Their souls were screaming at them to run; their power evolution or any type of ability or skill was denied an instant. I suppressed it, and the power calmed down, just like the flow of a river in Heaven. It was a beautiful sensation but a great experience.

"I trained to control this type of power in Heaven. In Hell, I cultivated this power to surpass the previous scaling. It took a long time, but I enjoyed every moment of it. That is the reason I hide with my Godly power to remind you; the true scaling is not in front but inside. Even if you're born as a mighty being in front, but you're weaker inside, it's no good. It's easy to be exploited, and vice versa. As I told you before, even true supreme beings like God and Satan need a vessel to suppress their full power or shape-shift into a specific individual who is 'compatible' with their power, even just a little drop of water. Ah, thank you." The angel returned, gave me back my save data, I took it and put it behind my nape, and pretended to crack it.

[Save data Connected]

I'm back to my normal self, the Mad King mask is there, and my power has vanished, hidden in plain sight. I use Saint Aura to heal from Enigmatic corruption.

"Now that you understand, there's good advice you must know before you ask me. He knows something I don't know; he has something I wish I had. But I know my boundary; there's something I should never know and should never have. Because I'm not him, I have my own 'individuality,' and he is enigmatic. He can be whatever he likes; he is limitless, he can have anything he wants. He needs us to understand us, while we try to understand him. But the more we understand him, the crazier we become and the more annoyed we get. There, a 'reason' why I need to hide everything I own from you and show you when the situation calls. You don't need to have everything I own because you abandon that 'individuality' of yours. The unique and distinctive qualities, traits, and characteristics that define who you are are abandoned because you see someone better than your current self and want to be like them."

"Ah, wisdom from the sage of hypocrisy. Should I be concerned that in front of me is not the real you?"

"This is the real me, though."

"Good then. Let me guess... Kazdel monster below, North Gate demon, Abyss monster have already been dealt with by you?"

"Yes, why?"

"That is the price you get for that amazing form of yours."

"Yes, more precisely. Ignore the power because it's temporal, not eternal."

"Sigh... thank you for dealing with the Demon or Chaos being. I like the name 'Chaos being.'"

"You're welcome, but not entirely. I won against the Chaos King, but the Chaos king or Colossal God servant still exists on the planet at this edge of the universe. I've already marked it on the universe map. You can clean them up for good and use specific technology to reverse the aftermath of their invasion and the destruction of civilizations. The universe is big; if you reverse engineer the Teleportation Gate we had, you can create slipspace technology. So, you can go to each nebulae, galaxy, or solar system in just the blink of an eye, like opening a portal."

"But can it create a time machine?"

"No, it's impossible. In the engineering process of the equipment, it's only able to space travel."

"But you can, right?"

"... I can. For what purpose? Redoing what has already been done on your impulse? No, even if you go back to the past, it changes nothing here. You'd just create another branch of the timeline."

"But you can make it so. Your amulet can do that."


"Why do you say no?"

"No is no. It's my amulet, not yours."


"Stupid, use this every time you're with me." I take out a dunce hat and put it on her head with the words, "I'm Dementia Horny Grandma who has zero clue what the heck I'm doing. Please don't yell at me." I give a nice Kal'tsit a teary-eyed, begging face sticker.

"There, you look better in that hat." I give her a mirror; Kal'tsit smiles seeing her new hat. She grabs the hat and throws it to me, and we fight, literally like an abusive household. Rhodes Island members drink their drinks casually, while Neo Rhine Labs tries their best to stop them, but Rhodes Island tells them not to get involved or they'll get a stray bullet out of nowhere.

"Ahhh yes... Casual morning in Rhodes Island, Doctor and Dr. Kal'tsit fighting. Bet who's gonna win?" Rhodes Island members are already betting on who's gonna win, while Neo Rhine Labs is a bit flabbergasted that their directors and other directors aren't getting along. Even more, their subordinates are betting on who's gonna win.

I successfully pin her down, sit on her back with a joint lock on her leg and hand.

"Stay down, grandma. Final warning."

"For an old man like you, you still haven't lost the game, haven't you?" Kal'tsit struggles, but I increase the weight; everyone can hear some of her bones crack, but Kal'tsit takes it like a champ.

"You're getting fatter, old man."

"Workout routine."

"Seducing then lifting powerless women into your bed is considered a workout routine for a scumbag god like you."

"Is that a hint to me?"

"....... Fine, you won."

"Ah.... 1 point for Valtor."

"Get off me." I stand up, and Kal'tsit cracks her bones. I take my loot; that is the bet. The majority of people bet on me, so it's obvious I win big. I take 1 percent of the bet from them.

"What is your plan now, Valtor?"

"Huh?" I count the money so Closure doesn't corrupt it.

"Well, as usual, dealing with annoying people, saving helpless people, helping with social issues. Sigh... the usual majority conflict will be military and political. Funds will come from me, from many countries I rule. You don't need to worry; natural resources and materials will come from my region. We can exchange products, technology, and many more, including security for their personnel and patients. Though Rhodes Island and Neo Rhine Labs can and will offer their services as a pseudo-private military company or contractor should the need arise."

"Ah... yes... as usual." Everyone knows the pain of dealing with that, as it is literally an Arknight plot.

"Talk about weapons, because we have officially cut ties from Raythean, we have a lack of armament supply."

"NRL idle, we're going to make our own custom-made weapons, technology, and utility. What do you think of our products here? A display for you? Primitive-type weapons, gun-type weapons, energy-type weapons, self-sentient-type weapons, magic-type weapons, cosmic-type weapons, robotic to automata-type weapons. You have the literal God of War in here, who knows infinite blueprints regarding that type of weaponry. We have a bunch of scientists, engineers, and many talented individuals here. We can create synergy between evolution and technology. But before that," we appear outside our headquarters.

"We need a Mobile Headquarters." I open a portal where Alteisen Ship from Nikke, Hyperion Ship from Honkai, and Selene from GGZ appear. Although their appearances are deactivated, they are ready for reconstruction. I clap my hands and get ready. I run so fast that it creates many shadows of myself, modifying these three ships with our massive headquarters, creating a giant-sized Mothership.

This Mothership reflects god-level technology with a modern touch. Its outer structure emits a futuristic aura, filled with holographic control panels that provide real-time data displays. Alteisen, Hyperion, and Selene are integrated as integral parts of this Mothership, each harmoniously merging and presenting unique capabilities.

Jet thrusters obtained from Alteisen provide incredible speed, allowing the Mothership to move quickly across various elements. Hyperion brings high-level technology from the Honkai world, providing extraordinary defense and attack capabilities. Selene, with GGZ technology, adds expertise in outer space navigation and unbeatable energy detection.

Integrated Aero-Wheels allow the Mothership to operate not only in the sky but also on land and in water. Its propulsion system is designed to handle various terrain conditions, making it extremely versatile.

The exterior of this Mothership looks like a walking sun with golden lines shining along its surface. The main structure has a metallic and futuristic touch, reflecting light elegantly. On top of it, there are sharp-winged structures that give an aerodynamic and graceful impression.

Around the Mothership, there is a transparent energy shielding layer, providing a panoramic view of outer space. This layer not only serves as protection but also adapts to external conditions for maximum visibility.

Holographic control panels inside the Mothership create a futuristic atmosphere in every room. At the command center, there is a command chair equipped with advanced interfaces, allowing easy control. The atmosphere inside this Mothership is not inferior to the best scientific fiction spacecraft.

Special features of the Mothership include an observation room with transparent windows that allow occupants to see the beauty of outer space. There is also a tactical simulation room for training and developing strategies and a high-level research laboratory for developing new technologies.

The weaponry of this Mothership consists of customizable energy weapons for various types of threats. The defense system involves an energy shield that can be activated as needed, making it unbeatable in defense.

Various rooms inside the Mothership are used for various purposes, from maintenance rooms to rest areas. All rooms are designed to provide comfort as well as functionality for the occupants.

The interior of this Mothership is designed with grandeur and modernity. Each room is filled with soft illumination that creates a comfortable atmosphere. The walls and ceilings of the Mothership are made of futuristic material that can change color, giving a different atmosphere depending on the mood or activity inside.

The main control room is located at the center of the Mothership, with a large holographic screen displaying the galaxy map and the latest tactical information. This control station is surrounded by ergonomic chairs that provide maximum comfort for the crew. The atmosphere in this room is filled with energy vibrations, giving the impression that the ship is alive and ready for action.

The nearby observation room provides a spectacular view of outer space. Transparent windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling, allowing occupants to see stars and planets clearly. Although this Mothership has advanced technology, the beauty of the universe remains an undeniable attraction.

The tactical simulation room is equipped with advanced technology that allows training in various battle scenarios. Realistic holograms of potential enemies are created to enhance the tactical skills of the crew. This room can also be transformed into a meeting or presentation center to discuss strategies and tactics.

The high-level research laboratory is filled with sophisticated scientific equipment. Scientists can collaborate to develop new technologies or conduct in-depth research on the nature of the universe. Each discovery can be implemented directly inside the Mothership for practicality and usefulness.

The rest area is equipped with high-level comfort facilities. Futuristic beds that can adjust to the preferences of each occupant, as well as an entertainment area with various media options for entertainment and relaxation.

The medical bay is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology. Although this Mothership is designed for battle and research, the well-being and health of the crew remain the top priority. Automated medical equipment and a highly qualified medical team are ready to care for the occupants.

This Mothership is not just a war tool but also a home for its occupants. Its design reflects a combination of strength and comfort, technology, and beauty. The combination of technology from three worlds, Nikke, Honkai, and GGZ, creates this Mothership as the embodiment of unimaginable power. I see this Mothership as a manifestation of my ability to combine technology and wisdom from various realities, creating something truly extraordinary.

I return to my initial position, taking my Commander hat from my dimensional pocket. My Commander hat is a result of purchasing it in Ark, with special touches in its creation process. This hat is specifically designed using unique threads and plates, with the striking Rhodes Island Logo emblem. What makes it even more special is the little name tag of Amiya with unique stitching.

The design of this hat also takes into account Amiya's physiology, especially her rabbit ears that I don't want to be squished or pressed. Thus, this hat not only has an attractive aesthetic but also provides optimal comfort according to the unique characteristics of Amiya's head.

"Fresh from the factory." I appear in front of Amiya and put it on her.

"What is your order, Leader?" I step back and give a military salute to her; she is caught off guard by what I've done to her.

"Doctor... stop teasing me!" I laugh, seeing Amiya embarrassed by my action.

"Yeah, yeah. lets dock in. Welcome to the Titan-Class Versatile Mobile Ship, Rhea. The inspiration for its name is drawn from Titaness Rhea in my Pantheon, a colossal being and the mother of godlike entities... and fun fact, she my step mother"

"That person ?" i raise my eyebrow and confuse.

"That ?" i look beside me, Rhea clad in a comforting ensemble tailored for a woman in her mid-age, she exudes a nurturing aura that resonates with warmth and elegance. Rhea's choice of clothing reflects both practicality and style, as she effortlessly navigates the dual roles of a modern mother and a goddess.

Her attire embraces the essence of modern motherhood with a loose-fitting, tastefully styled dress that allows for both comfort and freedom of movement. Subtle floral patterns adorn the fabric, symbolizing the nurturing spirit that defines her character and the flourishing love within her heart.

Completing her ensemble is a soft, knitted cardigan, draped gently over her shoulders in earthy tones. This piece not only adds warmth but also embodies the comforting embrace of a mother, creating an atmosphere of security and care. A delicate pendant graces her neck, a cherished family heirloom, adding a personal touch to her maternal elegance.

Practical yet stylish footwear accompanies each step she takes, gracefully balancing comfort and fashion. Every detail in her attire, akin to the intricacies of a well-designed goddess attire, reflects a meticulous approach to life where each element is considered with care and purpose.

"Hello son" i run but before i know it, i get grab by her as my clothes collar get pulled.

"oh my, try to run away from your step mother ?" i struggle so much, how she able overwhelm me ? is this cheat ? until i see something.

[Rhea > 450% trust

Action : Reaches a spiritual connection, expressing deep and meaningful love]

"No wonder"

"What is it Son ?"

"No mom, nothing... why you here ?"

"Ah, you mischievous child, neglecting your mother during the New Year, especially after your ventures in Hell and Heaven. How could you? I'm feeling rather lonely without the company of both your father and you in Svarga. After all, I'm not getting any younger, and I do need my son to take care of his dear old mother." next level of bullshit here, she a literal Titan and she can take care herself.

"But father"

"Your father is preoccupied dealing with the complexities of the Multiverse, and to be honest, I'd much prefer being looked after by you. It's a son's duty to care for his mother, don't you think ?" i can't argue with that statement, after all She my step mother that i already fucked, and she is her consider she still virgin. oh my what a devious mind i had.

"As you wish mom"

"Now, on a lighter note, which one of these lovely young ladies will potentially be my future daughter-in-law ? Any prospects on the horizon ?" i want to curse so bad but consider her power is stronger than i am, logically speaking mother power is great. while some ladies was try to impress her by doing some taking care, fixing their hair, fixing their clothes and something to make her impressed. In law in here, not ex wife. you should make good impression to literal mother of god.

"I have no plan about that" Rhea as cautious she is, know i'm telling the truth but she giggle hearing that.

"Oh dear, has my son developed an interest in men ?" i swear, she just messing with me. 


"So, which one among them will be the next resident in my village ? With your current partner already there, it's starting to feel quite lively, to be honest" No shit Rhea.

"still not decided"

"Ah... I see. Are you having second thoughts, or do you want dear old mom to help you make that decision?"

"Absolutely not"

"Why, you ask? Well, I have a hunch that you might be a bit picky about it. So, I've decided that she will be the next addition to our family as my daughter-in-law." the worse part was, i expect her to point at Kal'tsit, Koshelna or someone who are 200 Trust or > 200 Trust. but no, she point at Saria. Worse possible choice ever. i want to angry but i can't because she is here.

".... me ?" Saria in other hand was unexpected, chosen by literal mother of god to be her in law was welcome but not expected.

"Yes, my dear, there's a certain chemistry between you and my son. It's like oil and water, an interesting mix. Despite his naughty, feral ways, and that lousy mouth of his, your ferocious strictness, reserved nature, strong independence, and that occasional out-of-control emotional side of yours create a dynamic that I sense could lead to great things if both of you get along." i feel attacked by her word but Saria take that as compliment.

"NO, I PREFER HER" i point at Kal'tsit, Kal'tsit seeing that was struck by great joy but all depend on Rhea Judgement

"How could you raise your voice at your mother? I'm grounding you by asking you to spend some time alone in your room to reflect on your actions. Now, could you please hand over your Ascendant, God Tablet, and Amulet as punishment. It's important for you to take a moment and consider the consequences of your words and actions." shit, i overstepped. i need control of my emotion by now especially rage spectrum.

"Apologize, here" i give those three and she put the amulet on her marry finger, tablet she put it on her pocket and the Ascendant mask.

"Ascendant, can you hear me ?"

[Yes Your Majesty]

"Good. Now, go to your room and reflect upon what you've done. Let me handle the affairs of this world as your proxy"

"Very well" i feel defeated, and walk away with sorrow, Terra give me personal rain to exaggerating the situation that only pour into me.

"Valtor, you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"sigh.... Im sorry Mom"

"Good boy. I love you, son."

"i love you too mom" i vanish to my room, idling like unemployed friend.

"Alright, everyone, let's go. Since my son is grounded for the month, I'll be guiding you. You can visit him, but remember, I'll be keeping a close eye on everything you do with him. So, consider yourselves watched."

"but mother in law, why you choose"

"Do I need your opinion regarding my choice, sweetheart ?" Kal'tsit can't argue with that, There is idiom there is sky up there, in family hierarchy Rhea and Oblivion is top, so their judgement is absolute. Kal'tsit already defying Rhea Order is enough to make her ban list, from her voice and Rhea opinion alone, Kal'tsit already not good In Law to begin with. and she was mother of God, she prideful being and no need mortal to advice her.

"i apologize"

"Good, I expect something new from his studies in Heaven and Hell. By the way, what is your name, sweetheart?"


"Is that it?"


"No family name?"

"i do have but... i'm not getting along with them"

"Perfect. Welcome to your new family. I know you've heard it, Son. I'm fully aware of your capabilities." i click my mouth and grumble on my bed, looking at ceiling and dive into madness.

the most embarrassing thing to happened when your mom come to your work place, kid is fine but parent is something else. i hate myself more, if only i decline her statement before, this thing will not happened. i go to sleep to pretend this never happened.

Mother visit on workplace, nightmare

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts