
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · 奇幻言情
45 Chs

A Series of Veracity

As my finger was about to make contact with my wrist for a swift recall, a sudden symphony of crunching dead leaves and snapping twigs interrupted my solitude. Panic struck, and my head whipped around to catch the intruder red-handed—well, not exactly red, but you get the point.

Lo and behold, there he was—the one, the only, the man who'd pulled a hero stunt to save my behind—Killan. Oh, the surprise of it all nearly knocked me off my already shaky feet.

Frozen by a mixture of astonishment, embarrassment, and a sprinkle of excitement, I must have resembled a deer caught in headlights. Killan, always the nimble one, seized the opportunity to swoop in, covering the distance between us like a graceful predator closing in on its prey.

His hand clasped my arm, and before I could muster a coherent thought, I found myself being gently drawn towards him. Oh, my blushing cheeks could have put ripe strawberries to shame. But hey, who can blame a girl for losing her wits when a dashing savior is involved?

And so, like a starstruck satellite orbiting the center of his gravity, I obediently shuffled closer.

Through a dance of dead leaves and greenery, Killan led me to a cozy alcove shielded by wild blueberries and cleavers. As if in a trance, I stood before him, watching in awe as he unveiled his face from its mysterious shroud. The anticipation, the tension—it was like witnessing a magician reveal their most coveted trick.

In a twist that could only be described as both hilarious and heart-pounding, Killan gasped for air, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that could rival a pop quiz glare from an overenthusiastic teacher.

Before I could say "did you just catch me eavesdropping on leaves?" he lunged, his arms enveloping me in a surprisingly snug embrace. If my cheeks were strawberries before, they were now performing their very own Broadway musical number.

"Idrish, you're safe," his voice, a soothing balm, whispered into my ear, leaving goosebumps and my heart doing a samba.

Hesitation mingled with a tinge of euphoria, I finally managed to respond to his embrace. Who would have thought? The warmth of his body was a cozy haven amid the whirlwind of uncertainty.

But, oh, what's this? He loosened his hold and, before I could even process my newfound freedom, his hands landed on my shoulders. And then—brace yourself, inner fangirl—he leaned in.

My heart flipped, my thoughts stumbled, and for a moment, I was certain my brain had taken an unplanned vacation. "It's surprising, my longing for you the moment you left House Calore never quiets."

Cue my jaw dropping in shock. Like, if my life were a sitcom, this would be the freeze-frame moment where they'd slap on a catchy "whaaaat?" jingle.

"A—and you're here," I stammered, a symphony of emotions swirling through my chest. If my cheeks had been belting out a musical number earlier, now they were auditioning for a full-fledged opera.

Killan nodded, the gravity of his gaze pulling me into a black hole of feelings. I was drowning in his words, and trust me, this girl can't swim.

And then, in a twist even the best rom-com writers would envy, he dropped the bomb. "You have to leave the arena."

Hold the phone, rewind that track—what? My brain did a jitterbug, trying to catch up. Panic and excitement collided in my chest, creating a cocktail that was nothing short of bewildering.

"Leave? Why?" I managed to squeak, my eyes resembling saucers as I awaited his next plot twist.

"It's not safe for you, Idrish. Leave Mors and find Cali and Poras in the first region." His words were like fireworks, exploding in my mind with sparks of panic and curiosity.

In a move that was equal parts grace and awkwardness, I shuffled back a step, my eyebrows locked in a perplexed furrow. "Cali and Poras? But why in the first region?"

As if sensing my inner chaos, Killan jumped in with a lifeline of explanation. "I know you didn't do it. The elves responsible for my mother's—well, you know—her situation, they're here! To bring you down."

Now, let's add some slapstick to this rom-com masterpiece. I facepalmed, not metaphorically, but legit palm-meets-forehead. It's not every day you find yourself a magnet for magical mysteries and family feuds.

"They can have the gauntlet," I declared with a flourish, my hand waving like a diva making an exit. "I don't need a side dish of trouble with my already chaotic life."

Killan's expression turned serious, a gaze that could have rivaled any soap opera dramatic turn. He leaned in even closer, his eyes scanning my face like he was reading between the lines of a cryptic crossword.

In the grand theater of emotions, my heart did a little cha-cha. Or was it a tango? Honestly, my heartbeat had a mind of its own.

"Then, pray tell, why is this sparkly glove suddenly calling dibs on my destiny?"

His voice turned soft, a touch conspiratorial. "You, my dear, are the climax of a classic tale."

Hold on, cue the brakes. Did he just say...? "An old tale? The kind with queens, seasons, and more drama than a telenovela?"

Killan nodded, his eyes holding a mix of awe and revelation. "Yes, Idrish. They're all real—the queens, the seasons. And you, my unexpected protagonist, are the next heir in line."

Oh, snap! Let the comedic chaos commence. I leaned forward, my eyes wide enough to give any cartoon character a run for their exaggerated expressions.

"So, wait a minute. You're telling me, amidst this topsy-turvy romantic comedy of magical proportions, I've been cast as the lead heroine with a dash of royal lineage?"

Killan's lips twitched, as if he was holding back a chuckle. "You could say that."

Oh, my stars and garters! The rom-com gods must be rolling on the floor, having a hearty laugh at this plot twist. Here I thought I was just another extra in life's quirky ensemble, and suddenly, I've been handed the role of a lifetime.

As Killan and I shared a moment, a realization dawned on me—it wasn't just the season that was changing. My story was taking a whimsical turn, and I was ready to embrace every hilariously romantic page of it.

As my questions spilled forth, his jaw clenched tighter, his expression tautening with a painful truth. I met his gaze, but his eyes seemed to be lost in a distant world. "I'm not my mother's blood, Idrish."

A current of uncertainty rippled across my face, my breath misting in the chill of the air. "What do you mean?"

There was a puzzle forming, pieces sliding together in my mind. Killan's claim didn't come as a shock. He wasn't the queen's son. But in a twist that could turn any plot into a labyrinthine maze, I, the girl with a penchant for chaos, was supposedly the heiress of the winter gauntlet.

His head jerked away, eyes scanning our surroundings, a silent check for eavesdroppers. "The king fathered me with a woman. It was a secret I unearthed two years ago. Your mother and the queen, they were siblings. That makes you an heir by blood, Idrish, and heir to the gauntlet. That's the abridged version of a complex tale, for now."

The weight of his revelation pressed upon me, the news that we weren't blood-related carried a whisper of relief. I stood there, dumbfounded, knowing only fragments of my mother's story due to her early departure from my life. And yet, these fragments now formed a picture that was both bewildering and intriguing.

"H—how did you find out?" The question slipped out, tinged with a sense of helplessness. I knew exactly how skilled Killan was. So, I rephrased it. "How did you even start investigating my lineage? What set it all in motion?"

"You asked me to look after Cali and Poras. I visited your home, saw remnants of your mother's belongings. And there, I began digging, deploying my network to unravel the rest. It was there that I realized the gauntlet resided with you, and that you were the prey of a clandestine council."

"A secret council?"

"A group that hunts down the remaining heirs of the season gauntlets."

"That's why you're here."

A spark ignited in his eyes, flames dancing in the midnight depths. His clenched fist radiated strength, his passion palpable. "I had to be here. I needed answers. Though I might not share the queen's blood, she raised me as her own. The queen might not be my mother, but she's family. Love binds us as much as blood. I have to protect her legacy, Idrish. I have to protect you."

His words lingered, hanging in the air between us. My lower lip trembled slightly as I continued to meet his gaze, parsing his words like pieces of a cryptic puzzle falling into place. He's here not just to protect me and the gauntlet, but to unveil the truth behind the queen's slayer—the elves that are hunting me down, the same ones who orchestrated the queen's death.

Could he have discovered the identity of the queen's murderer? Maybe that's why he's urging me to leave Mors. I had to ask, "Did you find the killer?"

"Yes, it's The Miss—the one who killed the queen. That's why you need to leave Mors. Forget the victories and ranks. A greater war awaits us all."

"If she managed to kill the queen, how can you possibly defeat her?"

His gaze shifted towards me, contemplation dancing in his eyes. He seemed to be calculating, an air of sadness sweeping over his face, wrinkling his brow momentarily. His breathing slowed, measured. "We may or may not be able to defeat her, but the utmost priority now is keeping you alive and safe. The queen had her reasons for journeying miles through frozen lands to deliver the gauntlet into your hands."

I understood the painting he was trying to reveal with his words. But a whisper in my mind urged me to flip the canvas, to take a different approach. I was tempted to confront The Miss head-on.

He waited, his midnight eyes piercing through me, urging me to speak, to unburden my thoughts.

"I want to face The Miss," I confessed, my voice steady as I met his gaze. My palms clenched, the name of my adversary evoking a surge of determination.

His jaw tightened, his eyes firm. He advanced towards me, his grip on my shoulders steady but firm. He gave me a gentle shake. "Idrish, listen to me! This isn't the time for vendetta. You don't know what The Miss is capable of. You don't know!"

"Nor does she know the extent of my capabilities. You don't topple a rotting tree by trimming its branches, Killan. You strike at its roots."

"It's not the time for that. Please, trust me. I understand how much Cali and Poras mean to you. I promised them you'd be back by spring."

"I will. I just need to finish what I started. I don't leave things unfinished."

"You will. Once you're out of here. Alive."

"Killan, I know you're concerned for me, but I've been hearing voices in my—"

"He's right, Idrish! You have to believe him!" A deep voice cut through my words, a voice I recognized. Kenru, the one who vowed to follow once it was safe. He had kept his promise.

I turned towards the source of the voice, and Kenru parted the foliage, revealing himself. His wounded chest spoke of a struggle, his face bore bruises and scratches. But his eyes, his eyes were alive with a glimmer of happiness to see me still breathing.

"The Miss is too powerful. She razed every tower in Meridio. She wounded Rouma and Bonbon yesterday. She's a force beyond your reckoning."

"So, what's my move? Run?" Sarcasm dripped from my words.

Kenru shook his head, his gaze unwavering as he looked at me. "Retreat if need be. Better a tactical retreat than a disastrous stand. But understand this, you must seek out the others. The ancient tales are all true—Winter, Vernal, Summer, and Autumn—they existed."

And there it was, the final piece of the puzzle. A grand revelation that turned my once-normal world into an epic saga, and in this whirlwind of romantic comedy, magic, and danger, I found myself at the heart of a story I never knew I was destined to lead.