
Wish upon a Sky

A story of hate and love. A narcissistic and a cunning man.

due_na · 奇幻
2 Chs


"Hey, want to date me?"

I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore this idiot beside me. He smiled sheepishly and poked my mocha ice cream with his spoon.

"Stop it! It's annoying."

"Damn. You're no fun at all."

The idiot just shrugged and picked up his phone.

"When are they coming? Are they dead or what?"

I was getting impatient. Where are those two idiots?

He typed for a few minutes on his phone. "They said that they were on their way here thirty minutes ago."

I impatiently sighed. "Liars."

"Calm down man! You're ruining your handsome features." He even winked at me while chuckling.

Wow! He even has the audacity to laugh and make fun of me. I facepalmed. Idiot.

This white-skinned, annoying guy beside me is my best friend Janus. Our story span way back in middle school. This is a typical story where you can say, "guys speak better with fists". We had a fight when he tried to sabotage our class during sports festival. I can't really remember who won between us but after that we became friends. Because we both look good, we share the same burden and pain of girls nonstop chasing us. I guess that is why we decided to stick with each other and help each other during desperate times. But because of his carefree attitude, we often find ourselves in dangerous situations. He likes people and is so friendly. That is why girls often get false hopes around him. With a combined "celebrity face and funny disposition", he is really popular with girls. Oftentimes, he even jokes around us (his best buddies) and since we're close, he especially likes to tease me just like earlier much to my annoyance.

"Delphinus am I that handsome?" He smirked.

"Shut up! Your face is annoying. Why do I have to see it until now that we're in college?"

"Well, I know you love me. Don't be shy. Come on, say it."

"Love your ass."


"Wow! Looks like you're having fun without us guys. Are you guys finally going to tell us that you're dating?"

Finally! These two dolts came. A blond-haired guy with a radiant smile sat beside me and eyed both me and Janus curiously.

"Sure. Then, I will dump him and hit on you next Holmes. How about that?"

I seductively winked at him and bit my lower lip sexily which made the other two guys laugh. But Holmes was just gaping at me. Don't try to tease me when I'm in a bad mood. Just don't.

I felt a hand fell down on my shoulders. "Oh, looks like our little male god is on his period."

This dark-skinned but handsome man is Mars. He is the oldest among us and the most mature one. But he can still jive with our craziness.

"Why are you late? You know I hate being kept waiting."

I even have to wake up at 7am just to make sure that I will not be late but look at these two idiots arriving at 9am.

"Sorry your royal highness, Delphinus. These lowly servants beg for your highness' forgiveness."

Holmes, the youngest and the loudest one in our group was the one who answered me as he comfortably sank into the chair beside me.

"Impertinent!" I sounded angry but I was laughing with them.

"Ummm…excuse me."

We all fell silent as we heard a small voice behind me.

Janus and Mars who were both sitting opposite me and Holmes were looking behind me with interested faces. I turned around and saw a short-haired, cute girl wearing a pink uniform with our university's logo on it. She shyly looked at us. No, rather at me. Or Holmes? I tilted my head and gave Holmes a knowing look. He rolled his eyes as if understanding my signal.

"It's you dolt!" He impatiently said.

"Yes? What can we help you with?"

It was Janus who answered her and he flashed one of his sweetest smiles. I snorted. He is in his Casanova mode now!


The girl seemed to have lost her ability to speak. Poor her. No prey has ever gotten free from Janus' Casanova mode.

She looked at the table on our left side where her other two girl friends (I guess) were sitting. She seemed to be asking for help. The two girls waved at us with sweet smiles. One of them even winked at me. I raised an eyebrow. Interesting. She has flirty friends but she can't even properly speak with us.

"You can do it! Come one!"

The girl who winked at me encouraged her poor friend who was standing before us as if she was a scarecrow.

She took a deep breath. "My friends are wondering if they can get your number."

"Oh. Sure. Give me your phone."

This idiot Janus is still at it.

Holmes and Mars were smirking and it seemed like they were watching an interesting drama before them. Meanwhile, I was just staring at her with a deadpan face.

"Oh..I…no…I mean." Her face became redder. "Not yours."

It was just a whisper but it was clearly audible.

I heard both Holmes and Mars snicker while Janus stared at her interestingly.

"I see. You mean him?"

He pointed at me.

The girl slowly nodded without looking at us. She was now staring at the floor.

"Damn! I really can't win against you. I'm heartbroken."

He patted my shoulders while giving me a knowing look.

I looked at her. "Sorry you're not my type. Please leave."

That remark made the girl gasped loudly with wide eyes. I can see the color drain from her already pale face.

Yep. This is me. I am a fair-skinned and handsome guy who is very popular in our university but everyone knows one thing about me. I have a poisonous and sharp tongue especially to girls I'm not so interested in.

"Dude, you're so harsh."

Mars slowly shook his head as I saw her walked back to their table with tears in her eyes.

"I kinda thought she's cute." Janus sighed.

"HAHAHAHA! I won! Pay up!" I saw Holmes extending his right hand to Mars.

"Darn it! I really thought it was Janus." Mars hissed." I guess his face is only as good as dog food when compared to Delphi's."

Mars handed him his money.

"Fuck you both!" Janus cursed at them.

I shook my head in disbelief. They really had the time to make a bet now? Real dolts.

"If you all had your fun already, let's go."

I just want to leave because the girls sitting on the left side of our table were already giving me death glares while consoling their crying friend.

"Man! Today is the start of school. We don't still have classes." Mars lazily grumbled.

"There will be a welcoming party tonight for the freshies just like last year. Remember last year during our welcoming party?"

Janus flashed an evil grin.

They all knowingly looked at each other. "Girls!"

I snorted. "Yeah. Good luck getting ignored again beside me."

They all glared at me. "Bastard!"

This is my first time writing. And most importantly, this is my first time writing about this genre. Thank you for your patience in reading my story. Creation sure is hard, please cheer me up!

due_nacreators' thoughts