
Chapter 217 BOSS Battle! Decisive Battle with Black Light Dragon!

Bang! Bang!

The "lantern" in the sky swayed, flickering, accompanied by that heavy breathing sound, sounding almost like endless thunder continuously reverberating across the sea.

The scene before their eyes resembled an impending storm.

"There's something ominous!"

"It's coming! It's coming!"

The crew of the Dagger couldn't help but cry out in alarm.

Fenrir silently drew his great sword:

"Activate the highest-level shield! All crew, prepare…"


Before Fenrir could finish speaking, the giant lantern abruptly moved forward, the monster in the fog gradually revealing its bloody scent and its fierce fangs.

"This is…"

Everyone unanimously lifted their heads, gazing at the colossal monster in the sky.

First, what caught their eyes was the slightly open maw, on which three rows of blade-like teeth held heaps of carcasses, among them, broken flags and iron were visible.