
Wish upon a Sky

A story of hate and love. A narcissistic and a cunning man.

due_na · 奇幻
2 Chs


For the whole day, my three idiot friends decided to roam around our university to go "girl hunting". I had no choice but to go with them since I was literally dragged along.

At first, the freshmen girls will joyously chat with them. But the moment they see me, they will immediately shut up and will look shyly at me much to my friends' annoyance. There were times I joined in their conversations and even tried to flirt with some freshmen who I thought were cute.

Actually, our group is a little bit famous in our university. We all four come from the faculty of Communication Arts and are majoring in film. Not to mention, we are all good looking. But according to people, I am the most handsome in our group and in our faculty. Thus, I am given the name "little male god". You might be wondering why "little male god" right? It is because I am not considered the official male god in our university. There are a lot of us "little male gods" but compared to the official university male god, we are like pebbles and him a rare diamond. Fucking annoying!

"Hi cutie!"

Janus winked at a long-haired girl who passed by us. She smiled and winked back. That made this annoying idiot beside me momentarily dazed. The girl rolled her head while laughing upon seeing his dumbstruck face.

I nudged him to look at me. "How does it taste?"

"Huh? Taste what?"

He was giving me an idiotic face.

"The taste of your own medicine?"

"Fuck! Don't talk to me."

He pretended to be angry then laughed along with me.

Janus is a well-known Casanova. He likes to fool around girls and break up with them immediately like he's just changing his every day clothes. It is a wonder why he still doesn't have STD. He said that he is very careful and always uses protection. He also has a monthly appointment with his doctor. Lately he's been depressed because his doctor advised him to lessen his sexual activities or else, he will die early. That scared the wits out of this dolt so after that, he stayed single for almost half a year now. All he can do is flirt around, kiss, touch, and hug girls. No more, no less.

"Here's your drinks. Hurry, get it. It's fucking heavy."

Holmes handed Janus his blue iced tea while I took the mocha frappe.

"How can you stand drinking coffee even at night? Tell me honestly, is your blood made of caffeine?"

Holmes made a face as I happily sipped my drink.

I just shrugged. It's not like I love drinking coffee but I really love mocha. Mocha cake, mocha drink, even mocha ice cream. I'm just freaking obsessed with mocha.

We sat for a while and took our phone to play games but this did not take my attention for too long. We are currently at the soccer field of our university. Tonight, this is where they are going to hold the welcoming party for the freshmen.

They set up a large stage at the center of this wide field. Around this field are different stalls and booths which the students can visit. They have a lot of varying stalls and booths. Ranging from photo booths, game booths, marriage booths, and of course a lot of food stalls.

I checked my watch and saw the time. 8:00 PM. Different colors of light can be seen blinking on the large stage. Some people are doing audio checks every now and then. They even placed a lot of chairs in front of the stage for students to occupy later. Since we are sitting at the benches and they are located at the outskirts of the field, I have to squint my eyes to see clearly the activities happening in front of us.

I nudged Holmes who was still playing on his phone.

"I think we need to move."

"Why?" He was still focusing on his game.

"I think most of the chairs are already occupied now. If we want to have a chair, we should move now."


"Fuck! Focus Holmes! We are dying man." Janus annoyingly lashed at him.

"It's Delphi's fault. He distracted me."

Holmes shot me a death glare for a moment.

I shook my head. They really are hopeless.

"Damn it Delphi! We have a bet on this game. If we lose, you have to pay for it."

Wow. Are you really threatening me Janus? I raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a threat?"

Janus and Holmes momentarily stared at me and saw my serious face. The latter one shot an annoying look at the former one. Janus sheepishly smiled.

"No. Of course not. Haha. I was just joking."

Good! You should know your places. They can't infuriate me or else they will be in trouble. Why? Because these two idiots copy my homework and notes every day. Without me, they will surely fail their studies. If they fail even just one subject, then they can surely kiss their credit cards goodbye.

After a while, they finished their game and luckily, they won. They happily stood up and they even both wrapped their arms around my shoulders. With me in the middle, we walked towards the middle of the field like Siamese triplets. We found a few vacant seats on the second row so we sat there and started talking about our funny memories last year.

"Hey there he is. Now take a picture."

"But I'm afraid he'll notice."

"Stupid. He won't. Just turn off the flash."


"Come on. You can do it. You can't talk to him. At least you will have his photo. This is a rare opportunity. Go."

I heard some girls whispering behind us. Ah, so annoying. I just want to have a peaceful life. Why can't these fan girls stop themselves even for just a moment?

I know that these two idiots heard them as well because they were now grinning from ear to ear while looking at me.

"Ah, I feel bad. I know I am so handsome. But when I sit beside this little male god, I even question my confidence."

Holmes pretended to be hurt while holding his chest.

"How can life be so unfair? Did this little male god beside me save the Earth in his past life?"

Janus pretended to sob as he stared at the sky.

I silently laughed. See, they really are idiots.

"Umm…excuse me."

I felt a light tap on my back.

I turned around and made an expressionless face to the girls whispering earlier. I stopped on my tracks the moment I saw the girl who tapped me. Are you kidding me? She is seriously my type. Long hair, white face, beautiful eyes, and her lips…damn…I want to bite those red lips slightly parted apart. I felt a nudge and saw Holmes smirking at me. I heard Janus snort.

I gulped. "Uh. Yes?"

Did I sound natural? Shit! I have to look and sound cool. Pull yourself together Delphinus.

"Hi. Umm…."

She shyly smiled and waved her phone.

I instantly understood and gave her a dashing smile.

"Wow. Is it new year?" I heard Holmes' side comment.

"Am I dreaming? Is our little male god really smiling?"

Shut up Janus!

"Oh. I know. You want to take a picture of me, right? Sure. If you want, you can even have a picture with me. I'm okay with it. Sorry I heard you whispering to each other earlier."

I said this as sweetly as I can.

I saw the girl's eyes grew big and gaped at me. "Uhhh…no…I…I…."

"It's okay. Promise I won't bite."

I teasingly smiled and tried to take her phone but her friend swatted my hand.

"Hands off! Yes she wants to take a picture. But not with you."

I moved my eyes to the curly blond-haired girl sitting beside my cute girl. I frowned as I saw her sending me daggers with her eyes. Hey! Hold your horses Goldilocks. It was your friend who first approached me, remember? But wait. What did she say? This cute girl wants to take a picture but not with me?

I sent a confused look at the cute girl. I even heard Janus and Holmes whispering behind me. Bastards, what the hell are you doing behind my back?

The cute girl opened her mouth, then closed it, and opened it again but no words came out from it. She seemed lost for words.

"You don't want to take a picture with me?"

"T-That's not it. It's just that…umm…earlier…uhhh..earlier…."

Earlier what honey?

"Halley was just about to ask you if you can move a little so she can take a photo of the guy sitting in front of you." Goldilocks impatiently said.

"Huh? What?" I was dumbfounded.



I shot an annoyed glance at my two idiot friends to shut them up.

"Is that right?"

I sweetly smiled at the cute girl but deep inside I was having mixed emotions. She was just about to ask me to move to take the photo of the guy sitting in front of me? She was not really asking for my photo? So fucking annoying and embarrassing. Aish!

She slowly nodded her head. Wow! This is a good slap in my face.

So, who is this fucking guy she wants to take a picture of that she dared ignore me? I angrily turned to face front when I suddenly stopped. I met face to face with the least guy I wanted to see. Our eyes met for a moment. He was looking indifferent but if you look closely, you can see the corner of his lips curled up slightly. HE.IS.FUCKING.LAUGHING.AT.ME!! I don't know since when he was eavesdropping on our conversation earlier but looking at his snickering friends beside him, I knew that they must have heard everything.

Damn it! Aaarrrgggghhhhhh!!

In my annoyance, I took the cute girl's phone without permission and angrily placed it on his hands.

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a questioning look. I want to shout at him. Shove that fucking phone down your throat and die you bastard.

"You heard her. She wants your picture."

I said this through gritted teeth.


He really is annoying.

"So take a selfie and be done with it."

A playful smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Why should I listen to you? Are you my husband?"

I felt my head go numb. WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK? Do you wanna die? Do you want me to cut that poisonous tongue of yours, huh?

"Oh. Is someone finally taking a claim on my friend now?"

The friend on his right side said while laughing.

Shut up bastard!

"Why didn't you tell us that you already got yourself a husband? I thought we were best friends."

The guy sitting on his left side pretended to look hurt while he placed a hand on the fucking bastard's shoulder.

I felt my blood boiling inside my body. Seriously, do I have a fever now? I can feel my whole body heating up.

"Stop it seniors. You're making my friend blush."

Fucking Janus! What the hell is wrong with you?

"HAHAHAHAHA. His face is really re---OUCH!"

I angrily stepped on Holmes' foot. Shut up or I will skin you alive!

How dare all these bastards make fun of me.

I heard a click and felt a phone being placed back on my hand.

"Wow! The husband is so obedient."

His friends said that after the bastard actually took a selfie.

This is so fucking tiring. I sighed deeply and decided to just shut my mouth. Then, I coldly turned around and returned the phone to its rightful owner.

"Thank you."

I flashed her a forced smile. Forget it. If she likes that bastard then I don't want her. I was about to turn around when she opened her mouth again.

"Do you like the university male god?"