
Chapter 21

Compulsion, amateurish at best, sloppy at worst. That's just my opinion. It's simply barking orders and letting the mind run along with it. While compelling someone to forget something that happened would work, provided they're not on vervain, it would leave a gap in their memory which an observant person would notice. 

Sure, compelling them to remember things differently would alter their memories but it would lack the true specifics. That is, unless you wanted to spend time performing compulsion with very detailed instructions. 

All in all, there's just a lot of loopholes and falls in it. Why am I thinking about all this? Because I'm tired of thinking about witches and their fragile egos. Hence, I'm at the Grill having a very needed drink. I'm a minor but with Vicki at the helm, I'm on my second cup of the night.

I should probably address why both cups were 'on the house' but honestly, one problem at a time. A cursory peek into the web that was her mind showed me that she was breaking in her new body with weed and drugs. Her love triangle with Jeremy and Tyler is none of my business. 

Still, Matt is an okay guy who has to work himself dry to make ends meet. He reminds me of what I could have been if I didn't have generational wealth to get me through the labors of absentee parents. It's probably because I can somewhat relate to him that I'm delving into his sister's mind. 

Legilimency is useful for more than just 'mind reading'. Voldemort enjoyed using it to torture people but my mind and magic is a lot more flexibile than his smooth brain. 

Rather than compelling her to quit drugs and pot, I simply twist her thoughts, making her want to stop and to think that it's because she wants to stop. Much more subtle than compulsion. 

Gulping the last drop of liquid from my cup, I placed a tip underneath it and made my way out. Parked outside was a car that I'd 'borrowed' from a fellow citizen because I don't want to involve my car in this. 

I ignored the slight shaking at the back of the car as I drove off to the Gibbons house. It was a relatively short trip that I filled with idle thought and radio chatter until I arrived at my destination. 

Anna was seated on the porch, waiting as I parked. The movement of her mouth and the subsequent arrival of Pearl through the door signified that Anna had called her out. Stepping out of the vehicle, I popped open the trunk, revealing Ayana who was tied and gagged with a vervain soaked rope and cloth respectively. 

She glared hatefully at me but at this point I couldn't be bothered, a flick of my wrist violently snapping her neck to the side. I'd already taken from her mind her repertoire and knowledge of magic. She was Esther's mentor so it was considerably valuable.

Now that I had gotten it, I had no use for her. She knew nothing I didn't already know and she would be happy to die rather than to serve an abomination. The only thing I could do was make an example, one that would make the other witches think twice before pulling that stunt again. 

As much as I would love to blow the Other Side to kingdom come, there are more than just witches there. That would be overreacting. I pondered just how to get my message across, hence my trip to the Grill. 

In the end I decided to go with the same treatment I gave Damon, only this time I won't be healing her up. If it's not broken, don't fix it. 

I've been practicing my biomancy so it only takes a moment to reduce her to a critically cancerous vampire, unable to die. I might have also dialed up her pain sensors but she deserved it. 

Pulling her out of the trunk, I dragged her across the ground before tossing her in front of Pearl. 

"Think of this as your first task. Lock her up and feed her just enough to make sure she doesn't desiccate." I told Pearl who had her eyes on Ayana who had woken up, wiggling in pain. 

Oh she can't scream because I made a mess of her throat. I can't exactly have her disturbing the neighborhood. It was an understandably disturbing sight. 

"What do you plan to do with her?" Pearl asked, finally tearing her eyes away. 

"I'm done with her. This is just to make her suffer for what she's done so I suggest you keep her alive because if she dies… Well, let's just hope it doesn't come to that." I said, staring her straight in the eyes. I'd worked off a lot of anger but the bits of it that remained were enough to have her nodding stiffly. 

It went unsaid that she could find herself in that position if she disappointed me. Or worse, Anna could but that's up to them, isn't it. 

"Of course." She managed, dragging the thrashing vampire away. 

Eternity is a long time, let the witches find out how long it'll take until the pain drives her mad? Too far? Probably not but I really could care less.

"Oh and get rid of the car or do whatever you want with it I guess." I don't need it anymore. With that, I apparated into my living room where Sheila was still passed out, laying on the couch. 

I could sense Bonnie still in my room, exactly where I laid her to bed. Approaching Sheila, I could immediately sense what was going on and why she hadn't woken up yet. 

Having all that magic channeled through her is more than her body could handle. She's falling apart from the inside. A witch's magic is tied to the state of their body and hers is slowly giving up. 

I didn't notice it earlier when I left because I was too pissed off to properly inspect it. Now though…

Biomancy is slowly becoming my most used branch of magic, understanding so. It's quite versatile in its application. 

Laying my hand on her, I inspected the state of her body before slowly patching it up. It barely takes more than a few minutes but I take my time reviewing just to make sure. Though, I kept her asleep for the time being. 

I'm not in the mood to answer any questions she would most definitely have, at least not until I get some sleep. I've had an unnecessarily long night.