

"In the opulent world of royalty, Princess Diana has long been suffocated by the weight of her duties and the painful memories of her past. But when she meets Winter, a charismatic and enigmatic billionaire from the outside world, she's drawn to his captivating smile and the promise of a life beyond the palace walls. As they embark on a whirlwind romance, Diana finds herself torn between her loyalty to the crown and her desire for true love. Winter, with his mysterious past and business dealings, seems to be the perfect escape from her suffocating reality. But as their relationship deepens, Diana begins to uncover secrets about Winter's true intentions and the darkness that haunts him. With the royal family's expectations and Winter's demons threatening to tear them apart, Diana must confront the ultimate question: can she find a way to be with the man she loves without sacrificing her own identity and happiness? Set against the backdrop of lavish parties, exotic getaways, and the cutthroat world of high society, this romance novel explores the complexities of love, duty, and self-discovery. Will Diana find a way to break free from her past and forge a new future with Winter, or will the pressures of her royal life tear them apart?" #Romance #mystery #Nigerian #culture #Royalty #princess

Mueeidar · 现代言情
29 Chs


22nd of August.

"Today, we gather to celebrate the life of Dorathy, a shining star whose light has left an indelible mark on our hearts.

As we say goodbye, we take comfort in the memories we shared with Dorathy. Rest in peace, dear Dorathy. Your light will never fade in our hearts." The priest said as they lowered her body into the grave, just like that she was gone.

The sky was cloudy and sad just like everyone here, it was as if the heavens were also grieving her death with us, it was too much to handle people crying all over the place, how many lives has she really touched?

"Here let's go, we don't want to distract the already distressed family" Winter pulled on my hand as I stared in disbelief, is it my fault? Why didn't I take her call seriously?

"Let's go Diana, I hear the press knows you are here" Winter whispered after he needed a call.

"Rest on dorathy" I said as I began to move to the car, i looked back one last time to have a glimpse of what wss going on, the mysterious woman from thr hospital was there standing, she still had the same emotionless expression as the day before, she wasn't happy but she didn't look sad either but who am I to tell someone on how to grieve? And is there a proper way to grieve someone's death? what a tragic way to go.

She was found with a gunshot wound, it was on her foot and to add to her already tragic death three stab wounds right above the heart, who would be so merciless? She was just a child, who?

"I don't think we are safe here, we would be leaving first thing tomorrow, I would let you rest today" Winter said as he placed his hands on my thigh stroking it gently.

"Thank you" I muttered.

"You did your best Diana" No I did not, I was the last person she contacted before her death, she asked for help and I couldn't give it to her, she trusted me with her life and I failed her.

"Thank you" it was getting hard for me to hold my tears back, funny how two weeks ago we were mere strangers and here I am holding back tears, who would have known this was how it would go down.

"When the police found her cellphone I wss the last person she called, she was really in danger and and..." The long awaited tears began to roll of my eyes, I have been holding it for so long and it just finally burst out.

"Come on you helped her the only way you knew how to" he was right, but the way I knew how to help wasn't good enough, it wasn't efficient enough and if it was she would still be here with us.

"And she called me before it all happened, I didn't do anything, I filled her as a friend and as her princess" it is my duty to make sure every citizen is safe, even though we are not back home she still a citizen of ofuland and it is my duty to ensure her safety.

"Don't beat yourself, you did your best it was late and who knows what type of people she was involved with" true, we saw her at the middle of nowhere and we just handed her off to people that said they were her parents, no background check no nothing, especially when they were not looking for her.

I was too careless, I did not pay attention to details because if I did I would have known it wasn't safe to let her go with those creepy looking couple, oh lord.

"The only way we can make sure she rests well is if we find out who did this and prevent it from happening to another vulnerable child" Winter said as he tapped my shoulder, embracing me in a side hug.

"Yes but.."

"Don't worry, I would file a report and make sure it gets followed and funded so we can catch the criminals behind it" Winter reassured me.

"We are here" he said as he opened the door of the car.

"Let me help you" Winter said as he grabbed my hands as I walked out of the car.

(Dling dling) *Incoming call from Lina.

"Lina" oh that's right I was supposed to get back to her today, I can't catch a break can I, I just lost a friend and if I don't act fast I would be losing another one to the hands of a monster.

"Hey, you sound down Diana, is everything okay?" she asked, it was thoughtful of her she did care about me as a human being and not just what she could extort from me, it's nice to know.

"Well I just lost a patient, and I don't know how I feel about that" she wasn't particularly my friend but i still did care for her.

"I'm sorry for your loss Diana, you should rest up, you should really stressed out" Lina added.

"Well I won't lie to you, I am, just got back from the funeral" it was so sad, what is even sadder is how they choose to burry her two days after, refusing to do any autospsy or whatsoever.

"May her gentle soul rest in peace, Amen" Lina prayed for the dead.

"Thank you, so what's up about your mom any news?" Even though I was tired and the atmosphere was I still had to ask, it was the main reason why she called after all.

"Well I did beg my mom and she refused although I am now certain your mom is behind it all, that's all I have now. Thank you Diana I don't want to stress you any longer you should rest" she persisted on me taking care of myself.

"Okay, I'll get back to you when I hear anything from gran gran" I said as I ended up the call, everyone knows it's mom that was behind it all, I wonder what she wants from all of this.

Yesterday was a nightmare for me and even though I feel bad for dorathy, I am glad she is finally resting from the demons that were chasing her, it's just sad that I couldn't do anything to help when she needed me.

I need a hot bathe and a relaxing sleep, tomorrow I would be going to Okene and I maybe to the winters library or should I postpone that?

hey guys, how do you like the book? what do you think about dorathy's sudden death? let me know.

Mueeidarcreators' thoughts