
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · 现代言情
71 Chs

Easily Got Drunk

Chapter Sixty-Eight

Rielle quickly got drunk because she was not used to drinking.

The following morning, Rielle was dressed up for work and went straight to the dining area for breakfast. Hyun-Ki was already there waiting for her and was surprised by Rielle's get-up. She was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved blouse, and a cap in her hand.

"Where are you going, Rielle? What is that attire for?" puzzled Hyun-Ki.

"I'm going to work; I have a client to meet today for the house tour, and probably more if I am lucky today." Replied Rielle in a positive tone.

"What? I thought you resigned!" exclaimed Hyun-Ki.

"I resigned as secretary but not as a real estate agent." She replied adamantly. Rielle got up to leave when Hyun-Ki got a hold of her.

"I am supposed to ask you to work with me again, in my Office, just like in the past." Suggested Hyun-Ki.

"I'm sorry, Hyun, but I am happier with my present work. Don't ask me again about working with you; I hate it!" Rielle disagreed with agitation. She left the dining room and went to the door, about to leave when Hyun-Ki's security blocked her way.

"What's the meaning of this, Hyun?" Rielle asked angrily. Hyun-Ki told her that she could leave with a driver and a bodyguard.

"What? What do I need? Do you want to scare my clients and let my team avoid me because I had a bodyguard? Are you joking? Please don't do this to me, Hyun, or we won't be on speaking terms ever!" threatened Rielle.

"I want you to be safe, Sweetheart. I can be at peace when I know you are well taken care of." Hyun-Ki replied thoughtfully.

"Or are you thinking that Akio Hinode will always be around me? I'll allow it now, but please, stay far from me. I don't want anyone scared or aloof because of your presence." Rielle told the bodyguard.

Rielle's team was at the site when they were surprised to see her. A bodyguard was shading her with an umbrella when she walked to her group.

"What are you doing here, Mrs. Rielle Han?" asked the supervisor.

"Why? Was I forbidden to work now?" asked Rielle, puzzled.

"No, not that way, but you are the wife of a CEO, and this job is not right for you, my dear," said the supervisor.

"As long as I am allowed to work as a real estate agent, you can never stop me," Rielle chirped. Everyone laughed and had their group hug.

While Rielle was attending to a client, Akio dropped by and was surprised to see Rielle with the team. He can't seem to avoid staring at her as he talks with the supervisor. And as Rielle stood to join the others, Akio called her name.

"Rielle, can we talk, please?" begged Akio.

"We can't, Kio. My bodyguard is watching, look. His attention is on us, and it seems he was talking to his fellow securities about you over the radio, who had been tailing me since this morning. It was Hyun's order, so I cannot do anything for now." Rielle warned Akio. Instead of walking away, Akio came closer to Rielle.

"I am not afraid of them; I just want to tell you to come back to me as my secretary."

"I am sorry, Mr. Hinode. I finished my contract with you, and we have nothing to discuss." Rielle ended the conversation and walked away. Then a little later, Rielle saw that her bodyguards seemed to harass Akio because he went to see her. Hyun-Ki gave Akio a picture to recognize him if he ever came near his wife. Rielle ran to Akio and confronted her bodyguard.

"How dare you treat Mr. Hinode harshly! You must know that he is the CEO of this real estate company, and this subdivision you're standing on was his property! Now, move and apologize and never obstruct his way, you stupid fool security of Hyun-Ki! Step aside now!" commanded Rielle. Hyun-Ki's security bowed and apologized, then walked away from them. Akio was so surprised by Rielle's behavior, she was far from what she was now, brave and tough.

Rielle hurriedly left the property and told her driver to bring her to Hyun-Ki's Office. Once she arrived, she stormed into Hyun-Ki's Office, unmindful of the secretary's withheld of her forceful entrance because Hyun-Ki's meeting with his company officers. Walking briskly towards his office and vigorously banging on the door, Rielle was furious as she appeared where Hyun-Ki and his officers were shocked.

"How dare you, Hyun-Ki! How dare you put me to shame!" Hyun-Ki kept himself calm and showed the officers to the door, signaling them to leave.

"What have I done this time, my dear wife?" calmly asked Hyun-Ki, seemingly amused by Rielle's outburst.

"Stop your men from tailing me or spying on me during my work! They harassed Akio Hinode because it was your order! He just came to talk to me, and you already made that a big issue? He was the CEO of the company where I worked, and it was normal if he wanted to talk to me! That subdivision was his property, yet your men harass him on his property? Wasn't that stupid?" Rielle furiously stressed.

"Then stop working there and stay with me here. We were partners before, so it is right that you must be here with me and not in anybody's company!" firmly remarked Hyun.

"I made it clear that I don't like working with you, didn't I? that I am enjoying my present work, don't you get it, Hyun? I prefer working in the field to a compressed, suffocating area! Just let me have my own space, will you?" said Rielle in an agitated tone.

Hyun-Ki leaned on his swivel chair, crossed his leg and hands together, and spoke calmly to Rielle while she was standing before him, her hand on her waist and the other hand on Hyun's desk.

"Well then, your request is accepted but with one condition: you will be at my side during conferences with the Board of Directors and the Board members, dinner gatherings, or charity affairs. Have I made it clear, my dear wife?" Hyun-Ki said firmly.

Rielle was quiet for a while, considering his condition, then answered.

"I'll agree if you pull out your security and my bodyguard because they are a bunch of fools. I don't need them. I know how to care for myself, which would also put everyone at ease. I can only maintain the services of my present chauffeur, and that's all." Rielle said.

It was already late afternoon, and the evening was about to meet the horizon when Rielle came home. A clothing designer met her in the living area, and an array of dresses were in a row for her choosing, as a row of shoes and a glass counter with jewelry to choose from besides the clothes. Rielle showed a questionable expression, so the designer explained.

"Good evening, Misses Rielle. Mr. Han Hyun-Ki would want you to choose the gown you want to wear tonight for the charity ball you and your husband will attend."

"Charity ball, what? He never informed me about that. And you say, tonight? I don't feel like going because I am dead tired!" Rielle excused.

"I'm sorry, my dear wife if I forgot to mention a while ago because it was my thinking that the ball is tomorrow evening; if not for my secretary's reminder, I could have forgotten." Hyun-Ki just came in and was apologetic.

"Oh, no. please, Hyun, let me rest." Requested Rielle.

"Take time to rest; the party begins at nine p.m., so there is nothing to be stressed about time. Make your choice now, then take a rest," Hyun-Ki advised.

Hyun-Ki and Rielle arrived at the charity ball, and the guests turned around to see the lady walking with Hyun-Ki and couldn't breathlessly help but awe in admiration. Rielle possesses a busty curvy figure, fair complexioned, looking like a dainty princess with a delicate face and a slim movie star-like physique. Everyone was staring at her, men and women alike, and Rielle responded with a gentle smile, while Hyun-Ki was smiling so proudly for having a wife admired by everyone.

Among the crowd of men stood Akio Hinode, and instantly plastered a smile when Hyun-Ki caught a glimpse of him, and suddenly was lost in the crowd while Hyun-ki's eyes shifted from the people around to look for him. He brought Rielle to their table and made a call to his security, telling them to be alert for Akio Hinode.

After a while, Rielle excused herself for a need to go to the Ladies' Room. Hyun-Ki once again signaled one of his men, lady security, to tail Rielle. She quickly ran to the Ladies' Room, acting like a cleaner, and waited for Rielle while another man stood far from the room to guard the place. Rielle entered the cubicle, and other socialites entered the room, talking about Rielle.

"That Rielle was something! She knows how to get his man like Han Hyun-Ki." Stated one socialite. "She knows how to use her beauty; tell me." Said the other lady. "I heard Han Hyun-Ki was a ladies' man before he married Rielle, and she succeeded in changing him, wasn't she? Do you think she used a potion to tame him?" The ladies laughed unknowingly at Rielle's presence in the cubicle. Rielle went out of the booth, and the ladies froze. Rielle responded with a grin, but then the smile on her face disappeared, making the ladies feel embarrassed, and they quickly left the room. The lady security assigned to Rielle giggled and remarked, "Your beauty is truly exquisite, ma'am." Rielle smiled sweetly and walked out.

Hyun-Ki's men were briefing Hyun-Ki from time to time until Rielle returned to her seat and dismissed his suspicion that Akio and Rielle had met. Rielle kept on sipping wine until Hyun realized that Rielle had her fill of too much wine. She smiled affectionately and was drawn to him amorously, which alarmed Hyun-Ki. He got up, wrapped Rielle close under his arms, bid goodbye to his fellow guests, and left the premises.

Rielle quickly got drunk because she was not used to drinking. She was giggling and laughing in the car and fell asleep. Once home, one of his bodyguards offered to carry Rielle, but Hyun-Ki dismissed it, telling them he was the only one who could touch his wife. They helped him by opening doors from the central doorway to the room. His bodyguard suddenly asked which room Rielle brought in. Hyun-Ki thought of getting her to their room instead, the main room.

Hyun-Ki laid Rielle down on the bed, tossed and turned, sat and stood, and pointed her fingers at Hyun.

"I hate you, Hyun. You left me lonely.." speaking in slurred speech,—and—broken!" Speaking at random as she tries to express her feelings to Hyun. "and now you came back as if—as if-- there is still this sweet and loving Rielle waiting for you huh?" Rielle said intoxicatedly. Then Rielle cried while Hyun-Ki paid attention and watched her sadly. "Why, why, Hyun? Why was it easy for you to hurt me, huh? Do you blame me?" holding Hyun's necktie, "for your failures? It was unfair!" Rielle shouted drunkenly, feeling tired, then lost her balance, and she was about to fall when Hyun caught her quickly in his arms.

Hyun-Ki embraced Rielle so tightly, whispering, saying how sorry he was and promising to love her more and fight for their marriage. Hyun-Ki laid Rielle's fainted soft body back in bed and covered her with a blanket. As she was lying there in deep slumber, Hyun-Ki stared at her face and traced it with his fingers, seeing how delicate her skin was, groped his fingers on her hair, and then kissed her forehead lasting twenty seconds and laid down to sleep beside her.

In the morning, when Rielle woke up, her eyes went wide when she saw the ceiling and realized it was not her room, and when she turned her head to her left, Hyun was still asleep by her side. She looked inside the blanket and was relieved that she was still wearing her gown. She was about to rise from the bed when Hyun grasped her arm.

"Don't go yet, Rielle." He said softly, pulled her back to bed by his side, and embraced her tightly. Rielle wanted to get off his grip, but Hyun's arms were strong, so she let herself lie in bed, remaining in Hyun's arms, allowing herself to feel him, and she thought about how she missed his warm embrace. Her heart seems to soften for her feelings for Hyun; her emotions overcome her, and she feels tears falling from her eyes, shedding out her pain, hurt feelings, and disappointments for Hyun for so long. Hyun-Ki felt his arm wet with her tears, so he looked down at her face and kissed her forehead, telling her how sorry he was for causing her pain and sorrow.

Rielle couldn't take hold of her emotions anymore, and she started sobbing and weeping but was speechless. Hyun raised her chin, reached for her lips, and kissed her gently and lovingly, having that deep feeling of having missed her for so long. Rielle gave in to his kisses and hugged tightly as if nothing worst had come between them, missing each other completely.

"Let us get back together again, Rielle. Give ourselves a chance to be whole again, the love we almost lost, no matter how trying it might be, even if it would take us one step at a time; having you with me is all that mattered." Hyun said heartily. Rielle felt the sincerity in Hyun's words and thought, why not make a try?

"I think we should, Hyun; let us work things out. It had been burdensome for me to carry that pain, which almost tore me down and darkened my right thinking, teaching me to hate you, but now having you close to me again, I feel light and hopeful. It was like forgiving you released those dark butterflies from the dark spaces of my heart. Yes, Hyun, let us give ourselves one chance again." Rielle gazed at Hyun timidly, then placed her head under Hyun's chin while Hyun gave her a warm, tight embrace.

What do you think, readers? Is this the end? No, not yet; there is more than meets the eye. Keep on reading.

Ma_Teresa_Llacarcreators' thoughts