

"In the opulent world of royalty, Princess Diana has long been suffocated by the weight of her duties and the painful memories of her past. But when she meets Winter, a charismatic and enigmatic billionaire from the outside world, she's drawn to his captivating smile and the promise of a life beyond the palace walls. As they embark on a whirlwind romance, Diana finds herself torn between her loyalty to the crown and her desire for true love. Winter, with his mysterious past and business dealings, seems to be the perfect escape from her suffocating reality. But as their relationship deepens, Diana begins to uncover secrets about Winter's true intentions and the darkness that haunts him. With the royal family's expectations and Winter's demons threatening to tear them apart, Diana must confront the ultimate question: can she find a way to be with the man she loves without sacrificing her own identity and happiness? Set against the backdrop of lavish parties, exotic getaways, and the cutthroat world of high society, this romance novel explores the complexities of love, duty, and self-discovery. Will Diana find a way to break free from her past and forge a new future with Winter, or will the pressures of her royal life tear them apart?" #Romance #mystery #Nigerian #culture #Royalty #princess

Mueeidar · 现代言情
29 Chs


Monday, 4th of June (8:30 a.m.)

"Your Majesty, please rise; our flight awaits!" Grace exclaimed, trying to rouse me from slumber.

"8:30 a.m.?" I yelled, jumping out of bed and rushing into the bathroom.

"Let's go!" I said, dashing into the car as Jose sped off like our lives depended on it. He swerved and dodged cars with incredible agility, as if we were in a video game.

"Jose, Her Majesty is here," Idar announced as we were tossed around in the car due to Jose's breakneck speed.

"Hurry, hurry!" Grace shouted, rushing out of the car with some luggage, followed by Idar. It was already time for takeoff.

"It's no use; the boarding time has passed," I said, getting out of the car. I thought to myself, Since we missed this flight, we should catch the very next one. If I don't return home today, all hell will break loose.

As I approached the front desk to reschedule, a deep voice spoke from behind me, "What brings you here? What if someone recognizes you? Go back and wait for us to handle this, Your..."

I stopped Idar from uttering the word "Majesty" as I began to walk back to the car. The last thing I needed was paparazzi following me or any media coverage.

"Are you still up for that drink?" the deep voice asked.

"Depends; are you still offering?" I replied, turning to face him. It was Winter, and I couldn't help but notice his captivating light brown eyes, curly dark hair, and muscular build.

He handed me a glass of whisky, and our hands touched, locking eyes. "You can let go now," he said, smirking, revealing his perfect white teeth.

"Winter," a man called out, and Frank answered. Was that his name? Had he lied to me last night?

"Diana," Idar called from outside.

"I guess we both had something to hide, don't we?" Winter said with a smirk.

"Your Majesty, I heard you missed your flight to Ofuland. We're also heading there; why don't you let us take you home?" the man from outside offered.

"Oh, that would be so kind of you," I replied gratefully.

"That's Joseph, an acquaintance of mine," Winter introduced, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Your Majesty, we're ready whenever you are," Joseph said, helping Idar and the others with our luggage.

"Royalty isn't so bad," Winter whispered, his breath sending shivers down my spine.

As we boarded Winter's private plane, I wondered if it was a coincidence that his airline shared his name.

The pilot introduced himself, but I tuned him out, still reeling from the events.

As the plane took off, I felt my eyelids growing heavy, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

"Diana, hey," Winter said, gently shaking me awake. "We're home."

I sat up, disoriented, and saw that we were the only ones left on the plane.

"Grace, call the palace and inform them of our arrival," Idar instructed as we exited the plane.

"I'm Winter, by the way," he said, smiling, as we parted ways.

As we drove into the palace, the royal guard announced, "All hail Her Royal Highness, Miss Diana."

A message from Fred popped up on my screen: "Welcome back, my princess." My heart pounded, and my hands shook at the thought of facing him.

"Let's go," Idar tapped on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

As we entered the palace, the guards and maids greeted me with "Welcome back, Your Majesty." I forced a smile, waving at them.

Lina, my royal stylist, greeted me with "Welcome back, Your Highness; you look lovely as always."

"The king and queen requested to see you. Go take your bath; let's get you ready for the visit," Lina instructed.

As she placed my crown on me, I sighed, "I don't think I can ever get used to this."

"What can't you get used to?" Lina asked.

"The crown, the dress, everything," I replied.

"Your Highness, you look beautiful," Grace said.

"Thank you," I responded.

"Let's not keep your parents waiting; shall we?" Idar said, leading me to the throne room.

As we entered, my mother commanded, "Diana, get on your knees and apologize to your fiancé this instant."

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