
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · 作品衍生
75 Chs

CHAPTER 63 Flint's Innocent Prank

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.


CHAPTER 63 Flint's Innocent Prank

Flint and his friends stormed into the dorm room, their faces etched with frustration and anger. Flint seethed with a rage that permeated the room. His pacing and muttered curses filled the air. In an attempt to cool his temper, he drank some water, but the calming effect eluded him. 

The glass met a violent end as it crashed against the wall, shattering into pieces. Unrelenting, Flint, in a fit of fury, seized Higgs by the collar, his voice a threatening growl.

"Never... Never question me in front of others. Do you understand me?"

Higgs, his face marked with fear, nodded vigorously. Flint, though not known for his intelligence and having repeated a year due to Transfiguration failures, still commanded respect as the Quidditch team captain he held authority over the other fifth years. 

Now, a first-year had dared to defy him, challenging his reign. "We're going to deal with him, but we won't be stupid about it. No expulsions." 

Flint declared, addressing his loyal followers. He shoved Higgs aside, emphasizing his dominance. Flint sneered at Higgs, his tone biting. "Do you think I'd confront him in front of everyone? I'm not an idiot." 

Turning to Malfoy, he asserted his dominance. "I respect your father, Malfoy, but understand this: this is MY house. I don't take orders. Never order me around again; we'll get along just fine."

Sensing the tension, Bole sought clarity. "How are we going to handle him?" Flint's smirk revealed a sinister plan in the making. "First, we need to talk with Zabini. He owes me a favor," Flint explained with a wicked grin. We'll use that debt to get him to do a harmless little prank on his friend. At least that is what he was going to think."


The following day, Flint, Bole, and Derrick cornered Zabini, their expressions reflecting an air of menace. Zabini felt a knot of unease tighten in his stomach as he faced the trio. "What do you want from me?" Zabini asked reluctantly, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure.

Flint responded with a sly smile, his eyes glinting with a mixture of cunning and malice. "It's not much. We just want you to play a prank on Fawley for us."

Zabini hesitated, weighing the options, and looked reluctant to do it. Seeing this, Flint added, "Don't worry. This is just a joke, and you owe me." He pulled a photo from his chest pocket halfway through and put it back in. "Should I have a conversation with Mrs. Zabini? I am telling you this is just a prank or..."

Flint's eyes turned cold, and he approached Zabini and grabbed the nape of his neck. "...do you want us to throw your friend in a corner and beat him? One of the two will definitely happen. You decide which one you want to happen. Either we will play a prank on him, or we will beat him until he drops dead."

"Wh-what is the prank?"

Seeing it was working, Flint pulled something from his pocket and offered it to Zabini, "I just want you to put this in his drink."

It was a small yellow potion with a label with Zonko's logo, "Tiny Tiny Bladder." Zabini had heard about this potion; if drunk, it would cause the victim to go to the toilet every 5 minutes and lasted only for an hour or two. Flint pushed Zabini's shoulder and sounded angry,

"What is it going to be, Zabini, a prank or a beating?"

The choice presented by Flint was stark, and Zabini, feeling the weight of the threat, reluctantly accepted. "Fine, I'll do it," Zabini muttered, unable to meet Flint's gaze. The words tasted bitter on his tongue, but the fear of physical harm to his friend felt worse than going to the bathroom several times. Flint slapped Zabini's cheeks softly and said, "That is more like it. Do it after the dinner."


The Great Hall buzzed with post-dinner chatter as Zabini, seemingly casual, reached into his bag and pulled out four bottles of Gillywater. The clear, refreshing drink was a favorite among most wizards and witches.

"Cheers to a successful exam week, everyone; at last, we are finished," Zabini said, handing Elmi, Daphne, and Tracey a bottle. Despite his attempt at nonchalance, a subtle anxiety clung to Zabini's demeanor, one that Elmi couldn't quite pinpoint.

As the group prepared to enjoy the Gillywater, Elmi raised the bottle to his lips. Just before taking a sip, Zabini's hand shot out, gripping Elmi's arm with unexpected urgency. "Don't drink that," Zabini whispered.

Elmi blinked in surprise, lowering the bottle. "What's wrong, Zabini? It's just Gillywater." Zabini hesitated, glancing around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "I spiked that with this." bringing out an empty small vial. 

Seeing this, Daphne smiled, "Oh, come on, if you have the guts to spike it, let him drink it so we can watch him go to the bathroom every few minutes." She shook her head and added, "You really don't have any guts, man."

Elmi stared at Daphne with his mouth open, "Really, Daphne? And you are supposed to be one of my friends. Why do I even need enemies when I have you as a friend."

Daphne made a mocking face and said, "Don't be a drama queen. It is just a prank potion; it will wear off after an hour or so."

Zabini looked a bit offended by Daphne's words and raised his voice to her, "I would have gone through with it if it was my idea, but it isn't. That is why I stopped it."

Elmi started to understand something was wrong, "Whose idea was it?" Zabini released a big breath and said, "Flint. If I believed he only wanted to prank you, it would be funny, but even for a second, I don't believe he just wants to prank you. Elmi, please understand I have to do what he tells me to. He has something that would embarrass my family, and I cannot allow that." 

After that, he told them about his talk with Flint and how he had threatened him. Zabini looked around again to make sure there wasn't anyone around them. They were sitting at the tip of the Slytherin table, and most students had their dinner and left. The closest people to them were around 7 or 8 seats away from them. "I am telling you about this because I trust you guys that you will not tell this to anyone else."

Zabini released another sigh, this one full of regret that didn't fit someone who was only 11 years old. "Before I came here, like most of us, I had friendships with some other people from the house. It was Theodore Nott, and Theodore has worshipped Flint since he was the captain of the Quidditch team. Flint had egged us, and like an idiot, we had stolen something, and he took a picture of us with that stolen good." 

He lowered his head in embarrassment and continued, "If I hadn't met with you guys, I would most likely continue to be friends with them..." He looked towards the door of the Great Hall, and Nott was there. Most likely, he was acting as a lookout for whatever Flint was planning, and a look of disgust took place on Zabini's face, "...and I would have turned out like them."